FGHT Dallas: You Got To Fight To Keep It

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hallelujah oh come on come on you can do better than that don't just lift your hands up hey man give him praise and glory hallelujah thank you Jesus oh come on thank you lord he's an exceptionally good God now would you put those hands together and give him a call come on clap your hands all you people and busy set shout unto the Lord that means why you're clapping open your mouth and give it brains would you [Music] [Applause] oh he's such a where that God he's a big God doing big things and he's worthy of a big praise god bless you you may be seated in the presence of our word car I'm telling you I'm just excited about what the Lord is doing in this hour amen because when I read the word Amen and I look at what he's doing he's doing just what he said he do ain't mad he's saving setting the captives free amen delivering and he's still a miracle working God and he's worthy to be praised I want to take this time tonight to certainly honor the spirit of the law that we're filling this place thank God for what it is God is doing in the midst of his people amen we were here this morning God is saving sanctifying and filling with the Holy Ghost and you know that's really what all of this is about amen people come and they just come for a shout amen they just come and see what the choirs gonna say go what somebody's got old amen but this is all about seeing God save somebody deliver somebody and said somebody free and you know he's doing that just about every time we come together God is saving somebody and filling them with the Holy Ghost amen and the only thing that I would change is that more people would come that's all Amen because that is what this life is all about being a witness he's been showing people the way that they must live in order to see his face in peace and I don't know about you Amen but I'm glad the Lord saved me and I'm glad to know and I have that assurance on the inside that when it's all over down here a man I'm going home to be with the Lord certain if we want to thank God and give Him praise in honor of our first lady Amen lady Danielle and we thank God for dr. Shirley Barry to this wonderful hosts of ministry amen and to all of you tonight my father's children all of our guests and friends we praise the Lord for you amen we just come out of a great homecoming celebration amen I tell you God moved every night amen we heard some powerhouse preaching Amen that entire week God fed us with the word of the Lord Amen a we're here tonight to see what God's gonna say to us look at somebody and tell them me but there he is a word from the Lord amen look at somebody else until that knee but there is a word from the Lord and I am a lover of the Word of God and I got mine you got yours Amen come on hold that power up tonight thank God because everything else is going down but what but the word of our God amen there's nothing strong enough for you to build your life on amen but the word of the Lord so many people are trying to build on so many different things amen but listen if you're gonna build you got to build on things eternal and there's nothing as stable and settled as the word of the Lord as a matter of fact they meant the psalmist said it forever Oh Lord that word is settled in heaven you can't change it Amen God said when it meant what he said and if you want to revise the word you gotta go all the way to helping to do that amen and I Apostle told us that by the time to get there changing the word won't even be on your mind amen this word is strong enough amen for you to cover your family by it'll tell you how a man you should be acting on your job I keep telling you the Bible got something everything tell you how to get it on with your name but you know you got some folks speaking tongues that just mean now you're not living according to the word because the Bible will tell you how to get along with people it'll tell you how to bring your spirit subject yes it will to those that are in authority those that are leadership hey man you can't tell people that that you're working for what to do hey man you know the Bible teaches you all of these things and if we would live by the principles of the word of God amen then you will sale in every area of your life and you'll find yourself having favor with not just God but with God and of man 2nd Kings the 4th chapter we just want to talk to you tonight a man in brief second Kings the 4th chapter and a water call your attention to the 8th verse amen 2nd Kings chapter number 4 verse 8 amen and let's read from verse 8 of the fourth chapter of the book of second Kings and when you have it's a man read what the Bible says hello today huh what was a great woman that was the Bible said a great woman and she was constrained him to eat bread and she constrained him to eat bread really and so it was that opt as he passed by he turned in thither to eat bread mm-hmm she fed him one time that he kept coming back every time he came back the Bible said he turned right in there to eat bread she gave him bread what she must have been cooking some wonderful bread because every time he came that way the Bible said he stopped by this great woman's house to eat that bread Bri and she said unto her husband huh behold behold I perceive that this is an holy man of God I perceived that he's a holy man of God which passes by us continually he keep coming breathe let us make a little chamber I pray thee on the wall and let us sit for him there a bed and a table and a stool and the candlestick mm-hmm and it shall be when he come in to us that he shall turn in vitter whenever he comes we want to make a place for him to be comfortable and we want him whenever he's in this area to come in and be with us and it fell on a day that he came thither he came and he turned into the chamber and lay there and he said took a haze I his servant call this shunammite and when he had called her she stood before him and he said unto him say now unto her behold thou has been careful for us with all this cave me what is to be done for thee what is to be done for thee what does that be spoken for to the king uh-huh what you the captain out the whole re and she answered I do well among my own I don't need all of that it dwell among my own people and he said and he said what being is to be done for her I read and gaze I answered verily she had notes she does not have a child uh-huh and her husband is old and he's old and he said and he said call her call her and when he had called her she stood in the door and he said about this season about this season according to the time of life according to the time of life thou shalt embrace the Sun thou shalt embrace a son uh-huh not just a child but you go have a boy really and she said nay my lord hmm thou man of God no don't don't don't say that uh-huh do not lie to thine handmaid you just said he's a holy man of God and now you can't even believe what he said you you telling you telling the preacher don't lie to me now you just perceived that he was calling but then when he says something that challenges your circumstance you all of a sudden say to him listen let me just just don't lie to me uh-huh and the woman conceived and the woman Lord sees you see how quick that was don't lie to me and the next thing she knows she's inflating don't lie to me and the next thing the Bible says she can see haha and bear a son and the tally shot at that season that Elijah had said unto it came the pass just like the men of God said that it would read according to the time of life cording to the time of life and when the child was grown now it fell on a day then he went out to his father to the Reapers and he said unto his father my head my head read and he said to a lad carry him to his mother and when he had taken him and brought him to his mother he sat on her knees till noon and then died at verse 24 quickly then she saddled an ass and said to her serve said to a server try and go forward ah slack not by riding told me you slow down for me I don't care if I fall off if I can run and catch up with you keep going if I don't say stop keep going read so she went and came unto the man of God to Mount Carmel huh and it came to pass when the man of God saw her afar off that he said to get his eye his servant behold yonder is that shunammite one now I pray thee to meet her and say unto her is it well is it well with thee is it well with I hug is it well with your husband is it well with the child is it well with the child she answered and she said it is well it is well is it well with you is it well with your husband is it well with your child and she said it is well just look at some bad into them you gotta fight the keep it I know God gave it to you but you've got to know that when God plants a blessing in your life the enemy is not just gonna sit by and let you enjoy the blessings of the Lord God can give it to ya it's up to him to give it but now it's up to you to keep it and even when what God has done for you is under attack you don't have to sit back and watch your whole world crumble amen there's something you can do you don't have to let the enemy have everything as a matter of fact you don't have to let him have nothing I I told him if I don't want it I throw it in the trash just to keep him from getting it that's just I just don't want him to have nothing that God gave me and now amen you've got to see that look at something out again and tell them you've got to fight to keep it brothers and sisters tonight as I hasten you if you've got to know that everything that is important to you matters to God I don't believe that everything that you are concerned with does matter to God there is nothing about you that's insignificant there's nothing that you're dealing with that God don't have time for as a matter of fact God just really loves to communicate with us he he loves to talk to us that's the reason why prayer is so important because prayer develops our relationship with God and the things that prayer is that you don't have to wait until hey man your head is in the mouth of the lion to pray you can pray and talk to as a matter of fact the Bible says man ought always to pray and not think through prayer we are develop through prayer we draw closer to God through prayer amen we learn not only his will but we learn of God's ways it is through prayer that God even speaks to us and gives us clear direction and instruction and you know that's something that's so vital and important now a man that you can never understand its importance we've got to always understand that when it comes to God and us there is nothing a man that makes God turn his back from us as long as we are living within his will that means that I don't care if it's somebody on your job that's bothering you do you know you can talk to God about that and God will listen Amen God will hear you it doesn't matter amen if you've got a pain and it just hits a one time and went away amen do you know you can pray and have that kind of conversation with God because everything that is important to you is important to God and the sad thing is there are people now that don't want to talk to you but God is saying come now and let us reason together I don't mind having this conversation with you the soul yourself down long enough to have that conversation with God because so many times it's not a member call it cannot answer our prayer but sometimes we're just too busy to even get down way to God and talk to him in the first place that's why the Bible said listen you can make your requests known unto God y'all get quiet now there is something that you can pop the doubt about amen that God will sisters I want you to realize even your secret desires that are near your heart you know those things that you have not told anybody about those things that you have amen issues about in your mind and in your spirit amen God is even concern about path because they are something that we hadn't told nobody that we believed in God to do there some things that we're dealing with a member we haven't really mentioned it to anybody but I want you to know that God is absolutely concerned about everything I want you to know that not only that's got honor your prayer but he does so because you have lived a life that is worthy of his honor yeah hey man enjoy your life and your Labor's must all be of the Lord you know I was four years ago that it's always good to be good and it's always right to live godly do you know that their benefits brothers and sisters amen for you living good for you living godly and no sometimes it seems like he meant that is no reward for your righteousness but the devil is a liar so many times we look at people and we look at how Amen we have been hang on how we have been treated is the temptation of your spirituality jump over in your carnality just so that you can feel better for the moment y'all sitting there looking down but I can't because I'm trying to be people to get away with stuff when you would really rather handle this yourself but you know brothers and sisters sons and daughters Amen that there is a reward for those that will live get your hands away to the ground because you're bringing me some goodness but y'all sittin here some of those goodies that you have done that's why the Bible tells us the process that you're going to go through in this life they're gonna go through he's sewing you're going to go through a good listener in the power of your preach this gospel gotta make sure you've got your business in order [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] Oh [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] Oh [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and this woman where last this is just by promise under attack and sent murder tonight your promises under attack you know it was God was always saying nothing you know it was God cover than what him it would have never happened for you in the first place [Music] trying to take but you know God keep you but you gotta fight to keep this this woman didn't even tell her husband that his child was there she just said I'm going to the banner god don't worry it's gonna be all right did you hit what this woman said don't worry he's dead for now but it's gonna be all right his shadow getting it shall be well oh but when she showed up in the presence of the man of God did you see her testimony change did you see has a testimony changer at five she said stuff like don't lie to me but now he has proven himself and when she gets that they don't even have to say nothing about the child yet she just said it is well you haven't told me you ain't laid hands on him you ain't gave me no oil but I'm in your presence and I can believe you now like I didn't believe you then you have proven your relationship would go and even before you can say a word I already know that what's coming out of your mouth is about to bring life to a dead situation let me ask you something is it well with you is it well with your family is it well with your financials [Applause] [Music] is it well with the children is it well with your marriage is it well in your house [Music] [Music] it is it's well it's yes well [Music] I said it [Music] it's well [Music] oh I wish I could find something out of this that newest presence would be already so go ahead make a declaration somebody say [Music] what [Music] [Applause] [Music] suspect I was shocked to find somebody that believed at your heart and in your spirit all right yeah I want you to clap [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we believe the profit of the favor Jesus recife Christina every suspect that flawed [Music] ow [Music] yes straight [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow [Music] [Music]
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 15,976
Rating: 4.8802395 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: nGg9RCcplm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 55sec (3295 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2017
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