This is the BETTER Way to Cook Steak

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I recently did a video on the best way to prepare a steak my old school way of seasoning it than adding it right to a hot pan with oil versus the newer School reverse sear method pre-season a slow oven cook up to temperature and then pan searing and to my surprise the reverse sear was infinitely better in fact it wasn't even close but the second I put out this video everyone said you need to put the reverse sear procedure up against Su well that day is today let's get right into it sound good let's cook and just like in my other comparison I still feel like the New York strip is going to be the best cut of beef to do this test with a rupi steak is loaded with fat and flavor it's going to be delicious no matter how we cook it the New York strip it is leaner but it still does have a good amount of intermuscular fat or as us old school guys call it marbling and and it has a wonderful fat cap around the outside which is going to provide as much flavor as we need what we're going to do for both procedures is pre-salt it and let it sit in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours both New York strip steaks that I'm going to be testing are about 1 lound and pasture raised we're transferring it over to a rack over a sheet tray lined with parchment paper and what we want to do is Pat it down very well on both sides with a paper towel remember moisture is the enemy of that beautiful brown seared up crust we want to achieve now I'm just going to generously season it with coarse salt on both sides and when seasoning anything be about a foot away from what you are seasoning this way you can cover as much surface area as possible ensuring every bite is absolutely delicious and the main reason we pre-season this is because as it sits over time the salt penetrates deep down into the steak so that the center is beautifully seasoned just as well as the outside and in addition it will help retain moisture making it juicy and flavorful and when doing this method you want to ensure your steak is at least 1 in thick once they are seasoned we are placing them in the refrigerator uncovered for as little as 2 hours and all the way up to 24 hours and just to see this procedure in action I'm going to pull the steak out of the refrigerator after 1 hour you can see the moisture collect on the outside of the steak that's what it will do it will draw it out and then over more time it will soak back in seasoning the steak completely threw out okay back to the fridge I let these steaks pre-season overnight for about 16 17 hours they look fantastic and they're perfectly dried out on the outside which again is going to make for a beautiful sear And in regards to letting steak sit at room temperature for 1 hour before cooking it sure if that's what you do and have always done then do it when it comes to cooking if it ain't broke don't fix it however I've actually had the opportunity to test this myself on a one lb steak and it only rows another another 10 or 11° and to me that's not worth it and because of it I'm not going to do it I'd rather put that time into the reverse sear or even the SV cooking process and that's what we're going to start with right now you can use a large 8q pot like this one or even just a plastic container that's what I'm going to use so that I can show you perfectly with the camera what it looks like at every step whichever you decide to use just be sure it's filled about 3/4 of the way with water I'm just going to briefly set this to the side and then let's talk about our suvi device for one second the most common home version is a wand just like this now you can pick them up for as cheap as 50 bucks on Amazon or you can go the commercial route and spend thousands of dollars one thing you should do is make sure there is a screen on there so that you can adjust and see the temperatures according to how you want to prepare it and if you've never used one of these before you simply fix it to The Container or pot and there usually is some sort of clamp or device where you can screw it on to fix it to the side to ensure that it remains firm to the pot or container now I'm just going to turn it on and then you can see that it shows the water temperature and then the desired temperature of what I want the water to be me I'm going down to 100° F I'll explain why it's at this temperature in just a little bit and as soon as the temperature is set you'll start to see the water moving around and warming up which only takes a couple of minutes to get to temperature and now to prepare the steak for this water bath I'm going to generously season it on both sides with freshly cracked black pepper and then what I'm going to do is add it to a large vacuum seal bag then I'm just going to slightly adjust it to make sure it's at the bottom part of this bag now this is what I love about this process I'm going to add in three to four sprigs of fresh thyme and four garlic cloves the beauty of suid is being able to infuse flavors into whatever it is you're cooking so that it becomes much more delicious and you know me I'm all about garlic and herbs and next you're just going to need to vacuum seal this until airtight and comies I realize that not everybody has a vacuum sealer so instead here's a great option add your steak to a large 1gallon plastic zip bag put it towards the bottom just like in the other one then add in the thyme and garlic cloves and submerge it completely in the water with the bag still open at the top and while the steak is under the pressure under the water you'll see that the bag will suction right to the cut of beef then last but not least just zip up the top and let it SED now whether you are using the plastic zip bag or even the vacuum sealed bag just completely submerge it in the water at that 100° temperature and this is how it works the wand regulates the water to a precise temperature and it holds it at that temperature there's a heater in the wand and a little fan that blows to constantly circulate the water to ensure it stays to Temp and throughout this process the fat in the steak will begin to slowly melt and then render throughout the steak making it ex extremely flavorful while retaining an incredible amount of moisture to keep it juicy and just in case you're wondering where it gets its name from SUV translates from French to English as under vacuum and that's exactly what we're doing cooking under a vacuum now you can cook this for as little as 1 hour and then all the way up to 2 hours anything longer than that you're kind of in that danger zone where bacteria really starts to grow and well that's how food born illnesses happen but the beautiful thing about the SED wand is that it will hold this temperature all day long there's virtually no way you can overcook this steak all right let's get started on our reverse sear I'm going to preheat my oven to 200° fan off so no convection then to prepare the steak I'm just going to make sure it's Centered for even cooking and then just like the other one I'm going to generously season it on both sides with freshly cracked black pepper and then I'm going to insert a thermometer to make sure I know exactly what temperature it is internally and to remove it from the oven so that it doesn't overcook so I'm adding it to a center rack in that oven at 200° fhe and it's going to take roughly 1 hour or until it reaches 100° fhe internally then once it hits that Mark I'm going to remove it you can see it's nice and dried out it's not the most beautiful steak it started to turn color a little bit but I promise you this process is well worth it let's also be sure to remove our sousi steak it's been sitting in there for a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes I'm going to take it out of the bag and make sure I remove any of the herbs and garlic and one thing that absolutely stands out is that the soused steak has obviously been sitting in its own moisture with nowhere to drain so using a paper towel I want to make sure I Pat it dry very well on both sides again we want to get that brown crust sure hope that's still achievable now the main reason I pull the steak out at 100° fahren is because I like a really rare to medium rare steak which ends up being about 125° fight now there are a lot of folks that pull out their steak from soused or reverse sear in the oven at about 110 or 115 now that only leaves about 10 or 15° to play with while pan searing and you can overcook that in seconds plus you may not get a great brown crust on there for me I'm not willing to take that gamble so that's why I pull it out at this temperature all right it's time to sear these now I was always taught to sear steak in either a cast iron skillet or a carbon steel they get hot and they stay hot let's cook the reverse seared steak for the first one I'm going to be using a 10-in cast iron Skillet over high heat and then I'm going to add in 1 tsp of olive oil and one more real quick thing before you start busting on me I tested this ad nauseum between a high smoke point oil like avocado oil and olive oil and I still find and prefer that olive oil has a richer more buttery flavor to it plus it's still got a great smoke point of 400° fenhe however if you love avocado oil then I absolutely want you to use it once the oil begins to smoke just like this it's perfect time time to start searing while securing the steak with tongs I'm going to put it fat cap side down and cook it like this for about 1 minute to help render out some of that fat from that cap as well as brown it up for more delicious flavor then after that amount of time let's just have a look nice beautiful brown outside we're going to lay the steak flat then we're going to turn the heat from high down to medium high mediumish temperature and we're going to let it sit untouch for exactly 1 minute and we want to make sure we get that beautiful brown crust on here this is also known as the myard reaction which is a chemical reaction between amino acids and reducing sugars and proteins which is caused by heat and will give it that much more flavor so after 1 minute let's come back and have a look you see there are some little gray areas on there here's a great chef technique I've picked up over the years to get it beautifully browned everywhere for the next 1 minute exactly move the steak around the pan just like this see how much more that crust has accelerated because of this if there are still a few other spots we'll get it through basing once you flip it over turn the heat from medium medium high down to low low medium and let it sit for exactly 1 minute untouched then after that amount of time I'm going to push the steak to one side of the pan and in the other going to add in 4 tablespoons of unsalted butter four garlic cloves one shallot and 10 to 12 sprigs of fresh thyme the butter will immediately start to melt and brown up and become foamy that's exactly what we want we are going to take the next two minutes to base this steak which will help add all those flavors from the herbs garlic and shallot as well as that brown butter to further enhance the overall Taste of this steak this is well worth it do not skip this process once you've basted the steak for those 2 minutes let's remove it from the Heat and we're going to add it over a rack on a sheet Tray Line with parchment paper to let it rest and cool down the rack is essential to prevent it from having too much carryover cooking allowing the heat to release from all sides and I always like to add all the goodies from the pan in there too hey more flavor and for the soused steak we are going to cook it in the exact same manner that I cooked the reverse sear steak in using the same times basting techniques this time though I'm going to cook it in a carbon steel pan and when we're done we're going to rest it on the same rack for 3 to four minutes with all the herbs and garlic on top both the steaks look fantastic and the smell in here oh the smell in here is so good they have that beautiful brown myard crust on each of them on both sides they both feel very similar as well they're nice and tight you can tell they're jam packed with juices that's the magic of pre-seasoning the steak all right I can't wait any longer let's slice these up and try them out let's First Slice our reverse seared steak in half and if you're wondering what those two holes are those are just from the thermometer no big deal and one thing I've had to learn over the last few years of cooking reverse seared steaks is that even though I tempt it to 125° F it still takes several seconds for that myoglobin which is the protein responsible for making meat red rush back through so at first it's going to seem like it's a little bit overcooked but I promise you it's not then for the S steak a nice flip at that beautiful temperature right away looks fantastic and it seems to be a little bit more plump than that oven reverse seared steak and then because I was always taught to finish off proteins veg with clean acid and butter I still got that same matrid butter that I used in my other comparison steak video so I'm going to take some Thin SLI places because you all hollered at me so bad that there was too much butter on it last time and we're going to lay it right on top of those steaks and as they continue to rest for a few more seconds they're going to soak in all those delicious buttery lemon flavors now both these steaks look absolutely fantastic as you can see but one thing that jumps out right away to me is the soused steak is more at that perfect medium rare temperature that I like you got a bit more red there also it's like plumper it's bigger it's sticking up higher which is interesting so so without further Ado let's take a bite and because you all pounded on me last time what kind of bite is that that's a little wimpy cut so let me take a good cut okay a good a good amount all right you can see me Chomp in just how I remember it juicy flavorful tast Hender oh the butter on the top you got to do it for the subid it looks it looks it just looks better the temperature is right on it's funny because once you try the reverse Sy you're like yeah that's what could be better than that the S is more tender for sure that first bite it is fantastic and it's probably just goes back obviously to that subid being able to hold temperature now I've cooked both these things multiple times I've just never had an opportunity to put them together until now and honestly if I had to choose the S is just right on I I would be ecstatic though if I got either of these at a restaurant they're incredibly flavorful still juicy tender but I'm going to go over to the SV it's just that much more tender that much more flavorful that much more juicy so I think that's a winner as far as this one's concerned one thing is for certain you should definitely go to Billy and grab this Matra butter it just makes the steak sing also if you're just a huge beef fan my reverse seared smoked paga steak is just it's it's awesome I've got a great recipe video I'll see you on [Music] there
Channel: Chef Billy Parisi
Views: 64,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chef billy parisi, billy parisi, chef billy parisi recipes, food recipes, how to cook, sous vide steak, sous vide steak recipe, sous vide, sous vide beef, sous vide cooking, chef billy, how to sous vide, how to cook steak, what is sous vide, sous vide meat, sous vide everything, how to cook a steak, sous vide recipes, sous vide strip steak, steak, sous vide basics, learn sous vide, steak sous vide, sous vide steaks, how to sous vide a steak, how to sous vide steak
Id: maZ6veJsNOA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 55sec (895 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2024
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