I Found Bedrock LOADED with GOLD!!!

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or gold it's invisible gold man [Music] this crash another one on this episode we're back out in the hills headed to pickers paradise and search for that larger gold pocket we know this area has good gold hidden away we found a couple of stashes already we're headed back out to see if there's any more hidden away for us to find [Music] when we arrived on location we were startled by a sound in the bushes we looked across the river and seen a vulture fly up hit a tree and bounce back into the water on its back when I turned on the camera to capture this the camera malfunctioned so I'm missing this part of the video flew out over here and now he's dead he's dying and floating down the river the last time we were here we found a dead Raven or vulture that is freaking creepy all he's got his head up this guy's head up maybes gonna make it dude what the hell was that Oh what's up everybody it's prospector Jerry and we're back on another adventure got Justin over here we got Bennett bedrock Bennett and down there we got Jim trying to come up use these a little bit slower than us just a little bit that's okay yeah we are a further up river up river from pickers paradise we're gonna figure out if there's anything good up here these guys are gonna do a bunch of metal detecting I'm gonna focus just on sniping I only brought sniping stuff today I was super hot and the Sun last time it's gonna be a hot day gonna be bacon so I brought the wetsuit I'm gonna do all sniping all day got lunch over here [Music] a little bit a little bit scraggly berries those are some scrag berries some good what's a good [Music] punch a little deeper in the tailing piles look look what Justin just found little chunk nothing big but I mean it's a chunk freaking awesome his metal detector sounded off on that actually yeah nope racer I think something like that hey what kind of detector are you running what's what make detector are you running macro freezing nice yeah he's pretty cool yeah let's say it rough piece of quartz in there oh yeah barely see it I can see it looks like it's all folded up but I mean here's the rest of it little bits in there yeah some chunky pieces yeah they're all chunk I might dig the rest of that hole out there's a little piece of land my bad noise nice picker from the hole flat really to laugh school more than I got around man yeah so I was just about to jump in the water check out what Justin's got a musket ball - nice chunky pickers that one piece of super chunky dude yeah that's a big musket ball - and it's like pristine that's I've never found that before pretty darn cool I might actually let me see it's not a fishing weight it doesn't have like a that's actual it's that's not a like a round piece but it's got some kind of a bump on it I don't know what that is I don't think it's for fishing it does look like a musket ball doesn't don't most fishing at it yeah a little I yep that's pretty cool it's like a skyscraper a rock I'm in the lagoons it's deep down here this thing is super narrow and funneling it out and they're just blowing everything out over here that's why there's good gold down here I want her to come up and check it out see what was going on [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I'm trying to show you cuz I'm in about chess speed water and it's at the very bottom [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] well it's about maybe 10 11 o'clock I've been swimming around for hours now found one poker not doing very good there's not very many cracks everything's very smooth thought maybe with the lower water it's a lot lower than the last time we were out here maybe there would be a little bit more material and different cracks to work but there's not so I'm gonna move downriver I just came from upriver way up there I swam then it gets really narrow and I had some video of that super narrow and I think it comes down here and it starts to blow out as it widens out and that's why there's a lot of material in here and they've done pretty decent and it seems like it just keeps getting better down there but I was making my way down and my bag all packed up I'm just kind of walking and floating the river down and I ran into our buddy the vulture he made it over somehow to there and now I think he's stuck over there let's go swim up to her what's up dude stuck on that sucks I would totally try to help you but I think you had hurt me so I'm not going to poor guy so weird I don't know what this connection with all the vultures we've seen a dead vulture down there on our last trip that's weirdly enough someone had put a boulder on top of it I got this guy spooked him so bad he flew and did a backflip and landed in the water there wasn't even anything over there I went and checked it out it was just a trash bag looked like someone's camp luckily no dead bodies or anything I ended up making my way down river yet due to the lack of cracks and crevices I ended up giving up sniping altogether pan and I guess just crevice in of some very particular locations then pick and choose my spots wisely it's already starting to get really hot my first pan literally I mean maybe a quarter cup of material I almost didn't even paint anything out of it I just kind of added water it's right there that's why they call it pickers paradise so picker right there let's open it up more I'm gonna try to get underneath this guy here as much as I can okay it's safe to say I was wasting my time sniping is my second pan chunky too pokers and Pickers that's pickers paradise for you well I got a little bit more gold another small crack kind of like what I showed you earlier not as good but lots of littles in there right up there and Justins up here now he came down met up with them and he found Goldy box for me so as soon as this stops paying out imma start sluicing alright I got my best pan of the day I knew I shouldn't have snipe snipe but it's just slowing me down today I've dug it from right here I'm pretty sure just this little spot right here I just broke off this I'm about to clean the rest of that okay yeah think of this all right you put his stuff down right next to it that's how it goes I gotta get wet again I'm starting get hot starting to get hot okay so I just just had that really awesome pan and it came from either that spot or this spot or a crack over here I really don't think it's that spot it's either this one or that one and now we're really starting to think it's this one because it's Hollow and it just keeps going and I was chipping away and I just see a piece of gold I handed it to Justin chunky picnic yeah everybody feel the weight dude how much your ways I could literally feel it it's a thick one those are about the average size pickers out here yeah [Music] is that gonna keep going here [Music] [Music] [Music] I love this crack slow [Music] there's another one [Music] yeah yeah this is like I didn't even dig I just seen it hey guys - I'm not even I told my wife I was coming over today get on the spoon oh yeah [Music] [Music] playing in the dirt playing in the dirt [Music] no fees it was that crack for sure check it out there's still more material to do oh my goodness that is why they call it pickers paradise right there Dan herds got the pickle chin we got pickers paradise heck yeah we are turning our days around today that's justice time you know where the gold is and we're going to double-team it oh look at that barely any material cool yeah don't let that shelf small okay don't want to fall right now starting to really get disgusting over here it's almost to that point where it's just starting to get pretty disgusting oh good it's gonna be good although we've opened up so far he's working on that you ready for a disgusting pan oh dude that is a freaking disgusting pan look at that dude I'm glad I'm not sniping right here put this knife in yeah such sniping I'm feeling better today it's hot but it's not kicking my butt like it was last time you know I think I just I was in the water so much nice and cool happen through the day I think I'll be good now Justin found VG dirty but it's there [Music] we are on it I'm jumping in the water today is a freaking awesome day we're finding the gold and look who the heck just showed up the mining Hawaiians all the way back from Hawaii into the middle of the mother lode I mean they hiked in met us up here you guys know we're deep so he's with his buddy Tim it's Tim right Tim let's run so Tim's here too so I got another pan here it's a good pan but it's not like the ones we've been getting so I might be starting to get paid out played out continue maybe pop this off Justin's still working that way he's got a lot of material a lot of material guys here and a big old group Justin in them or I'll swim in Tim and brother Ivan met those guys yet I met Ron we will will go down there and say hi oh as soon as we're done with this yeah you come see me over here what's up Tim Tim maybe yeah you know what 89 degrees not too hot not too bad the water feels like a bathtub I mean it's just beautiful we're here with JC my son my brother my cousin sherry and Justin doesn't get any better you met him on the way up yeah you have been 22 and then I invite ya Afghan if you have invited Jim up to talks come back to you're invited to just we need to make it I know you got family no I'm working that we did working that weekend then I'm going camping the next week I thought I was gonna be doing something today but my daughter wanted to spend her birthday on her actual birthday which was yesterday we had family over so that's why I got from our earlier Pacific bro Hey see the first is this a first gold pan to start we are we rolling Jerry yeah okay cuz yeah we've got my cousin's husband skip this here and he's never panned before and so I just taught him that the basics of panning see one do one teach me and if you take a look keep washing back this if you have yeah that's right there's a little quick look at that that's it yeah it's got Gold's the old timers did not get it all you know what that's my lunch kids face says it all telling you and that's just the first of many first of many good job these guys are gonna have a blast up here I'm so jealous [Music] nice piece of cake in there some nice tea color sold the box strikes again I know around its up at the next rapid right there this kind of likes a little bit outcropping and some gravel and I was testing that gravel before it it seemed to be really good I was almost going to sleep that spot just keep it in mind serious prospecting for screams from the final potato well I'm wrapping up we're gonna get out of here we got a long hike really wish we could stay with these guys and really jealous we have a blast gonna be here for a few days we got camp setup over here you got the beautiful river this place is paradise can't believe I'm leaving the plan is since we have to hike downriver I'm gonna leave the wetsuit on and I'm gonna float with my pack I have the dry pack I'm gonna float my gear and everything just down the river see how that works find out taking off floating down I'm all wet suit it up Justin's over there I've been wanting to do this for a while now we're only at 80 CFS should be okay I can walk through most of it's very small cobble do the rest how here comes a big nice [Music] waterfall of their wonderful goes [Music] [Music] I floated and walked and floated and walked I'd have to say I probably did more floating than walking definitely a lot better than hiking out of there I [Music] hope you guys enjoyed this trip as much as I did and I definitely hope I have more like it in the future [Music] join us next time thanks for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: California Mother Lode Prospectors
Views: 554,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold rush, pioneer pauly, california mother lode, gold, california, motherload, prospectors, prospecting, two toes, jeff williams, nugget, sluicing, river, mining, adventure, fishing, utv, sniping, hiking, outdoors, backpacking, prospector, rocker box, sluice, bushcraft, panning, gopro, dji, mavic, honda reflex, trail riding, goldpan, dan hurd, vo-gus, whitewater, yukon, 911 mining, auquachigger, cody'slab, kleshguitars, joe robinet, ta outdoors, back country, oak island, treasure, hunting
Id: 4zc_Jw5ghbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 07 2019
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