Baldur's Gate 3 - Companions & Origin characters

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foreign hello guys if you're a regular viewer of my channel you may or may not remember that a few weeks ago I uploaded a video called Baldur's Gate 3 meet the companions well it turns out I uploaded it right before a new bg3 community update dropped where larion revealed a new origin character and gave us more information about the characters that will be recruitable as full Companions and of course they revealed the dark urge as another origin character after that in their final battle from Hell A few weeks ago so that companion video I made last month yeah it isn't exactly accurate anymore so here's another combining video I guess now that we have more information I'll be able to be more accurate and include the companions that were missing from my last video I'll also talk a bit about the differences between origin characters versus companions since I didn't really bring up origin characters in my last video and talks about them more from the perspective of playing as a custom character also beware that this video will contain minor sporters about the Companions and origin characters most of the things I'll talk about were revealed in the Early Access and will presumably be revealed relatively early on in the full game it's mostly basic information about the character and a little bit about their past but just in case this is your spoiler warning anyway without further Ado grab yourself a warm cup of tea and let me tell you all about Companions and origin characters so if you've been following Boulder skate 3's development or if you've played Divinity original sin 2 you might be familiar with origin characters for those of you that aren't origin characters are characters that you can play as if you don't want to play as a custom character similar to regular companions origin characters come with their own personality goals and predefined background and appearance the big difference of course is as I just mentioned that you can play as one of them if you play as a custom character you will still be able to recruit the origin characters as companions and get to know them through your own character apart from one but more on that later on in the video however if you play as An Origin character you will see the world through their eyes and experience the story from their perspective like a custom character you'll get to make choices and pick dialogue options but you'll also have your own goals and secrets and the option to share or not share those with your other companions making a playthrough as An Origin character a completely unique experience both Companions and origin characters start out as a certain class but you'll be able to respect them later on in a game if you wish to do so there are upsides and downsides to playing as An Origin character versus a custom character and while that could make for a fun discussion it would probably be a whole video in and of itself so I'll save that for another time all I'll say is that creative director Sven finfinka said in an interview that he recommends playing as a custom character when you play baller Skate 3 for the first time so now that we know the differences between regular Companions and origin characters let's actually talk about the characters themselves I will say that I'll keep this a bit brief for the sake of not going into too many spoilers and because I already talked about most of them in my previous companion video now I know some characters have been changed quite a bit since then and don't worry I'll make sure to mention those changes and I am planning on doing character deep Dives in the future as well anyway let's start off with our first origin character which is Lazelle Lazelle is a fierce githyanki warrior with her starting class being a fighter not a cheese at risk of turning into a mind flare her main priority is getting rid of the tadpole that has been planted in her head and getting back to her people to prove herself worthy in the eyes of her Queen vlakis lizelle is very Mission oriented so her focus is always on the task at hand and she hates getting sidetracked she is very blunt and not afraid to speak her mind when given the option of fighting or resolving things peacefully she'll often choose violence because of the kothyanki history with mind flares lizelle knows a lot about them their methods of making more mind flares and most importantly how to kill them but she is still young as she has not completed her right of passage yet so she still has a lot to learn and I think this causes her to have some insecurities even though she would probably never let that show it's no doubt something will have Insight on if we choose to play as her our next origin character is shadowheart shadowheart is a devoted cleric of char and she was part of a group that was sent out on an important holy mission to retrieve a mysterious and Powerful artifact the mission required her to have her memory swipe though and now that she is the only Survivor all that she knows is that she must return the artifact to her people in Boulder's Gate at the same time she is constantly being tormented by a strange painful magic that she struggles to understand as I mentioned in my previous companion video Shadow heart really values her privacy and doesn't appreciate when people try to pry personal information out of her although she can be pretty nosy herself she acts tough but on the inside she's actually a really sweet person and hates acts of unnecessary cruelty shadowheart is a very mysterious character and whether she became a follower of char willingly I have my doubts but I think it's going to be interesting to hopefully slowly see her get her Memories Back and learn all of her secrets with her whenever we play as her and then we have a Starion the Starion is a vampire spawn for centuries he was abused by a sadistic vampire Master Cazador and forced to carry out his wishes mainly prowling the streets at night to seduce whoever he could find and lure them back to cazador's there it seems getting abducted by mind flayers was the best thing that could ever happen to him because now he is not only far away from Cazador but tadpole also caused him to break free from casador's mind control and gave him the ability to walk in the sunlight again now that he is free he wants to do everything in his power to make sure he keeps his freedom because Cazador will surely come for him so astorion is very power hungry because well he wants to become more powerful than his former master in order to keep his freedom but therefore he is also mainly concerned with his personal survival he's not inherently evil but he doesn't like playing the hero either it's sure going to be interesting to see his internal struggles when we play as him or see how he develops as a companion I imagine we'll be able to either discourage him and maybe convince him that there might be another way or go all out and feed him all the power that he wants to and the next origin character on this list is Gail so Gail is a wizard and while this character seems to be the same overall the background in his description seems to be a little different from what he tells us in the Early Access his new description reads Gail was once a formidable archmate in waterdeep but pushes his relationship with the goddess mistrat too far failing to usurp his former lovers godhood the goddess stole Gail's Magics away and cursed him with a nethery's orb a dangerous artifact with enough magical potential energy in it to level a city if it were allowed to escape so in the Early Access Gail tells us it was Mishra who abandoned him first and that the nethery's orb incident happened because he wanted to win back her love so either Gill's story has been changed a bit or our wizard friend here is not being completely honest with us so which one is it Gail whatever his true intentions are Gail was genuinely very concerned about the attacking time bomb in his chest both for his safety and that of those around him as a companion he seems to be one of the most morally good ones although he comes across a bit arrogant at times he likes helping people and wants to do good deeds and he likes animals next up is Will so will is interesting because Aaron has said that his character has changed a lot since the Early Access so I can't say with certainty what his personality will be like his new description seems to be pretty similar to what we learned about him in the Early Access though he comes from my Noble house but now lives his life as an adventure on the road known by many as the blade of Frontiers his secret still is the fact that his powers are not his own he is a warlock so the source of his power comes from his Patron it can be unnamed mizora in exchange for his power mizora wants will to hunt down her enemies so far they've all been devilish creatures but it might not stay this way and will wants to find a way to end the pact before mizora's prize grows too great overall pretty similar to the story that he stole as in the Early Access but as I mentioned will has been reworked so I imagine a lot about him will be different and I'm excited to see how his character has changed and as I mentioned before I am planning on doing the dies on all of the origin and combining characters once I've played through the game fully so definitely keep an eye on my channel for that in the upcoming months one of the two recently announced origin characters is harlak karlak is a tiefling barbarian who recently escaped the hells after being enslaved by the archdevil zaryel for 10 years there's only one small problem she's got an infernal engine stuck on her chest and it keeps burning hotter and hotter so she'll need to find a way to get rid of it before it burns her out completely we don't know much about her personality yet as she wasn't a companion during the Early Access we do know that she leans more towards the good side as she is a badass with a heart of gold carlak wants to explore find like-minded Travelers fall in love or lust and take revenge on The Man Who Sold her to Zario all those years ago the last and most recently everfield origin character is called the dark urge the dark urge is a bit different from the other origin characters as they are the only origin that cannot be recruited as a companion if you don't play as them but they are completely customizable you can pick a race and class for them and customize their appearance unlike the custom character though they do come with a predefined background we don't exactly know what their background is yet as a dark urge lost their memories when the tapple was put in their brain all we know is that they have very dark and disturbing urges to kill and inflict pain that doesn't mean we will have to be evil as a dark urge though we can always choose to resist these urges and go for a good playthrough maybe even emerge a hero at the end but if we do want to go for an evil playthrough the dark urge will be a good pick as according to Valerian we can do some very messed up things if we choose to play as this origin character I feel like the dark urge is a good middle ground between a custom and origin character and their predefined background will give us a completely unique experience for the story of Baldur's Gate 3. now that we've talked about the origin characters it's time to talk about the companions for a bit so these companions still come with their unique personalities and backstories but we won't be able to play as them we'll be able to encounter them in the world and recruit them to our party if we want to so the companions that we can get in the game are helsin mythara Minsk and Jahira none of them were actual companions in the Early Access and Minsk and Jahira weren't even in the early access at all so we don't actually know that much about them yet apart from what is known of minskan Jahira from the previous border skate games because we have so little information I'm not going to talk too much about them now but as I said I will do character need Dives in the future so helson is the archdruid of The Druids Grove he is open-minded and in Early Access he comes across as kind and friendly he's a strong leader and highly respected among his fellow Druids he also has a connection to one of the game's antagonists and I won't say too much about that because that would be a bit of a spoiler but what I will say is that this connection will probably lead us to a pretty important area in the game also I think it's good to mention that helsin and mythora will probably be mutually exclusive due to certain choices you get to make in the game at least they were in The Early Access so I think it's safe to assume they will be in the full game as well speaking of which mintara is a ruthless drought and definitely one of the more evil leading companions she is a true Soul a high-ranking member of The Cult of the absolute she works with the goblins and overseas raids and attacks as an extension of the absolute's will while she might have a strong and determined demeanor menthara holds feelings of great fear that she keeps hidden away and she has learned to harness his fear and strengthen her will Minsk on the other hand is one of the good guys he is a rattle but kind-hearted reshimar Warrior that aided our character during the events of watersgate 1 and 2 and has been on many Adventures across the sword coast and Beyond the reason that Minsk is still alive during the events of water Skate 3 seeing as the game takes place over 100 years after the previous games is because he was thrown into a statue shortly after his adventure with a child of ball Minsk loves to beat a hero even if that means putting himself in danger to do what he believes is right he has good intentions although sometimes his combative nature gets him into trouble leading to avoidable conflicts as he mindlessly throws himself into combat without thinking rationally I'll say further details of Minsk personality overall character and his heroic deeds in previous games for another video what I can tell you now is that Minsk as a ranger is never apart from his trusty companion boo a miniature giant space hamster and together they live for adventure and strive to defeat evil the last character I'm going to talk about today is Jahira just like Minsk Jahira was a character in Baldur's Gate 1 and 2 and journeyed alongside her character as a companion she is a half L fighter Druid and she is part of the Harpers an organization dedicated to maintaining balance by preventing both evil and good factions from Gaining too much power Jahira tends to be headstrong and very certain of her own ways she has a sharp tongue and her wits can sometimes feel belittling to those who whom it is meant she feels strongly about protecting nature and will not tolerate its violation I'm curious to see how much you'll have developed in the full game from what we've seen in recent trailers and what was shown in the last battle from hell it seems jahira's personality is still pretty similar to what it was in the first two games apart from her probably having matured quite a bit since she is a lot older now either way I'm looking forward to seeing Jahira and Minsk in the full cinematic experience that Baldur's Gate 3 will offer us and that goes for all of the other characters as well of course anyway those are the Companions and origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3. for now at least as these were just quick descriptions of each character but after I've played the game and got to know these characters in Full I'll make sure to make in-depth videos on each of them and tell you guys all there is to know about them so stay tuned for that as well as more Dragonite content that I am still very much working on I promise right now I'm just really enjoying the Baldur's Gate 3 hype and having a great time making content for this game as we get closer and closer to release anyway as always thank you so much for watching if you like this video let me know by liking this video or leave a comment and tell me what companion or origin character you're looking forward to seeing most in the game if you want to support the channel check out my patreon or join me on my Discord server where you can talk about anything Dragon Age Mass Effect and of course Ballers gate 3. that's it for now though thanks again for watching and I hope to see you on the next one
Channel: Lisa plays Games
Views: 17,707
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, Baldur's Gate 3 early access, Baldur's Gate 3 companions, Baldur's Gate 3 origin characters, Baldur's Gate 3 - Companions & Origin Characters, Baldur's Gate 3 Lae'zel, Baldur's Gate 3 Shadowheart, Baldur's Gate 3 Karlach, Baldur's Gate 3 Astarion, Baldur's gate 3 Wyll, Baldur's Gate 3 Gale, Baldur's Gate 3 Halsin, Baldur's Gate 3 The Dark Urge, Baldur's Gate 3 Minthara, Baldur's Gate 3 Minsc, Baldur's Gate 3 Jaheira, Lisa plays Games
Id: yHcQWqsT5_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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