Grilled Filet Mignon Steak Recipe - Reverse Seared Filet Mignon | Cold Grate Technique

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so when it comes to a great steak the filet mignon is one that's gonna have you scoring big time with your guests or even on that next date night which is why today I want to show you how to grill up the perfect flaming y'all using the slowest sear and cold great technique comment out hey welcome back to adrenaline barbecue I'm Jayden postal and today at the grill we're gonna be cooking up these delicious filet mignons using the slow and sear as well as the cold great technique and just like always I'm gonna put all the show notes for you in the description box below so make sure to click down there to see everything that you need for this recipe [Music] so when we're talking about the filet mignon we're talking about the center portion of the beef tenderloin and this is the section where you're your butcher will cut it into thick steaks and you know it might not be the most flavorful cut of beef but it's the most tender which makes it really the most desirable cut of beef so what I did is I went down to my local store and found these prime grade filet mignons and asked my butcher to cut them into two-inch thick steaks and so what you're looking for when it comes to finding the perfect filet mignon is that there's a lot of marbling in it filet mignon is known to be a little more lean but very tender and so you don't really get a lot of marbling in some of the lower grade cuts and so this is a prime and so you can see right off the bat there's a lot of marbling and this is what you wanted to look for one thing you'll notice is that if you get it from a butcher they might leave on some of the silver skin and so if that's the case and then just just go ahead and take a knife and remove that because you don't want that on your filets at all one of the other things you're gonna be looking for is that they're both the same size same diameter same thickness so that you get some even cooking when you're cooking all of your steaks together so to prep these steaks we're gonna be doing a simple dry brine what a dry brine is is the process of adding salt to add flavor as well as to lock in the juiciness so whenever you're doing a dry brine you're gonna be adding a half a teaspoon of kosher salt to every pound of meat that you're using it so these filet mignons are about half a pound each and so we're going to be using a quart of a teaspoon per state so what you're gonna do is you're gonna take your salt and you're just gonna sprinkle it on the both the top side and the bottom side [Music] once the one side is done flip it over we're gonna get another quarter of a teaspoon because we're splitting it and we have a half a teaspoon total because these are both together one pound all right so now that we have the salt on our steaks we're gonna go ahead and place it into the fridge for a minimum of two hours but ideally if you have the time to do it overnight that is always your best choice and so since we've already done this the night before I want to show you what what these will look like all right so we did these ones last night and we use the same amount of salt in our dry brine as we did on these ones they're both the same size and we put it on the wire rack and left it in the fridge uncovered and you can see the outside is a nice rich red and this this just means that the salt is doing its job as well as the as the outside is drying a little bit and this is important because when it when it does come time to searing these steaks over the slow and sear they're gonna they're gonna form a nice crust all right so now that these steaks are all prepped and ready to go we're gonna get our Sloan's here all set up for cooking temperature of 225 degrees then come back and get them on to the grill [Music] so it's been about 20 minutes now in our slow and sear and kettle grill are all set up for cooking these fillets and what we've done is we've we've piled up about 23 to 25 briquettes into the slow and sear what we're gonna do is we're gonna take our fillets and place them opposite the slow and sear right in the middle there also now that we have our fillets onto the grill we're gonna take our digital thermometer and we're gonna probe the inside of one of these steaks [Music] and this is important because we're gonna be monitoring that the internal temperature throughout the cook because at once it reaches about 80 degrees we're gonna go ahead and flip the steaks over just to get some nice even cooking on to these fillets as well as one hits 90 degrees we're gonna load up another fresh basket of hot coals that will be ready once the steaks hit a 115 degrees we're we're gonna pull them off again and get them ready for this year all right so these fillets have been now cooking for about 23 minutes and the internal temperature is now just hit 81 degrees and so we're gonna go ahead and open the grill and flip these fillets over [Music] so now that those are flips are gonna close the lid and continue cooking these fillets until they reach an internal temperature of 115 degrees all right so these fillets have now been cooking for just under one hour and the internal temperature has reached 115 degrees so we're gonna go ahead and get them off the grill and get them prepped for our sear [Music] one thing that we're also gonna do is the cold great technique and so at the same time we take the the filets off the grill we're gonna actually take the grate off as well because we want that that grate to cool down it's so that it's not hot so when we go to put the steaks on to the grate they're not gonna be seared by the grill itself then once the grates off the grill we're gonna take our chimney basket of hot coals and pour it into the Sloan's here so we want to prep our fillets now and so how we're gonna do that is first of all we want to dry the surface off of the exterior here and so we're just gonna take some paper towel and just dry as much of that moisture off go ahead and do both of them the next thing that we're gonna do is take some cooking oil we're gonna brush that on to the top side and the bottom side here we're gonna take some black pepper and we're gonna coarsely grind it on to the top and so this oil is gonna help with the sear when we get it over the hot coals as well as it's gonna just help the pepper stick to the outside of the flake I'm gonna flip it over we're gonna do the same to to the other side as well so now you have your steaks all prepared it's now time to get them onto the grill and so we're gonna be using the easy spin grate which really makes it simple to do the cold great technique and so we're gonna place that in just over the hot coals then we're immediately gonna take the Flay's and get them over the hot coals and once it's on there we're gonna start a timer for one minute so once we have our Flay's onto the grill over the hot coals we're gonna do each side twice for one minute each flipping each time in between minutes so after one minute we're gonna rotate the grate a quarter spin and flip the steaks over exposing another piece of the cold great here so here we go with it's been now two minutes so we're gonna take our great spin it a quarter turn and flip them over again so that's now three minutes we'll give it another quarter spin and these are looking really nice you can see that that sear crisis is forming on the outside really nicely the oils they're just bubbling a little bit and these are looking super super nice alright so these only have a few more seconds so we're gonna flip them and pull them off at the same time and take the internal temperature to see what they're reading at those are perfect I saw our filet mignons have got a reverse sear we use the cold great technique and we're gonna slice it open and take a look to see what looks like [Music] we you can see that that's cooked perfectly we cooked it to 135 degrees which is the way i like is medium-rare and let's give us a taste test here [Music] whoremonger [Music] that is incredible duck trust that syrup is amazing [Music] so that's how you make the delicious filet mignon using the cold great technique make sure to check out the description for the full recipe as well as leave a comment and hit that subscribe button for great barbecue recipes just like this one and remember at adrenalin barbecue company we didn't invent a kettle we perfected it see you next time [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SnS Grills
Views: 136,245
Rating: 4.5048356 out of 5
Keywords: Reverse Seared Filet Mignon, Reverse Seared Steak, How to Reverse Sear a Steak, Filet Mignon, Filet Mignon Recipe, Best Filet Mignon Recipe, How to Grill Filet Mignon, Grilled Filet Mignon Recipe, How to cook a Filet Mignon on the Grill, Filet Mignon slow n sear, What is the Cold Grate Technique, How to cook a steak on the slow n sear, Adrenaline Barbecue, Grilled Filet Mignon, How to cook Filet Mignon, Perfect Filet Mignon, Easy filet Mignon, Grilled Filet Mignon Steak Recipe
Id: tRLkb0Pc2HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2018
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