Filet Mignon: Recipe: How To Cook: Perfect Filet Mignon: BEST:Pan/Oven:Di Kometa-Dishin' With Di #45

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hi i'm diane cometa and today on dishing with dye i'm going to be making filet mignon this is a deliciously tender cut of beef and we're going to be using the pan to oven method it's really simple so let me show you what you need and we'll get started today on dishing with dye [Music] you need some thick cut beef tenderloin steaks otherwise known as filet mignon some vegetable oil some kosher salt and some fresh ground black pepper you're also going to need a heavy skillet now i have here a cast iron skillet real heavy bottom it really retains the heat well and it's oven safe you can get them pretty cheap i got one in target for about twenty dollars but at a higher end store the top it was like 40 so it was double so just keep an eye out for deals like that so the first thing that we're going to do is take our beef now this is at room temperature i've had this sitting out for about an hour or more and it's definitely at room temperature and i'm going to take my oil and this is vegetable oil so this has a high cooking temperature i don't want to use olive oil on this because it's not quite as high and we're going to sear this in the pan so i'm going to put some of this onto my beef all over so i'm going to get it on there quite liberally now you want to put a nice coating of salt and pepper on here because this is really the only seasoning that the meat is going to get so now i'm going to put my pepper on here and i'm going to flip it over and do the same on the other side now i'm just going to let this sit for a few minutes while i get my pan over to the stove and get that preheated i also have my oven on and that's preheating to 400 degrees so once this gets heated up i'll show you what we're going to do next all right we're at the stove and i'm testing my pan my fingers are wet and you hear that sizzling when the water like dances on the pan like that it's ready so here we go i'm going to put our steaks in they're nice and oiled up and that's what you want to hear now we're going to cook these on each side for about two to three minutes and that's going to include the sides of the meat as well so once it gets nice and brown and it's kind of a crust going on it then i'm going to flip it over now you notice i didn't oil the whole pan up and the reason i didn't do that is because the last time i did that my whole house was filled with smoke so i don't think it's really necessary to oil the whole pan you're just you know going to be cooking the meat and the meat itself is already oiled so you know use your best judgment on that but i'm just warning you i had some smoke alarms going off last time i made it okay now there that's pretty well seared i'm going to flip that over and the other one as well that looks good and that is going to remain the top side or as they call it the presentation side it always gets the best appearance i guess when you put it down on the pan first so that's going to be your top side when you put it on someone's plate so now i'm going to cook the underside for about another two minutes and then i'll kind of cook it on the sides a little bit and then we'll move it into the oven okay now that has been browned on all sides and it was probably about a minute on each side and now we're going to put this into the oven just like this for about five minutes this is going to depend on your desired doneness so i have an instant read thermometer here and i'll show you how we're going to use that in five minutes okay i just took them out to check and i just want you to see see how tender that is they are very rare right now i don't even have to put the thermometer in that was five minutes so the way you test it is if you take your index finger and you pinch your thumb and your index finger together i'm sorry pinch your thumb and your index finger together and touch this part of your thumb that's what the meat feels like right now that's rare over here at the pinky is well done so in between is medium and that's what we want so i'm sending this back into the oven for another couple minutes i'm going to keep an eye on it and then when it feels closer to what i think is medium rare then i'm going to insert the thermometer now when you use your instant read thermometer insert it into the side and the center of the meat now that's reading about 125 degrees or so so i'm gonna take this out of the pan and let it rest for about five minutes and that is how i like to serve my filet mignon is that gorgeous now i also like to top it with mushroom gravy that i've made here mushroom beef gravy and it has some marsala wine in it i'll leave the recipe link for that it's absolutely delicious so i'm going to give it a taste this is going to be out of this world look at that perfectly medium rare and i'm going to put some of this gravy on there too just a little just to get a little bite it's so super hot right now just got done making that absolutely delicious delicious to say the least the mushroom gravy really tops it off and it got that nice sear that little crust on it that just kind of kept all that all those juices inside and it's really important that you let it rest don't take it out of the oven and then go cut into it with a knife especially not to check and see if it's done get the instant read thermometer they're probably about six dollars in your supermarket or just do the method you know that we talked about with testing with your finger the recipe and the recipes for all the stuff i have here today which is my garlic mashed potatoes my roasted asparagus my filet mignon and my mushroom gravy are all on my website so go over there and check all my stuff out i'm sure there's something that you'll find and i hope that i made your life a little easier more enjoyable and delicious don't forget to subscribe i'll see you next time bye [Music]
Channel: Dishin With Di
Views: 2,075,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Laura Vitale (person), Laura in the Kitchen, Chef, Laura, Recipe, Dinner, How, to, make, Best, video, cook, bake, cooking, perfect, beef, steak, filet, mignon, tender, tenderloin, gordon ramsay, steaks, seared, sear, the, in, pan, fry, frying, on, stove, oven, medium, rare, well, done, skillet, cast, iron, with, bacon, roast, au poivre, wrapped, without, mushrooms, potatoes, mushroom, gravy, sauce, red, wine, and, mashed, garlic, country, fried, rib, eye, porterhouse, grill, at, home, new, york, strip, bone, sirloin, grilled, wellington, broil, meat
Id: ulW0qieaVlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 9sec (429 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 05 2013
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