FIGHT BREAKS OUT at flea market over what becomes the pick of a LIFETIME!

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we're here my my new friend here is looking at my shirts and look at how excited he is his hands are shaking because of how good this 311 dollar ladies gentlemen boys girls pirates of all ages we are here at the flea market it is first thing in the morning we're gonna wave a little pancake we are about to go sell i got all the girls girls girls we are selling and i'm shopping so obviously i'm not going to make us any money i'm going to be spending it they're going to be making it and let's see what happens see how this day goes let's see if i can make more picking than they can make selling that's the contest that is the competition do you think what do you think you think is going to win it doesn't count why not no these are obviously going to win who is you how do you know no no no i think um we're gonna win oh you think you're gonna win money okay i like that but what about you have to think if i spend 100 and make 300 then i have 2 300 profit how would you make 300 because that's how all the stuff in the back of the truck we're going to sell i bought that's what our business is i buy stuff and then we resell it for more and make money no so you remember last week when you guys sold 140 and i spent 2 300 or something i pro i made an additional two thousand something dollars off of all that stuff exactly why you win again all right well let's see how it goes [Music] all right so we got the squad here we're setting up they're going through things they're finding stuff little sugar cookie found some treasure already hidden treasure look at the sun coming up in the distance out there good morning what we got today see if my juggling skills are on par yeah nope oh thank you did you just buy this on storage treasures my wife's here yeah i was gonna say cause i saw this on there there was there any jewelry trays in there or just like these type of things okay how much you're doing a fine job sir make sure it didn't belong to lawrence world no you have to you have to have special how much for like that for all of them i'm trying to buy that whole box right now i'm waiting for a price on the whole box but he just walked away give me five five five dollars thank you all right so that was a fair deal because you guys know you guys love military and i love military somebody took silver five dollars we can't go wrong military pens hello hello evianna have you guys made any sales i bought all this for five bucks woody what do you think just trinkets for a deal right i think this is a gold tooth right here no gold bead yeah that's cool i was cleaning it and i saw that and i went oh my god how much for this one uh 20. oh i'm missing one in there there you go okay what about that one uh ten yeah yeah yeah okay in the album yeah okay yeah okay i like the ones of turquoise the most careful okay um just a minute uh you think that's silver with the green right there in there that's like okay i don't think i don't think it is um how about how much is one like this uh 10. do you have chains for 20. nice did you guys see that i don't think that one's silver give me all your money sir i told her we're robbing you um the backpack hey you know what come to my house how much is an overpriced knife like this that one i want 30 bucks what is that on that one yeah he's cheap huh he's cheap man i've been watching videos freaking bad ass sweet you watched uh you bought a storage or what uh i just started probably three weeks ago oh nice so little by little it's a good it's a cool job but right now it's kind of tough everybody's paying a lot for the storages and they're not they're not buying very well either [Music] i'm buying all of them yeah i'm buying all of them every one of them the only reason i'm allowed to get one is because i had my hands in it first yeah he's already already sold okay where'd you get them i got them from uh guy and over and uh go down towards marin don't be taking all the shirts though i'm not i'm buying them all i understand you're buying all the grateful dads i'm buying all the shirts every one of them i know but he said it was okay for me he said you could get a feel you now you're going through all the bags that he haven't even seen yet cause that's a little ridiculous i'm not trying to just give them away because there's there could be one of the only that sure i doubt it i'll take two of these and then i'll be done okay because i did have my hands in it before you money talks i'm sorry well i got money too i'm not gonna sit here and argue about it okay thank you [Music] yeah i know but i buy them all okay i'm done they're already sold all those shirts are sold too this is the souls that's mine man is it okay if she exchanges two i have five of the same yeah she got five of the same she just wanted to exchange it for two different ones oh just depends on which one it is i guess i'm at 132. so don't ask me why but i love a good concert shirt and yes these are grateful dead but look what we have here toys r us tour grateful dead that is a pretty wicked shirt right there and i got 300 of these let's do it now say hi mike and michael you're buying you're selling it for four hundred dollars on ebay yeah that's cool yeah just so pink he's not talking to me [Laughter] i'm just ignoring him there's a reproduction here no it's not a reproduction you well it's a it's an original helmet but those decals are there i'm just in awe right now guys we bought all of these shirts for 300 bucks it was grateful dead hats brand new i don't know how the person had this many shirts sweet thank you summer tour 1995. look at that i think we hit the jackpots this is my bonus gift for buying them but yeah we hit the jackpot on this we're here my my new friend here is looking at my shirts and look at how excited he is his hands are shaking because of how good this 311 dollar is absurd yeah maybe the best buy of the year and then he threw these and these are a bonus like i'm gonna give you these for spending so much yeah and then you get the re-pop for 20. mike's got the real ones 150 150 75 130 71 160. where are you shrimp tonight these are sold prices guys 311 but plus these hats i was just talking to matt romero he says these are like 100 150 of shirts my phones are down so we're looking for 2004 wave that fl grateful dead they're dead there it is go back up wave that flag t19 99.99 well let me give you 20 for this one twenty dollars twenty dollars on video okay i'm a businessman and i got four kids to feed let's do it all right it's the first time i've ever sold justin anything ladies and gentlemen this is officially a part of it and you know what this is a beautiful shirt i don't mind paying up because i'm also getting a deal first of all but look at this i'm the first official other than the dude to buy a piece of mike's historic fine all right so we have just unloaded the flea market or at storage empty the truck got the shirts ready to go home my phone is being blown up it's just all of a sudden there's a lot of chat all these banners the flea market heard i got all these shirts um i got i sold one to a shirt guy who turned me on to some instagram shirt sellers and i got now the sudden people all over uh the bay area are calling me wanting to buy all my shirts and i haven't even got home and had a chance to look at them i just know i think we really just hit the best single pick we've ever had anywhere
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 5,906
Rating: 4.9038815 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, I bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, extreme unboxing, i bought, bought, i found, found, fight, best pick
Id: 3MOFDm_hhnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2020
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