FGHT Dallas: This Is Your Season

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taking the night come on give god the glory you're here tonight i said you're here tonight come on and give god the glory hallelujah hallelujah come on let us bow here creatures and eternal father which is in heaven lord we want to thank you for being here all tonight great master we're going to honor you and praise you dear god for the shepherd of this house apostle herman murray we clap our hands with leadership father we want to thank you for the lady daniel murray she stand right by his side and god we want to thank you dear god for the founders of this ministry apostle obviously dr shirley murray great master we want to thank you for their life and for their legacy now great master we pray that you would have your way on tonight move from the pulpit to the back door dear god look down there god on the bound on tonight set him free dear god send your word with power and authority and god we give your name the praise the glory and the honor now father we didn't come to hold the servants but we came to turn one or loose holy ghost moved by your spirit and by your divine power and god we give you all of the glory and all of the honor father look down on those that god that are on their way give them travel and grace and arrive in mercy as they make their way to the house of prayer these favors and blessings we ask in your son jesus name and let everyone say amen oh come on i said let everyone say man come on and say amen what about it over here church come on and say amen hallelujah hallelujah did you come to lift up jesus i said did you come to lift up jesus hallelujah god bless your song leaders let's go jesus getting us ready for that oh jesus getting us ready for that great day i know jesus ready for it tell me oh jesus christ come on and let him get you ready for i know tell me i tell you that my soul won't be so happy get when jesus hey please everybody take it out right tell me will you be ready how many feel all right tonight we're glory praising wonderful treatment come on oh watch got to be ready hey we're come on lift those hands and give god the glory tonight hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah amen god bless your hearts you may take your places on tonight come on and give the lord a great big hand clap amen isn't he wonderful tonight amen and while you're putting those hands together amen put your hands together for the mother's bowing on tonight amen god bless the mother's boy on tonight amen we're going to move up around higher amen at this time amen we're going to go into our testimony service amen though the victim flowers he's going to come and he's going to bless us tonight let's receive him with a hand clapping by the words of amen god bless you preaching amen praise the lord saints amen truly i do give honor to god who is the head of my life amen thanking him for saving me sanctify me and fill me with the holy ghost amen i give honor to our precious leaders apostle hermanelle murray to lady danielle murray amen i just kind of thought about what should i talk about tonight and i just thought it would be fit since this special deliverance tonight special deliverance night amen to tell how i came to the lord and how god delivered me i just thank god for being saved on tonight you know i grew up in the church hey man my parents always brought us to church my dad was a deacon in the church we went to just about every church service as far as i can think of and you know i was as a young boy i mean i love the lord amen every time in sunday school class amen they would give a dollar for every time you knew the scriptures and i made sure i got my dollar every day every service amen because i made sure i remember the scripture amen and i love the lord and i just thank god you know that that he had kept me and i he introduced himself to me at a young age but my parents said separated when i turned about eight or nine years old and you know you sow to the flesh then you know you reap of the flesh you sow to the spirit you reap of the spirit amen so my mother she wasn't as strong in the lord so when they had split up hey man she had quit taking us to church and everything thank god she's in church now amen and serving the lord but she had left the lord at that time and we were no longer going to church so you know me being a child foolishness being bound up in our heart amen i started catching on to the other things that the other people were doing and fast forward a man 10 years later around the age of 19 amen i went from being a young boy that loved to lord to love the lord to being a young boy that was now selling marijuana and smoking marijuana and in the clubs i mean not in the clubs but in the parties hey man amen dancing and doing things i knew i shouldn't have been doing it man i found myself drinking amen getting addicted to alcohol hey man and then i found myself a man in in the apartment buildings i mean selling crack cocaine amen went from loving the lord to having the devil have me bound up amen and thinking thinking i can be something that i wasn't amen but i thank god amen that just like amen a fish hey man when you put that hook in his mouth amen he can swim away all he wants but as long as that fisherman is patient and keeps on reeling in amen he's hooked and i thank god that my daddy man he had put the seed down in me amen and it's true if you train up a child in the way he should go amen when he will not depart from it i thank god it always stuck with me amen but i was just foolish amen but i thank god at the age of 19 i thank god for how he works because the job that i was working at hey man i was doing a security job and a promotion that came up and i put in for the promotion but the way god works you had to be 25 years old to even be considered for the job but you know god had given me favor even though i wasn't saved he gave me favor he was setting me up amen because he wanted to deliver me amen but they gave me the job anyway at the age of 19. but by me getting that job i had to work with a christian amen this man amen every time i worked with him and he started talking to me about the lord he started telling me how i needed to be saved started telling me you know what god to do in my life amen and i just thank god that all those things that i learned as a child a man began to come back to my mind i began to begin to remember how good god had been how i needed to be saved how he loved me all the scriptures i remember began to come back to my mind amen and i just thank god for that because god began to deal with me and i can remember it just plain as day man i remember i went home one night this was a couple weeks after you know this man that began to witness to me and god began to deal with me i remember i mean because at that time i mean i was you know as the world considered i was doing good as the world would say amen i had the money i had a good job and i had my own place at that time i mean i had everything you know that people are trying to obtain in this world and at the time my stepfather man he was into you know getting real estate in he had owned a couple clubs he was trying to get me you know in the partnership with him and i had all these things coming my way amen but i thank god i went to sleep that night and then i remember the dream as clear as day amen i was standing in like a tall building almost like the twin towers and i was way up high it was like i was in an office building and i was standing in front of this big old glass window just looking out and i could see like the whole city that i was in and all of a sudden the sky just cracked and i fell all the way down from that building and i can see myself i was in hell fire was all around me and it was dark and i can it was a dream but i can feel it it felt like it was real amen and i remember i just remember myself crying and saying i'm not supposed to be here i'm not supposed to be here i'm not supposed to be here and i remember i looked up and i said i'm not supposed to be here somebody saved me and i seen a bright light and i began to rise up out of that fire and i woke up and i thank god that you know i remember you know your parents our parents hey man we always kept that big bible in the living room whether anybody read it or not we always had a big bible in the living room for decoration amen but i remember that bible was there and i went and picked that bible up and as soon as i opened up it turned right to the scripture that said what prophet a man to gain the whole world and in the end lose his soul and i went to work that night amen and in my security van hey man god began to deal with me and i i can remember just like it was yesterday and the presence of god came in there so strong so strong i remember crying out to god saying lord i i need you lord save me lord deliver me and i thank god he came in and he changed my life i felt the praise of god i repented of my sins and i thank god that you know as i gotten older when my parents are separated i quit talking to my father because every time i talk to him he would tell me i needed to be saved you know when you when you and your sin you don't want to hear that so i wouldn't talk to him but when god had saved my soul he was the first person i called i said god god i said dad god save me amen i give my life back to the lord and i thank god after that amen i you know i went i went back around my old friends but the conversation they had just wasn't entertaining me anymore then it got to the point where they were calling me to come over and i would say nah i'ma just stay home and you know certain things that i used to do i just didn't have a desire to do those things anymore but i can feel the temptations trying to pull me back in so i remember calling my dad and saying dad i got to get out of here my dad was living in ohio at the time that's how i ended up in ohio hey man but i said dad i got to get out of here would you mind if i came and stayed with you and he said well pray about it you know seek god about it fast about it so i fast and prayed about it and at that time i was just visiting churches and i went to this one church with one of my friends and didn't really get nothing out of the service except off the program and at that time i didn't know about the nominations i just was saved and i want to go to a church amen so i just went to any church that i can find amen but on the program amen i've been fasting and praying about whether or not i should move and go down there with my father but on the program it said are you listening to god when he's telling you to do something it had genesis the 12th chapter and the first verse it talks about when abraham left his father amen told and god told him to leave everything and go to a land that he would show him i remember being in that service talking out real loud i think everybody in the service heard me i'm talking to my friend i said god is speaking to me god is speaking to me he's telling me to go he's telling me to go and i was so excited to hear hear god speaking to me and a couple weeks later amen i packed up all my stuff i left my job i left all that i had amen and i went down to ohio amen to be saved and i've been running since 2006 i mean it's been 15 years amen that i've been saved and i don't regret none of it amen being in this life amen is the best life that i have found i mean i thank god that he loves me amen andre crouch sings a song i mean i don't know why jesus loves me i don't know why he cares i mean i don't know why but i'm so glad i'm so glad he did where would i be if jesus didn't love me and i just thank god amen and those parents that are praying for their kids to be saved i mean as long as you put it in them i'm a living testimony that they will return back to it amen as long as we do our job you all pray my strength in the lord amen praise the lord amen we thank god amen for that testimony of deliverance and at this time amen we're going to give you into the hands of the temple worshipers let's receive them with a handclap and by the words of amen god bless you praise the lord everybody i said praise the lord everybody hallelujah can we have a little church show tonight come on put your hands together like this the song simply says i don't know what you come to do but i come to give god glory i come to give god praise because he's been too good to me not to praise him hallelujah you can repeat after me i don't know what you come to do baby he said i don't know what you come to do yeah i don't know what you come to do keep it here oh oh come on let's sing it together yeah oh hallelujah for me what's the lord what i've been through and all that is hallelujah watch me pray for picking watch me play watch me watch me cry watch me watch me boys oh come on we came to praise them tonight i said we came to praise him tonight we came to stole him we came to lift his name on him welcome up for the next few seconds everybody put those hands together give our god of praise in the house tonight oh oh come on all over the village thank you father lift those hands up and give them a praise in the house tonight oh come on everybody lift those hands up with my hands lifted up and with my mouth filled with praise come on bless him bless him bless his name woke up when i said somebody bless his name on tonight or bless his name my soul the magnify the name of the lord clap your hands all over this place hallelujah now the lord and i'll come running after you oh come running after you would you help me say it come on thank you lord trump be loved oh bless you i'll come running after you oh somebody praise him this is the worship hour this is it this is it this is the worship hour come on come on come on come on i'll come running after you i come on i'll come running after you trump jesus i could imagine because i could not imagine he's wrapping them around you right now i'm yes i love you from the bottom of my heart did anybody else come with a praise in the mouth has god done anything else for anybody will they come and give him the glory and honor that he deserves y'all know the song help us lift up the name of jesus and is is is oh is is glory and honor is i am lord we love you we adore you and the praise is oh is is is is well if you know he's worthy why don't you praise him right now come on hallelujah oh come on if you know he's worthy why don't you praise him like we serve a word they come i see your hands i don't hear nobody come on come on and give him glory hallelujah what a great god we serve while you're standing amen this time i want you to just lift your hands and from your heart through your lips all the way up to god's ears just say something personal to the lord come on out of the depth of your experience with god hallelujah just thank him thank him hallelujah hallelujah for being strong for you thank you lord for being so merciful and so kind for making ways out of no way we certainly bless and honor you tonight hallelujah god bless you take your seat in the presence of the lord what a fellowship amen what a joy divine leaning on his everlasting arms what a blessedness what a peace is mine leaning on his everlasting arms i'm just glad to be here tonight amen in the presence and in the house of the lord anybody glad to be here amen just just glad amen that god loaned you to life another day amen kept you safe and kept you saved amen and brought us here for another wonderful special deliverance night amen this is the night i don't care what your need is amen we want to preach some faith into your heart faith to believe amen that god is able to do the supernatural and the miraculous you got to believe that amen that whatever you need god to do that god is an able god the bible says now unto him that is able not just able but able to do exceeding and abundantly above all that we can ask or think that means that your case is not hopeless you're not helpless amen god can do more than you need him to do amen he ain't running no empty amen he's not running low on miracle work and power he met whatever you need i'm telling you now god can heal you and not and not lose an ounce of healing amen god can give you that breakthrough and it doesn't take from his supply amen god will always be able and be sufficient for whatever it is that we need look at somebody and tell them neighbor there is a word from the lord amen and i am a lover of the word of god i love mine tonight you got yours come on hold that power up thank god hallelujah because everything else is going down everything but what everything but what everything but the word of our god you've got to believe that tonight amen that there's victory in the word of god the book of saint john's gospel the fifth chapter in old familiar passage of scripture amen sing john chapter number five i want to begin reading at the first through the ninth verses amended saint john chapter number five verses one two three four five six seven eight and nine amen for saint john excuse me saint john 5 1-9 and when you have it say amen read what the bible says after this after this there was a feast of the jews and jesus went up to jerusalem the bible said he went up to jerusalem now there is at jerusalem by the sheep market a pool a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue that now a lot of people i was reading today scholars believe that this was a fictional story you know you got a lot of folk they say they they're religious but they really don't even believe the word of god amen but i'm so grateful that god's word can be proven and verified amen and if people don't think it's real it's just because they ain't smart enough to see the truth amen but they have actually identified the location of the pool of bethesda amen and it's one of the one of the most visited sites there in the holy land we've gotten a chance to go amen so this was an actual real pool the bible said that was at the sheep market a pool which is called in the hebrew tongue bethesda having five portuguese having five porches and these lay a great multitude of impotent folks impotent folk of waiting for the moving of the water for an angel went down at a certain season had a certain season somebody say a certain season this didn't happen every week this didn't take place amen every other day but the angel went down the bible said at a certain season and troubled the water and trouble the waters who else whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had and a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years 38 years this man was sick for 38 years and you got people battling with something lasted two three days a couple of weeks this man was sick for 38 years sick the woman with the issue of blood suffered for 12 years this man had suffered for 38 long years i don't know how old he is but i i'd like to presume that that he wasn't around 80 so so the majority of his life if not all of his life he was a sick man the bible said he was in firm for 38 years real when jesus saw him lying and when jesus saw him laying there and knew that he had been now a long time in that case he said unto him will thou be made whole that's the question that's the only question that's important at this particular time do you want to be made whole notice what jesus didn't ask him all of that stuff we would ask people how long have you been like this what does it feel like what do your families say how did you end up like we would have asked a multitude of questions but jesus cut to the chase and the only thing that matters with somebody that has a need is do you want to be made whole the impotent man answered him man answered him and said sir i have no man when the water is troubled to put me into i ain't got nobody but put me in the water when the water is troubled i'm here i'm present hey man i i'm accounted for but i ain't got nobody the reason why i'm like i am is because all the people around me are selfish you know we can we can blame a whole lot of folk for for why we are where we are and like we are ain't nobody around me generous enough to put me in the pool but you got to realize if they have the pool chances are they got to need themselves and when it comes down to happening in the east hey man ain't nobody gonna throw you in the water when they need to be made whole themselves it's up to you to get your deliverance ain't got nobody to put me in the pool read but while i am coming another step it down before me jesus said unto him jesus said unto him wise notice he didn't even address the excuses that he made he simply says to him get up boy that's a strong conversation ain't it jesus just lord i ain't got nobody i've been in 38 years and my legs don't work and then and she said get up and what happened take up thy bed and walk take your don't just stand up pick up your bed and go out of here and just going home uh-huh and immediately the man was made whole uh-oh and took up his bed and took up his bed and walked and he started walking and on the same day was the sabbath and on the same day was the sabbath now go to that 16th verse i just want to we might as well look at that amen so you understand uh what that means really and therefore did the jews persecute jesus they persecuted jesus and sought to slay him uh-huh because he had done these things on the sabbath day because he had done these things on the sabbath day he did something good healed the man made a man hold on the sabbath day and they got angry because he did the right thing at the wrong time boy that's that stuff ain't it you think everybody's celebrating because you've been sick 38 years and and now all of a sudden they see you carrying your bed down the street and the only thing they can think of is that this ain't your time it's the wrong time what you doing carrying that bed today is the sabbath day what are you doing healed on this ain't that like people you think everybody would rejoice at the fact that god what the miracle for you and the reality is you get people who all they can see is why this is not your time your time to be healed your your time to be brought out your time to be delivered all they can see is why you want to still be like you are they sought to persecute jesus and to slay him because he did the right thing but he did it at the wrong time i want to talk tonight look at somebody and tell him this is your season look at somebody else and just tell them this is your season i wish you'd find somebody else and tell them i don't care if it's not your time tell them this is your season boy y'all don't got quiet on a saturday night i'm trying to figure out if if there's anybody in here that can embrace that and receive that tonight hey man look at somebody tell them it may not be my time but it's my season amen everybody else standing in line i come to tell you amen that when is your season you ain't got to stand in line just take a step out of the line because whenever the lord shows up something good is getting ready to happen to you i recognize tonight that when it comes to matters of faith you've got a lot of people that are wrestling they're wrestling in their their faith they're struggling to continue to believe you've got some people that have been one way for so long now amen until all they see is their the present circumstance they can't see beyond that you've got some people amen they've been one way so long until this now is what is normal man they're just they're just functional have you seen people like that hey man they're they're in a place where where they know it's not right this is not what i want amen but this is what i've always had and the most i can hope for is just to be functional so you got a lot of people they just learned how to plow through the circumstance hey man it's not that this is an ideal place for them they're just functional hey man they got a lot of stuff going on amen other people are sitting down amen other folk hey man i just given up people have thrown in the towel amen but you've got some folk that are dealing with the worst of the situation hey man but they have just found a way to keep going they just found a way that in spite of how they feel amen they're just not going to sit at the house and hey man let circumstance kill her and you look at him and you'll figure hey man from the outside they got it all together he went from the outside there's some people and you here tonight hey man people look at you and they can't figure out what you're complaining about hey man they can't figure out what you're talking about because as far as they can see you are spot-on you're a-okay amen there's nothing going wrong with you and they don't even realize amen you are in the thick of whatever you're in you're just functional y'all don't got quiet you just know how to keep going you just know amen not to sit there amen and just die and i come to talk to you tonight those of you amen that it's a struggle for you to put one foot in front of the other amen but still there are people that are minimizing your struggle because on the outside you still gotta praise you're still shouting hey man you're still dancing you're still faithful to the house of god you just learned how to function in spite of your dysfunction i oh god i wish i could talk to somebody here tonight hey man you've got a lot of folks that are that's just functionally dysfunctional lord could i could i talk amen and so i come to talk to you because i found out that there are people that struggle amen they struggle at times he meant not whether or not they're going he meant to stay save a backslash that's not the level of your struggle the level of the struggle sometimes comes with your mind amen has to push back everything that it sees amen in order to believe what god has said i come to tell you yes it's easy inferior to talk about it amen but it's when it's time to practice it hey but sometimes he means you've got to willfully push back everything you know everything you feel amen and in spite of what you don't see and don't know you've just got to trust god even when it feels like you're stepping out in the darkness amen and you don't know where your foot is going to land amen you've got to continue to believe you've got people now amen the enemy is playing with their mind and amen because of the length of the trial you're looking at yourself and i come against that amen that spirit that makes you want to be amen a self-reflective when it comes down amen to why you're in what you're in because sometimes amen it's not you it's not the fact that you sinned it's not the fact that god is angry at you amen you've got a lot of people saying i don't know what i did amen i don't know how i got here and i need for you to know amen that it's not necessarily that you have committed a sin it's not that god is angry with you amen but sometimes we've got to go back amen and understand all over again what is the key to my deliverance and can i tell you the key is not feeling sorry for yourself the key is not blaming everybody else amen for why you are where you are and can i tell you even some of you were in some places tonight that you didn't land yourself in that situation amen you just looked up and that's where you were amen some of us are dealing with things amen that we have suffered for many years sometimes from birth we're dealing with circumstances that are no fault of our own amen but that's where you are and even you can spend the rest of your life blaming everybody else for why you are like you are or you can pick yourself up and say look it may not have a whole lot amen but i got enough to keep going amen i got enough to sustain me amen y'all getting quiet on saturday i'm trying to tell you you've got to realize tonight amen that it's not about point blame it's not about the excuses you've got to determine what do i want and if i want it bad enough what am i willing to do in order to get it you got to recognize what the key to your deliverance really is and the key to your deliverance amen i know it it seems elementary when you come to church as much as you do amen but the key to your deliverance is faith he meant faith is what god is looking for and you've got a lot of people amen that don't realize it but god is looking past your peers god is looking past your pity party god is looking past and he sees through he meant all of the times that you sat there and felt sorry for yourself that's why i'm glad i got a god amen that's not controlled by emotion amen i'm glad i always have a god that's control amen my feelings amen but what god is looking for he's looking for your faith he wants to know do you have what is called that solid assurance y'all are getting quiet again i said that's what faith is people we we love quoting the scripture amen faith is the substance of things hoped for it is the evidence of things not seen and that's true amen but you know what faith is it is a solid assurance he meant faith is refusing to be denied faith means it doesn't matter how bad it looks it doesn't matter how bad i got it it doesn't matter how bad i'm struggling i will not take no for an answer and i'm looking through the house tonight trying to figure out amen if there's at least 17 of you amen that's already determined i'm not taking no for an answer i've identified his promise in the word of god and as long as every word in him is ye and amen i'm taking it home with me i wish i could find somebody to look at your neighbor and tell them that i'm taking every blessing i can oh god everything that ain't nailed to the ground coming home with me amen i'm getting everything that god that god has in store it is a solid in god amen it is not only amen knowing amen that god can but it's also believing that god will now and when you exercise that kind of faith in god i come to tell you god can't help but to move on your behalf what the bible said amen what we've got to do now is throw away the doubt amen look at somebody just tell them throw away the doubt throw it away amen because i know sometimes if you allow your mind and the enemy to talk to you hey man you'll sit there with a bunch of doubt in your pocket how come they tell you throw that away hey man stop asking yourself questions that the bible has already answered can god uh oh no no it's not look at somebody told him it's not kind god it's god can i tell you can god make a way out of nowhere oh god somebody should have said god can make a way out of no way can god heal my body god can heal my body can god open doors can open i'm trying to figure out if there's anybody that believes that our god is an able god i wish i could catch and turn around and tell somebody tell them it's not can god but it's god can't tell him i know he can how do you know he can't because i tried him that's why you can't make me doubt him i know too much about my god so i can't doubt his ability but not only can i doubt his ability i cannot doubt his willingness no i know he can and i know he will uh-huh i said i know he can and i know that he will hebrews 11 6 for without faith it is impossible to please god for he that cometh to god that this means come to him with a petition he that cometh to god with with a desire with with a need he that cometh to god must believe that he is that that that he's what that he's a healer to believe that he's a provider you've got to believe because if you're coming to god and you've got to need you you got to first settle it in your mind that he can handle my lead look at somebody tell him he can handle my need hey man there's some folk i don't go to amen with the stuff i need because they can't handle my need look y'all don't got quiet here hey man i i can't look at nobody and ask her hey amen for two million dollars and now i'll pay you back later lord y'all getting quiet because there are fork that can't handle my need amen but he can handle my need that's why i can come boldly to him ain't got to shy away from god amen i'm trying to tell you some of y'all he means you need a hundred dollars you're not asking for if you can just loan me 30 i'll be i don't come on now amen but when it come to god you ain't got to try to help god i come to tell you if your god y'all don't get quiet if you need a hundred dollars you can ask god for two because he can handle your need like y'all don't get quiet i come to tell you hey man if you've got high blood pressure you can ask god to heal high blood pressure and save your children because he can handle your need we we've got to believe that he that he is that he's a healer he's able to heal he's a provider he's able to provide his he's jehovah jaime we've got to believe that he that he is and since we know who he is and what he's able to do the bible said and then we've got to believe that he is a rewarder that means he will act on our behalf uh-huh so not only can god heal but if i provide the faith he will heal so if i'm coming to god and some of us haven't settled that yet so we believe that he is but we're still wavering as to whether or not he's a rewarder of them that diligently seek him you've got it in your mind you oh he's jehovah rapha and you and he's jehovah sick and he's your over shalom he's and you can quote all that he is but do you believe that he's a rewarder of those who diligently seek him amen because i come to tell you if you punish the kind of faith that it takes god is obligated to his word ah now you've got to do more than just believe that he's jehovah gyra you've got to believe that he's going to show up amen put your faith in the lord knowing that god is not going to let you down your faith must be determined to see this thing through to the end amen it's not just about knowing that god can i believe it will and that's what i'm going to hold to until i come out of whatever it is that i mean look at somebody and tell them that's my story oh god and i'm sticking with it i come to tell you i believe that god can i believe that god will wield and it doesn't matter what happens between here and there that's my story and i'm sticking with it i don't care what i see because a whole lot can happen between here and there there's a lot of things that can take place amen that grabbed my attention oh god but though a whole shouldn't camp again lord y'all get quiet my heart will not fear because i know that god is on my side i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor oh god and tell your neighbor this is your season i tell somebody else this is your season i want you to get ready amen because you're gonna walk tonight i want you to get ready because you're gonna shout tonight i want you to get ready because something good is getting ready to take place oh god i'm trying to find the amen corner on special deliverance tonight i wish you don't turn around and just just shoot a compliment as many folk and tell them something good some good power some good it's getting ready to happen to you it's gonna happen to you and you and you and you and you and you and you some good it's getting ready to take place all you gotta do is get your faith up it's gonna happen their will hold it let me let me walk a little bit more here there will always be things that that challenge our faith even the bible talks about the trying the trial of our faith always something to test the authenticity of your faith whether it's a living faith an active faith or whether it's dead being alone always something that's always a question to be to be answered there's always something when you're looking for a miracle there's there's always that voice in the back of your mind whether you try to ignore it or whether you suppress it it's there and you know it's just like the devil that whenever something comes up that presents itself as a challenge things that you thought hey man we're no longer there they just present themselves all over again now you hear that voice again and what are the questions amen that the enemy brings is is it god's will to kill me and i told you it is emphatically god's will to heal you i've been like this for 38 years brother herman i've been like this for a while now is it really god's will to heal me because if i've been this way for 38 years then is that not proof in and of itself that sickness is just god's will for my life no that's the devil talking to you amen it is not god's will that you be sick no it's not not when he's jehovah jireh y'all getting quiet ain't never amen hurting nobody he's the lord my god that maketh me sick no no no no he's the lord that god that healeth feet now y'all didn't get quiet because because some of us accept things that you you are not accept this stuff that's the problem this didn't come from god can i tell you sickness is of the devil i don't care if you don't believe it i'm trying to tell you the bible said he went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil sickness is the oppression of the devil it is not god's will amen for you to walk around here with sickness in your body that's not god's will even if that's your reality it is not god's will for this stuff to be your story amen the devil is a liar i come to tell you it didn't come from god every good and every perfect gift is from above from the father of lights in whom there is no variableness neither any shadow attorney this stuff didn't come from god i wish i could talk to somebody here today i come to tell you if god didn't make you sick that package came from the devil and you see the apostle man say shake it off and make the devil take it back look at your name and tell the restaurant to return it to sender how god did say right on the package from the devil you don't have to accept it just because he ring your doorbell hey man if that ain't for you amen god return to cinder the devil is a liar it is god's will that we walk in health that we be whole are y'all hearing what i'm trying to tell you it's not god's will for your mind to be fractured the way you're suicidal and depressed and having bouts of anxiety come against that spirit now that restless spirit that got you sitting up all night long worried about stuff that ain't gonna never happen to you honey go ahead and go to sleep shut your big eyes oh god cause he that keepeth israel he neither slumbers nor sleeps god's gonna take care of his own i wish i could find somebody look at your neighbor and tell the neighbor this is your season some good getting ready to happen i heard him say it in exodus 15 and 26. he said i am the lord thy god i'm the one that he lives that means continually i'm the one that healeth thee uh-huh aren't you glad god don't god don't have a maximum amen on your life he doesn't hear you three times and you don't already ask them to hear you of your three diseases now now you out of no no no no he he'll lift that means he continually heals my i'm trying to figure out tonight is there anybody who ever had god to heal you i said have god ever healed anybody in god no means you out of healing amen that means that if he did it before that same god is an able god and he can heal you today i come and tell you if he can hear you have a headache then god can heal you of course if he can hear your comet he can heal you of age if he can heal you of age he can curse the root of those tumors that are growing on your lungs the devil is a liar i come to tell you our god is unable i feel like i want to holler here tonight god is an able god not only that but psalms 103 and 3 declares that he forgiveth all of our iniquities and healeth all of our diseases all of our our diseases tuberculosis uh-huh emphysema monkey pox well y'all done got it all that stuff kidney failure yeah your brain tumors everything that's going wrong with you he can make it right it is god's will to heal your body and the good thing is it don't matter how long you've been sick and it don't matter how bad your condition is i was listening to a man today talking about a gentleman's wife who went to the hospital and for the first time they found a lump amen in a breast upon right upon the arm amen and found out that it was stage four but you know what i know about god amen god don't care what kind of stage it's in all i gotta do is look at the story of lazarus oh god he can show up too late and still be on time i'm trying to tell you it is god's will to heal you and if god makes you a promise of him if he got to raise you from the dead just to keep his wife to you you're going to find out that god is a faithful god y'all look like y'all want me to hurry up and i'm trying to i'm trying to help somebody here tonight i need you to understand it doesn't matter how long you've been like that how long you been shooting needles in your stomach how long have you been insulin dependent how long has your vision amen been growing increasingly cloudy don't matter because it's god's will he has the power and he has the desire to do it he'll do it for you yes he will god to do it for you and not only but i i read jeremiah 32 27. you know what it says he says i'm the lord the god of all flesh is there is there anything too hard for me is your case hopeless can i tell you what i've seen i've seen god raise the dead i ain't telling people what i what i heard other folk i've seen god do it i've seen god work miracles i've seen god heal people that couldn't walk i've seen god deliver folk with addictions i've seen god work miracles and and and bad for the doctors i've seen god take people that the doctor said we're going to die and i've seen god give them extensions on life longer than what he gave hezekiah i know that god y'all getting quiet now i've seen people the doctor said they're going got stage four you're gonna die in two months i've seen god take those people and they just don't have no better sense than to keep living doctor said you ought to be dead and and their faith just just just keeps them connected to a god that that continues to breathe life into them i'm trying to tell you it does nothing too hard for our god next the devil says what if if it's god's will to heal you then then then then is this the time for you to be healed or should you just be content being sick until god decides to heal you so you got some folk they shattered it god is a healer he wants me healed but obviously he don't want me healed right now so i'll just sit here and stay sick until he decides to come through and heal me huh i'm trying to figure out where do we get this this satisfaction with sickness you don't have to be satisfied being in a state of lack and warmth and sickness and knowledge and that's not what god wants for you can i tell you all it takes is being a oh god here we go here we go here we go all it really takes is to be obedient to his instructions and by faith you have a right to receive everything you need at the hands of the lord bishop murray can i ask you what is it that i need to do all you need to do is receive the instruction and obey what he said because whenever god gets ready to move he gives us clear instruction he never leaves it up to us to figure it out on our own he gives us instruction and then he says to us you've got to not do what i tell you to do and can i tell you in your obedience thank you lord you're going to see god move you're going to see god's hand amen in your situation you're going to see god rearranging the circumstances of your life god is getting ready to do something big for you all you've got to do is follow the instruction of the lord once you've obeyed the word of the lord then miracles are getting ready to take place so what you've got to know about our god going forward amen is that our god is a covenant keeping god he's a covenant keeping god amen and he is bound by his word look at somebody tell the neighbor god is bound by his word i was reading this afternoon amen when the bible declares that god has magnified his word even above his name god is absolutely bound to his word that's the reason why you can't guess at this thing when it comes down to faith you've got to have something to root your faith in and i come to declare somebody tonight that there's nothing to root your faith in like the word of god this word is strong enough he meant for you to root everything you got in and whatever god has declared in the word whatever god has already spoken in the word if thou canst believe it all things are possible to him that believe and i don't just me and believe with the with the head but like james of faith where that works is dead i mean believe it to the point that you do something look at your name and tell them neighbor tell them don't just sit there do something you've got the word of the lord you've got instruction from god you can't just sit down on the word you've got to do something with what god has said and so god says i'll give you the word of god and when you have the word of god all that's left is for you to hear it and to obey and then you'll find that god is a god that's true to his word i wish i could find a few of you to look at your neighbor and tell them neighbor this is your season i got to hurry and get out of here but i'm reminded of our story tonight when you talk about faith and obedience i gotta hurry and get out of here y'all your seed see this coming into jerusalem he goes to a sheep market and by the sea monkey tells a pool the bible calls it the pool of bethesda which means the house of mercy this is where people come when they got stuff going on that they cannot handle they come to the house of mercy lord have mercy and there's a whole lot of folk here tonight you can't deal with what you're in right now so you have to ask for help every now and then have you ever had to lift your hands when that pain hits you and you didn't have the control of it and you just ask god lord just have mercy that means look down respectively and notice my condition and do something for me these folk at the house of mercy the bible said that in this place there's a whole multitude of impotent folk that word impotent means weak it means those that don't have control it means those that are infirming their bodies there's a whole slew of people the bible said they were halt they were withered and they were blind and the power declared that they were there waiting for the moving of the water because an angel went down at a certain season and he troubled the water you know what trouble in the water means it means that he started stirring up the pool and when they looked out at the pool and the pool was stirred then the bible said the rush was old everybody's clamoring trying to get in the water because whosoever stepped in first was made ahold of whatever disease that he had i couldn't tell somebody that when jesus shows up to the pool something supernatural is getting ready to take place can i talk to your brothers and sisters this man laid there the bible said jesus knew that he'd been that way a long time for the 80s he was sitting there lame and he couldn't walk for 38 years his legs were useless for 28 years he couldn't get around nowhere he couldn't do anything for himself and see this knowing that he's been that way a long time he comes up to a man that's been sick for 30 and 88 come to tell somebody that jesus knows look at your name and tell them tell them jesus knows he knows what you're going through he knows how long you've been sick he knows the depth of your depression he knowing what our anxiety starts to sit on your shoulders he know what you got left and he knows how to make it better comes up to a sick man at the pool of bethesda that was waiting for the moving of the water because the bible said an angel came down at a certain season and trouble the water can i go ahead and tell you i looked this up today because i needed to know what a season was because an angel came down at a certain season and he troubled the water and for the folks sitting at the pool they knew according to the time oh god could i talk about it here that the angel was coming to trouble the one at a certain season everybody's anticipation started to grow can't you see everybody coming to the pool of bethesda they trying to get there early because they want a front row seat because when the water starts to spur they gotta hurry up and get in there so first come first serve i want a front row seat and they're waiting for the right time they're waiting for a minute but look at somebody tell them not me tell them i'm not waiting for a minute i'm waiting for a moment i wish i could talk to somebody here because when you talk about seasons seasons can be so much more than chronological time it can be so much more than a measurement of successive moments but a season is a period of opportunity could i talk to somebody here and that's what you need some of you just need an opportunity that's all that's lacking in your life it's not that you don't have the desire but i come to tell you that god's about to give you a supernatural visitation you're getting ready to get your opportunity look at your name and tell them it may not be my time but tell them but it's my season this is my certain for a damn event that's getting ready to take place because jesus knew before he got to the pool that there's gonna be a man that's been sick for 28 years that needs a miracle now i come to tell you that she this knows how to meet you at the point of your need he knew this man would be there so this is the certain ford event that god chose to take place it may be a measurement of time for other people but for those that trust god god's getting ready to give you a season of opportunity let them wait on the minute but wait on your moment because i found out that when the man that made the pool when he shows up something good is getting ready to happen in your life i got to get out of here but i stopped by to tell somebody the devil is trying to get you to believe that it's not your time and it's not your season but the kind of god i serve can make not my season my season he can bless me when it's not even my turn yet i come to tell somebody that god is ready to perform a miracle for you is there anybody here that can say brother herman i'm looking for a miracle i expect the incredible i believe the impossible and something good is coming my way jesus looks at the man and he says to the man all i want to know is do you want to be made whole look at your name and tell a neighbor i know you got to me tell them the only question that needs to be answered is do you really want to be healed do you really want to be delivered do you really want to weigh me do you really want to come out look at somebody and tell me yeah i'm waiting on my miracle and i gotta feel it that this is my season this is my personal season may not be my turn a personal season right in my midst and i don't care the world believe that i should have stayed here for another three months it's not their choice he gave me a personal season and i'm stepping in it see this said do you want to be made a hole and that's what i come to ask do you want to be healed do you want to walk tonight do you want god to open your eyes do you want god to rebuke depression how bad do you need a miracle do you want god to unlock your finances look at somebody and tell a neighbor i need a miracle and i believe that tonight is my night i'm tired of seeing shadows and fog i'm tired of not having the strength i'm tired of being numbered among the important folk i'm ready for a miracle i said is there anybody here are you ready for a miracle can i ask you a question do you want to be made whole i said do you want to be made whole do you want god to stop by do you need god to touch you cause something ah is getting ready to take i place jesus say do you want to be made whole the man said i ain't got nobody he started making excuses and i come to tell you that if you're standing at this altar telling yourself no more excuses i'm not looking for nobody to blame i'm not looking for somebody to pin it on i want a miracle i need a touch i want to be made whole he started telling jesus why i'm like i am and that's what the devil want to do he wants you to look at yourself and frown on everybody else but when jesus shows up i come to tell you you gotta cast your eyes on that miracle-working savior i know that he came on business he came to see about you and the only thing he has to say to you is rise and take up your bed and walk do something that you could do before i came i can't walk jesus yes you can because whenever jesus speaks his words bring power whenever he gives a command his command gives enablement you've got to tell yourself i can do what he said i can do and if he said be healed i believe i'm healed right now if it's said i can walk i'm gonna pick my foot up and i'm gonna give it a try if he said i can see i'm gonna focus on the cross until my vision stop being blurry i believe i can do what he said i can do i can have what he said i can have you got to tell yourself something good just came my way and looking for in man because he healed on the sabbath day but i come to declare and poor gospel holy temple that any time is the right time for a miracle i wish i could get somebody to look at your neighbor and tell them anytime it's the right time for a miracle i believe it's mine tonight i've been waiting anticipating but i believe that it's my season it's my season i'm blessed because he said i'm blessed i'm healed because he said i'm healed the way is made because he said it i wish i could see how many folk in the house had the kind of faith to believe that it's my season this is my season this is my season he stopped by and did something special this is my season i'm going home with it i'm going to pick my bed up i'm going to walk the miracle is my to praise right now come on and give him praise come on and give him praise if you believe it tonight if you believe it i feel power walking across this altar something good is taking place it's happening in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus something good is taking place i feel the healing through it i feel deliverance tonight in the name ow in the name of jesus there it is something hit this place that's a miracle if you need it you can have it reach up and grab it that's it receive it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus receive it tonight receive it yeah in the name of jesus father lay your hands on don't let them be the same in the name of jesus do it god meet every need honor every right desire in the name of now i wish i had somebody to believe god for a miracle touch god in the name of jesus in the name of jesus why come on here i'm gonna receive it now yes lord yes jesus that's god i believe your worth i believe your word i believe your word i plead the blood of jesus over the mind the blood over the body in the name of jesus you're a liar lose your heart in the name of jesus yes lord hallelujah the rest of you i want you to believe it when you've got his word the only thing left to do is pick up your bed and walk if you believe it reach up and receive it in the name of jesus you at this home to receive your therapist receive your healing in the name of jesus granted god i believe you're worried i believe your party in the name of jesus our god on your way have your way lord yes jesus yes jesus yes jesus yes jesus yes jesus thank you by your word we receive it now in the name of jesus father lay your hands over touch like only come on and give him glory father do it do it do it in the name of jesus do it jesus if you need to be saved this is your time come on now if you need deliverance come on receive your healing receive your miracle receive your sight receive strength in the name of jesus do it jesus oh yes so so everybody oh come on and clap your hands i would like yours i wish somebody would just give it a try come on if you believe it you ought to do something you can do before if you couldn't lift your arm if you couldn't stand up give it a try i believe that when he said it something happened to me ahead and check yourself you've got enough the devil get strength you got too much to celebrate to worry about how the devil hates your miracle i wish you clap your hands like you loved them come yes this is your season yes please in the name of jesus so already done praising because it is oh yes me yes sir look at some managers ask them who season is this i said ask somebody who sees it is this ahead and answer tell them it's my season tonight we're so grateful for michelle jones and maya jones from yonkers new york god bless you i see you hallelujah what a mighty god we serve look at somebody again and ask them whose season is this go ahead and tell them it's my seat this is when god's gonna do it right now father we thank you tonight for this service for how you move by your power and your spirit thank you for that testimony tonight thank you for every song but most of all for your word came the challenging to change us take us from this place in your safety and you care lead us and guide us direct us and protect us over the dangerous highways and we'll be very careful to give your name the praise the glory and all of the honor in the name of jesus somebody lift your hands and just say thank you lord lift your hands and say thank you lord god bless you we'll see you sunday school begins at 10 o'clock you
Channel: Full Gospel Holy Temple
Views: 6,265
Rating: 4.9213114 out of 5
Keywords: full, gospel, holy, temple, Bishop, Herman, Murray, Jr, Apostle, Convocation, holiness, god, jesus, heaven
Id: UiR5sQphHUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 29sec (7049 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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