Khadija Bint Al-Khuwaylid [RA]

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[Music] [Music] one time some people asked the prophet salallahu salaam tell us a little bit about khadijah and the prophet salallahu salaam in one narration i was given sustenance a gift from god the roof over our head the food that we eat the air that we breathe the years that we live the minutes and the hours that we spend what we receive from allah god sent me her love from the heavens god gave me her love from the heavens her love was divine she was a mother of my children she was the love of my life and the mother of my children that's who she was in one narration they asked her tell us about khadijah tell us about some young companions and the prophet salallahu says it's like saying she was and she just she just was where do you want me to start where do i begin i can't even put it into words i don't even know what to tell you she was so amazing i can't explain it to you you had to see her you had to know her you had to experience it to realize how amazing and remarkable she was says you know what once he used to constantly make mention of khadija very highly oh she was a very good woman she supported me she did this she did that so one day i told him oh muhammad sallallahu alaihi she was an old lady she's passed away allah has now given you better than her so why do you keep on talking about her he says wallahi allah has not replaced me with someone better she believed in me when everybody just believed she spent her wealth when everyone denied me she was the strong pillar of support so aisha allah looked at him and he had this passion when he was speaking and she says forgive me i will never ever say one word negative about khadijah after this day and she never did one of those who had the highest of ranks was none other than a lady the mother of the believers known as khadijah binti her father was her mother was known as fatima binti her father had died in one of the wars so as she grew up it is reported that she was married to a man known as and the man passed away after some time he too died we don't know exactly how and it is reported that after a short period of time she was married again to a man known as abu hala he had passed away as well so she was known as a widow she was quite young and she was a very wealthy woman from amongst the lofty tribes of quresh so she was well respected and at the same time many of the men had wanted to marry her but she was very skeptical because obviously she had been through a marriage and another one according to the narrations however what is confirmed is she was a wealthy businesswoman who used to strike deals with some of the men in order to take her wealth and merchandise and go up to the north or down to the south of the peninsula and come back having engaged in business on her behalf with the condition of having a percentage of the share but she was not so satisfied with the exact caliber of the men and what they were doing and the accountability and so on so the prophet salallahu started working as a shepherd and he's a young man and he continues on working gathering up some money and at the age of about 18 19 he actually ventures into the marketplace he's got a little bit of money to get started initially worked as a broker he would introduce buyers and sellers to one another and get paid a commission immediately instantly became known for his honesty and he developed a reputation for his integrity and that's where that title started to develop assad and eventually it led him to the point where now he's earned enough money to start buying and selling goods on his own and now he was officially into the marketplace as a businessman he became known for his hard-working reputation because again he would never ever dare earn a single penny in an unlawful means by undercutting somebody else's business by under selling or short selling someone until finally he received the business proposition by the name of khadijah some of the folks of makkah refer to her as the princess of makkah some of them referred to as khadijah the great khadijah muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam spoke to her she says look i'd like you to do this business and you take a certain percentage and so on and he agreed so she said i will send with you one of my servants his name is may sarah so may sarah went with muhammad sallallahu alaihi apparently they went up to hashem and they did some business he sees a lot of very interesting things number one he sees his integrity he sees his honesty then he also witnesses some miraculous events where he sees clouds providing shade over his head the prophet salallahu stops at a place and takes shade under a tree and then this monk wanders up and basically is like who is this man and masala says that's muhammad abdullah and he says no no you're mistaken because i have it written in scripture that the man that will sit down under the shade of this tree at this particular point in time will actually be a prophet of the last and the final times and masara's blown away eventually they come back to mecca and the prophet salallahu has made twice the prophet that khadija ra the allah anaha has ever made on any of her business investments and so equally impressed then she asks me sarah what did you find and he says this is by and far the most noble man i've ever dealt with i've never seen character like his he is honest he is trustworthy he is considerate he is caring high in noble character and then on top of that he says and by the way between the two of us i've seen some unbelievable things one of khadija's friends by the name of nafisa and she says how's businessmen going and she says never been better it's amazing you know i found this business partner muhammad young man honest noble high character amazing young man nothing to complain about it's awesome she says you know khadijah you've been single for quite some time now you need to think about getting married again she was extremely sought after she was receiving proposals every single day even the prophet salallahu was receiving marriage proposal now and his heart just wasn't settled with any one of the proposals he was receiving and there's even a narration where abu talib kind of has to talk with him too he's like you keep turning down proposals come on man you're making my life difficult they're breaking my door down and so now they're both receiving marriage proposals and here khadija's friend nafisa says khadija you got to think about getting married and she's like yeah you know i have thought about it i just it would have to be the right person and so now her friend nafisa says that what about muhammad and khadijah you know what i've actually been considering it as well it seems like it would make for a very very good proposal but how do i go about doing this she says let me handle this i got this so she goes to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and she says have you considered khadija she comes from a very very noble family would you consider a proposal from khadija and the prophet salallahu says of course what better proposal could there be so the prophet salallahu says i need to go and talk to my uncle about this i need to go and consult with him and so he goes to his uncle abu talib and he says this proposal from khadija has come to me and abu talib again says it's a great proposal and so now he says we need to make this official so abu talib and the narrations mentioned that hamza radhillahu was there as well and they go to the uncle of khadijah and they basically officially properly respectfully proposed here's our young man muhammad who would like to marry your niece and this respectable woman of your family khadija and they all agree to the proposal and they decide to go ahead and get married and some of the narrations mentioned that the prophet salallahu however doesn't hesitate in regards to the proposal but says you know i need a little bit of time to kind of get some things ready for marriage financial responsibilities respectfully i need to present a maha so i'm going to need some time to get ready says none of that is necessary we don't need any of that what we're looking for is happiness to share our life together and the prophet salallahu of 20 camels they were married very happily they enjoyed nothing but happiness and good times the interesting thing to me is that at 25 he gets married then there's no major event and we know the prophet salallahu is intelligent talented respected sought after for all different types of roles then why is he not majorly involved with any type of endeavor in his community for 10 years well because he was involved in the most important task and that was building a home and building a family he was spending time with his wife they were having kids they were raising a family they were raising beautiful children they had six children during this time who were these six children two were boys abdullah and al-qasim al-qasim passed away at the age of two approximately it's reported that he could walk and so on he could just about jump onto an animal and that's when he passed away it was a very sad day son of muhammad sallallahu alaihi salam he passed away and as for abdullah he was known as but his name was abdullah he passed away in infancy this was a great loss but it was preparing them they had both struggled with loss of their parents as well as loss of relatives and now loss of their own children subhanallah they had four daughters the daughters were zainab um and fatima these were the four daughters of muhammad sallallahu alaihi sallam all of them from khadija binti this couple has grown together deeply in love they never argued they never fought [Music] they never had any difficulty or adversity with one another it was peace and happiness love and affection kindness and mercy and forgiveness and when he reached the age of 38 39 the prophet salallahu had a very interesting experience he started to see dreams at night and what would happen is the next day the dream would come true and that's when the prophet salallahu salaam decided i need some time to reflect he tells his wife and he's been telling her i have these dreams and whatever i see comes true the next day and she tells him don't worry just trust your heart everything has a purpose and a reason then he comes to her and tells her i need some time to reflect to think i need to get away for a little bit and she says absolutely she packs him together some food some supplies some clothes and sends him off very lovingly and there he finds a small cave by the name of herald and he actually chose that spot because when he sat at the mouth of the cave he could see the ka'ba from there and he sits down and he begins to meditate and reflect and pray and think over here and this way he would kind of come and go take a few days here and there one time it mentions that he was gone and khadija helped him pack the stuff that he was taking so she knew exactly how much food he had she realizes that he's been gone longer than what he had food for so she packs some food and some supplies together and she actually goes outside of makkah and climbs up the mountain and the prophet salallahu is sitting at the opening of the cave and he sees and says what are you doing here and she says i got worried about you i want to make sure that you were okay i brought some food for you so this is what their relationship was like one of understanding and facilitating and providing and accommodating one another [Music] one day as he was in the cave of hira jibril alaihi salaam came to him with revelation and he was taken by this shivering he ran down from the mountain who did he go to but when it came to rasulullah he knew that this woman has the qualities of a real wife whom if i go to her with a problem she will help me through it she will stand by my side and she knew him to be the most honest the most trustworthy a unique individual the greatest of mankind and the greatest of all the creatures of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala so she knew the credentials of this individual she was seeing him witnessing him come shivering and he says zamilluni zamilooni you know cover me cover me and immediately she covered him she embraced him what is it so he mentions the story i was in the cave and this is what happened to me with every single detail she said wallahi allah will never ever let you down she sits down next to him she takes his hand she looks him in the eyes and this is what she says to him 15 years of marriage six children later the death of two of those children everything they've been through listen to what she has to say she's absolutely nothing to worry about i swear to god god will never ruin you he will never abandon you why am i so confident in saying this what do i know about you after 15 years of sharing morning and evening day and night [Music] after sharing a life with you what can i say about you you're a good family man you love your family you honor your guest you look for people you go out searching for people who are overlooked and neglected and downtrodden by society and you go and you grab them by the hand and lift them back up you take care of those people who can't take care of themselves and you are always the first one waiting there whenever there's a good cause that's who you are there's no way that god would ever abandon you that god would ever forsake you i refuse to believe it she would follow him to the moon she would trust him no matter what and that she said that i have no doubts about the fact that this is the truth and that this is good because this is who you are and she says i believe this message and then she even helps him however she can whatever she knows she takes him to her cousin who was a cousin of hers who knew a lot about the testaments the previous scriptures so they went to him she didn't tell him no you were seeing things no you know what it was just a nightmare no there was no question about not believing him because he never ever lied before that and what happened is when they went to waraka bin nawfa he said wallahi this is the same angel that came to the previous prophets including jesus and moses and the others in a short time he is going to tell you to convey the message so he says i wish that i am present the day you are instructed to convey the message and this is when muhammad sallallahu alaihi later on started informing the others and amazingly then you have abu bakr as-siddiq and the others who started accepting islam and then quraish starts with all their harm and khadija binti hawaii was a powerful woman in quraysh she had business links and she was so unique she used her power in terms of economic power to protect muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam over and above the support as a wife that she had so this is why later on muhammad sallallahu assalaam says she spent on me when the others held back she did not hesitate she supported him she protected him she spoke highly of him even after prophethood she constantly said he is the most truthful what he has said is completely true and khadijah every single morning wakes up and is standing there with him at the door telling him go out there and spread this message far and wide finally the time comes over the next six seven years a lot happens the opposition to the message of the prophet salallahu they decide that the only way to really handle and curb this issue is to boycott muhammad his family and his followers and his supporters kick them out from makkah and isolate them and boycott them so abu talib rounds up the clan all the believers all the followers all the supporters including the prophet salallahu from his beloved wife khadija and their children and they go into the place some property some land abu talibad outside of makkah and they are isolated there for three years nobody will do business with them nobody will trade with them nobody will lend them any money nobody will provide them any food nobody will deal with them in any way shape or form nobody will show them any kindness days would go by where people wouldn't have food to eat and water to drink babies would cry because they were hungry and their mothers would cry because they hadn't eaten anything to be able to nurse their babies dozens of graves were dug during this time people became sick malnourished very very ill until finally through again the help of allah miraculous means the boycott was lifted and everybody came back into mecca and it said that during this time khadijah who was a lot older now she became very sick and very ill and that harshness of those three years not just the physical hardness harshness but the emotional difficulty watching these people struggle caring for them loving them she was like a mother to all of them her heart just couldn't bear it and a couple of months later she was bedridden for a few months and the prophet salallahu was so distraught this entire time until finally one day she breathed her last and she passed away there are narrations which talk about the fact that the prophet salallahu was so devastated he actually didn't come out of his home just sat at home with his daughter recovering mourning healing for a few days he was not seen outside and when his family members came to see him you could see the the the streaks of tears on his face hugging his daughter sitting there trying to console his daughter at the loss of her mother that it said that even abu lahab came to the door he heard the prophet saw has not come outside for a few days that he comes to the door of the prophet salallahu and knocks the door when the prophet saws opens the door and he sees the face of the prophet sallallahu abu lab who's actively been campaigning against the prophet salallahu for a decade he sees the face of the prophet salallahu sallam and he feels bad and he goes and he says i'm not going to oppose my nephew anymore [Music] but even his heart was softened even for a minute a man like [Music] he loved her so much he never forgot khadijah never forgot four years after she passed away his son-in-law was one of one of the prisoners of war he had come in the battle on the opposition side and he was captured so his daughter elder's daughter zainab sends her necklace to secure the ransom of her husband when the necklace is put before him he sees that necklace and immediately knows where he's seen it before this is khadija's necklace that she passed on to her daughter her eldest daughter zainab and the second the prophet salallahu sees that necklace tears start streaming down his face immediately on contact and the people around him are so taken aback by the immediate onslaught just the rush of emotions that the prophet saws is experiencing some of them begin to apologize and ask is everything okay and the prophet sawsome says you guys did nothing i just recognized this necklace it belongs to my khadijah she gave it to our daughter zainab and seeing this necklace reminds me of her one time the prophet salallahu is sitting at home and he hears a knock that he recognizes and that's the same way khadijah used to knock a door and it was her sister hala and as soon as the prophet saw some heard that knock he jumped up and ran to the door saying ola please let it be halal let it be let it be my sister-in-law and he opens the door and it's hala and he invites her in sits her down and they talk for hours about khadijah this is a decade after she passed away one of the later wives of the prophet salallahu alaihi she said sometimes it seems like there's nobody else in this world besides khadijah it's all you talk about any little yep khadijah used to do that you know what khadijah used to do it just like that that's how khadijah used to like to do it all the time even as haqq writes this khadijah the daughter of she believed and she supported and she stated that everything that came to the prophet salallahu from god was the truth she helped him and supported him in his mission she was his biggest strongest staunchest supporter she was the first one who ever believed in allah and the messenger of allah muhammad the first one to believe in the truth of islam allah lightened the load of the prophet salallahu through khadija she was the pillar that he could rest and support and lean on whenever he heard anything that bothered him when people rejected him when they you know reprimanded him when they cursed him and sweared at him and it would actually hurt him he would go back home to khadijah and he would talk to khadijah allah would remove the grief the sorrow the concern the pain from the prophet salallahu salaam by means of khadijah reinforcing him and attesting to his truth and the fact that he is a prophet and he is a messenger and he speaks the truth every single time he dealt with some difficulty out there he went back home to khadijah and khadija was there to hold his hand and to look him in the eyes and to tell him you are the prophet of allah you are the messenger of allah you preach the truth you keep doing what you have to do she was his pillar she was his rock his support one time the prophet salallahu is sitting at home gets up and goes to you know the fire the stove that's burning like right outside the door of the house so she steps outside to go you know kind of check on whatever is cooking in the fire the stove jibril is the prophet salallahu and he says to the prophet salallahu here comes khadija she's got a bowl of food for you in her hands when she comes to you with this food and places in front of you i want you to grab a hold of her and tell her that god sends his salams allah says and allah gives her the good news allah is congratulating her that she will have a palace in paradise as vast and as far as the eye can see carved at a singular out of a singular pearl it'll have no joints and no cracks and no you know pillars and no support beams there will be no noise no difficulty no adversity there ever and that palace is ready god has prepared it himself for khadijah and he wants to let her know that he's got it ready for her and he sends her salam to let her know that he waits for her when the prophet salallahu tells hadith she breaks down into tears that god says he knows who i am he sends salam to me this is for him to live on for another years after she passed away never forgetting about her always living with her memory that's love that was the love story of muhammad sallallahu alaihis
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 615,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Khadija, aisha, mother of the believers, asiya, maryam
Id: D2jVrAlv1x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 30 2018
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