The God Who Heals | Pastor Tabatha Claytor

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hey what's up everybody this is pastor Ken and Tabitha Hey so glad you're tuning in today I know that this message that you are about to watch right now has something on the inside of it that will transform your life that is so true God always has something to say whenever his work is going forward so let's enjoy the word today and so we want you to grab a pen grab a notebook matter of fact share this message with somebody else sit back and enjoy start off by saying happy mother's day to all of you moms out there I want to say happy Mother's Day to my mother Bonnie who was in Pennsylvania and my mother-in-law Barbara who is in West Virginia I love you guys and so for me and my family we do this little tradition every year on Valentine's Day my husband and I go out and we have some nice Valentine's Day fun together but then later on that evening we as a family with all of our kids together we have a Valentine's Day dinner it's a candlelight dinner it's really really special okay I do the table scaping and there's flowers and chocolates and teddy bears and I give them a bag filled with all kinds of like their favorite goodies and toys and stuff and you know I really decorate it nicely so I put bunches of tissue paper in there and it's all nicely mountain like outside of the bag and everything and so we sat down this past Valentine's Day and we had our dinner it was fabulous we had dessert it was fabulous so after dinner and dessert then it's time for us to exchange our Valentine's and we started to do it and so we went to get to our bags that had all of the tissue paper tissue paper is very flammable if you did not know it and so petition the bag of tissue paper hit the candle flames went up okay my son Kenny who's eight years old he says fire takes off running then my daughter charity who's eight years old or nine years old she goes she does one of those really high streaks screaming then I get up I start trying to put it out with my hands it didn't work I took my glass of water through it it didn't work I'm asking give me a towel somebody give me a towel because I'm thinking I need to slugger the fire I didn't have a towel so I ripped off my shirt and at the moment that I ripped off my shirt my other daughter Hannah who's 13 she takes a huge pitcher of water and she dumps it on the fire and the fire's out and we all stand there frozen looking at each other Valentine's candlelight dinner we're like looking and I'm assessing the situation cuz that's what moms do I'm looking around where's Kenny where's Kenny I can't see him he's over there in the corner looking to make sure everything's okay where's charity charity still frozen like this I looked at Hanna's she's just standing there with the picture in her hand I'm looking for Ken you can't standing there looking at me and meanwhile there's ashes flying all in the air and soot everywhere water everywhere I'm looking at my husband he never moved he was just sitting in the seat and shop like this and I'm like was he looking at me so crazy then he says where's your shirt and I realize and I didn't have a shirt on and my first thought was thank God nobody came to dinner this night I said all of that to say I wanted to give a Happy Mother's Day shout-out to all the moms in the house they do what you got to do to get it done okay a special shout out to all of the moms it doesn't matter if you have to raise your voice in this restaurant you know it doesn't matter if you have to get up and take your kids outside of the target if you have to take off your belt it doesn't matter if you have to pray all night or get out the anointing oil if you have to rip your shirt off you will do what you gotta do to get the job done shout out to all my moms out there and so happy Mother's Day everyone what I really want to talk about today is the Holy Spirit we've been on this topic for a little while now it is so special and I believe that God is moving in a powerful way in our church and in our lives individually but today or last week we actually talked about the Holy Spirit power the power that comes upon you when you receive the Holy Spirit and if you weren't here last week I encourage you to can go to the alive church app you can listen to it and get this word it was life-changing for me and I believe it will be life-changing for you but today I want to talk about the power of the Holy Spirit to heal I want to talk about the healing power of the Holy Spirit if you will pray with me we'll get right into the message father we love you today we thank you for being upon us we thank you for being in the midst of us Holy Spirit have your way do what only you can do he'll save the litter deliver make-whole and set free in Jesus name we give you all the glory for everything you do today be magnified in our midst in Jesus name Amen well I want to start off with a Bible story about the children of Israel in Exodus chapter 15 Exodus chapter 15 and this is a story about the children of Israel God's chosen people at this moment in time they are enslaved in captivity to Egypt and so God appoints a man named Moses to deliver them out of captivity to get them out of slavery and bondage Moses goes to Pharaoh the king of Egypt and says and then he says I'm commanding you to let my people go by the power and authority of God the king of Egypt Pharaoh says no I'm not going to do that and so because of his disobedience and because he did not want to hearken to the voice of God plagues then came upon the people of Egypt plagues came plagues of frogs plagues of incest insects plagues of of lice and plagues of death and so through signs and wonders the children of Israel were able to flee Egypt and move into a promised land as the children of Israel were fleeing Egypt they found their self in between a rock and a hard place they were going forward and they saw themselves there was a Red Sea in front of them but Bertha behind them was Pharaoh's army pursue them and so the the army of Egypt was coming after them from behind there was a sea before them Moses lifts up his staff points it towards the sea and God opens up the sea the children of Israel then begins to move across the sea to the other side as they all get to the other side then the sea closes up behind them swallowing Pharaoh's army swallowing all of their enemies there on the other side they begin to rejoice they begin to thank God and sing praises to his name and worship Him they keep moving forward they journey for three days and they run out of water and they're thirsty they come across a body of water and they test this water to see if it's good for drink the water is bitter and so what they do is they take a branch from a tree and they put it in the water and God caused the water as they stirred it with the branch to turn from bitter to sweet and they drink the water and that's where I want to pick up here in Exodus chapter 15 verse 26 God just turns bitter waters sweet and in 26 God says if you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in his sight give ear to His commandments and keep all of his statutes I will put none of these diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians and here's what I want you to focus on for I am the Lord who heals you for I am the lord who heals you what you see is the very first time God is revealing himself as God the healer now when you look up this scripture here and you study your Bible you go back to the original Hebrew context because sometimes you need to expound on the Word of God to really get it in the seed of your heart so that you know that you know that you know that this word is real and so for I am the Lord God who heals you that word Lord means Jehovah Jehovah means God and that word heals means physician that's where we get the Great Physician from it means two men two to heal to repair thoroughly to make whole and so God is saying I am the God who heals I am the God your healer and I love how he reveals himself in this story because he chooses it at a time when the children of Israel are on top he's already saved them from he freed them from captivity he they have Liberty now they have freedom now he's protected them from their enemies he provides water for them to drink he says I am the God who will provide for you and do all of those things oh and guess what I'm also the God who heals you you see that's so important for us because some of us have believed in God Almighty we believe that God is sovereign all-powerful and we've seen God bring us from poverty to riches we've seen God multiply our generations where we're not where we used to be but thank God you know we're not where we came from I was born and raised in the projects I'm not there anymore I thank God for that and some of us God has increased us in our businesses but we have forgotten that God is the God who heals us meaning that we're tolerating flu season and we're tolerating the sicknesses and the pains in our body we're just letting ourselves go through sickness and disease because we know God as the deliverer we know God as the provider but he is the God who heals he is the God who heals and so I have three kids and you know I would never put sickness on them to punish them it's just something that I wouldn't do I would never say you know what you would need an attitude adjustment come over here here goes the flu for three days sit down be sick don't be able to do with him would never do that that is evil I wouldn't do that now I would discipline my kids with good things so that they can produce good fruit in their lives but I would never punish them with evil God is the same way he will discipline you with good things so that you can produce good fruit in your life but he will not punish you with evil he will not punish you with sickness God says the thief comes to steal to kill and destroy but I come to give you life but you would have it more abundantly God also says that I know the plans but I for you they are plans for good not for evil plans to bring you to an expected end God is not putting sickness on us he does not want us to be sick as I was preparing as I was preparing for this message I don't my books out on the table have my computer open and I'm I'm in the word I just stopped and I said well Lord what do you want me to say and he spoke right back to me was like I couldn't even get the sentence out and he said tell him I didn't do it tell them it's not me and when he said that it just pierced my heart because you know I remember my my dad died when I was six years old he was a boxer and after a fight one night he left went into the boxing went into the locker room laid down and never got back up again I was six years old my grandmother died when I was 12 years old and I didn't even believe in God any really know if there was a God but I remember the night she died I was so angry I was so angry if you are their God why did you do this but God is saying he is not the one who kills he is not the one who takes our loved ones unless they are ripe and good and old in age and they've lived out their life through the Lord and they're ready to go spend eternity in heaven God is not taking our loved ones God gives life in life more abundantly he is a good god he is a good father and the Bible says that how much more would God do for us if man who is just natural man were human if man can do good things for his kids how much more for God who was good who was holy do for his children I want you to know that God has good things in store for us and he doesn't want us to be sick God is madly in love with us he is mad for you he's not mad at you he wants to give you good things amen and so sickness was never intended for mankind never intended for mankind you know the Bible says that in the beginning the earth was void and without form and darkness was on the face thereof it says that the spirit God's the Spirit of God hovered upon the face of the earth and God said let there be light and there was light and and God said Let there be grass and there was grass and trees that bear fruit and God he made the Sun and the stars in the moon and and and he he made the water separate from the land and he did all of these things and then he made man and he made woman and then he set them in a garden called Eden and this garden called Eden is also referred to as paradise parrot paradise because every need was met Adam and Eve didn't need anything everything was provided for they didn't need clothes to wear they weren't clothed in the garden they had food to eat the Bible says it didn't even rain God caused the mist to come up from the ground to water the vegetation it was paradise that's what God intended for you and I he intended paradise but the Bible tells how Adam the first man created by God who represented all of creation all of us today the first man Adam created by God disobeyed God he ate of the knowledge of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and when he ate of that tree he disobeyed God and when he disobeyed God he caused sin to enter into the earth and when sin entered into the earth sickness came into the earth disease came into the earth death and violence and destruction came into the earth but thank God for another man he's called the second Adam Adam the first Adam was created by God but this second Adam was born by God his name is Jesus and Jesus came to undo everything that the first Adam did Jesus paid the price on the cross for our sickness and our disease I want to show you something here in Isaiah 53 verse 4 Isaiah 53 verse 4 it says surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows it's talking about Jesus and what he did on the cross for us and you know in my Bible it's got all kind of writing all over it I encourage you to get your Bible and become have a relationship with this Bible did you know having a relationship with this Bible was having a relationship with God the Bible says if the God is the word that Jesus was the Word made flesh the more you know this word the more you know Jesus and so this word here it's describing Jesus's experience on the cross what he did on the cross why did he go to the cross what did he do surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows that word griefs means sickness and disease that word sorrows means pain in English yet we esteemed him stricken smitten by God and afflicted but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and by His stripes we are healed you know what I did in my Bible I crossed out every way it said our and I put in mine and it says and by His stripes I am healed some of you all need to personalize your Bible you got to start writing your name in this Bible so that you can really believe the promises that God has for us and so what is explaining here is that Jesus paid the price for our sickness in our disease now as believers we prayed the prayer of salvation and we said Jesus you are the Lord and Savior of our lives you can't tell a Christian that they're not going to die when they died if they won't spend eternity with the Lord that's why we confess Jesus that's our whole faith that Jesus died so that we can have eternity with the father but did you know the same way he paid when he paid the price for your sin he paid the price for your sickness he paid the price for your disease just like you're saved you are healed and sometimes you have to believe God for the manifestation of that healing but it is yours we are healed by His stripes amen praise the Lord and so sometimes well my kids were young they were toddlers and they were just learning to walk I would when they first started I was there with them had their hands and their little chubby legs were wobbling all around they'd fall down I wouldn't even really let him fall I'd pick him back up again they'd walk around and mommy was right there they knew it they were so secure not a fear just just happy and then they graduated to another level where I began to let them walk a little bit more so I would kind of loosen my grip on them a little bit and let them take some steps but my hands were still right there with him if they fell down I'd let him fall but I'd just pick him back up quickly but they were still secure that mommy's there everything's okay and then they got to a point where I said you know what it's time for them to walk on their own and I went like this like I was going to be there but then I just slowly backed away and just hit around the corner and when they didn't know I was there they were walking and everything was okay but then when they started to fall they fell down and they look they're reaching for mommy and they don't know what to do I watched how they had this concerned look on their face and they thought that I left them I wasn't trying to punish them I wasn't doing anything bad I just knew that there's a time where you gonna have to walk by yourself and I was watching from the corner to make sure if you needed me I'm gonna be there but right now you know how to get back up again because I was there with you I taught you how to do it go ahead and get back up again that's how it is when it comes to sickness that's how it is sometimes how God is with us in that when we first become believers and we say you know what God this sickness you know taken away from me we you know we believe God for healing we come up in line and we get healed so quickly like thank God that's amazing Wow and then the next time it's just like oh man it's taking a little while but I believe and I'm praying and thank you Lord I'm healed but then you might be in a period right now where you're reaching out your hands and it feels like God's not there I want you to know that it's not the gods right not there he's just around the corner watching you because he knows the word that's on the inside of you he won't let you handle too much than you can bear that he is with you and you have the power and the ability to overcome in Jesus name Healing is yours God wants you to be healed and so I've had many health challenges in my life and I've overcome each and every one of them not because I'm a pastor not because I'm so anointed but because I just believe the Word of God so when I was in college I went to the Army ROTC officers training at Fort Knox Kentucky when I was there we did all kinds of crazy stuff but most of the time we were in the woods and they had these ticks that got into my skin and I remember the drill sergeant pulling them on with special seizure procedures and it was a big deal but I didn't really know anything about it so I came home and I remember being really sick and for a week and it was my legs were so swollen and so painful it was hard for me to walk but years went by and you know I just never thought about it again until I had my first child and I noticed after I had my first baby it was hard for me to bounce back to health I mean it was like I developed food allergies and sensitivities and stuff was going on on my by I just didn't really know what was happening and so then I had a second child and then it was like I had a hard time getting back to health again it was just so hard for me to get it back together I had to pray and fast and and God would heal me and so at one point I got so swollen and inflamed in my body I went to the doctor I was like I don't know what's going because what's going on I'm praying you know I'm believing God and this this isn't it's not working for me anymore let me go to the doctor I go to the doctor on the spot she diagnoses me with fibromyalgia and then she proceeds to tell me how she believes that I have lupus but she's not gonna diagnose me right now she needs to take a test but she began to prepare me this is what lupus is don't be afraid we have medicine don't be afraid you know we'll be able to put you through therapy and get you on the right track and I remember leaving the office and sitting at the table and talking to my husband and I mean I cried I was like did I do something wrong am I do I not have enough faith am I not believe in God is you know like what's going on because it just it just heard I didn't know why this was happening to me but the end of the day by the end of the day and by the time I got up from the table having a conversation with him I made the decision that I was gonna fast and I was gonna pray and I was gonna believe God for my healing that's all that I could do and so 10 days went by and I had to go to my next doctor appointment within those 10 days I was sick every day it was hard for me to breathe I had I couldn't open up a bottle of water when I stood out of the bed I had to stay there for a little bit and shake out my legs because the pain was so bad but that last morning I woke up and I didn't have any pain in my body I went to the doctor and I saw her sitting outside of my door with the papers with my chart in her hand she was flipping through the papers and as she was confused and I don't believe in God I stood on this one word he sent his word and it healed them and I'm sitting there watching her flip through the papers and I'm saying thank you Lord that you sent your word and it healed me and then since she called another doctor and they're looking through the papers and another doctor came and a third doctor came they're looking through the paper she finally came in the door and she said Tabitha I am so sorry you do not have lupus you don't even have fibromyalgia there's no inflammation in your test results that wasn't my being that wasn't a mistake on her behalf that was the power of the Almighty God that's how we have to stand on the Word of God for our healing and so I had these victories in my life of overcoming healing and I got pregnant again and I had another baby and it was like wow man I can't get back into this my food allergies got worse and it was so hard for me to overcome and and then you know so I overcame and praise the Lord Here I am again I'm getting ready to turn 40 and um I stood aside I want to punch 40 in the face and run a marathon you know so I ran this marathon and it was like one of the best experiences I ever had then after the marathon I found out that it can be so taxing on your body it's 26.2 miles so after this marathon I just couldn't get back to health I tried everything I could everything I did in the past I prayed and believed and so then I found myself at the doctor and I have this Christian doctor who will prescribe you the word just like he'll prescribe you a medication and he said Sabitha did you ever get bit by a tick and I was like offended and grossed out like no gross oooh you know it's 20 years later I don't even remember the experience but I remembered where that I did get bit by tick and so fast forward I end up in Wichita Kansas at a treatment center for people who have chronic illness this is the place that you spend thousands of dollars ago when nobody else can you what's wrong with you this is the place that you have to fill out an application and be really really really really really really sick before they'll even let you come into the building and so here I am for a two-week stay in Kansas my family's at home my children are at home and I'm going from 9 to 5 and being treated for chronic illness and chronic disease due to Lyme disease due to hypothyroidism due to multiple bacterial bacterial inflection infections due to multiple viral infections due to parasite infections due to toxicity I was in bad shape and I found myself leaving that facility at 5 o'clock and going home and nobody else was there I was in a hotel room by myself and as I was there I remember at times being so tired and so weakened my body because I was detoxing and I felt pain everywhere and I remember opening up the Bible and just going to God for scripture and I just kind of found myself in this position to where I just felt like I have fallen and there was no one else around and I felt like I was reaching out my hands and it was like I can't God where are you you're usually here you always come through for me you always save me and it wasn't that God wasn't around just said he was around the corner he was watching me he knew that Tabitha I know the word that is on the inside of you I've been with you all this time Tabitha you have the power in the authority you can get up you can declare the word you can believe me and you will come to help again and I just want you to know that I'm still in a process I am not 100% healed but I'm almost there and I will believe God till the day that I die to be healed completely I take medicine for my thyroid and I thank God for that medicine but I'm still believing for my complete healing I don't know what it is that you're believing God for today but I want you to know that he is able he can and he is willing to heal you but healing is for you I want to share another scripture with you because we've talked about how God can heal you but I want to talk about how you can dispense healing to other people you don't only have the power to be healed but you have the power to disperse healing God wants to work through your body to heal the sick Luke chapter 9 verse 1 Jesus gathered together his disciples and gave them power and authority over all demons and secured diseases he sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick he takes his twelve disciples he gives them power and authority to heal the sick they go out there healing the sick they're doing the same thing that Jesus did now when we go over one chapter to chapter 10 we find something else we found out something else and I wanted to point this out because sometimes you can look at me and say oh you're a pastor that's why you know God you're special God can heal you and all of these things can happen because you know you're a pastor and you're anointed but I want you to see this right here in Luke chapter 10 verse 1 after these things the Lord appointed seventy others also and sent them two by two his face into every city before his face into every city in place where he himself was about to go and so now Jesus sent seventy more people who are the seventy more people the seventy more is you the seventy more are people who are coming to church every Sunday people who are serving God the seventy more is you and the Bible says that he gave them power and authority to heal the sick in chapter 10 verse 17 let's read what the seventy said the seventy went out and then 17 says then the 17 returned with joy saying Lord even the demons are subject to us in your name and Jesus said to them I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven behold I give you the authority to trample serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing by any means shall harm you no sickness shall harm you no disease shall harm you I give you power and authority it's for you Jesus has given you power and authority over every situation mom's it's Mother's Day you have power and authority lay your hands when those kids pray for them and command them to be healed before you get to tylenol pray for them you know when my son was born he was born with pneumonia we didn't know it I took my baby I was just so happy to have him and and I put him in my arms and I began to nurse and and and one of the nurses who were there they were looking at him and they just came and took my baby out of my arms because she said he's not breathing right you know give him to me I didn't realize at the moment that I wasn't gonna be able to hold my baby in my arms again for several days the next time I saw him he was connected to a bunch of wires and tubes he needed help breathing and he couldn't even eat he had a tube in his navel that he ate his food out of him I just remember feeling so helpless it was only eight years ago I was like you know what is going on God like I know your promises I know that you've promised him life and I know that you want good things for him what is going on I remember feeling so broken and at one point I talked to one of my friends and she's a doctor she came in and said Tabitha what are you doing why are you still here and I told her what was going on with my son and she said she's trying to comfort me and said it's okay if he were really bad off they would ship him down to another hospital by now don't worry about it he's okay I went to sleep that night in the next morning I woke up to a team of doctors coming in my room and they began to use this big terminology telling me all of the tests and procedures if they want to do they all I know is they said that they wanted to take him to another hospital and at that moment I just I said yes yes of course do whatever you need to do yes and they left the room and I stood there by myself I remember looking down at the ground and I just felt like a heart fell out of my chest and dropped onto the floor and broke into a thousand pieces and I remember feeling like I wanted to give up because I was at pain in my body I'd just given birth to a 9-pound 13 ounce baby bull I was in pain I wasn't completely healed by myself I'm healed myself but then emotionally I was hormonal everything and I wanted to give up like giving up but I remember looking down at the ground and knowing that I had a decision to make if I was gonna lay down and give up my authority and give up the power that was given to me or I was going to take authority over this situation and believe God my healer and so I called my husband I said babe this is what the doctors just told me but let me tell you what's about to happen we're going to go to the next hospital they are going to run these tests every test is going to come back in our favor and I'm gonna take my baby home and I remember following the ambulance to Shands Hospital I remember crying all the way there I remember feeling so uncomfortable as I stood next to the bed and they were doing these procedures on my son I remember standing there with tears running down my face and if you were to look at me you might think that I was just an average woman standing there crying maybe helpless maybe just hoping that everything's gonna be okay with my son but let me tell you inside there was a warrior inside I was standing there taking authority over every sickness and every disease that could come my baby's way under my breath I was saying Satan you cannot have my child I declare life I think God who heals my child it will live and he will not die I don't know what you're dealing with today I don't know what that sickness is what that disease is what those aches and pains are that you have been tolerating but I want you to know that today you can choose to take authority over all of it and call yourself healed in Jesus name you have the power to receive healing and you have the power in authority to disperse it praise God God is a healer it's good news today or at this moment I want to take a moment to pray with you if you would bow your head and close your eyes I want to give you an opportunity to receive Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior maybe you came here today and you you really haven't said that prayer of salvation you know I was 22 years old when I said the prayer of salvation at the time I had been depressed for 12 years of my life diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety disorder I was suicidal I had been sexually abused physically abused and verbally abused and iced didn't know I didn't know any answers I didn't know where else to go but God miraculously showed up at my apartment door I opened the door and there were three men standing there with Bibles and they asked me if I knew Jesus and they prayed with me in that day I gave my life to the word two things happen that day number one I felt the love that I had never felt before in my life and number two I had a hope that I had never known before a hope that if this God lived and died for me that maybe there is a better life for me maybe I can have joy in Jesus Christ I don't know what you're going through right now but whatever your situation is I know that Jesus Christ is the answer Jesus wants to heal you Jesus wants to save you and so if you're hearing you don't know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior if you've never said the prayer of salvation I want to pray for you today would you just raise your hands every head bowed every eye closed would you just raise your hand thank you so much I see your hand thank you so much I see your hand I want to pray with you thank you so much I see your hand thank you I see your hand I want to pray with you thank you I see your hand thank you I see your hand I want to pray with you this short simple prayer and you will leave this place knowing that you have a relationship with Jesus Christ that you have eternal life in heaven and whatever you need Jesus is the answer and so what I'm gonna do right now thank you so much for raising your hand and if you didn't raise your hand please say this prayer with us a live church would you join in and repeat after me as we say this prayer Heavenly Father come into my heart today I thank you for Jesus who died for my sins Jesus come into my heart today forgive me of my sins I make you the Lord Savior of my life in Jesus name Amen well if you've prayed that prayer for the very first time congratulations you are now a child of God welcome to the family of God you are saved praise the Lord praise the Lord and so you know there's a couple of things we do here in a live church that are really important to our growth in Christ it's our growth as believers and tools that will help us become better Christians and help us in our walk with God and one of those is growth track growth track is growth track is going on right after this service if you've never been please go and try it out and I know it's gonna be a blessing to you all so piyo is coming up soon right outside of these sanctuary doors you will find information about how you can get a piyo ticket remember mom's you want to get your gift with that and last but not least if you're here today and you've been dealing with a sickness in your body maybe you're believing God to be healed from a disease I want you to know that God is a healer and right now I'm gonna have some pastors come up here and they are going they want to pray with you and believe God for your healing they are anointed and appointed just like we read to be able to disperse healing and if you can release your faith with them I believe you can be healed God is a healer there's nothing that he can't do there's nothing too big for him and so I love you today a live church god bless you I pray that that message bless you today I know for me God's Word changed me it changed me it helped me overcome years of depression sexual abuse even poverty and I just know that God's Word is changing something for the better inside yes this message today has blessed you in any way you know the greatest compliment that you could ever give us will be to share this with someone else you know when I go out to a great restaurant I don't want to keep it to myself I want the world to know you got to go here to get that fried chicken into a sweet potatoes man and so this has been good groceries for you if it's been good food it's been life transformation for you do what's the favor share it with a friend comment below make sure that you subscribe to our Channel today and we hope we'll see you again real soon god bless you we'll see you soon
Channel: Alive Church
Views: 1,603
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Alive Church, Pastor, Faith, Christianity, welcome video, Alive Church pastors, Alive Church Gainesville, Alive Church Orlando, Take off your shoes, Church sermon, Ken Claytor, Welcome to alive church, Church, Church Sermon, HolySpirit, Holy Spirit Series, The God Who heals, Healing
Id: VRBuLoo8CqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 35sec (2255 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2019
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