Can’t believe he sold me this JACKPOT!

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[Music] somebody woke up on the party mouth side of bed oh i heard some stuff thank you [Music] on a bloomin saturday morn storage ladies gentlemen boys girls pirates of all ages we are here i am at the flea market and we are about to go pick them two weeks ago lightning struck hard for me hit the biggest pick of my life and i'm a firm believer that lightning doesn't always strike twice but we're at the flea market see way over there that's where lightning struck off and yonder what if lightning struck here what if lightning is gonna strike over here what if he's gonna get in that back corner you never know i'm here gotta make some money it never ends the hustle grind rewind and we're gonna get picking let's see what we can find concord flea market we're ready to pick we got here's my good buddies aziz my good buddy cheeseburger they're here selling we'll see what they got and we will go picking and of course i forgot my mask that's four meters to walk in sir oh i'm sorry there you go sir you have a great day thank you sorry about that oh my lord that was the longest has ever taken anybody to give me my change let's see what we got here who are the sellers who do we got i don't see nobody what's up mikey mike good morning sir for all intents purposes i won't say your name all right that's just some clothes [Music] what's up how are you doing so times are bad if you're looking at jeans why one time i made a lot of money off the jeep looking for the big game that's kind of neat we took some time to paint this one how much is that so he uh did all the numbers and it was still cheaper i know [Music] i got it from the states those aren't my prices yeah they've come from a lot i buying states i ever said that and um they come from moraga lafayette nice they're beautifully done me no i'm not selling today i'm just walking around i guess you can call it spending money i have to find something i want in order to spend money though work hard play hard [Music] foreign mike mike looking for vintage where is the vintage that is not vintage none of that is vintage cleveland 23. i can't buy that just because it's a lebron james jersey i could almost rock that size large though can't do that raiders draft party 2017 fox how much is this one how much thank you a nice piece he says it's all right and steel though isn't it yeah yeah still let me try to sell me one of these everyday with silver really yeah they're pretty nice black kills gold jewelry yeah i'm not the right buyer for that sorry very old no it's not very old what's up with me homie you coming okay because your space is full so you won't buy a space buy a spacer you want okay so don't pay your entry okay bye who are you talking to your friend yes that's harry potter this is this one the better unit coming is i know it's more and nobody see it yet there's like one card in each of these no no maybe it's one you check it that guy is highly collectible energy cards are not worth now whatever i like you guys i like it i don't like it i don't like it so a couple of one here a couple of already searched this morning research them just put them in a scanner this is called a table like that you don't know what you're talking about a search search remorse you don't have like a lot to make money see these ones here no good oh i don't care what about it i'm trying to teach you [Applause] somebody woke up on the potty mouth side of bed oh i hear you you angry you use that word too who is what is the price of them what is the price i feel like you're kind of getting expensive on me i don't want this i just want to be touching my pokemon three years and four years in the league but you got their scouts if there was a brass thing belt knuckle what was the card that was in there what's the what there was a card in there it's a mickey mantle style card oh okay it's a reprint how much you want for this little thing 15. yeah okay 300 for this one 300 for that one 250 for that and then 250 for the smaller ones isn't that a good one huh isn't that a good one yeah i think so trying to check it out never seen that one beat up though but that's the hard part i know hey what are you doing get a rubber chicken yeah oh wow is that a dog point yeah not really i thought it was it just break it what are you guys up to i just got here a little while ago it's dead today getting worse and then i see all this ass oh yeah it's been bad it's been bad i had my stuff been in my storage all week and i've been worried of the door opening because it's just i guess ashes pouring in yeah and we're breathing it and all those particles going on um good morning [Applause] all this garbage here never ending yeah everything this guy has is garbage this is petrified poop it is is it petrified poop right or whatever i don't know i think it's petrified i've been putting this stuff in here for a long time yeah i couldn't sell that's handmade doesn't it five bucks it'll be right maybe it looks like handmade doesn't it well we got well everything's happened bob sink it's yours no you saw that again that is the name i saw this yeah for 40. i don't i think he's high as a kite did you buy that off of john that's not mine ladies he he bought that off of john it's so rafferty i've got a comment under my seat i don't think i see anything about you in here going in breakfast who wants breakfast they're not very old yeah they are not 30 is a bit much no it's not look at look at the shape of these they look like they're made to look old look at this look at the way that's cut can you confirm this anthony look at that see the way that's cut and then it's like stuck here like does that make sense how does this piece of metal end up stuck to this one perfect right there too yeah it looks fake or something huh harold explain this how does this piece of metal perfectly cut off and then weld itself to this side well look yeah i'm my export focus that's amazing how am i exporting on that how does that happen break off and stick on the other one because it was in the ground long time it fell on it oh and the dirt does that did things dirt cuts things off and moves yeah it does that's not amazing these are pretty good replicas i don't think they're rapidly cuz i go 20. what is this here sticking into is that supposed to go into your boot no and look at these pits right here like it just looks like cheap give me your money 20. all right we're sold i'm buying them for 20. i'm buying replica i'm buying replica items off the highway look look look here you know what sucks about those you can't sell them on ebay locks yeah why they i don't know they're they're they're weird against locksmiths yeah i got something against everything it's a railroad why don't you i have so many of these keys i have keys and railroad locks yeah for fake breakfast i'm things doing anthony's buying breakfast if harold's buying i'll take it just because the harold's buying it how much are these ready for that how much are your locks and keys well just eggs and toast and hash browns over easy how much are these i was going to try and get like 400 bucks for everything in there but who knows i appreciate that george what would you say that for george's a man of knowledge george buys george you know a little bit about everything let me go can i look in here over here let me go can i look in here oh they cut this one that is nice but it's cut look at that [Music] uh that is very cheap okay amigo how much for this one is broke and this one um about 20 bucks for gold [Music] thank you how much is this sure how much three dollars ah that's the lady's size small yeah why still here yeah but it's 2013. that sucks they did a good job of making it look like a 1978 that was the whole point i think yeah i like concert shirts me too harold and anthony if you guys remember anthony from such episodes is we broke this um and the the re the comment video reading mean comments you guys remember reading mean comments that's anthony mint condition instant seal for these the people in nevada are waiting for me to come up with it yeah it's virtually unplayed california grill case look at this it's so clean you think they just made the guitar did i tell you right um pretty cool huh no no no this is this is like uh uh uh unbelievable look at the case california girl all right i tell i call but i'm gonna play bizarre guitars i got rare guitars i got guitars some of them were worth 50 and 80 90 000. this absolutely meant this is what you call a museum key i'm going like that on uh i think we're going on a tuesday morning i had to go early really quick can you play can you play play a song play something let me stand up something's not copyrighted yeah and sing too the story jackson pirates feels good oh he's still yo ho huh yo i went out to the flea market on a bloomin saturday morn i want to see if you want to buy my guitar so i won't be torn this is a nice guitar though look at this actually look at some pirate sounds like a little pirate saw we got a pirate shirt on you got the pirate here [Music] i don't think he knows what you mean yeah like a pirate song yoho [Music] the guy going by in the wheelchair is my friend and he wanted one of these guitars real bad and so it's literally the next day and i had to take a little bit of time to find out what the pokemon with i'm gonna give you a quick run through now that i figured out this was kind of a jackpot pick so i've got these all tucked away right here and so i've kind of i have a little bit separated nothing really matters but these were a bunch of good cards you know they're just decent regular cards there are some foils right there's some 10 20 cards in here don't get me wrong for the most part they're just good decent cards you'll see lots of them foils for days etc etc but when you come in here oh let's not forget these were not very valuable either i don't think they're just regular cards less less lesser but lesser values the pikachu's have some value but look at this so shout out to my friend cheeseburger he told me he's like i have to get 200 i try to negotiate he told me these were 30 bucks each and i did not know we have one the turtle one's better right here two three four five six and one open and guess how much right now you think these three these six sell for sealed 1996 200 to 300 200 to 300 200 to 300 200 to 300 200 to 300 200 to 300 minimum 1200 bucks on ebay possible of 15 to 1600 right there pretty cool score we're not done oh no we're not done these are energy cards so these don't have like extreme value either actually they probably have very little value but they're part of the set i i'm selling them probably as a bundle we got two really good cards this card here if you were to grade it it's a magic card and a 10 would be about 900 a couple hundred like it's worth like 100 as it sits right here without grading it but it could be worth at least 900 or so but this card here this is it's a magic card pretty sure all right yukio whatever this card here charizard sadly it's not the one without the shadow the shadowless one is the where the money's at right but it's a 99 and if this was greater than 10 it's a 5 000 card anything less is about a thousand dollar card it'll probably get at least a nine it's a pretty good freaking card i don't think it'll get a 10. we got these bags right here so these are pretty cool they all had cards in them right each one of these cards is worth like 20 30 bucks they basically never been pulled out of their thing etc etc they can probably get graded i think one of them is worth a hundred each like i said each one of them have a card i got a total of seven of them those are good money i'm not going to show you each one of the cards that's in each one because they went on i'm gonna bore you but look one two three four five six seven okay eight cards there's literally over two thousand dollars probably right here just in this card these packs this card on the other side and that right there is almost two thousand dollars plus that that's about getting upgraded i would say uh that is a jackpot pick i don't know but anyway i hope you like this video if you did don't hit the like button share button subscribe and most importantly check all notifications just all notifications said tall and as well say something pretty like hi princess
Channel: Storage Auction Pirate
Views: 7,507
Rating: 4.9324579 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found, i bought an abandoned storage, abandoned storage locker, storage lockers, storage hunters, storage wars, treasure hunt, how to make money, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage auction, auction hunters, extreme unboxing, locker nuts, what the hales, curiosity incorporated, storage auction pirate, storage wars full episodes, American pickers, pawn stars, storage pirate, storage stalker
Id: AfX8IaiDaXg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 33sec (1593 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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