Highbanking GOLD From a DEEP Hole!!

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because you smack the nerve my whole arm is like a penguin yeah probably hit your your older nerve okay okay so what happens when you fall in holes he's been going way down [Music] [Applause] get comfortable being uncomfortable good morning or good afternoon everybody welcome to the channel if you are new to it my name is Polly today we're back on the hunt looking for that elusive gold that I like to call candy the only difference is I'm not going to be underwater this time and I'm not looking on along the shallows like I normally do we're actually going to be digging down deeper to see if we can't find more of those deeper gold deposits our goal is to have an idea where those gold deposits might be so the only way to really do that is to do multiple test holes and basically chase where the best gold is coming from so I'll see when we get down there so Brian's already been here for the last couple days already so it saves us most of the work ain't that right you got it except we still got to stop the highbanker today so we'll do we'll do that right now maybe that's heavy so basically what this does is this allows us to have water up to the highbanker where we will be working so I hooked this up in the air he's priming it right now to get it ready and then we're just gonna hurry up and see how much candy we can find that's water right moonshine moonshine this is our other end of the high Bangka all right the hoes actually this isn't a high banger this is a hos this is the closest I'll ever be to becoming a firefighter I have this special ability where if i whistle this baby should turn right on nose dirt my hands [Applause] [Music] takes a little while but good work right for those of you who don't know what this is this is what you call a high banker and essentially what it does if you just put a handful of material in this thing and it will separate the heavy stuff being gold or anything else with the gravelly stuff so once that's all washed everything we don't need will typically fall off this unless it's like a nice big nugget and then everything else that we are looking for today will be hopefully it's down in this tray this is not good this is bad the hole in the hole all right so this is going to drop our pressure in this loose box like tremendously so it's rather have the tape that's up with some electrical tape that I have or we're gonna have to just work with what we got but that's the kind of thing you got to look out for great so the high bankers all set up now but we have a little problem we have a hole in our line further that way so the pressure on the high banker is going to be not as strong as we would like it but it's still going to move gravel so we're still going to continue [Music] that guy so I finally got Paulie out of the river thought him doc to do some work [Music] I could see you getting that River maybe this summer buddy yeah so this is what I do on my side me and Paul share this claim you guys I'm up here in the benches usually or crevasses the babies append in here okay so we just shut down the the highbanker as you can as you can see we're overflowing pretty heavily so we gotta let this settle we're gonna have a quick break have some juice boxes and some candy and then we're gonna check right here and see if that we have any other candy in there the camera I'm holding has an umbrella zap strapped to it so it's really hard to get close so I'm just gonna do my best zooming in oh if you look Brian do anything seeing anything at the moment I think that's a no last time you did this just missed everything good stuff good stuff I don't see any gold there Bren know what this tells us is we either have to move deeper or move in a different direction to find where those school deposit is but this is just part of the game like sometimes you don't get and sometimes you do but we've still got a pan this out to see actually if there is any things in here to the river off to the river off to the races depend play just falls down and then do the pan do a pan man we're just cleaning up and that's nice and good here it's how I do my laundry with the river do the honors run I'm giving Brian the honors to do the first one even though this is his bhai banker and his whole operation I'm giving him the honor to do the pen I was about to say done all the hard work since this pan of materials so concentrated it's just it's basically just covered in black sand so he has to go really slow to avoid losing any candy I had to move Brian from there over to here because I can't really get close to the pan with this umbrella attached to the camera so hopefully here we can have a better look well we have gold not a lot but there is gold there I'll get closer for you guys in a moment I just gotta be careful I don't stab Brian in the eye with this umbrella so there we have it we have a little bit of candy for our first test now I already know there probably is a bit more gold down in here in the black sand but that's okay so now that we know that there's gold up here on this gravel bench it gives us about two options we can either work down deeper as long as it's within or 1.2 meter legal limit or we can actually dig towards one of these directions in the wall to see if we can't find the area that has the most amount of gold so that Brian here can permit the site because this is why we are here testing it now before we start our second row thank you now before we start our second round we're just gonna have a quick break and refuel our fuel boxes good enough [Music] we all have [Music] [Music] second all right of course stick around bedrock so you can't really tell but this hole isn't very deep and there's not a lot of room to move around so in about ten minutes I was able to scoop up about two shovelfuls of dirt but luckily I think I'm on bedrock even though that's as far as I can really go because of our legal limit so our cameraman ran away and grabbed a nice scoop for us so hopefully we will have some dirt to pile up into the highbanker for round 2 before it gets dark literally this is the best I can do but I mean I am noticing a little bit of shale which could mean it's just a big piece of shale or it could be bedrock so hard to tell but we won't know until we actually run the material [Music] excuse me I'll just [Applause] I'm kind of getting stretched out because I really really want to get round to done before it gets dark and with that amount of material there's not a lot you can really do so what I think we're gonna do is run that material do as much as we can until it gets dark and even run through the dirt that we were gonna help recomment the area so we're gonna have to come up with another plan to recommend it and bury this whole stressful but I mean look where we are so we just finished round two I'm not as much material as the first round but I think it's like I hope that this ground was better because I felt like I was on bedrock it looked a lot more thick a lot more muddy a lot more gravelly so there's only one way to really find out and that's to clean up the sluice box and Tory highbanker and see how we did see anything come on off the we're gonna talk there you got a light here I don't my umbrella on so now I can there's there any visible gold I can see a lot of sand but I don't see any gold yes all right let's just get to the panning part and see what there was for those of you who don't know what I'm doing is just when you shake it and you're in material like this anything any gold anything heavy is gonna sink to the bottom so that's why you shake it and you try to get it to the bottom corner of this riffle and what you want to do is you want the water to take just that top layer off and then once you start seeing more heavy or bigger rocks starting so you shake it again and bring it back to the bottom you just repeat that process do you see nothing but black sand and hopefully gold nugget right we have one notice nice little picker or poker whatever you want to call those so yeah so that's a lot better than I thought we would actually do if I were to be completely honest so either we're gonna go even deeper but that would mean that we would have to actually permit it we had an optical permit to anything more than a meter 1.2 meters correct yeah so anything you want to go any deeper than 1 foot 2 meters we actually have to put in that permit but that doesn't mean we can't go to another angle see-through is more concentrated area right so that's good all right so we're all calling it a day we're gonna go back to base camp where the trailers parked and wash up clean the lens and all the all of our equipment and then show you the gold so let's go do that back at the resort the trailer out in the bushes we have equipment charging our clothes are drying so let's see what half of yard looks like so not a ton of gold but you can't win every time at least we know the area has potential for future digs so I believe Brian is going back to that spot tomorrow to do a little bit more work and I would help him dig but honestly I don't feel like digging again tomorrow I just want to get in the water with my wetsuit and see what we can find that way if you enjoyed this video please let me know by leaving a comment down below or hitting that subscribe button if you want to follow our next adventure also for those of you interested to see behind the scenes stuff like this shelf please feel free to check out my social media as I post a lot more on there like always thank you for watching thank you so much for your support and until the next one [Music] that's water right moonshine moonshine
Channel: PioneerPauly
Views: 505,318
Rating: 4.8561153 out of 5
Keywords: gold, highbanking, finding, big, nuggets, found, crevice, crevicing, bedrock, panning, pan, mining, hole, prospecting, find, lost, treasure, treasures, dredge, dredging, deep, nice, placer, goldrush, rush, scuba, dive, scubadiving, sniping, under, water, video, metal, detecting, detector, detect, goldbug, bug, mine, sluice, sluicing, money, coin, coins, fisher, garet, atpro, minelab, Monster, GM1000, hunting, relic, relics, adventure, british, Columbia, collection, rare, jewelry, awesome, dangerous, viral, pioneer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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