Renovating my HOUSE with SECRET ROOMS! (Minecraft)

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what everybody typical gay mirror with your daily YouTube live streams and more into day for you I got some more minecraft action ended today's episode we're flying flying solo here we're actually flying solo and this is just gonna be me this episode it's gonna work out perfectly you know why because that means we could finally build our secret lair our secret room in our base we're gonna need to collect a few things but I think we're gonna do a bit of a renovation job here and then we're also gonna go ahead and build that secret room don't mind that up there that's actually just my AFK fishing farm thing I have gone down so many times man I need to get some levels a little 40 and I'm ready to get some stuff so I think we start off let me just show you something real quick so I actually off stream I've been working on the base quite a bit and I want to complete the renovation job with a few feature items so let me just go up here let me go up here and check this out you will see the the the base is starting to take shape right like we start off initially with like a square and now we're moving away from that so you can see I got that opening there I've got like a balcony an extra room there two rooms holy shoot what the heck hello sir sir please stay back yes sir no I don't want that I need to get a better sword Oh what did you drop oh wait oh feather falling projectile project protection interesting I don't know if I'll be able to put that on but I mean I could put it on but it won't really know I'm not wearing anything right now I guess guess what I got got myself some new some new boots man some new boots so as you can see is taking shape I also do this upstream okay I got diamond shovel and I shoveled this also kind of puts the base one-up on sort of nice little level there which gives it some more depth to it alright gives it some more depth to it what do you guys think so far they've got a barn there I actually made the chicken coops a bit more symmetrical and I think it's all looking pretty good so we're gonna get over here and let me go ahead and I need to make a diamond sword a diamond sword actually before I do that I want to show you guys so this was initially okay so again I'm not playing with Samara so I need you guys to not snitch all right I'm gonna make a secret room today Brian need you not to snitch so this is the room Cherie knows about it but it was secret for a while so this is where I had my fish farm no longer is here because we moved it up there because if you have sunlight or moonlight you actually fish faster which is pretty it's not wearing him to keep it but for now that's where it is so I gotta renovate this room Grover here you can see I added the carpet very nice carpet and then there's the stairs up here to samaras room which I'm not gonna touch he actually did a pretty cool job I think she's gonna work on getting more courts to clear that away was it noise anyway she's gonna get some courts to clear that way and make it more clean and then you got my room over here which is pretty plain right now but then we have my balcony here which is really really nice a nice little structure there and then it has this beautiful opening that I created off stream as well so we're gonna work on this let's go ahead and oh I actually I actually stalked a couple more stuff over here so we're gonna need what two diamonds I think two diamonds should do the trick and sticks as well so I need everybody to not snitch that's watching this right now if you are not gonna snitch if you're not gonna tell on me I need you to hit the like button alright that's everybody who it's like button is not a snitch that's it I've decided everyone gets to like button is not a snitch so let's go ahead and do this and then boom make a diamond sword and let's go and chant it because I need we need to take out some slimes I need some frickin sticky pistons all right that's what I need I need some distance let's go down over here I don't know if I should you guys this on stream but I made these rooms which can be modified as well these are the exact proportions is a room above them so everything was with a lot of a lot of thought to it a lot of creativity a lot lot this is what afk barman did for me it's a lot it's a lot let me go ahead and put this in of what would be sharpness threes they're worth it I mean might as well right cuz like over here I have some I figure for sharpness for let me see I do have a mending book but I'm gonna keep that for my pickaxe I don't want to use that yet I found one mending book in all my fishing I don't know where it is but this one's sharpness for protection for power for I don't even think that would go on like would that go on let me say or yeah you'd do it here uh let's see see you just sharpness would go on so I don't think it's worth it we're not gonna do that um let's go ahead put this here this flap is three boom that's it all I keep me with sharpness Wow I was expecting something else man I'm gonna be honest all right I need a what's the one that gives you not loyalty ler fish and see what's the one that gives you loot extra loot from stuff cuz that would be the best thing I could get right um I mean I have a lot of books but none of the books are really really great some of them are good but none of them are really really great looting and looting - is what I want I mean I should get this book on it this was looting - as well as unbreaking aqua infinity I'll keep that for armor though maybe we could do this if I change the name of this will go Miku Bane know me that's only I think that'll be good sharpness three I'm breaking three alluding to I think that'll be the best okay that would be best I don't really like naming my swords nor would I have a good name for it so let's go with unbreaking and looting let's do that eventually what will I want on this I don't have looting three do i oh my gosh don't make me look through again looting I know looting threes the best but I don't think I have a looting you might you might have seen loyalty if you were looking through here I think that was my only eluding one let me see if I can put on a buck real quick cuz I have a couple of enchant levels right look at the c2 let me throw away a book or two sharpness three which actually might be decent to put on I'm gonna skip that those good protection one all right let's get one more shot here infinity I actually should get that shouldn't I Shh I mean I could always get with a book after all right let me go ahead and put on the looting then so sword I'm breaking and looting seven and chairman Koz expensive that's worth it so now we have a nice sword we can go ahead and drop this off we want to let's put these books back in there you go put a book there and the lapis here as well there we go and then I'm just gonna leave I'm gonna leave the sword here and a pickaxe serious well I guess the rod and flush I don't really knew that screw it the egg you know I'm just gonna throw that egg out alright everything else what should I bring if I if I have to go a venture what should I bring I shouldn't rock a horse I should bring a bed for sure I should definitely bring a bed I should not bring my fishing rod hold up it's nighttime here actually a nighttime is gonna be perfect alright let me put my fishing rod away real quick oh there we go look like I got unbreaking 3 mending silk touch sharpness 3 these are about real good books I kept them over here these are my secret stash good books don't don't tell Samara all right let's get my shield over here let's put our fishing rod again this is my beautiful pickaxe it's almost maxed out I love it umm we have a bunch of chickens anything else I need me I don't think I need anything else oh god what are you guys doing out there okay let me let me clear these guys out with my new sword you guys ready for this okay he's still shot mean that ow honestly what a sharpness even do I thought it did more damage I honestly thought it did more damage oh no oh god please don't blow my bass okay just stay back sir please don't blow it up there you go all right perfect I don't know what sharpness does exactly you can put on breaking out a shield really I mean I don't really care about the shield that much all right so we're gonna begin renovations but let's first see if we can find some beautiful old looting definitely work let's see if we can find some beautiful slimes so unless itself did they spawn here I think they don't spawn during a new moon yeah I know infinities for the bow okay so I actually discovered going through this way that this eventually leads to a swamp I kind of have to check out these things off stream just cuz you know I don't want to take forever to do it on stream I like to keep the streams so that you can watch them as videos does that make sense so I like to make sure that it's night nicely partied out there zombie you want to come in I'm just kidding please leave me alone leave me alone I don't even know if we'll be able to find slime how hard is it to find slime how hard is it to find slime oh yeah I said a block is so glitchy you guys see it I don't forget saw that oh there's a pic over there at that big I didn't bring a bet they spawned on a full moon okay well it's not a full moon but maybe we'll be okay okay so this is like is this swamp air oh my goodness that's a lot of oh there's lava over there there's so many creepers oh my gosh like a billion creepers not hard to spawn not hard at all okay you guys are making me more confident hopefully when we get to the swamp I know where it's swamp just by like the the water color you know Oh what's up look at these guys over here what are you guys doing you just good oh they don't look too good I just chill okay I think we're getting into swamp there's so many people out here oh no oh you can't shoot me I thought it was that was the slime but it was actually just a zombie's head that sucks all right this is swamp right I mean if this ain't swamp I don't know what swamp is I don't see a single slide this is very scary out here okay sir I'm gonna have to put torches to find my way back here let's put some let's put a light here let's give up a lights to guide my way back home okay nope this is the most inefficient way to get back home I think okay everybody's saying yes this is a swamp y'all said it was gonna be easy to find freakin slimes okay I haven't seen a single slime ice I'm gonna run this way until I find this line you're really shooting me in the butt right now and I don't appreciate that it needs to be a full moon is that a fact I don't think it needs to be a full moon is it I mean if it needs to be a full moon then it needs to be a full moon honestly I see no slime okay that's a horse it knows line I see negative slimes like I think I see negative one slimes I mean yeah my teeth a little bit so should I come back here on a full moon or what who's out see slimes at them at the moment this is also a very small swamp biome to be honest I mean if we don't find any we're not gonna be able to build the true-to-life is that a wizard I know I think I saw which a wizard which oh you shot me in the butt oh no these vines are in my way okay we're just gonna go now you are making me angry huh I'm just gonna body all of you if that's okay okay well there's a whole squad over here what's up squad all right we out we out we dippin let's see does it tell me what biome omen yeah this is definitely a swamp so I'm in a swamp biome you just take another peek here let me take one Peter I have a feeling over here we might see a slime hello any slimes I think she's fine oh I see slime okay okay okay okay coming oh shoot you got body oh no no no are you kidding me chat screw you I'm not friends with you get the heck away from me Oh appreciate I see you slime over there bum bum ba ba ba how did you still hit me yeah I think that your body okay so that frickin dumb creeper blew up my slime I don't think I got a single slime yeah I see you slime I see you slime you gon get bodied oh I see a baby slime I see multiple slams Oh God he's massive there is a lot why is there so many I don't remember this no there's so many slimes I'm so dead I think it might be dead yo okay I think I just found the slime jackpot didn't I you know I'm out here 32 slime balls you nuts get the heck out of you get a you gotta eat good-day got EEE are you getting bodied all right I'm so happy we're gonna be able to make our secret base all right here we go yeah this is just how the world works man it makes it easier when they're just they're very uh they just letting it happen at the moment I think there we go beautiful you get away from me I don't know you I don't know you back the heck up there we go all right I think we got all the slimes in the area I might have seen one more slime but I sir it is daytime yeah that's what I thought it's daytime chill baby slimes don't do damage oh well you know what I was still terrified all right let me just take one peek over here do they despawn during daytime if not there should be one more slot with the server liked what the heck was that there should be one more slime bounce around here unless they despawn i don't know if they burn up during the daytime it sounds like something that should happen but I'm not a minecraft scientist so I will not say that's what's going to occur let me eat some chicken can you get a pet slime that'd be kind of fun okay we're gonna have a blast your jet I hope you guys are excited I really do this is about to be the best darn episode you'll ever see I looked up some tutorials your boy is ready and your boy is excited yeah mission of gun through this part of the water there we go I like swimming in this game we definitely got to do an underwater episode soon all right this sword definitely helped out I probably got what double the loop because of it alright sweet let's take the boat back this thing up which way did we come I think we came through here okay so we know we're a slime spot how many slime balls do you need to make a sticky piston get a panda get a fox slime steez bond okay I got you well they don't burn nerdy spawn yeah I'm getting some conflicting information this adds up just a little bit conflicting that's okay we'll figure it out man all right I like I like the boat minecraft boat makes you go through it you through you honestly through I kind of want to see on the map where this river leads to and if it like I want to make it so that I can go out to the ocean you know I want to make it so that you can go out to the ocean and just explore the ocean from the the river of our Homebase I think that would be best okay sweet we're almost back I think it's a right yeah it's like one of those fairy tales they didn't know to make a left or right to go back home they got lost and eaten by giant slime look at this we this is our fellow neighboring base kind of looks bro I've got I got a tick down there that fish huh nobody tells Sumerian fleece it's it's an eyesore it's nice all right me you know me mostly about these things as an eyesore alright boats there let's go see if we can make some sticky pistons so sticky piston so for that you need a regular piston so I'm gonna need about three sticky pistons so let's make a regular piston the piston involves everything that we guys we got wood cobblestone iron and redstone so wood I'm just gonna take some from the communal okay that's communal pot um cobblestone we need good luck late this is like my bin I keep for for all the wood supplies I've been trying to organize stuff I think summer is against me and organizing because like I got my with stuff in here and then randomly I'll log in if she plays like a solo one and it'll be like so much random stuff you see how organized this beautiful see I made this beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful and then she's not she agreed that we got to move all the cats I can't move the cat I like they won't listen to me these cats are rebellious then loui wellness me so while we're near the base you might hear a little bit of meowing a lot a bit of my own piston one two three three boom sticky piston one two three one perfect so we got sticky pistons red piss okay we need a redstone this thing we need a redstone a whiny OH quartz I don't I have like one quartz I need three of them I can't really Shh like I like my side of the room right here there's like very limited meowing very very very very limited meow and I honestly I'm gonna be honest with you guys I don't think Samira meant to do this but she has an army of cats right outside her room like I don't get it like can I move them if can I leash yo can i leash them oh my gosh that was now oh it doesn't do anything what yeah they don't care are you kiddo care alright well I got a solution but again I'm gonna need you guys not to snitch cuz I don't want to go another right now okay please don't snitch on me I don't want to go another right now we will we will get this block again for some air okay just block of course just one she won't notice a gun she made she even use them in the corners let's see she didn't use him in the corners but she could have write me okay I got an idea again please don't snitch please okay let's put these two put those back now let's go over here they need to be your master oh come on how do you can you change a block a court into quarts is that not a thing quartz how do i just make can i turn them back into quartz guys is that possible I can't stand them up there not my cats no I know I know I know no no no no I can't command the caster not my cats people then I'm I guess I can't turn it um I can't okay well I guess we're putting it back I was gonna put wall I was gonna put wall shut up shut up shut up bro like I'm about to just start swinging on these cats on the for real all right I'm gonna dumb my inventory bro they won't be quiet I can't hand up my inventory we put a shield slimeballs in here just the essentials now you're gonna bring my sword I'm just gonna bring this okay I'm gonna bring my sword I should be fine I just need how many courts do I need so to make a redstone I think I need eight torches I don't think I need a torch actually so I see I just need a couple of quarts it's not really gonna be a big deal I'm not gonna take the cats out I'll like push them away but like I'm not taking the cats at all right can I turn down the cat sounds specifically what is it under friendly oh my gosh no way chat no freakin way but now my cows don't make noise that's okay we're okay with that right I really don't care if the cows are chicken make noise I'm just glad they stopped meowing on my thing over I honestly it's beautiful the sound of silence was never so sweet the sound of silence never so sweet all right we're going to the nether all right I'm a little creeped out because if blocks just keep going missing down here and nobody's coming down here nobody's coming down here does that mean an Enderman is responsible yeah nobody better be chilling down here oh gosh there's some weird freaky noises maybe I have quarts down here actually hold up I'm Chad do you guys hear that that's another set of footsteps I do not like that I do not like that okay I'm creeped out it's coming from up here yeah I'm gonna have I'm gonna get some anxiety here I don't like it Oh [Applause] [Music] oh shoot I can't hit it back I honestly can't oh [Applause] god I'm gonna die can you guys help me yeah the portal is probably taken out there's gonna be the dumbest way to die okay can we get I'm just gonna bounce I'm gonna go back that way but it is so hard to hit those little things back all right all right we see what like a couple of courts right there's a baseball game okay are we chill we all chill right all right sweet get some of those just get some of these a little bit of that oh god it's right there courts give the frickin XP let me tell you that I mean essentially when I get my like if I put mending on my pickaxe which it should you soon I should have free free free pickaxe forever right I mean that's pretty much it yeah I should have brought my fortune pickaxe with me does it work on quartz I believe it would you get so much xp we will come back with the fortune pickaxe put mending on it and then we'll infinitely be able to farm this I was gonna say we should bring a bed to the nether but I just remembered I have any a few more quotes I would love to decorate something in courts but I will have to farm a bunch of them and you know maybe we'll do a mining stream but for now we will not now okay y'all we're all chill right we're all homies yeah I don't speak your language but I'm in something good break okay this is perfect oh it still sounds like it's active perfect all right we're going back through yeah eat all right sweet so let's go back upstairs everything should be good let's put down one of these one of those I'm just cover that up just in case does I think that might be where some zombies leak through a night which you know I'm not as much as I love zombies I don't I don't love them that much let's put all those down and we should be able to go up here what kind of moon is it's it's a half moon moon left the doors open let me close these doors who left the doors open like there was more people than me on there imagine I actually did close them yeah and it was like someone else opening them that would be scary all right again nobody snitch please nobody snitch so let's put all these sweets search a redstone redstone comparator so I need Oh Kenny torches oh that's fairly easy so that's three per one I need three of them so I need nine of them so somewhere has redstone there right yeah okay uh redstone so I need nine one two three four five six seven eight nine okay nine of those and then for this I need oh that's stone we need pure stone I think I made stone though is there any easier way to mix them this is heads up man dad I would appreciate knowing stone I got six stone I don't got enough stone I can always cook some stone if I need to because you can't use the blast furnace for it unfortunately so let's go ahead and sort I think I need a repeater I don't remember they look the same I think it's this one it's just a switch switch redstone um I think it's a repeater one two three I need three of them which means I need a little more stone I know you could sh melt stone but I also don't wanna it just takes a lot it takes a longer to melt it it takes a lot alright so I'm thinking that we make the secret base like the secret room I think we make it somewhere like hidden you know like maybe over here like maybe like up here a little bit somewhere like she wouldn't notice but like close enough to the house so I can have my little secret activities but I shall never be able to find until one of you snitch but then she'll have trouble finding it okay so it's a repeater then Peter one two three one two three so I got my rope here I am a redstone dust I don't need these redstone torches a gamma sticky pistons what else do I need I think that's about it maybe I can get my I mean put away the stuff I don't me then I don't oh wait I do need those sticky pistons hold on I don't need the slime balls don't meet that deep under chicken arena actually like that idea but okay do it underwater underwater would work but like like for what I want to do I don't think underwater would be the best idea hear me out all right but we need a lever as well no man I think I had a lover I should've just grabbed it stone in a stick wow what a amazing combination lever boom boom boom alright let's see how should I do it underwater B we can make more than one secret base don't worry is there a way to plant how do I plant a tree I don't often it might be better for me to plant a tree in all honesty I'm sure Samara has a tree or two owner right she has an oak sapling here so let's put oak sapling and we probably need a hell right oh she has your slow touch thing there means pie easy enough to make one right we grab this iron shovel uh what does the column a hoe it is called the hell okay so I got a sapling this all looks pretty random right okay how long does that take to grow I put bonemeal on it well don't mind if I do I mean you can make so much bone meal with like one bone right let's try it out is it gonna work what grow how much how much bone meal do you need I mean I could make a ton of bone meal I just don't know how much is gonna work let me split half of it there we go 48 bone meal use for saplings I don't everybody seen use for saplings I don't get it yeah but three more oh it takes five minutes okay here we're gonna put down three more bones out or oak saplings oh that works wait why did that one grow right oh oh oh shoot Oh what the heck I mean that one's a little inconvenient but actually you know what I got bro chat you guys are geniuses alright I mean looks a little off this [ __ ] she only has two oak saplings though can it grow taller or the is this it is this as tall as it's gonna get uh where did my axe go hold on even one second we go here max should I should I use dark dark oak or the other one let me know dark oak or the other one let's see she doesn't have any in here I'm gonna fight take it down a tree hill I'll get it there's the max I should probably another accident there we go dark oak would have been better okay let me see if I could take out an oak what's a small dark oak tree I need one that's like if there's no smaller ones are you kidding me there we go how do you get the oak sapling do you just do I get it no okay I disconnect it from this to get it oh there we go dark oak sapling you just have to hit the leaves to get the dark Oh sadly I've gotten three we're in the money we're golden we're absolutely golden this thing should disappear in a second I've gotten like five of them this is perfect all right we got to take this down quick similar concept not this tree though it's super easy to make trees though huh super super easy I'm a trees all right this should all disappear at me I'll help it out a little bit go disappear go go away there we go I like how you can make like infinite trees like this so if you really wanted to you could I've seen people make their own custom trees which is pretty cool is there nothing else to break this faster I just want to be able to see all right there we go all right we got our dark oak saplings now we're a dark oak tree right over here now let's apply bow meal okay maybe not supply another one I bone meal Oh didn't mean to do that why don't you frickin grip why aren't any of them growing shears break the leaves faster I actually didn't know that let's good to know good to know um we need me important bug mail jet there we go that should be enough gosh it's nighttime let's go sleep you're telling me it's not nighttime you telling me it's not that time come on you can use shears to keep the leaves that's awesome I thought you had to still touch him alright we should be able to go sleep now there we go that's cool that they give you the actual leaf block though cuz um I was wondering how people built their own trees which sounds weird when you say you should do four okay here give me a second let me break everything around it yeah there we go four okay why did that just make the stupid anyway let's do this so we're gonna go ahead and let's make it we're gonna get three blocks wide this be enough but I guess we could do it both we can make it underwater as well one great this is why this is gonna be I mean like I can fix this truth so dumb I don't know I did it okay um let me thank you real quick I don't use a lot of I've literally don't ever use redstone so if that should be good like that now I think I want the sticky pistons to let me break this dude I can break this too but I think what I'm gonna break this all actually there we go all right um should I make a button would a button work better so we're gonna go ahead and put the sticky piston no how do I put it side that's not the way I wanted to go there we go okay I have to do that way so I might have done it one space wrong but we'll see we'll see in a second am I crazy like we're muscles put it to I how do I put it like I put it the other ones fine I'm losing my mind there must be a means to it I just don't understand there we go all right um now I think you need a lever yeah I gotta love it okay so so now I'm gonna put the redstone repeaters that's the wrong way one two three let's go 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 and then let's go ahead and do some nice little redstone here 1 2 3 and then let's make that so that it goes to gonna like this random sure she just like put it behind there or we can do it like maybe we could do it like true put the lever like under here you know that might work Oh God the moly and chips how you doing chief how you doing today what do you guys think show up at the lever here she'll never find it if we put her there may put some we'll put some grass blocks above it like that right like she would never find it she would never find it you never ever find it um now how does this work so if I do I think I might have to build a one over I missing so if I do with boom boom boom whoo I want these to be they got that grass on them though can i bonemeal them to grow faster the grass on them Missy no is there any way oh I could still touch it okay I'm gonna use her things don't worry she won't mind probably not definitely will okay honestly worth it Thank You Samara free whoo hey so let's do it this way I should have built them a level up shouldn't I I can make this work I will make this work okay let me do a little bit of a testing so if I put the lever down that's perfect awesome all right we're doing perfect here again nobody tells me where this please okay you see how it does that so so this will be hidden or no this will be hidden okay whoa yeah okay so this will be not hidden this will be hidden so this layer here is gonna be where hidden bases right here this layer here from like teleporting elinoz Apple this layer here will be hidden we're gonna make it look realistic all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it over here so let's just prepare this I don't even know it how the Rickon we're gonna get there all right I will figure this out easy so it's so it's one two three blocks over let's go here here we go all right so we want to put it on that green block right yeah we want to put on the green block can I get out of here please sweet okay let's break this lever oh okay then and bring this all the way to here and let's put the lever she will never find this and it works and it works it works okay so we got that let's go ahead and close this all up and so I think left will do that right all right so this is currently I'm trying to think I don't know why I'm racking my brain so much over this let's activate this boom that gets activated okay so that's how I want it to be so that's how I want to be all right so this is gonna be like that so I'm gonna need this to be covered in grass here so she's just gonna think this is just a normal spot right like this looks normal and then if she comes and finds this spot she can hit this lever and when she hits the lever it'll open this up over here now when it opens this up we can then make this go down into secret base yeah see what I mean this is so good she'll never find it all right perfect so let me show you guys again okay oh say like this so this is it and this is the covered moat it's covered you can't tell where this you'd literally can't tell where it is if you're just walking here you won't notice it but once you find the secret lever you pull the secret lever then it opens up into this which is a secret hallway that's perfect right perfect let me hide this a bit better though how do I hide it a bit better I go like this I can't put block over that hmm okay now that's hidden oh my gosh that's perfect right nobody first of all how did you ever even think of looking here this just looks like oh yeah look how will you close it oh I'll close it from the I'll have to make a way to close it from the inside let's do let's make another lever real quick yeah I forgot about that you will need to be able to close it from the inside so let's make another lever lever boom boom oh it's nighttime let's just leave the lever behind one of the trees what do you guys think should I hide it by the water that's gonna be way harder to find than looking behind the tree see this looks like I mean besides you know grass missing right now and besides me leaving it open let's do like this is which lasers I just need to look again okay so that's where the redstone is going let me just open this up again yeah I'm gonna detour it here right cuz it goes to how wide I'm just gonna reap up these down maybe we could do like here could be the lever lets do right here redstone can go down a little bit right how they can go down that much but let's see so let's do redstone or red there we go yep that works put that down there and then we'll go ahead and put our other lever here and this shouldn't work right okay this fine nice just ways to make this look cool but Wow yes that's so good alright let's let's cover this up should i she's gonna hate me for doing this I just need a mind like a couple of blocks she won't care right this is such a waste I will repair this for her I will give her done this eventually she'll ask why I randomly gave her diamonds once and this will be the reason why all right there we go okay so let's go ahead and put this here here here wait did I accidentally thing I just accidentally did that yikes okay all right I mean let me I need farm-like one more me if it's a bun real okay so that's what it look like trapped so we need to you we need a few more blocks then we can get some like from we need to make it look like we've never been here right so like these will eventually regrow because they've got locks beside them redstone can travel through a block oh no way let's begin so my knowledge of redstone is pretty limited so if it can travel through a block that'll actually be great news I wish I put a lever up in a better area here so wait you're saying if I I i break that I wanted to believe you but for some reason I can't get to work um I have to build a stairway to make this leg easier here we go you're probably right though okay so that's covering that up there we go and then when it's open let's see what it looks like she should never see it open there we go so this is what it looks like it open then we go down here and we can just close it up all right perfect this is great right okay maybe we need to just replace these two it's like it's like if she logs in right Emily it'll be no bueno what is why can't it does it keep going it I think it goes away eventually you say you're the pepper on Oh on the block yeah okay so we're actually gonna need to move this away wait what how's this gonna work cuz like these blocks keep going away what if she hears it well then that's a whole other problem man oh you guys are right that's great that's good stuff Chad that's good stuff you guys are geniuses at work I'm not even joking okay why does that patch of grass keep going away the grass will grow back tell her an animal ate it you know what man I don't think she's gonna buy that there's something about an animal eating something my graph she won't believe these buttons so the grass doesn't go away really knocking you stomach does it look too obvious um oh you know what I should have done I still don't think about it made sense oh if I move one lower that'll make more sense right I think a block will still be above it ever I do there will still be a block above it right so let me just think so if I went three low I built on the three low it opens there's still get covered all right we'll make it worse we'll make it work it's fine I mean like it grows back fairly quickly look up plants around it or something it's fine there we go and then you guys made the great suggestion here so let's do this again so if it travels a block we just go ahead and do this thank you for the dirt block there and then with a lever here no okay I'll fix this um this redstone through here here I make you face this way it needs like some lead-up space isn't it and then oh no that works genius there yeah perfect all right how much quartz did we get oh we got a lot of quartz huh we got a lot of quartz how should I do it for grass okay um I'm gonna make this look at this little area around me we don't want to be it look crazy different so we're gonna keep that like that let's go put our pickaxe back before anything happens go put her pickaxe back where was it there you go she'll never notice and let's eat chicken all right let's put this block here nothing looks weird here you guys said shears would give me that right let me go get it plant a tree behind it and then she won't notice maybe I'll think about it let me get shears real quick I mean this looks pretty normal right it does give you the block you guys are magnificent people you can really spruce up the way trees look huh wait let's put a couple of these back huh it's still a very ugly tree I don't know what happened she won't notice though how ugly it is I mean it's naturally ugly it's naturally ugly so she probably shouldn't notice tall grass might be a good idea I think that looks better that sure if we could decorate a little bit we can make it look nice alright let's uh I have to sleep real quick then we got to decide what to make in our secret room should I put all her diamonds in the room that'd be kind of mean there right um that'd be kind of mean that's gonna sleep school is coming up fast get your typical dot store backpack as soon as you can if you want to get before Schlow get some glasses get a hat because um 75 bucks or more it's gonna give you free shipping free shipping all right so let's continue on over here we got a couple things to do here I kind of want to do like I kind of want to do courts but that's gonna be an expensive staircase right that's a really really expensive staircase that's only I can only do four staircases like that I was thinking something more manageable maybe diorite I think maybe diorite might be the wave here we go back yeah that tree looks pretty normal awesome we can I must boost it up a little bit I think you guys will like the sprucing up job I will do here I just need to find like a tree that doesn't need some leaves the Strayer there we go once we have put my audio back home yo you chop down these real quick wait these are different dark oak leaves and oak leaves with what difference I think I was putting the wrong Elise um let me put these on how does this one I don't know how to do exactly but I can make it look pretty cool there we go look at that okay okay okay let me do the same thing on this side so that one goes there and then you're gonna want to do one block Gienapp here okay it actually might be the way of two all right let me get some more I think this is convincing now you might notice this but probably won't know that shears have a special ability stonecutter to make better-looking stairs I've never used a stone cutter I don't even know how to do you think I could do it or would it be too hard you know it's starting to look fake I mean it's too perfect it's super I gotta I gotta mess it up a little bit hold on gotta uglify it I don't even know I'm looking at half the time with these blocks alright that looks pretty legit it's pretty legit to me it doesn't look man-made a little bit I just put a random couple ones over here actually that might be the finishing touch here I don't know the difference is this is but that's going there too all right yeah that's pretty good that looks legit that looks pretty legit all right so we got this it's gonna look like like actual like it's gonna be dirt but like wouldn't we keep it when we keep it like it'll be good it'll be good that's all we want really tree looks real the tree look you if I didn't tell you you wouldn't be able to tell besides I messed up this tree so that tree looks really even but this tree looks really perfect all right so I think we might go with diorite as much as I want to do like nether quartz I'm scared like she'll go to nether and get some quartz quick I'm just scared I'm never gonna come back let me drop this stuff off oh boy um make sure to take cobblestone quartz let me keep here sword we bring the shield don't eat that just gotta bring back put the redstone in here all right the rest I should be able to like if I die whatever I'll figure it out but I I doubt I'll die what if she breaks it okay well I mean she might but she probably won't okay so don't care cutter gives more said okay she has a stone cutter maybe we could just put it down from let's put it down in Canada oh wow you get a lot of them huh alright why don't we check this out let's see what it looks like okay so it's gonna start here so we're gonna need the stairs here okay that's gonna look super clean wait maybe I mean yeah that would be without up here would be the best I mean but you can't really cuz you're gonna have to do that because it also won't look secret so I just put that there thank you guys for the tip by the way I really do appreciate that here right how far down should I go I think right down here is where should start it's like right on this floor I think one let's do 3 on each side or 4 on you said I don't want to be crazy too so right now we have three on each side put a chicken in there oh my gosh I know the grass isn't growing back don't worry about it we'll make it work shoot where does this go yeah I won't be a problem we should actually put like I guess cobblestone for there now I'm we're not gonna keep it like this right we're gonna need so many court blocks oh my gosh okay so let's do three a lot of people sing for let's go out one more then let's go so this is three Sikhs I can't count that's nine it should be nine nine so I didn't need you eight this way one two three four five six seven eight I know you guys can't see and then this should eight this way one two three four five six seven eight and this should be all the way back I love having a fast pickaxe it makes my day there we go we gotta make it three I I like I really don't want to use this one but I'm gonna put mending on it so it will be okay should I put many on it now but I mean like iron oh fudge iron won't give me XP demanda anyway right like iron iron doesn't mend it so really I don't need to at the moment but but like if I wanted to mend it I could just bring it I don't know that's water up there alright we'll have to deal with that it's fine a little leaky corner not a big problem okay we're gonna put mending on this thing I guess we'll go do the nether and get more courts it's got fortune on it too so it should be able to heal itself and give us a lot of XP to mending the XP that you would get from mining instead gets converted into healing or the durability of your weapon I like me thanks for i but i mean like man this is really a leaky ceiling this is really a leaky ceiling okay let's do fine let's get the mending buck so we got many and unbreaking three won't really matter with the unbreaking 3 since I have unbreaking 3 on my weapon already let the mending portion should be really really good let's do that that mending 12 enchantment cost that'll be the best pickaxe we can get let's do it there we go all right this thing should never break now she never never break the slabs on top Plus will slab stop the water from looking like it's trickling through all right we're gonna go to the nether I mean water his roof would be pretty cool but we have all right there must be a ravine or something near me go down one more floor let me go out this way so so all right so you'll see I'm ending here if I go right over here I should be getting it healed there yeah you see is healing after I break enough of these I should actually be full durability on my pickaxe see look at my durability went up it was it was it wasn't near bitter at breaking but it wasn't perfect shape did the baby one stack you I don't think the baby won't stack of you there anything you're good a little baby ones a little baby one silly little babe ones they like grunting how many quarts should I get the problem is gonna be finding them the problem is going to be finding quartz I mean they're not credibly hard to find but there's so much on the ceiling I just wanted like readily available quartz there you know like here the perfect sure if I just dig into a random wall found a lot of course here high 58 quartz already we're balling out now excellent okay I think I know how to get back so we're good I mean should I make the whole room quartz it's gonna take way too long if I do that see how my pickaxe has no durability gone now you see how I have just so many quartz this is why we did that I have feather following on my feet it's not like high level but when you find like in the area with more quartz there's so much in the ceiling yeah I don't really have armor let's do did I have dirt blocks here oh no way I went where he is a baby shoot they break so quick how much how much Court should I get chat I mean let's just see real quick let me get two more blocks isomeric I'm just farming quartz how are you doing that's good hope you're doing well sweetheart oh Jesus okay no I need you to leave for me you need a uni Lee Brown whoo I'm gonna smack him with it Oh I did it i frickin did it I knew I could do it screw you I got a ghast here yeah come on where's more of the Matt I want all of them to try to fight me when I win you are a baby that's where I thought it's what I thought chat they got bodied last abort the mission now we're now gonna port there's gonna be still she's in the room I'm gonna have to not talking about as much all right she can ask for all the courts our next episode don't even worry about it I got the excuse I got the plug now I I can't repeat some of the stuff you guys are saying in chat though okay you guys understand that yeah oh cool there's lots of glowstone holy smokes oh there's lots of course y'all y'all cool with me I'm cool with you guys we belong together there we go oh my gosh she won't watch the stream or Mac until we're doing something secret and she can't watch should I say that or should I just play pool it's up to you guys you tell me I have a lot of chords now that's dip as I proceeded to get more chords you love love quick from courts let me just shimmy my way over here I'm a simple man I see courts I get them there we go feather falling doesn't only stop half that stuff I mean yeah she could see the titles of it hi what are you doing you need some food nice I'm spilling a secret afk fishing farm I was thinking that maybe you could a zombie killed me while they FK fishing for me but you know what happened like twice you know what sometimes we come back stronger some things yeah yeah the thing that flies that thing I would have been dead again you're just a blessing to this earth let me tell you what there's a blessing an absolute blessing there's an absolute unit all right we're back from the nether all right there we go uh-oh it's nighttime it's not good what do you do she's putting lime on her food she's acting suspicious over there I don't know you're just acting suspicious no no you know what maybe you should leave maybe you can't but maybe you can sure go ahead what okay should go fix it your life broke that's upset I'm sorry to hear that sorry to hear that all right chat um we're gonna continue to work on my room here no biggie no ain't no big deal let me tell you that ain't nothing but a G thang baby um my special little room I wanna see if this fixes this problem that we're having here I think it does fix that problem it does it does fix that problem we're gonna need something there that's fine we'll work that out we'll make it work chief so one two three that'll be covered one two three so it's gotta be this layer here right I think that's how it works there we go we get one two three oh that kind of works out I'm glad I could use this and then cuz I got mending on it because I'm such a productive member of society and I afk fish farmed I can then heal it whenever I want if I just go back to another which is great let me tell you I think I just dug into the frickin wall miss Diggle yes I'm glad we're doing this like you know we're finally completing the portion under our base I think that's a that's a good it's a good thing it's a very good thing in life you know to live laugh and love one two three four so let me put all these back blow DHEC that might be a little 2:24 yet oh you bonk your noggin on it just means that we'll have to do that alright we'll figure it out if I just replace that all with I don't know I need to I'll take this out I need to I will take this out but I don't think I need to actually I may need to I'll figure it out you know what I mean it's all good three four actually might be better to do it a different way let me see I have an idea can I do this oh we're being conservative we're doing a good job here okay are you are you plot you kidding my oh you play are you kidding my it's beautiful absolutely beautiful wait a second all right okey-dokey lemon pokey one two three four I think you should be four high right and then I could do this and I don't know how I do it the other way here but I would have to make it work wouldn't I so what am I think I made this room three six nine by nine there's a lot that's a lot I think that's the way I want to do that that would be the best way for sure okay actually I'm going to get fancy with it I do that up oops alright no I should do that but one more higher how I'm gonna need a lot of stairs that's wrong that I just obliterated that other piece all right well just don't place how I want I think like that what do you guys think that'll look nice or maybe the other way how do I did it do it the other way I do like an inverted stair almost like like that what do you guys think and then do like that let me show you so I almost need to do this is that what the cool right that a little okay which one do you like I'm gonna ask you guys oh that's wrong way do you like left or right so this is what left would look like that's wrong okay left you see left or right you can't even tell right I think we got to do left right I think this way it looks way better I think everyone's gonna say left I don't think anybody in the room I would say right fight me okay okay you know what just do what I want to do Gabe okay everyone saying left that's still for high that's really high up thoughts that's like a huge room I think you bring it down one more level like this for visible blocks hi do we even have that in our base that's totally connected to this one like this is one two three four I guess do you guys think that's two higher is that good we're stacking at the moment return to sender that makes me so happy that I see that you're Brandon Carson gave me elite Tyler Tyler Daniels power line that you offered becoming members welcome Lee enjoy those emotes if you wanna join as well the link will be in description below and shout out to Joe King with the ten you're my favorite streamer thank you madam it's a lot big shad to you'd appreciate the love appreciate the love marry you appreciate the love what are you holding it's married in some what surprise so you can't look okay it's just underneath her basement but it's gonna be surprised I mean you probably didn't care that much but just don't look okay I'm gonna tell my screen away from you she everybody can't see cuz my laptop's kind of block I wish I could show you but don't don't please you don't promise promise you promise she promises I gotta try I've trusted her for four years already so I think we could trust her at this one I think we did wait that's wrong c-13 more yeah let's go Rhea no she's not gonna watch it I guess we would make like you guys are funny a chat no but like cuz I don't want you to see so I can't read their comments either but they know I'm reading them you can't trust your GF who can you trust exactly right okay perfect oh you know it'd be a good luck - can you make it like what's the best thing that looks like a trapdoor that would match this anything jet the best thing that looks like a trapdoor that would match that let me know do you have any I'm not noise I think I think iron right yeah most be there saying that I agree I agree I might have to yeah let's take a more from the community storage yes fine keep community no you and me stored iron together other thing a little bit it's not a lot you don't have to worry about it you don't think it's oh shoot Oh Shh oh shoot I think I'm next I missed up the room okay don't worry I'll fix it one two three four five six seven eight nine okay we just have to fix a little bit it's fine it's not gonna be a huge deal I think the proportions are correct as well that smells really good smells like eating popcorn but essentially this is what I would back it up onto I won't break that yet but you guys get the deal right like I I I wanted to start here I don't want to start there and then on that note if I were to started there you said to break all this has to be aesthetic exactly see you guys understand I like you guys cuz you understand me get hat if it's not aesthetic why am i building it so that's all we got a break is these I didn't have to break that one there and then up to this there we go I don't know how that occurred but yeah can you fix yourself please is that one just gonna be bugged for the rest of its life there we go perfect I mean there we go cuz it's gonna start right there so we'll be good hopefully we have enough blocks we have the perfect amount all right should not be a problem no problem no problem no problem all right let's go ahead and do this me oh there we go perfect perfect continue on this let's put a call this down there just in case why don't you go that way I know you don't like to be that way let's do some math so the center block is now going to be correct maybe 1 2 3 4 so this should be it 1 2 3 4 this right here should be the center block and there should be 4 away 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 excellent they sent here let's break this it's actually really cool I didn't mean for it to be like that but it kind of works right wait is there a way to there's no way to put on like this level me are we cool with this is we cool with this I think it looks pretty aesthetic I'm so dumb oh my gosh I just realized something no no I should be fine you should give it the texture needs right put a little silver let me say no slab won't work all right I think I have to do it the other way cuz like what's that a look how the wall will look now mache I mean it doesn't look bad okay um how would you slap fluorine all right place lab then close them it's not how it works right it might be our it doesn't looks good to me alright I mean the other way we could do it was the way that I mentioned before let me just show you quick all right so you're gonna type new or old in a second don't type it yet we're gonna type newer old in a second well I want a full demonstration before you guys say anything okay and then so that's how this would look what do you guys think newer old and then if I did like that then this would be at the right level I think thanks so at least this adds some texture that you didn't know about that you know that's not a good nice everyone say old you guys have decided you guys went I'm sorry we put it back right it's one click and they go away that's insane you see a lot of people say new now a lot of people say old I don't know man it's about 50/50 does also fix the guy I honestly can't decide I can't decide I'm gonna think about it Oh Izzie yikes it's a bloke's you like both ways all right I'm glad to me like both ways I make him I mean can we come together and say that whatever choice I make will look good they both look good right new would make it authentic I did not make enough slabs okay how cool would it be if I did this at the bottom that would that would that be too crazy that'd be kind of crazy that wouldn't work that would it I think you guys when if I finish new I guess I'm gonna do a coin flip I have a feedback point both sides are the same so that doesn't really count crazy I don't know what to do ah all right guys don't be mad at me I'm gonna choose one of the ways and I just want you to accept me okay I'll say I like when your ideas so you guys have some crazy ideas I'm yes I am actually just gonna ignore the weird noise thank you I prefer to not deal with the old noise that noise that I hear I'm gonna be honest I really want to do the new one will you guys support me there's a problem with doing it live I want to do what you guys want I want to do what I want and they both look so freaking good how did we come to an agreement how many more do I need and one every 6 12 18 24 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 I will not have enough nope well not have enough I have to go back to another guys do you guys want to see that this episode or should I get all the materials to finish in Nexus we're gonna made a lot drinks how much do we need 3 4 or 8 12 16 32 64 is that three times nine then right yeah I was gonna do this too um so this is so I can't touch this mm no I can't do that either I can't take this there we go actually that either way would make sense a if I wanted to do this way that would still be aesthetic dig straight down if you die do do if you don't die do old these are funny huh yeah real funny bride needs so many I need [Music] the noise is the Enderdragon communicating to you from the end just gonna let you know oh great man thanks for letting me know I'm glad the energy eigen it's literally gonna eat my soul all right haven't decided what to do yet I'm again there die write on the walls that I write is the cheaper way of doing it okay you guys choose quartz to die right on the walls I will not pick you guys pick you guys picked that one at least if I'm gonna pick old I want you guys to pick that one and if you want if you want fricken quartz on the walls you boys gonna go mining alright you don't want quartz on the walls thank you thank you cuz I don't gotta mind it ooh yeah got some glowstone let me take a stack of cobblestone netherrack guest here okay if I make it a waterfall how do I make it look secret because then like if she goes into water there's gonna be a hole in the middle with light coming out of it at night it's not gonna be secret other is a way to have a seat I know how to do it but then there's no way - no way - glowstone after okay let me go take care of this rocket for me I'm gonna farm a million quarter a year real quick means chicken quick all right look at this you'll never see someone farm so much how much do you think we need how many how many quarts do we need we need a lot however if I dig into this bro what's up yeah there's two just to enter men standing there and they're been spawning here the more you know man I don't like this area give me the creeps I don't want to go near them do they ever attack you what's the point of the pit guys if they don't attack you yo is someone pushing me or am I going insane how many how many blocks do you think I'll need UK me no babies literally no babies allowed I'm for real no babies there's no baby club well the good part is if I ever don't need courts I can just demolish that room or if I ever do need for it second demolish that room all that work for nothing now we're gonna keep it forever ever and ever and ever and I'm gonna be 80 years old and look in that room in a bike that was worth it man that was freakin worth it alright we're stacking racks right now oh there's a bit of a castle there it's okay I brought it like a brown thing of water we're gonna be okay no matter what we're just gonna stay away from the castles though all right just for my own sanity gosh there's a lot of Courts on the ceiling I need the same thing but down low we cool the heck are you sup little guy it's popping little guy split these I mean 32 blocks that's it someone said you do I need I don't need 506 to plot how many blocks do I need of course so someone do the math I know some of you are that smart like 18 divided by the calculated of the aim to turn into like you need 42 quarts how many court blocks cuz I can slap I can slap out a bit of it you know but then I'm gonna need some blocks at some point Oh God there cuz the durability of those like just hit this like two times alright what is the easiest way to get over there yeah easy I just gotta collect it men mend I tell you what okay honestly some of you guys are spamming random numbers at this point I don't need 69,000 courts that's just a lie I think and - faster than I can fall means I'll take massive fall damage if I did that all right let's not go over there I just want a peaceful courts that's all I want nice little peaceful courts if 59 blocks 128 blocks that seems like a reasonable nice rounded number so I'm gonna believe that number for now sorry no like it Rock the Kasbah yeah thank you what's the best way to find courts just look for it yeah 150 chords okay we're almost there we have a lot of chords so far we can explore a new part here to find more chords like over here school subdued give me two doc I don't know you're saying but we chill we chill you know it's nacho why isn't it no no I'm just gonna go this way it's a beer just give me more course that's not enough course oh shoot Miss America thanks American through I don't want to get lost it's really do not want your loss [Music] there we go hundred fifty six blocks I mean I believe that some of you did the math for real so much I love courts they look so nice too right that would have been it that would have been it that would have been it I'm being really careful being cautious being smart about this you know I'm not going crazy for the courts that's how they get you I mean the fast is like the courts enter the closes are gonna be the ones on the ceiling but they're also the hardest to get there the most time-consuming to get grab some glowstone while you're I don't have silk touch unfortunately I mean I could do it the old-fashioned way just save myself here Samara join the game why she joined the game why'd she join the game why'd she join the game oh she left the game oh my gosh I was about to run back and I don't know what I was about to do I was about it I had to do I don't like the baby so we told you don't come back baby we told you not to come back baby back here bro you see me hop you see me hopping all the way back I was about to make the run of the century yeah he hit the thing I was worried about is that like whenever late it'd be fine she joined cuz then she you know it won't look suspicious but the problem was that the the door was open like I never closed the door I should close it while I'm working on in case you all right we should be coming up on the amount of courts that we need right I don't think we need that much more can't possibly need them one more I still want to make another run here I don't have to I don't want to be near that I know you didn't see nothing baby okay that baby needs to I don't like him I said I don't like the baby okay way away away I think some ears recording a Minecraft video for one she's gone she's gonna be going away for a bit no no this lava falls on me I quit this game I'm so scared of this dumb baby I swear if I or lag and die in the server I'm gonna be so mad I'm terrified this area's no bueno that I didn't make this watch my step here okay I kinda remember out of your back I think I have enough now right can I go back I don't want to spend any more time in here I truly don't I hate this area it's so creepy alright there's there's just I see some more right here on the floor so we'll grab it hope there's some more here too I gotta take the opportunity when I see them there's more there's more I'll watch my step okay this is the last last section we'll get there oh my gosh making it rain we found the spot alright let's go let's see how much we got here sounds like a new fire yeah it's old fire all right it's probably not right hide it some more okay there's a jumping fire thing I don't want I think back think ill there's an Enderman here this is bad how do I get back I think I'd go up through here I'm pretty good with finding my way back from things there we go there we go all right we're on our way back go ahead and make one more block there we go we did a chat we actually did it mappy all right Oh what are the heck am i oh my gosh Oh what the heck okay we're good okay perfect chat we are so so we've been so sick okay so Samara is definitely know we can talk them whatever the heck we want yeah I need a few more slabs right let me just make a few more might need the rest is block so sweet I got extra perfect that's what I like to hear all right there's that and then I think the other way is gonna be more aesthetic yet I really do let me just take care of this this part is gonna suck oh you know what I could do to save some some slabs or slaves save some glowstone I could do that right woohoo I don't expect that huh and then the rest I got it there's no like this way slabs right I don't think there is check closer while I work on it so we did one two three four or five six we need six more slabs and then I think we're gonna do it the other way chat I think I decided we're gonna do it the other way oh we need how many stairs one two three four five six seven eight we need a staircases and nine eleven thirteen fifteen so how many circus well we need 15 slabs just tell me how many staircases I said um we're good fifteen slabs and we'll see how many stare kiss me I remember how many stargazers said how many did I say yesterday okay here we good I think I don't have enough quartz but okay thank you thank you thank you thank you cha funky chat it's quickly turning into a long you know what I was gonna stream World of Warcraft today I don't know if you guys okay you know what early art performance schedule made in this okay so I will play World of Warcraft tomorrow so you guys who's gonna be there to watch me play World of Warcraft I will stream extra minecraft for longer than I usually do if you guys promised you'd be there okay tomorrow be there guys please I need you I need your counting on your support I need more slabs than that now that I'm thinking about it I need a bit more slaves in it I'm gonna need let's say it's actually it's actually good that I do these because I can use the slabs and that's 2 for 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 26 laps 26 labs all right boy I hold up oh my gosh okay we hold on Bless America wait she texted me hello hello Samara you left me in the middle of the ocean do you have compass why are you on the server I'm not I'm on the others I'm on my server now but like come in cuz I want to make my aquarium wall but I can't you want to make your aquarium well I'm gonna have to have to teleport you another time all right okay we just we just swerved on her hard yeah yeah I'm gonna put glowstone down here with this like but this the kind of nuts or no wow that really lights up the place really the lights up the joint huh Oh God oh bloody yeah oh my goodness gracious I don't think we're gonna happen of course I'm gonna be a hundred percent real with you let's say maybe though oh we might I did leave her on that island if you guys watched her somewhere did a stream when I wasn't when I didn't do one and I helped her find like a treasure but then I never like teleported her back kind of very sad there's no way I'll get enough clothes done though to do that project I've enough that would be a super cool look if you did like glass panel glowstone underneath I'll show you what I mean in a second I think I can make it happen oh we definitely have enough what do you guys think how about if I did this how about that but then I would have to make that I don't know I don't know wait this is why I was saying the new design I think this would work hold on so say I did that right we put a staircase here it doesn't light it up as good does it I don't know then you could see it I'll do that boat with lava lava would be pretty good it would just be it would be kind of hard to reach there that's the problem thoughts lava and glass but then wouldn't I have to make this all quartz so that it matched lava goes through a slab let me let me check this out Oh God it's just glowstone in the corner The Stoned in the corners might look good Levi did this right ooh I just like I don't want get too crazy with a chat love you guys I don't wanna go to too crazy that's pretty cool right that's pretty cool then how would I go with this it does make it does lessen the effect there's no way you can't say that doesn't lessen the effect I mean it definitely doesn't completely dampen it I don't think it definitely doesn't completely dampen it maybe I could do that like up there too may cover that now this still looks cool but that worked in the corners though the leaves next to close then how would I do lava you think oh you think if I did lava although now I see what you guys don't Oh God what is this like 80 zombies okay how much lava do I need that I need a lot of lava to do that don't know all right let's do this the easy way how many buckets I got three buckets dang I got more buckets I have seven buckets oh wait I haven't been here in a while oh this is gonna be scary I don't like this this is where I died last time I don't want to die with everything I have so I gotta be really careful the whole squads gonna be down here sup team I think I'm good I went the wrong way wood redstone blocks make it light up - the only thing with love is I don't want the noise why's my guy randomly slow down go faster hold up no okay I'm just keep going let me keep this water on me just in case just going to nether get lava yeah that's risky lava this one's like I guaranteed won't die lava 98.9% oh shoot why'd I have to put water all over it I really thought I was sly huh I hear we go sweet I got the lava let me put it in my inventory so don't mess up there you go redstone around the side instead of can you do red stone slabs that might be good luck honestly you can't do infinite lava by the way that's not a it's not a thing right now infinite lava is nothing not in 1.14 I don't think I wish I would use it so much if it is I'll have to look it up but for now I don't think it is alright should I do lava around the edges or should I do red stone slabs I know you can't do red stone slabs should I do red stone around the sides or okay I'm out or lava choose quick why did I just rock it for bail up please no creepers nobody come up here stay down there you dumb lavas loud if you stand around it for a while but like then Samara might still think that it's like lava so like she might think it's just naturally a very low not unreasonable to think that saying a lava look at this real quick um [Music] so it you mm-hmm um I'm stuck and can't get out yes that's the middle so one two three okay so I would want to put the lava source like here it's gonna be risky what I put it underneath I'm gonna try both ways would be the other way doing it like this I just lost that piece forever I don't think it does anything different I'm gonna be hundred percent honest the lava does look like it doesn't any different I don't know Chad I might just do glowstone lava is gonna take too much where and there makes noise lava would take so long you can't put good left you can but glass panels I guess but you'd have to do it along to back back I think life is just too risky guys I mean let me see what redstone looks like here I'm not saying we won't do it I'm just saying that I don't think we'll be able to do it during this episode take too long show you guys what I mean okay the other option is this the other option is putting redstone blocks all along here so let me show you what that'll look like let me just fill this in so then this is what it would look like without a cool redstone looks cool with it I know how do I did the enchantment room but that's a little different Shh well that's definitely not gonna work oh you're so right oh my gosh like I made an excellent point can't put anything on slap floors guys mission failed we'll get him next time mission failed no even build anything on this I can't even why God why yeah Oh Mike I almost died why didn't nobody warn me until right now we're rewarding me thank you though this sucks we can still we can still recover some of this don't worry we can use it on the side walls and nobody will notice yeah actually we don't have to get him don't worry we got this I mean at all frickin build though or I could just double up the slabs why did I just think about doubling them up Oh God oh we can't do it we can't do there anyways if we dub lit up the staircase is gonna look weird right so I guess we got double up here can you not put anything like can I put nothing on this slab I can put something on that slab Oh oh no it works out we have a really big room now maybe I like who make it work okay hold up we made this work eyes need using my brain a little bit can I build stuff on this I'm taking these off why are these on my bar oh my god okay yeah we can put stuff on that one we can put Stoffel Matt one there you go look at that excellent I don't have see Leonard's these are fancy mm-hmm yeah see you guys cost me and save me blocks we're good we're squared up guys we're squared up I was like what happened all the slaps and then I just realized how should I do that like I need a glow stone does it go through blocks it doesn't get through blocks there's a problem put a picture frame on the wall then put a torch ooh that's a good way doing it cuz this isn't gonna matter right if I do this this is not gonna matter no I mean like if they're there or not I think it'll look the same let me say I mean it looks a little different if I put glowstone all the way up would it look really different I did this let me see I think I lose a glow stone every time I do this I do that will look any different it really doesn't look any different carpet over it alright maybe we'll do carpet over it I really wish this wouldn't you lose a little bit every time God do what I got to do though all right I got the plan don't worry about it no buddy worry about it well why does it keep going to that corner stop I there we go and then in the middle bring up a carpet in this room so why don't we just do nice look low stone in the middle and we put carpet over it oh that's gonna light things up like the fourth of July it's not we don't go out that night we do not like we do not like please we do not like okay wow it's still nighttime maybe we could put torture or maybe we could put glowstone here even for now we probably put a torch I'm gonna put the finishing touches on this bad boy I wouldn't have to break those anyway right so you good Pistons Justin's good I want to make sure not to disturb the peace with the Pistons alright so you can see that whole block definitely see that hole but you don't see that whole block actually all right so so we're gonna have to do it like this top full top full full top o top full full there's somebody really near me I don't like that we should have got a little more chords I think oh shoot don't throw that give me that block back thank you okay here we go right um we're almost done this whole one side here this won't look any different if I put a block will it no it doesn't okay so let's do block half back of the switch put ports the idea oh shoot there you go let's do this this this they forget we're pretty much done we're done this side exception of this that looks good that looks really good all right so I we might have enough I'm really hoping we have enough here where did I just put this block oh okay we just put one more there's ah there's a zombie on my head we might have enough force see how this goes we might need like one more and if so we're gonna steal it from Samara we actually might need more than one she know we're good don't put that there like the court slabs are really helping out you guys had some frying suggestions there so we're knees slap big thing slab air there oh shoot I missed a bunch okay lab lab lab perfect right this is perfect is it perfect you're down here the time look down here oh my gosh so aesthetic okay and I not again what if I dare from here okay I guess you can't do it in couch mode good to know there we go perfect very esta let's go get some red carpet it what to infinity and beyond oh I [ __ ] smack them with Faneuil Suzanne y'all didn't tune into Z they up you're in Judea ain't going use a bun I ain't gonna use nobody I did make a switch on the outside y'all just didn't tune in quick enough seven red carpet I need to do something with all these and I don't know what for now I'll do that let me grab the carpet if I put water if I put water like one layer higher with that um no it's good let's get the laters dark oak blend on the tree see but I already know one of you gonna snitch this one's gonna be hard for her to find I feel like a dark oak button may be easier to us maybe [Music] we do you like hey I could do like a picture of Miku serious you think I could do a picture of Miku we drop this course question yes or no snitches gone snitch snitch is our kin the snitch you're correct can you play stuff on the carpet no but like I could work around it do you think the waterfall some of you still want to see the waterfall if for now until I get more red I'm just gonna do the coroner's I know I triggered some of you by doing that but I'm honestly I might look good like that can we need two more glowstone though this looks like a crosshair doesn't it hide the button off stream oh that's the best idea I might change where the button is then I'm looking for glowstone right I mean do you really not have any more clothes though you might not is there anything else that lights it up like glowstone on my break days I've one more glisten what a magma block do the same factor now I'm just gonna put a she won't even knows anything only glowstone alright nobody should snitch guys if you're watching enjoying this and you were not a snitch the like button only non snitches can hit the like one night I tested earlier if you snitch you won't be able to hit the like one I said okay so that one has it that one has it I got that for it whoo this place is well lit huh this place is well lit full face in place button well you guys would still see it I hope she doesn't try to break anything I want a little more light here I don't know what the best way of doing that is okay anyway um you guys were right an item frame right let me get leather I think I need leather and sticks for an item frame let me grab this I have so much stuff on my frickin persona some cobblestone away oh yeah I wouldn't a snitch summarize recording a video she she made her own other server so item frame one three I don't have enough sticks let me get more sticks I have a nice cache of wood over here actually I shouldn't use that one let me where's the other there we go see these these are fine to do there we go okay I didn't frame so I have three I'm on five more there we go okay why are you out of food I actually am more food thanks for reminding me cooked cod let me eat the last chicken once I eat the last chicken up with the cook cod on nobody nobody tell her come on nobody tell her about this this is too good not to I keep it the lever in the lake exactly right okay so if we want to do like a torch here and we just put an item frame here this is what somebody said does that work wait what I don't get it I don't get it chat ID I don't think it works I think you guys lied to me maybe what they're saying as you put this and you break this shoot it eventually just breaks off at least doesn't work for now a painting a crowd everybody said item frame though Torche first then item frame oh that does look pretty sick that looks pretty sick oh that's actually a great suggestion whoever did that very suggestion oh god I just put an item frame in an item frame oh there we go okay that looks like medieval like that looks legit right like I actually like the look of that looks like torches hanging off a wall like that's a cool vibe to it should we put so should we put them like there I mean I don't think we'll do that there I think we can light we can light it up a little more but actually looks cool you guys like that's pretty cool I don't know if we put them there but those two for sure place the slab on the item frame honestly that's pretty cool oh shoot how do you put a block a block might look better but a half slab on the item frame then turn it how do you turn it how do you turn something on the item frame oh my god what it keep turning and turning and turning this is the first time I've ever used a nine frame this adds up none of that worked only it looks that good this one guy looks good I think it kind of just looks good like this and then maybe a block no okay let's do this boom boom take the carpet off from the stairs pretty good idea is there can I just do a white carpet that actually might look better okay so I'm thinking like what should be in the middle can we make like a stand with a single diamond on it with that word like can I make it like so it's like a trophy case how do I make it I want to make it 3d though you start a dark oak slab would look pretty cool you put an anvil in it in it plot y anvil a black yarn ville there's like 18 freakin creepers on the base use a tripwire hook tripwire hook or an anvil the waterfall let me see how you make an anvil quick three blocks iron or iron ingots three blocks of iron or iron ingots taking more from the communal pot again we got to be careful it was our iron - okay what was the other suggestion - tripwire act let me grab some armor stand you put these lava things away tripwire you look up armor stand where do you make an armor stand I don't know where to make an armor stand guys how do you miss them Oh me me me that's not smooth sound hold up slap slap tone slap guys how do you make it armor there's no stand by smelting stone really oh there's more iron my bad see I refilled the pot stone Oh interesting okay we filled it back up so this makes more stone or what oh this is a smooth stone yes very nice oh yes very nice no it's actually legit that's actually pretty cool how much smooth so I need smooth stone slab I need smooth stones lab so I just need for smooth stone so we need one more oh no two's good I think we could stop now um let's put these here how do you mix labs oh my gosh there we go uh Armour sty and armor stand okay I think I got what I need so why don't what the armor stand let me try it out let me see why I wanted it what is cooking stop cooking so let's put the armor stand down and then can I put a diamond on it I should okay if she finds it she should get a full diamond set of armor would that be cool right in the middle just a full I like a full diamond how do I put someone on it I don't how to put anything on it would that be cool you can put a diamond in ten how do you put a diamond in his hand with gold armor on it you put a couple things away hold on let me keep that put that way a stone away and I said away put a diamond in his hand can you actually put a diamond in sand trying to right-click I don't know maybe you gotta you have to do a command to see the arms what control click doesn't do anything oh shoot broke it that's a modder parently let's do full diamond armor for her if she finds it she'll never find it and if not then that could be our armor right let's do armor diamond armor it's a diamond head oh my I don't think we'll have enough how much is the total is 3 6 7 11 19 we have exactly the same we have the exact amount do her diamonds that you guys are savages I'm not gonna do her diamonds you can put weapons and pickaxes in it all right I need the diamond armor anyway that should be where I store it right should do gold or diamond gold or diamonds I have 24 diamonds on the dot I would have to use all my diamonds to do this gold or diamond armor chat yeah but this could be our arm right like it doesn't have to be her armor it just could be where we store our armor you know okay so it'll be my armor it'll be my armor but if she finds it maybe I'll give her a reward or something it'll just be my secret room I might do gold I have five extra diamonds we're gonna have five extra diamonds so where do I got five extra diamonds they're not here I don't she is 56 diamonds well what do I have to I do have 29 diamonds never mind Samaras like freaking out she's she's uh she clearly doing a fun video for you guys over there um I'm gonna do diamond so the helmet you want the chest you know Inc legs joint in the feet rink let's put it on let's put on cover me with diamonds oh look at that we like dough and like much armor we got all right it's perfect I don't what I just did what did I just do you have any extra glass I really don't have any urgent glass I've seven glass panes on me that's it hey I might have extra glass can we get some diamond - Jeff please there's more I thought I made more of them yeah this one well this will be my armor here's the problem never mind it's not a problem she'll wonder where I got the armor but you know what we'll make it work no apparently you can't put anything in his hands can I put a weapon okay that would have been so cool if you could little whup in his hands I don't think you can though and change your armor enchanted first wait how do I take it off the armor soon cat yeah don't tell me this is duck forever yo oh I don't know what I want to enchant him with yet so maybe I want to Chandi yet it will look a little cooler enchanted though me I'll just like enchant the chest or something I don't want to Chan to you guys I want to I want to make sure that I know what I want to make sure I have the best stuff right you know Protection 3 I think that's gonna be pretty jacked on breaking through production 3 that's pretty great I actually don't maybe respiration but not right now fire protection feather following 3 I'm willing in enchant the chest that's it I'll have to I'll have to look up what's the best for it later and then we'll have to enchant it with that okay put a pumpkin as the head do you think that would look better we're somewhere keep all our pumpkin now she won't see that I've made progress don't worry [Music] Shapiro pumpkin has done you can't put a pumpkin as bad that looks pretty sick okay now the idea is we covered in glass okay well hold on we got to break the carpet you can't put glass over carpet right do you guys like that we can even do it to the ceiling if you want do we do it to the ceiling that's pretty dope I mean if she ever finds this that's gonna be the coolest thing ever what's a carved pumpkin then you make a carved pumpkin years yikes let me just uh I gotta put a lot of sand in here okay and last question what should I do where's the other glass I have the other glass pane right I've liked the white stained glass do you think white stained glass would look better this is what why stained glass looks like that's a bit more it's a bit less it's bit more faded Iron Man vibes probably that's what I like I says stuff I do like oh no no no no get away please please please if you put a torch on it can I still put on the armor stand I don't think I can you can't put red wool under the glass unfortunately only put around it let me eat this cookie get the fish ready to go oh we've been shooting for three hours oh my god alright let me try this again alright I want to ask you guys do you want pumpkin head or normal head which one do you think would look better what I don't have to break it every time that's kind of creepy anvil you won't put the anvil down and then oh that would be pretty cool would that work alright oh dude the block red will under the glass Oh a lot of people saying Pumpkinhead okay so this is what you guys are talking about right I put the red wool that would look pretty cool [Music] and then it would just it would stand up a little bit does that be okay actually we can do that unless we're kind of stacking it a little higher what I could do let me try something okay this is gonna sound dumb but I don't want it I don't have anything else it'll break easily so I'll put this here frost chat trust oh no what can I not put it on somewhere I can't put it on something I think this messing it up okay I'm gonna have to just break that for a second I can't hold any more stuff why can't I put it oh yeah that does beautiful swimmingly I meant to do oh my so many things are going wrong right now crash them place it on the anvil okay what does it give me a one second here this will make my life ten times easier so much stuff on me understand yeah I figured the ceiling was too low that's why I did that okay why it's a little sideways though why are you sideways there we go okay is that too high up that's the question let me know your thoughts this is what it look like or is that the perfect height that might be the perfect night that might be the perfect height okay we're gonna do a test though can I put you can't oh my god the more you know that that certainly doesn't work it's too high okay we're just gonna scrap that idea we're just gonna scrap that idea giving a gravel I get that block please put the block out oh my gosh I think it's standard I can't find it we're the cobbler I just need one cobblestone a little carpet going to go this is why other water washes away they go I don't make it please just give me cobblestone your fish security there should be a security system thank you [Music] I still haven't decided so I'm using you should place a slab and then they understand I think we're just over complicating it at this much worse is water coming from see it's just like it's too much it's just like I want to put the anvil down right I don't want it to flow I'm not wearing armor because I'm a man all right I actually kind of like that look then we're gonna put the armor on it what do you guys think it wasn't sideways that looked good I don't know I'm torn guys what do you guys think should we put okay very very easy stand or no stand anvil or no anvil let me know anvil will make it go really high up like it'll be really high up when you walk in the room no I in volt it won't look that high up oh that's pretty cool look I mean that's an expensive torch just a heads up a lot of people saying no a handful a lot of people say no animal all right no Advil it is okay if we're doing no I advil should we do the red carpet all around we have to break all of them not to get this Abed okay no ample it is you guys you guys want team no anvil I hope you're happy t Manville maybe next time so the question is can I put a glass pane suck that dere's gold armor over there that's kind of messed up I'm pretty sure there's like a skeleton right beside me I don't have enough red carpet yet I'm not that noises okay okay sure you just look like you're having a good time over yeah all right well you're all just free XP now but I hope you're happy oh no all right we're good there's skeleton there screw that guy I have one red sheep reproduce reproduce wait oh I can wait can I dye it red hold on I have a black sheep that's cool yes honestly you ain't gonna be the only unique one are you slabs for torches that would be a good idea that would be a good idea all right let me try this is gonna be red pigment here I can't it okay I don't want this episode to be that much longer we've this has been a super long episode like a beetroot how do you dye something how do you die I don't know how to do it but how do you know doesn't have to be white darn it sucks has to be white yikes dude oh oh wait I have some what am i even scosh I was getting so disappointment there yeah 4head all right so I need how many more one two three four five six seven I have six oh I need one more well one of you said slapped torch slap porch they're mine don't work we need one more you string to make wool is that for real oh my gosh you saved my life thank you I didn't know that we have a lot of strength so that works out oh can you make a can use bone meal to make it white or can you make white die and then where to put my favorite there we go alright we're about to be done here slab in the item frame we already did that I don't know how I messed this up all right they're just slapping the item frame I would have to I have to be particularly though about it right um [Music] let's do this right here boom and then let's do armorstand boom no let's do do do we go pumpkin or no pumpkin I'll remember let's do this Jeff Allen limited glass panes now oh shoot what happened to our glowstone here in our iron door there we go okay and then do some no pumpkin no pumpkin it is man and then let's go ahead and [Music] glass it up that's slab up until it's how do the extra that just happen what do you guys think maybe like that ooh that would be cool that's pretty sick nokay we gotta put this up here what do you guys think that's pretty sick right Oh what the heck don't put the slides back or these let me do one more thing it does look great sweet I do have Darkover flops alright chat oh my gosh they're so happy I'm so happy iron bars would be cools as well for those of you saying I clip the slabs of here I could do that this could be an option I think it looks better without it though personal honestly I think that looks really cool like that what do you guys think with or without with or without that top part I definitely got to add in more lighting I don't know how I'm gonna do it yet but I mean for now that's cool and then we could do like may like one two one two one two one two we could do like four chests here that would look cool right and if we want to do the wood slabs you guys are saying that actually is pretty sweet a lot of people saying with right just a side event oh that looks cool thoughts this is dope alright we're gonna get to like donors and stuff now I want to thank you all for the incredible support on the stream it's been a wild ride but we did it I told you we were gonna do it and we did it let's keep our diamonds in here it's gonna keep him safe any suggestions you guys have leave them on the comment section of this video or tweet them at me directly don't add Samara okay please don't add Samara no snitches no snitches please no snitches we don't like snitches around here so if you watch enjoy hit that like button subscribe if you're new and if you do want a cops and firemen like the backpack head on over typical da store we got a lot of donuts to read here in a sec let me just go ahead let me let me put on what I can I gotta meet I mean like I was gonna say I gotta make myself a set armor but my armors right there my armors right there filled with carpet should all be a red carpet well I don't want to get too crazy cuz I'm gonna head in this chair but is that too crazy that's a bit too crazy I don't like it that's weird plus I mean like it looks a little weird cuz like those are now red blocks in the middle not red carpet I don't we'll figure it out this might not look weird thanks pretty cool actually I don't we'll figure it out of the water fault I mean like imagine the waterfall pouring into here that would be pretty cool right white stained glass okay I think what I'll do is I'll probably hide this switch off camera this one will keep here but let me go to sleep real quick and then we're gonna wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap it up okay so let's see all right so this is what I'll do so if you guys don't know this whole thing is called I built the secret room I'll probably start tended to build a super room for my girlfriend okay so this over here opens and closes this as you can see it opens it's nice little thing but if you close it with the secret switches are here right now take over here and you hit that and it opens up let me just one sec one sec okay see I hit that's what you guess all that let me do it again okay so you go over here and you go ahead and you hit the switch and then you go over here and you see it's covered up so there's no way to get in it and if I leave you here for a couple of seconds it's gonna have like grass on it or it's gonna have the green grass on it so but if you want to get in what you do is you go over here you hit the switch and then you go ahead and voila it is opened into this beautiful area here with a beautiful diamond armor set what the heck is that there we go look at that oh yeah oh somebody made one suggestion quick I just want to try it out really quickly because I brought them over and I forgot to do it someone's a tripwire hook might look really nice so let's do that this and then tripwire hook which one do you think the slab or the tripwire hook looks better it's honestly I don't know I might like the slab better alright so what do you guys think what do you guys think is the best thing ever or what and then for one chillin here there's probably put a bed down here is only but this this took a lot of hard work so if you did watch Android do be sure a thought like one subscribe if you're new and Samara will never find literally will never find it there we go maybe we should add a little grass let's throw one bone meal on it one bone meal on it and then we out me eat a fish I think that looks good hey oh yeah Samara join the game perfect yes you can come home can you teleport me home sure way to get back okay so it is going to be TP yeah finally I'm home alright you can go to work on your stuff now no it's okay I just wanted to be home so I can like be at home oh okay that's good okay well look I layered the houses always jump on my stuff and you don't hoe it back I'm oh my gosh stop it back oh no I say nobody told you the sad news but I lost all my diamonds wait I had them all on me and I went to another and I fell in love oh are you serious I have like one diamond left no actually no I don't know nevermind I don't have anything I didn't touch yours likes big guys messed up I'm eating myself on this coach at NASA that looks good right yeah they like see nobody gonna find it all right bye Sameer alright yeah oh my gosh that's close this is killer look at this oh my gosh there's no one more time when we're done we're here for the one time I think over here you update that dose Mara how are you good day governor yeah ye um I know at the trash most my ideas I think I'm gonna have to redo a lot of the basement I work on but yeah I think that's gonna be it for this episode if you did watch and enjoy it do be sure to hit that like button subscribe if you are new and of course you want to cop some fire merch head on over to typical dot store a link in description below let me know all your thoughts tweet them at me ok my Twitter link description below shout out to a bunch of new members Brendan Carson gaming elite Tyler Daniels powerline hey Krug Brandon Adams and j-money hood thank you all for becoming members while complete enjoyed those emotes if you wanna join as well and the link will be in description below and then we have urged Josh TV thank you for that hey TG storm Dorian is coming to Barbados and it's very dangerous to live in Barbados and I'm scared I'm watching you and I am NOT well bro I wish you the best and every and the people of Barbados all the best because it's not fun to be in any storm and for real born up be safe my friend be sad to you and we have will lead with the 5 hey did you always fun to watch your you mind work and these survival and building games appreciate everything you do you're awesome DG lien Alberta still bullied big shout-out to you and you'll be here soon dude I believe it big shad eat my friend and uh man hopefully the weather stays like this that'd be perfect that'd be perfect all right we got some super chats coming in hot let's go ahead and read those out what do you guys think real quick what would you guys rate my build out of 10 ready to add a 10 and chat be honest I feel it Merc Markovski thank you for that we got Brian D with the 10 hey Andre keep up the good work and can you look around in displaying some veal for and Rainbow six siege honestly we can even come in good time let me know good all right um yes I definitely gotta play bf4 I'll play a new Call of Duty actually and definitely realistic and you play room succeed I used to play it on stream but I am played at this year's though I gotta check it out I've seen everybody sit down this was good man dude imagine said of course Wallace I put an aquarium all around I'd be insane I don't take way too long we got trickshot kids thank for that I have played for her for simulator 2019 make sure to check it out on my channel philip Markovski thanks for that Axl Pacheco nobody snitch exactly jbk films thank you Oh walnut hello one that hope you have the kid would it thank you for that Peter Scott shout out to you acts of Pacheco Monday's great man I hope you have a good day at school tomorrow first day at school Axl all the best dude grant Emily yes I will have to consult you guys when I fight the ender dragon it's gonna take a minute twenty two snakes super savage I will have to check that game out Primus last animal thank you for that grant and Lee accent Pacheco again Dark Knight primals power line you're the best keep up the great work will do power thank you for that rise flamed with the ten hey this is my big 10th birthday you can play some epic bro shadow to you I hope you have the best birthday ever rise flamed alright he's been watching for so long I appreciate that I don't add anyone specifically but I do random duo sometimes so that's the best chance to get into a game would love to play with you we got into Rio Diaz man shout out to Tyler Daniel's thank you for that glad you Joe streams High School Rejects oh man let I hope you're enjoying the merchandise man Chad do you reject a Riesling again thank you for that fat man be 230 shadow do you think if the suggestions Garret Dillinger we have st. 9:06 Center Thank You Axl Pacheco ship the lever in your room town bro I would take so long to get the rest of their maybe though axle thing for that bro and I hope you have a good night's rest Garrett granola so in the lease please I will have to check that I don't think you for both those doughnuts gear doughnuts those doughnuts Garrett Nate vape thank you gave me a leaky Nudell thank you for the kind of words glad you enjoyed the minecraft streets gaming elite minecraft boy again thank you for that don't spend this on socks I just might minecraft boy I think for the 2j money hood thank you for that my day is going great man how's your day thanks for all those doughnuts god bless appreciate it man we got Garrett reduces run run now keep up the great work did you love your face the hard work will do Thank You Garrett and one close thank you for the doughnuts and then we have gave me a lead again have you seen you called each other yes it looks sweet I chase thinking for that as well I'm dad no that's gonna be R after this one I hope you guys enjoyed it don't forget to hit the like button if you didn't subscribe for new tweet me all your thoughts right now quick tweet me them I gotta go I'm gonna get going I'll see you guys tomorrow first time at extremes don't worry hey you guys promised me you'd watch world of warcraft come we're also beyond for world of warcraft tomorrow alright I'm gonna hop into wow classic and see what we can do so that's gonna be wrap for this one I'll see you guys in the next one and don't forget don't be a snitch hit the like button if you're not a snitch thank you guys look at that perfect I'll see you guys in the next one thanks for watching Oh Pio das today Eddie peace out
Channel: undefined
Views: 5,619,982
Rating: 4.8776813 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, typical gamer, tg
Id: F-rARhSyzW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 38sec (13478 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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