Find All the Origin Character Locations Early in Baldurs Gate 3!

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this is where you find all six origin companion locations in the full release of Boulders gay free I'll be showing you a few other Secrets along the way here you can see all their starting stats and classes and if you want full build guides for each origin companion I will link my other guides in the description below you should note though that there are four other companions so there's 10 in total that you can get during act one alone you can't play as the other four companions but they can join you and two of them are even romanceable there's even more in Act 2 but I'll make a separate video about them so make sure you subscribe for that also it is actually possible to completely change the class and abilities of each companion you recruit even the origin companions can be changed you just can't change their race and it does kind of ruin their backstories but I'll talk more about how to do this at the end of the videos you can skip ahead with the timestamps below but please do leave a like on the video if you find it helpful so after crash landing on the beach if we open up our map and zoom men you'll see there's actually a little icon here for shadowhawk now shadowheart will only be here if you rescued her during the nutelloid prologue otherwise I'll show you the other location she could be but before we go on if you press Escape options then go to interface make sure North facing minimap is ticked and then we're just gonna go on and hold down the ALT key so we can see anything that's potentially lootable if we continue on we will find Shadow heart our first origin companion who we can recruit to the party you're alive now shadowhunt has joined our party and we can carry on if we hold down alt you can obviously see all the stuff that you can Loot on the beach now some of the stuff you see here is just going to be junk if you look at the item's value to weight ratio it's a good way of telling if you should bring it with you or not if we loot this bag over here we can go ahead and right click on it and then we can say pick up and now if I look on my bag it's actually inside my bag and what I can do is drag it over to my hot bar and now if I click it you can see it has like a separate sorting compartment and what I can actually do with this is use it to store any of my Scrolls you also notice that I've got a lot of weapons and jewelry that I've picked up so far if I right click on the stuff I don't need and then click Send to cam and then it won't weigh me down as much and I can just sell it later in my cam now I've sorted my inventory and as you can see we have a much lower weight capacity so now we can just loot everything on this Beach area right here you can see some buckets of food any food that we can find can be used at our camp to rest so make sure you pick up all the food you find all these containers have randomized loots inside so they're not necessarily always going to be the same for each playthrough looking at the map you can see I've walked all the way from the bottom of the beach looting everything as I go following the sea to our right and now we're at the overgrown ruins Rider ahead of us and this is actually the second location you can find shadowhawk she'll be standing just at this ancient door here which is currently locked there's another way into this ruin from above there so we're going to go over here to this ancient sigil this is a fast travel point you can use to come between the overgrown ruins and anywhere else on the map but make sure you unlock it because if you don't it's going to take you longer to get back here now since I'm a thief I could actually lock pick this but I'm not going to instead we're going to come through the cave here to the left and we're going to experience our first combat encounter with these intellect devourers here so we're going to take out both of these intellect devourers in combat after we've killed them we can go ahead and loot them as you can see this one has a intellect Devourer brain which can be used in alchemy to make a potion the game will tell you when something can be used in alchemy now we can head on into this area and you can see Shadow heart is currently quite low health so if we press the camp and resting menu on the bottom right here we can click this button at the top that says short rest two out of two available and then we recover half of our hips now if we actually jump up here there's a hidden chest that we can go ahead and loot and there's also a dead mind flayer and these guys usually have either throwables or a few gems on them so we can take those and then we can head back down here and if we cross over the way there's another throughout the loot the Rapier is actually really good dexterity scaling weapon so we'll take that and then we press tab we can actually give it to our Rogue and then we can climb up the other side here and there's another dead mind flare to loot so we'll take this and now we'll climb back down and we're gonna go to the West you can see West on the compass there for orientation there's another dead intellect of our outside and we're gonna find a few containers right next to the coast here there's also some ingredients along the shore that you can loot as well like Belladonna which is used for health potions I believe if you press h you can click onto the Alchemy tab just here and on this menu you can actually make loads of potions I'm not going to go over Alchemy right now instead we can loot these containers that have some more gold and one of them has thieves tools which you can then use to unlock this wooden trunk here so I'm going to go ahead and right click it and click because I'm playing an assassin he is very proficient at doing this so I'm going to go ahead and roll the dice it's impossible for me not to fail this and we're successful what's inside it's a leather helmet and some gold currently our character isn't wearing a helmet so what we can do is we can put that helmet on him we can also click to hide it during dialogue because it looks pretty ugly and then if we come up to the north here we will find our next follower just over here his name is Astorian so to find the next companion Astorian from the starting location here on the map we came all the way to the north east and so we went to the overgrown ruins then we killed two brain intellect devourers in this area and then we came South East back to the coast just here and we can meet estarian just here on the map you can see he crash landed in his pod there so we're going to walk over to him I've got one of those brain things cornered and he's going to try and bait us into helping him and now he's trapped us this fight can go one of two ways either you can attack him back or end up in a conflict and kill him and you'll lose that companion for the rest of the game or you can become friends with it and then we can ask him to join us you know so now we have three people in our party now before we get our next companion I can actually show you a secret down here to the South if we come all the way to the left here and then we use the jump ability we can jump off this rock face just here and then we can walk all the way down and we find kind of like a little secret Alcove and we can jump across here or we can just walk it looks like and there's a rock here and if we pass the nature test we'll see that there's actually something hidden behind this rock my character's not actually strong enough to do this so we're going to come back here with a stronger companion later a character like lizelle who get in a moment is strong enough to move the rock so let's go ahead and move it to reveal a ornate's chest underneath inside this chest you'll find the Harper's notebook and the Harper's map which is the most important part let's go ahead and read it after you open this cache if you then go upwards on the map you will see there's a marker where the hidden cache actually is but now let's come back up to where we met Astorian just here and now we can go and find the next companion which is Gail so we're going to come to the right here and walk through this Burning area and just down here you actually see a dead mind flare again you can go ahead and loot him for some more stuff and then we can head north east up here and will come out near this glowing portal this is where we're going to meet Gail so to get Gail as a companion we can find him just here on the map we go all the way to the north along the beachfront near the coast to the overgrown ruins and then we come across through this part of the map and then we go north through this Gap here to the roadside Cliffs fast travel point and once you're here you'll meet Gail right here hello I'm Gail of Water Deep so now we can invite Gail to join us so now we've got Gail in our party our next Quest is to go and find lizelle again who he met on the notaloid so we're gonna go North up the road from here all the way up here and then we're going to find who's this it's lizelle in a trap with some Thai flick again if I look on the map to find lizelle she's literally just north from the roadside Cliffs where we found Gail just up here so we're gonna find some tie flings here and they're going to be dating whether they should kill lizelle or not we can either kill the tie flings persuade them to help us kill lizelle or deceive them that it's too dangerous for them and they should just get out of it or we can say don't worry we'll sort this out I'm gonna deceive them and we're successful so they leave so now they're leaving we can go ahead and help lizelle get down to do this we should either click on our bow or range weapon with any character and then we can attack this bit underneath the trap to destroy it like so it's gonna take a couple of hits apparently there we go now she falls to the ground and now we can invite her to join our camp and party Shadow heart will deprove if you let lizelle join your group now we have lazau as a companion we can now move that rock because we have a strong enough character so after we freed lizelle from her trap we can look at the map again we're going to want to head to the north west just up here so let's go west from where she was trapped there's a wagon just here once you get to the wagon go directly north so you get to this Crossroad here and there's a tree now at this point I would actually recommend that you get your sneaky character and then you put them in hide mode and then you tell him to climb up this Cliff just here to take a view of the situation and then the rest of your followers you can get to move in on the left here and then a cutscene will play the people at the gates will get attacked by a bunch of goblins and you now have the options to help the Goblins or defend the people outside the gates but I'd recommend defending the people outside of the gate if you want to get will as a companion so I'm going to get my companions to jump up here and start attacking these goblins from behind now it is possible to save these people in the battle if you are good enough so we're gonna come over there to their rescue and now our stealthy Rogue can come behind here and backstab the Goblin from behind foreign which is where will will be found make sure that you also loot all the bodies outside as well especially zag Krug who's just over here because he's actually going to have the unique weapon gloves of power this unique item becomes even more powerful later if you have the mark of the absolute on your character which I'll be showing you how to get later so once again from the starting Beach to find the companion wheel we must go all the way to the north of the map over to the jurids Grove or Emerald Grove once you're inside The Druids Grove you're going to want to come to the training area so head through the entrance to the Grove and come on inside and then head all the way down here right straight on until you reach this little training area at the back you'll also find your first merchant here who you can sell all that extra stuff to as you can see in the full release version of the game he actually has some unique items like a bunch of plus one a spell thief bow and some gloves of missile snaring and now we can head onwards all the way to the training area now there's a ton of stuff to do at durage Grove I'm not going to go over everything in this video I'll make another video about everything you can get in this location so let's speak to Will Go On give me a Best Shot now depending how your conversation goes with will he will either immediately join your group without spoiling anything or you'll have to agree to help the tie flings you don't actually have to help them but you just have to agree to help them now once you've recruited world to your party you might get a new Quest called the blade of Frontiers the hunt down car liar who is actually the sick origin character we need it may be smart to remove will from your party and tell him to wait at the camp while you're doing this if you actually want to recruit her if we look on our map you can see Carla is located just over here so in order to reach her from the actual Gates of Druids Grove we're going to run all the way down here to the left and then we're going to carry on heading west until we reach a bridge [Music] once we reach this bridge we're going to go across it like so across the other side of the bridge you'll find some dead Travelers that you can also loot for some thieves tools once you're done head upwards to the north and carry on going straight on through this Woodland way you will find a nice little Papa just here called scratch you can actually get him to come to your Camp if you have the right interaction with them it's all right scratch I'm not gonna hurt you we'll hold out our hands so we could follow our scent to the camp and now we'll see him later and we can also loot his his owner's body it turns out he had a son at Baldur's Gate his wife's name was Flora we also find the reason he left Baldur's Gate in the first place he was in debt but we discover a secret cash in a graveyard under the gravestone M Kerwin so that's something we can do when we reach bald Escape for now though to get Carlia as a follower we want to go up to the north here and across this River we're gonna have to jump down onto the Rocks here to actually get across and then jump across the river itself like so and then we can just climb up the other side of the bank and then we can carry on down the river to the north this time and we will find carlier on the other side of the bank here if wheels on your pie I recommend saving before talking to her so Define the companion car liar starring at the beach just down here you want to go all the way to the north of the map right to the entrance of the emerald Grove or Druids Road depending how you know it right here and then you're gonna go all the way to the left across this stone bridge and then go north through this Forest until you get to this River and then go right around the river and carlya will just be found over here across the bridge let's go and talk to Carlia this is the devil will has been tasked to kill and now we have a choice whether we can help her or not and that decision is up to you she's actually a good character though I'm karlak so now we've got all the followers go back to the campsite you will find all the followers and their little campsites at the camp and you can choose whoever you want in your party now if you want to respect your companions you can change their classes you can reset all their stats which I would definitely do for shadow heart and also unlock the ability to resurrect your companions as well you need to find the NPC called wither he's hidden away in the dark Crypt so you can check out this next video if you want a full guide of exactly where to find him and how to get all the treasure at that location or see that
Channel: ESO
Views: 116,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 origin characters, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3, bg3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, baldurs gate 3 review, baldurs gate 3 tips and tricks, baldurs gate 3 tips, baldurs gate 3 beginner tips, eso
Id: lVmTipBU9Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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