Finding Christ in the Chaos

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people say you have to have faith I say you gotta have stubborn faint radical ridiculous safe faith that are stand by itself and say I still believe laughs let me talk about me make jokes of me look funny at me but I still believe that he that had began a good work in me supper fire this is the [Music] greetings to you and they're invincible name of Jesus Christ our King I am so blessed and so delighted to have this opportunity to share with you the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ I'm excited because I believe God has given me a word that will change your life you ought to take a bond and call a friend right now and tell them to just tune into this because I believe this word influence changing as we go into the Word of God today my prayer for you is that the Word of God will go richly in to you and bring forth fruit in every area of your life now brothers and sisters now to the Word of God let's understand the times in which this man is healed it is not a time than all the worshipers are in agreement it is not a time in the temple when things are going well Orthodox Judaism was in trouble like it had never been in trouble before they'd had some problems before there was a guy with the wild locusts and the honey who started preaching repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand and he had made a dent into the number of or thought about Judaism in such a way that thousands of people had followed him out into the wilderness and were baptized by him but they survived that they got past that okay they were going on in spite of that then there was that incident with that carpenter's son that grows up and started preaching about the kingdom and he had started preaching some things that had gotten the ears of some of their congregants and they were a little disturbed about it but but it was okay it really wasn't that bad it was some rumors about some blind people being healed but they were isolated to certain cities and because they did not have the benefit of newspapers radios eblasts CNN texts or blogging they were able to hush it down pretty good even though there were murmurings in the camps and organized Judea that was up under attack by this this Christ this Christ teaching had gotten loose but they were holding it down pretty good what really got disruptiveness when he stopped by Bethany and went over to the tomb and found the god named Lazarus who had been dead for days and it stood at the tomb of Lazarus and said Lazarus come forth and the dead man came back and they couldn't dispel it as a rumor because he showed up at the feasts of the testimony and I am he that was dead and alive sail aboard that's when the Orthodox movement of religious people decided to get rid of Jesus we've got to stop him he's going to tear up the synagogue who's going to ruin the temple he's teaching a message that suggests that the people can get to God without us and what did will we do for a job if the people don't bring bullets and lambs and goats said waive offerings and meal offerings and drink offerings if they don't bring them to us to offer oblations before God then our significance is demented by his present anytime somebody else's significance is diminished by your presence they become a secret enemy yeah that's worth taking back home with you yeah don't let the smile fool you anytime their significance is diminished by your presence or success they are apt to become a secret enemy I don't care what they bought you for Christmas anytime their significance is diminished by your presence they are apt to be an enemy in a secret and diabolical way so they were up under attacking they made a commitment we've got to get rid of him he had five thousand people follow him out into the desert five thousand is too many no times from those people no offerings no no bullets no ghost they're following this new God called Jesus we got do you not know he had the audacity to say he was the son of God and some people are calling him God and he has severe to say he can forgive sins we gotta get rid of him and so for survival sake a decision was made by the high priests of the rabbinical council of the synagogue at that time he gave his assent to the crucifixion of Christ for the survival of Orthodox Judaism the problem with that was the 5000 didn't show up at the cross had had to spell the numbers they had gotten rid of him they buried him in the tomb rolled a stone in front of it to make sure he did not get up and there was nobody stole his body there was no confusion about that but the problem with that is early Sunday morning early Sunday morning I can't really explain exactly what happened but early Sunday morning the stone had been rolled away and the tomb was empty and there were rumors that he had risen from the dead though none saw him save his disciples but to them they said he showed himself alive for forty days with many infallible proofs showing up to the two on the road to Emmaus eating with them showing up in the upper room eating fish and walking through doors and even doubting Thomas had thrust his hand into his side and where they pierced him and began to believe and now it was coming up again they thought they had it all dead and it was coming up again maybe you know how it is when you think you got something squashed and it starts coming up again there was that incident fifty days after the crucifixion of Christ with with his disciples about seventy of them had gathered in the upper room and they were up there praying and and there was rumor says there was a shaking and an earthquake it lightnings sounded and thunder roared and and they were filled and started talking in other languages and people came all around them some said they were drunk but others said no this is not our drunkenness from knew why seeing as this is but the third out of the day but this is that with the prophecy or else we'll go that in the last days says God I will pour out my spirit aparted in Judea Samaria the audibles possibly earth and people are walking up and down the streets praising God in different languages and this is out of control it was out of control I say this because I want you to understand that there were those who held that view in the temple that view saw Christ as an energy Efes and the rebel Heather as a danger to Orthodox religion yeah they were not happy about it those folks came to church now put that aside and let me serve this there is this other group who had followed Jesus they were committed to him they had served him they had been on the boat that night when the storm was tossing to and fro and Jesus said peace be still and the winds and waves that laid down there was even that incident where Jesus came reportedly walking across the water to them and they had believed on him they were there with the woman with issues of blood touch the hem of his garment and was made whole they were there when the ten lepers were healed though they were across the street Jesus just told them go show yourself to the priest said his word was so powerful then it healed him without him ever using his hand he just said his word and his word heal and delivered that what a mighty God we serve and even the Centurion had had deliverance come to his house and one reporter named Jairus had had his daughter who was dead resurrected and he stopped a funeral touched the casket and a dead boy came up out of the casket they were there they had saved the miracles they had seeing the power they had seen the touch of God but they saw it from a back row seat because God was using Jesus this thing Jesus had been crucified this same jesus had been nailed to the tree and now he's God and this is the first time that the disciples sure to move in the power of God without Jesus they present with him and they wanted in their mind will it works for me like it work have you ever wondered in your mind will it work for me like it work for someone else so you see when Peter and John come to the temple it is not like you coming to church where you come into a room full of people who agree with you they are coming to a service where their theology is not accepted not appreciated and not welcomed and they are coming to the temple not knowing whether God will use them like to use Jesus for this is the first miracle since the day of Pentecost their power has not been proven now had they been in a room full of people who agreed with them at least they'd have the backup of other people but sooner or later you have to stand up and believe God for yourself whether anybody believes him with you or not or not people say you have to have faith I say you gotta have stubborn faint radical ridiculous safe faith that are stand by itself and say I still believe laughs at me talk about me make jokes something looks funny at me but I still believe that he that had began a good work in me supper fire I believe I believe I believe I believe is there anybody left in the church that still believes in the power of God tell you babe I got stubborn faith you don't have to believe it you don't have to believe it I still believe take my house and I believe it take my car and I believe it six in my body and I believe it children strung out on drugs that I believe it have an even in a jail cell haven't even in a board room I believe it in a crisis center is God before I feel the spirit of Church in here somebody help me pray with with stubborn faith still to come on the Protestants I want to make note of that for somebody who's had a long-standing problem just because it's been there a long time doesn't mean it's gonna stay a long time sometimes God will put your trouble on display and let everybody see you in trouble be convinced of your trouble so that when he delivers you there will be no doubt as to the authenticity sometimes you feel surrounded by the heavenly host is ready to surround you at your command you had to enter it yourself your kids didn't know it your husband did not your wife didn't do it he'll was coming in for the kill saving said I got on this time but weeping may endure for my side you may be facing your greatest challenge yet but God is greater get surrounded on CD or dvd three messages that will deliver your soul use when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop to they're moving to the temple expecting the fight but not the lay man to fight the religious mindset that is waiting for them in the temple but as is the case with much of life it is not the destination that is important it is the things that happen along the way you are busy trying to get to a particular place in life and you say once I get there I'm gonna get this and I'm gonna be blessed and I'm gonna have that and I'm gonna see the power of God but it is not the destination God often shows up on the rest stop on the side of the road it is the things that happen along the way and along the way to the temple there was a man third course there was a man he was different from the first two courses the first course comes to defend their position of their significance against the tyranny of this new theology the sucker will comes to establish a truth that they believe will convert the Orthodox into the contemporary understanding of who crises he didn't come for either thing he came cuz he's broke he came because he's crippled he came because he's destitute he came because any crippled person will tell you that religious people are more apt to be benevolent than other people the beggin was good over there uh y'all don't like it when I tell the truth this man has developed a pathology a structure a methodology if you please around his dysfunction he does not come to the temple to be healed he comes to the temple to get over he is not like the woman with this your blood saying if I maybe touch the hem of his garment I will be made whole he didn't even ask to be healed he got about the bed that morning got some friends to get him dress they picked him up and carried him over where the beggin was good he got his cup out of his pocket and he started into his daily routine arms arms arms gimme are what I want you to see is it's the cataclysmic explosion that occurs with three different times of kinds of people show up at the same place each expecting something different and yet in the middle of this chaos God is orchestrating the affairs because now brothers and sisters I wish I could preach us like a feeling this man had been lame from his mother's womb he is obviously a grown man at this point so he has had a lifetime of dysfunction and God allowed it to be so he allowed it to go on for years to set the stage for a miracle I want to make note of that for somebody who's had a long-standing problem just because it's been there a long time doesn't mean it's gonna stay a long time sometimes God will put your trouble on display and let everybody see you in trouble be convinced of your trouble so that when he delivers you there will be no doubt as to the offensive there oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah help me preach this this morning I'm a little tired I need you to help me preach this morning just touched your neighbor on your right the 11th say it don't matter how long it's been that way it doesn't matter it don't even matter it doesn't matter how many nights you cried it doesn't matter how sick you've been it doesn't matter what they said about you it doesn't matter how long you've been down it doesn't matter that the odds are against you it doesn't matter that you don't have what you need this ain't nothing but a setup for Supernatural taxon yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah slap somebody and tell them it's a setup [Music] they don't believe you find somebody else and say it's a setup every night you cried everything you and do it what's going on in your body what's going on in your marriage what's going on in your house what's going on with your job it ain't nothing but us I don't know who I'm preaching to let me see if I can identify my courses my first course have already got inside the temple my third course is laid at the gate called beautiful and my second course is coming down the road at the ninth hour toward the temple and when the second course gets ready to go through the gate they run into the third course laying at the gate and the third course as the second course Russell help and the second course says to the third course silver/gold [Music] you know if you will operate today you have to know what you do have and what you don't have look at your neighbor sir I may not have what you expected but if you give me a chance I got something awful Oh God I may not have what you expected I may not look like what you expected I may not sound like what you had in mind but I or about to feel like creature I've better quit I dare you to give me a chance slap some anisette value to give me a change silver at go [Applause] jahmai underneath every name I haven't said the mail yet but when I said your name at the field demons Tribble and the night when I said it I can feel Mountains Rumble I said yesterday when I said it depression begin to fall back I said in the night when I said it to cease forgettable [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I'm out of time I gotta stop there but it has been so wonderful to have an opportunity just to share that much of the message with you I would to God that you would have the whole message and just really receive all that we have but I just think not to be able to plant a seed in you I believe that the best is yet to come I'll be back to share more with you in just a moment our announcer to come on and share a word with you and then I'll take you further sometimes you feel surrounded by the enemy [Music] heavenly host is ready to you may be facing your greatest challenge yet but God is greater get surrounded on CD or dvd three messages that will deliver your soul use when you visit our website or call one 800 Bishop to the proud that your trying to articulate he already understands the condition that you can't find the words to describe God already knows for helping us reach others with your gift of any size you will receive stuck at a crossroads on CD just visit our website or call one 800 Bishop 2 to get yours relationship [Applause] hooked up with the one who died for me when you get to $70 or more we will give you all three life-altering messages from crossroads your path to resurrection power and life on DVD [Applause] [Music] however when your gift is 170 dollars and more we will add this unique amplified topical reference Bible to the Crossroads DVD and the blessing of grace promise cards get up close with TD jakes ministries at TD jakes org connect with us anywhere at anytime if you haven't been hanging out with us on social media you've been missing I'm there for you ministering sharing the Word of God encouraging you and sometimes answering you yes isn't me personally come on over to social media hang out with me I've got something for you that will really bless your life on Facebook tweet us on Twitter follow us on Instagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel connect with us today I don't want to close to show without giving an opportunity to pray with you today I believe that God has more for you than what you have experienced heretofore in issue and I'm touched and agree let's believe that you would come into the fullness of what he has for your father I thank you for your rich grace and giving up this moment this opportunity to share with those who love so much and I pray in the name of Jesus for that person right there who is right on the brink of receiving what you would place in their heart in spirit for this moment that it would come to pass expeditiously without any further resistance from the enemy Satan and break your power I bind it in the name of Jesus and I thank God for victory and you rejoice now let's rejoice together it's done in the name of Jesus amen I'm captive gonna it's gonna joy to be with you my prayer for you is that you will always walk in the freedom and the liberty of who Christ is and you see right here same time same station I'll be looking for [Music]
Channel: T.D. Jakes
Views: 156,795
Rating: 4.8479309 out of 5
Id: 49Fo_sdpSX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 17 2014
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