Baldur's Gate 3: Origin Characters Overview

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[Music] foreign what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you an overview of the origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3 including what origin characters are some important things to note about them including some details about the origin characters available to us at the launch version of the game so a lot to discuss here I do want to mention at the beginning though when I get to the part where I'm talking about these specific origin characters it's hard to really give you an introduction to that character without telling you a little bit of their story and while I won't be discussing anything that isn't public marketing for them if you want to go in completely blind do know that I am outside of just explaining how they work and what they are mechanically going to be talking about their stories a bit now to kick this video off formally I think it's best to start talking about what An Origin character is because to say it is just a companion really wouldn't be telling you the full story you see origin characters are absolutely companions but they can also serve as your own player character here you can play through the game with any of the characters we're about to talk about as your main character with the exception of one of them this means that character is a preset they are going to have a set character with a set background obviously and will touch on their class here in just a little bit so we'll Circle back around to that another thing that sets these characters apart though is that they're not simply a companion with an interesting Side Story but rather all of their stories are tied to varying degrees with the main plot of the game they will all concern themselves with the main plot as their story is tied to it and while you are not playing An Origin character this will follow a sort of default path decisions they will make on their own without your input however if you are playing that origin character you'll be able to make those decisions for them and while they are not your main character you'll be able to influence said decisions it's very likely if you are playing as said character you will get to make unique choices that wouldn't be available otherwise this is actually something we saw larian do with their previous game original sin 2 which also used this origin character system there were options you really wouldn't see unless you were playing the game with those origin characters and that combined with their personal story tied to the main plot makes them a pretty unique thing Beyond just being a regular old companion another important thing to note about origin characters though is their class you see ultimately this is not original sin 2 where the origin characters would be able to basically fill any role you want and could be built any which way the origin characters in Baldur's Gate 3 have very specific stories tied to their background and their class Shadow heart for instance story revolves around her being a cleric of char her story simply wouldn't make sense otherwise so because of this I find it incredibly unlikely you'll be able to completely redo these characters classes and if I had to guess which is absolutely what we have to do until the game launches as we have received no official confirmation on this at least one level of of these characters will likely have to be in their sort of set class with you potentially being able to multi-class them into something else later that said though that's just a best guess and sort of a best possible outcome really because it's also possible they simply won't let us change their classes at all but because of the way their story works and their classes work it's almost guaranteed you won't be able to re-roll them completely so to speak that said before we start moving on to specific introductions the last thing I want to mention here is what if you don't like any of these characters what about that well you're not completely out of luck the game will be coming with 12 hirelings they have confirmed which are simply customizable characters one for each class that you'll be able to take on as party members that don't have a story or anything which will allow you to make a custom party that doesn't have to deal with any of these people if you don't like them furthermore in addition to origin characters we will get at least four confirmed regular companions that is to say people that will be joining us on our adventure with their own story that way simply can't play as our main character so if you don't wind up liking any of these characters you absolutely still have some options truth be told many of these characters dying is absolutely part of the role play if you don't like any of them and you want to kill any of them in certain situations that's a very viable and legitimate option so keep that in mind now from here I want to get into the origin characters themselves sort of introduce them a bit as well as what to expect from them we're going to start with the most unique one of all of them because it's more of a concept than a character and this is the dark urge the most recently announced of the origin characters but we will nonetheless keep this one a little brief because I made an entirely separate full video on this one due to its recent announcement what makes the dark urge unique though is that unlike all of the other origin characters this is not a set character but rather it is a customizable race class combo of whatever you want tied to a specific backstory which in the dark urges case is that they have amnesia and they've come into with an extreme urge to kill on top of the regular mind flayered tadpole that has infected everyone else which is what has brought you all together to begin with now what this urge is and what we know about it is very likely to be one particular thing but I will leave that to my full video on it to cover if you should so choose as that one is actually probably more spoilery than the rest of these that though brings us to number two and this is Astorian our high elf vampire more specifically a vampire spawn who just so happens to also be a rogue the Starion has spent the last couple of centuries as a vampire spawn that is to say a lesser vampire beholden to a true Vampire having only recently escaped through events that are rather murky only to be found by mind flayers and infected with a tadpole Astorian is unsurprisingly not so trusting of others centuries ago though before he was a vampire spawn he was a magistrate in the city of Baldur's Gate before being turned into a vampire spawn having only recently gained his freedom his master is desperate to get him back which is causing all sorts of problems which is about as much as you need to know about a Starion to get you started but another interesting thing about this that I want to talk about is that vampire spawns and vampires are a distinct thing in Dungeons and Dragons now don't get me wrong for all intents and purposes a vampire spawn is effectively a vampire but right out of the gate they actually lack free will a true vampire will turn a person into a vampire spawn which is effectively the vampire servant and lacks free will however it's possible for this to change if their Master dies they will gain their free will or if the vampire spawn drinks blood from their Master they will also then gain their Free Will and also become a true vampire at the same time now the exact details of that in Dungeons and Dragons are left a little vague for the sake of Storytelling I would imagine but it's an interesting distinction that I think is worth noting when it comes to historian and I imagine how all that plays out and the specifics of it will involve his personal story so that's probably good enough for an introduction next up though we have the human wizard Gale like other characters Gail has other problems besides just the tadpole kicking around in his brain you see Gail used to be a very powerful arcmage in the city of waterdeep it so happens but he's obviously since had a bit of a fall from grace when he had a very dramatic falling out with the goddess of magic mistra we actually know a few more details in regards to this but I'm going to keep it vague for the sake of spoilers what's important to know though is that as a result of this falling out Gail was cursed with a Magic Orb that consumes magical energy basically if Gail doesn't keep this thing fed and happy it will explode killing him in much of the surrounding area a sort of magical bomb if you will so needless to say his personal story will revolve around dealing with that situation and likely his role with the relationship he has with mystra but that brings us to number three with Lazelle the gith Yankee fighter blazel is a little more immediately directly tied to the main story simply by the virtue of being a Geth Yankee infected with a mind flayered tadpole you see the Mind flayers as a race used to enslave a race called the gith for centuries before the gith rose up and overthrew the Mind flares however afterwards they suffered a bit of an ideological split which fractured them into the gith zirai and the gith Yankee the gith Yankee being a more evil oriented militant group with the gifts awry being more peaceful and monastic so as it might come as no surprise to you the evil githyanki are absolutely zealous in their hatred for mind flayers so lazelle's situation is unacceptable to her she is Seeking a way to immediately deal with this which their kind have as they've dealt with the Mind players for a very long period of time add on this lazelle's eagerness to prove her worthiness to the gith Yankee queen queen vlakath and you've got some pretty clear if straightforward motivations for her specifically well that's really all you need to know about Lazelle going into this I do want to real quick note before we move on there is a ton of lore around the GIF and the mind flares specifically and a lot of their interactions and while I wouldn't say you need to know any of that going into Baldur's Gate 3 it does make for a really interesting read if you're looking to learn more about the setting and everything ahead of the game next up however we have Shadow heart the half elf cleric of char we meet her very early on as she is also trapped aboard the Mind flayer ship as we go to escape and she's one of the first people we run into afterwards like everyone else she has been infected with that tadpole and is willing to join forces with us to solve the situation however Shadow heart in particular has a very shadowy Mission going on on the side because if you're are unfamiliar with the lore the goddess Char of which she is a cleric is the goddess of darkness and loss or absence even and it just so happens Shadow heart was on a mission in service of her goddess when all of this went down and because of this Shadow heart is in possession of a rather strange relic of gith origin but beyond that even Shadow heart herself is having trouble telling you what's going on simply because Shadow heart as a ritualistic part of her mission was stripped of her memories ahead of time outside of like basic information so when Shadow heart completes her Mission she could get her Memories Back shadowheart also has a very direct tie to the main story like right away that I also don't want to spoil here but suffice to say she has many motivations for her very secretive Behavior not the least of which is the simple fact that she is a cleric of sharp but then we have will our human warlock so it's a little bit harder to give you an introduction for will because they they only recently announced that they were actually rewriting the character a little bit so while some of what he says in the current Early Access period isn't really probably going to be representative they did however update his bio on the official game website which I'll likely have on screen here which is probably the best introduction you could have to this character at the moment simply because again what we have access to in Early Access simply isn't accurate due to the rewrites that he's getting best current information is that Will was drawn into a warlocks pact with a being known as mazura in order for him to save people's lives as a monster hunter known as the blade of Frontiers however in exchange for the power to do this mazora is making him track down her enemies which so far have simply been other devilish creatures but needless to say packs like this are fickle and he's looking to get out of the deal before it costs him more than he's willing to pay another interesting note about will is that he is going to be desperately wanting to kill our next origin character that we'll talk about momentarily and you'll have to resolve that situation in some way potentially forcing it to not happen letting it happen whatever floats your boat but something to note for sure another thing I wanted to mention here though is that a common misconception about warlocks is that their power is tied to their Patron as part of their warlock pact period and that the patron can rescind that power after it's given and that's actually not true the power given to a warlock by their Patron isn't something that can be taken away however in exchange for this power a warlock makes a pact with the entity giving them this power so if a warlock doesn't fulfill their end of the bargain it might become hazardous to their health but they won't actually lose any power so I'm curious to see what larian does with this story as a whole especially with the rewrites because the way warlock Packs work in Dungeons and Dragons leaves a lot of opportunity for role-playing and the specifics are typically left up to the player and the dungeon master which in this case is you and larian and as my own personal favorite class is warlocks I'm just again curious to see what they wind up doing with this especially since he was being Rewritten because his initial Early Access story was a little boring to be honest that though does finally bring us to our final origin character with karlak the barbarian tiefling karlak was also only recently announced but she was available to talk to An Early Access previously you just weren't able to recruit her and you weren't under the impression that she was An Origin character her inclusion here was again very recent and in fact her Quest that she was involved in in Early Access prior to this knowledge was one of the more interesting ones to begin with because you see karlak is an escapee from a literal plane of Hell known as avernus the first Lair the ruler of the first layer of Hell the archdevil zariel is constantly on the Lookouts for fresh blood if you will for her forces in the blood blood War a cosmic war between law and Chaos as part of some agreement were not privy to at the moment carlak was sold to zariel and forced to fight in the blood War turns out carlak was pretty good at this so zariel had her heart replaced with an infernal engine that is burning hotter and hotter this is why sometimes Carlock will be surrounded with literal Flames so her motivations are twofold she wants to get revenge on the person who sold her to serial on top of dealing with the infernal engine in her chest before it can potentially kill her on top of the usual intrinsic tie to the rest of the characters through the Mind flayer tadpole in her skull the rest of the game also has some important ties to avernus as well that again I'd rather not spoil in a video like this but the first layer of hell does come up quite a bit when you start digging into the game a little bit that said though that is pretty much everything to know about the origin characters ahead of the release of this game I certainly hope you enjoyed the video if you did like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz let me know down below how you feel about the origin characters which one you would want to play do you want to play a custom character etc etc but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 173,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, bg3 gameplay, bg3 panel from hell, bg3 panel from hell recap, bg3 final panel from hell, bg3 release showcase, baldurs gate 3 release showcase, baldurs gate 3 panel from hell, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 origin characters, baldurs gate 3 origin characters, bg3 the dark urge, baldurs gate 3 the dark urge
Id: fyMMfjQzzug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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