My BEST Flea Market Find of The Year

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all right welcome back everyone here we are the glorious flea more get a little bit more packed than usual for today's day however I am a little bit later so I guess that would kind do the trick currently 7:30 see box show guy is here so stop off see what he's up to but it looks like not the most crowded day for vendors I however have a bunch of errands to run today so it's very important that I'm here yeah so I have to go to a scrapyard I think the scrapyard on the way home is open the one by me is not open so I've decided I'll come up here to flea market hopefully find some things and we'll see what happens so let's get into it try find some treasure and make it a good yeah yeah where that's all right yeah that's all right no I know thank you yeah yeah thank you I appreciate it so five dollars each I got them all for a hundred look at this whole snapback collection all are like new old stock they're all really meant all right and they're all the major league teams so you have the wahoo on the Indian you have some Royals I saw angels it's all a bunch of Yankees hats this might be an expose I'll show you guys in a bit but this is literally an insane score there's probably I'd say around $500 here if I piece them out very very good sport 400 bucks I don't think I could have passed it up there's 33 here so we'll see see it happens at 10 apiece that's 300 yeah yeah wonder if today we get a good day to set up yeah you got the bird and it's definitely evident yeah maybe I won't send tomorrow do that maybe welcome home shopping yes seesee air shop okay I like you much better alright so left the flea market overall an excellent score with that guy that was amazing I'm really hoping this scrap yard is open so it's not we're gonna be in some trouble it looks like it's closed Oh buddy that's not good that's not good all right try another scrap yard I think on the way home not good never a good one scrap yards are closed when you have a load of scrap metal in your van but it's kind just the name of the game it's kind of naming a game so we'll try through town and then we'll try the our scrap yard alright so another day another scrap yard I've never been here so we're going to see how this one goes I don't know where to go this is introverted taco stacks and it's worse but very happy about my score there yes I'll just walk in here holy moly scrapp fans I see vans up there looking decent shape - what a shame it's gonna wrap it up here it figured out one these top of these grills from the trash friggin videos actually moving them so that's alright we go so left the scrapyard left the scrapyard and well this yard does not around your stuff up so I got $19.20 480 pounds of scrap metal I grab down the trash yesterday probably looking pretty sweaty right now ice cold now cuz your sweat just like oh not gonna cry me in here shortly so 19 hours and 20 cents in light iron obviously I took off that Lumina my hood that's probably about three bucks in aluminum there's also a bunch of insulated copper stuff like that copper one so I probably picked up like 35 40 dollars in scrap metal out of the trash picking video ooh I do a little recap on these hats which honestly is my biggest score of the eyebrow so throw up that window this was definitely a mega haul now young taco stacks would have passed up this deal the reason why I would have passed up this deal is because well there are five bucks each originally I knew there was probably not going to be a lot of negotiation and what I mean by that is at five bucks I don't think we myself or two dollars I don't think they'll sell for a dollar and generally speaking I usually like to pay a dollar or two dollars a hat but I ended up asking how much if I bought the whole box and she counted him out she counted 33 and she said a hundred dollars and I tried with 80 and then you know you're already getting it for you know 160 it goes down to a hundred you're getting it's $60 off so if you say 80 you're trying to get for half of that and it just didn't seem right she didn't want to budge and what I probably should have done is taken out a couple these hats that I don't think is worth a lot of money so you have this Orioles all-star game hat which I don't think is really worth that much there is also I don't know really a law stats but there I definitely didn't I think there was one other hat in here there's like a SeaWorld hat this might be it no that's not it that one's fitted what how old is this guy Roman Pro wool all right so this is a hat I've never even seen in my life that might be worth some money or might be worth nothing all right I feel like I lost that but maybe I didn't there's not now here is it that's it so I've had a couple SeaWorld hats in the past and they haven't sold so I show what I should does taken out a couple of hats I don't think we'll sell and taking those at taking those out and try it again for 80 but we got everything is all new old stock Expos this is all new old stock Cubs st. Louis I mean you're gonna be hard-pressed to find these guys again especially in a lot like this this might be all 30 teams or 28 I don't know how many teams were in the 80s about a huge history guy when it comes to baseball so when people ask me like something about certain players I have no clue about you know are there in fact if they were good or not but I'm not a big big history guy on sports however this is an amazing score retail value I don't think I'm gonna sell it all as a set I think I might break them up and sell them individually I know there are some hats here so you have the wahoo Indian he's going to be a little bit more valuable than let's say the Kansas City Royals all right he's just a he's an iconic logo recently they actually switched over I think they changed our logo and there are a couple hats in there that might get 20 25 30 bucks for maybe 40 other other hats I might only get 10 or 15 for but at 10 bucks a hat you're looking about 330 dollars in retail value or retail value if you can kind of you know pay charge a little bit more on shipping so you compensate yourself for your box but also compensate yourself for the fees I know shipping has gone up so shipping is kind difficult but if you can do that you can essentially if you sell for 330 bucks that is your sell price that's the money you receive and if you spent a hundred you make $230 now on top of that if there's some $20 hats there's $30 40 hats you're looking at about 400 500 dollars and resale value which is probably what I'm going to be around and at a hundred bucks this is only going to take me you know an hour and a half to photograph and type up so 300 dollars in an hour and a half it's well worth it hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I'm extremely stoked I'd NCAA Mets hats here but this was definitely a great score you guys enjoyed it make sure smack that like but if you want some more treasure hunt just like this if you're interested in reselling ebay treasure hunts or whatever it might be make sure you guys subscribe and well and catch you guys next time as always have a great day keep living the dream peace [Music]
Channel: Taco Stacks
Views: 75,932
Rating: 4.8535337 out of 5
Keywords: Flea Market, Best Flea Market Find, Flea Market Find, Flea Market Madness, Video Game Hunting, Vintage Nintendo, Video Game Haul, Flea Market Treasure, Flea Market Swap, Farmers Market, Buy and sell, resell, ralli roots, found at thrift store, found gold, holy grail, holy grail thrift store, found at a thrift store, thrifting, resale rabbit, paul cantu, antiques, antique roadshow, american pickers, million dollars, how to sell on ebay, ebay
Id: 9esr6yw9l-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 13 2019
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