FFXIV RECAP - Pandæmonium: Abyssos

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foreign [Music] began with a crystal set a drift upon the tides of the Ethereal sea a crystal containing memories a warning and a request from the past salvation for pandemonium a facility of the unsundered world constructed to keep dangerous creatures for study traveling through the streams of time to alpis the warrior of light made new friends and face strange foes in the first of pandemonium's three rings asphadellos and the Mysteries that surrounded pandemonium only deepened at every turn until the warrior of light had no choice but to return to the source now returning to claudian after some rest the warrior of light was greeted by his excited announcement that he had begun to hear the whispering of the constellationless convocation Crystal since the last time they had met claudian and his team had worked tirelessly to better understand the Crystal and in so doing detected an etheric signature suggesting a sense of loss and yearning to be made whole in the memories within worryingly ambient readings of the star's Aether detected identical readings meaning that another such Crystal existed in current times as the warrior of light had a duty to return to alpis claudian charged himself with tracking down the Crystal's twin chartering a ship and pilot for the Expedition and leaving abruptly while the other researchers pointed out that only claudian was regularly able to hear the Crystal's whisperings nemjiji had one final piece of advice the creatures that were confined to pandemonium must have once been housed in alpis so there must be records as to their nature which might shed light on future dangers then the warrior of light left and journeyed back through time onto Albus the warrior of light arrived in the past in front of a surprised themus who explained he had been looking into records just like the warrior of light planned to he also explained that he had already managed to undo the warding sigil blocking the path into pandemonium's second Circle abyssos though pandemonium's wars were being weakened from within all was still stable for now Eric thonios had been left to watch over things and to hone his powers of internments without his Aid so the warrior of light and demons attempted to wrap up their investigations by questioning a member of the words of La habrea about the nature of pandemonium the Themis took a moment to confide in the Warrior of light on the strength of feeling nearing Obsession for La habrea all the waters had shown in asphadellos positive feelings like hesperos for his mentor or negative feelings like Eric thonios for his father and the Rarity of such connection between ancients where most see all as equals in the larger picture of the star with the arrival of the words of La habrea the first question was posed why was pandemonium built directly beneath alpis a facility not operated by their organization proximity had seemed the obvious cause but with most of pandemonium's creatures coming from distant places there was little in the way of practicality the words of La habrea's speaker had no answer beyond the fact that at its Inception pandemonium did receive most of its Creations from alpis but the nature of pandemonium's construction did not lend itself to relocation relegating it to remain in place even as its function shifted from simple internment of Concepts to the obsessive research of any dangerous being la habre himself was the one in charge of selecting what beings were sent to pandemonium and what had caused the change and focus over time was unknown to the speaker themes clarified that regardless of why if pandemonium's resources were being misused it would then have been under the direct authority of La habrea himself the word of La habrea pointed out that the other keywords of pandemonium held some control and the keywords had recently sent a report noting that all was well within pandemonium's Halls aware of the recent complications within set halls and live at all was well Themis and the warrior of Lights took their leave and began their descent beneath alpis before their arrival Eric thonios stood alone in the outer Courtyard of pandemonium practicing the same internment Magics he had used in asphodelos though the Spells were ingrained into his very being he still lacked the fundamental strength needed to empower the seals which frustrated him sensing something he turned to witness a familiar of the Phoenix they had fought in asfidelos despite the creature being locked away a voice spoke through the being it said it had been the one to free the creatures of asphadellos in the first place noting Eric thonios's frustration and hostility he quoted words of his father mockingly a calm heart stays the course knowing no one would know the saying but his father Eric thonios demanded that his father show himself acknowledging nothing of its identity the being kept mocking him before being shrouded in dark Mists and in sorceling Eric thonios claiming he was indispensable to pandemonium's great experiment and that Eric thonios's wish would soon be fulfilled the arrival of Demas and the warrior of light interrupted the process causing the being to flee with its departure Eric thonios was left confused but quickly explained he knew its identity and who had enthralled the keywords la habrea between Eric thonios's personal experience and the clues themeus had gathered everything LED towards the chief key Ward but these actions did not match the man Demas knew though the warrior of light and Eric thonios were less dubious the only way to be sure was to dive deeper into pandemonium Enchanted by themis's spell that called Phantoms to his side the warrior of light acted as the Vanguard charging into the halls of pandemonium's second ring abyssos where they were transported into an arena of cages and toxic Flora were creatures imbued with venom and poison were kept and made to face off against a nightmarish version of a being they knew all too well a prototype concept of a carbuncle first fighting within the cage then the jungle floor below the warrior of light defeated the protocarbuncle and Eric thonios and themes sealed it away after a voice rang out acknowledging the warrior of light's strength from the darkness emerged a man bearing a familiar red mask La habrea of the convocation of 14. the ancient triggered a trap that should have bound all the company but the warrior of light's then sundered Aether protected them before the warrior of light could strike La habrea bit calm as his defeat would mean that Eric thonios would never have his wish to see his mother Athena again Eric thonios was outraged that his father would use his mother's name as a shield but he was stopped when themus asked allahabrea a question if the figure before them was La habrea why was he speaking such blatant lies famous made a simple request to say his name to which La habrea called him themus and dismissed him entirely now certain of his answer themus broke his chains and claimed this La habrea an imposter in a flash a ball of fire came from nowhere engulfing the fraud and Flame as the party turned to see another La habrea who looked to themus and called him by the name he held as a member of the convocation Elizabeth as the smoke cleared the Imposter stood with the Sigil of office Blazing Red crushing it and dispelling the glamor that cloaked him he revealed a man much like La habrea only far younger calling himself a festos he told Eric thonios that he was the one he should call Father before disappearing Into Darkness waiting for safety to explain things lahabrea told the party to retreat apologizing for his deception themus was unsurprised to find the warrior of light was already aware of his true identity explaining himself Themis said that though he and azim had never met the warrior of light they came with azim's highest recommendation which was enough for Elizabeth to trust the warrior of light from the start and as Themis and the warrior of light left abyssos a distant voice begged for them to save and unspecified him outside of abyssos Eric thonios confronted his father demanding answers about the nature of hephaestos coldly La habre explained his awareness of his EMS and Elizabeth's involvement in recent events he also explained the nature of the doppelganger La habrea may be the name of his seat on the convocation but his given name at Birth had been hephaestos and that being with LA habrea's of their half a manifestation of greed envy and desire torn from La habrea's self and given form due to an experiment gone wrong he had been sealed away but over time he had begun to free himself from within pandemonium recalling that hephaestos had blamed La habrea for Athena's death Eric thonios asked if it was true giving no straight answer La habrea moved on to the task at hand the removal of the danger his other half posed by eradicating pandemonium from existence the rest of the group was horrified after all their efforts to save those they could and with some warders potentially still hidden within the destruction of pandemonium was unconscionable the cold calculus was the choice expected of LA habrea and his station but Elizabeth also had a role that of emissary as an observer of all events so far he weighed the danger of hephaestos's possible release against the cruelty of slaying every beast and ancient that lay within pandemonium with the warrior of light as a guiding star he decided that by their combined strength they would take the more measured approach delve deeper into abyssos and discover hephaestos's plan and as a last resort destroy pandemonium if needs be La habrea respected the authority of the Emissary and noted Eric fonio seemed more competent and capable than he had in the past pausing a moment before returning to abyssos Eric thonios and the warrior of light exchanged words recalling the moments shortly after the creatures of the facility had been released and the active efforts of the keyboards to restore order rather than to save their own lives Eric thonios refused to abandon them for simply carrying out their Duty beyond that he wanted to understand the secrets behind a festos and his words all he had ever known of his mother's death was that she perished in an accident as Chief keyboard and La habrea could sense all creatures that lay within but noted that none of note remained wandering the Halls at least none of abyssos or as fidelos but a trial lay before them still hegemon keyword of abyssos her existence twisted and corrupted into the form of a hemitheoi acting to save her from her fate Eric thonios and the party re-entered abyssos finding hegemon merged with something of scale wing and disease the warrior of light fought hard to incapacitate her successfully doing so unlike with hesperos and allowing Eric thonios and Elizabeth to seal her away while they searched for a cure not so pettiest to deny the achievements of the others lahabre was impressed by the victory more than anything he was fascinated by the strength of the warrior of light in contrast lahabrea advised the company should send Eric thonios away as he was far too weak standing up for himself Eric thonios fought for his place in the adventure he wanted to see hephestos defeated save the innocent within pandemonium and he admitted to know how hephaestos meant to resurrect Athena to that lahabre commanded him to leave pandemonium at once he explained that hephestos's plan of Resurrection must not infect the mind of others life flows in a cycle Souls returned to the underworld and are born again athenas had likely already done so and that new person's life was now their own journey to Embark upon even should hephessos remake Athena's body and breathe life into it the soul it held would not be hers asked was it worth bringing back Athena if it meant using and discarding others like tools was Eric donios willing to use his own comrades just to see her again Eric thonio shouted that of all people the man who murdered his own wife for his own Ambitions was least deserving to ask that question clutching his head a voice called to him and surprising everyone Eric thonios was whisked away in a shroud of Darkness after taking a moment to regain their composure La habrea admitted that hephaestos was clever and since the rage in Eric thonios's demeanor which had allowed a festos to take control of him using his Magics the same as those used on the keyboard and La abrea lamented not connecting more with his son and that he had also noticed the presence of someone trying to warn Eric thonios Elizabeth begged lahabrea to explain the story behind recent events and La habrea promised to tell the truth once their enemy was defeated but the group needed to maintain corstress control of abyssos from hefestos and mount their rescue operation into the lowest parts of pandemonium its deepest depths Tartarus their next foe was the remaining keyboard Augustus who had served pandemonium since its creation her Aether like hedgemons was corrupted beyond recognition but even more so meaning that nothing could be done but to slay would remained of her to free her soul hidden deep within abyssos La habrea was only able to teleport the warrior of light alone directly to her Lair due to the thinness of their Aether allowing them to bypass hephaestos traps upon materializing the warrior of light was presented with an Eldritch arboreal horror what remained of existus fused with the Demonic tree mercifully slaying the creature her Aether was freed and with a danger passed Elizabeth and lahabrea joined the warrior of light the soul of Odysseus still remained and materialized to speak with them though the Magics of hephaestos had enshrouded her soul in A Storm of emotion like it had with Eric thonios some small part of her had managed to stay free calling out for Aid she held a warning in order to avoid the tragedies of the past its truths must be told she showed a memory of her and a younger La habrea where he explained how he had ended Athena's life and sealed part of his emotions and memories away it turned out Athena was no saint and used her own child's body and soul as tools for Mad experiments fearing what Eric thonios might do if his actions were revealed lahabre had kept him in the dark even against igesis's counsel in order to save him from the heartbreaking truth of his mother the memory was all existus could provide and as her soul began to fade La habrea thanked her at peace she acknowledged his dedication to the star as she returned to its Seas returning to the gates of pandemonium before their final move La habre explained that Athena had given Eric thonios his position in pandemonium for more ready access to him as a test subject not out of love and that the creation of the Hemi theoy had been part of her designs with no intent of sealing his other half away again lahabrea asked for one thing to be the one to end hephaestos once and for all with abyssos clear all that remained was Tartarus in the dark heart of tartarus's Abyss Mephisto stood with Eric thonios bound through flames and darkness the warrior of light fought until hephaestos lay weakened upon the ground with his defeat lahabrea joined the warrior of light now ready to unmake his other half hephaestos refused to yield and use Eric thonios as a shield while proclaiming that he would fulfill Athena's Ambitions La habrea was unimpressed and denounced tefestos as a poor excuse for a father but so was he when he had ended Athena's life he also had vowed to guide the star true in order to do so he had neglected to listen to his heart or to care for his son instead focusing on the greater good for all that he still loved his son and would not idly watch him suffer at the hands of a being that represented the dregs of Athena and himself with Eric thonios half awake and hearing the whole exchange his heart was torn by the truth of his mother but the warrior of light implored he trust in LA habrea and with his will he broke free of hephaestus's chains trusting in his father Eric thonios began to use a spell of internment against hephestos La habrea offered his own strength and hephessos was at last sealed away within a Chris Crystal of the convocation one bearing La habrea's constellation tucking the crystal away La habrea told his son that he had done well with Eric thonios free of hephaestos magic and the attacks against pandemonium's Wards ceased Elizabeth joined the group and La habrea explained the nature of Hephaestus part of his memory and soul that he had cut away a massive Aether without a vessel sealed within his convocation Stone he also revealed the truth of Athena ancients while able to make Concepts through creation Magics could not themselves make a soul and while they can alter their forms they are still ultimately bound to them Athena a brilliant researcher and obsessed with discovering the secrets of Life sought to transcend these limitations La habre himself had posed one method by which someone might transcend their normal limits this was the origin of the hemitheoi lahabreyas and Athena's conversations over such subjects is what had led them to fall in love from which Eric thonios was born pandemonium followed after with Athena being entrusted its leadership by La habrea unknowingly this had given her free reign to practice any and all of her experiments La habrea had returned to pandemonium to confront her and revealed a memory of what occurred next Athena had bound Eric thonios for her experiments and loha Brea demanded his release with no intent to do so Athena revealed her full plan offering her hand to La habrea so they could merge and that he could know the whole truth without doubt La habre accepted bonding is sold to hers and was Awash in an inundation of knowledge and desire for the secrets of life but something darker lay within a willingness to sacrifice all life and the fate of the stars for these answers the seed of Desire was like a parasite that would only grow within him so la habre excised it and placed it and its memory within his Crystal these emotions memories and Aether are what would manifest as Hephaestus now he was only la habrea a dangerous act that altered who he was and did not go unnoticed by some of the convocation Eric thonios asked why he had destroyed the crystal La habre had been uncertain if he could or the full ramifications of doing so pausing and knowing that once they returned to the surface the true mask and duties of La habrea would return Eric thonios took this last moment to tell his father thank you Hephaestus returning to the gate of pandemonium Eric thonios thanked the warrior of light for helping shed light on his father's story with the Festus gone elitibus and La habrea would now be able to set things right and return pandemonium to how it should be questions lingered like why was Eric thonios Key to Athena's plans but La habrea forbade further inquiry and stated his intent to destroy the stone that held hephestus on the subject of crystals there Still Remains the mystery around the one that appeared on the source La habrea noted that the capacity for a crystal to Prof for such a warning would take immense skill meaning that Beyond present company and Azam someone else must have known of the events surrounding pandemonium bidding The Way of Light rests in return at leisure while things settled the company took their leave of each other with the warrior of light returning back to their own time returning to aporia the warrior of light attempted to check in on claudian only to discover all contact had been lost with him and his Airship and his last known heading had been as Isla even more worryingly there had been an enormous Spike of etheric energy somewhere in the Ethereal sea the warrior of light and the fellow researchers descended the asioscope only to investigate and find something impossible pandemonium itself stood within the Ethereal sea out of space and time unsure of what this meant the crew was surprised when Fortuna levier arrived asking for answers and unsurprised at the warrior of light's involvement returning to aporia the group explained the reason goings-on and while things appeared stable enough the existence of pandemonium Here and Now was alarming with claudian and the Crystal he took missing and little understood about pandemonium's manifestation Fortune deemed it best to keep things quiet and study the structure while searching for claudian for now the warrior of light would have to wait with so much learned of lahabrea's past and abyssals was there any tie between his fate in the past and that which he suffered at Asus law had the beings within pandemonium also traveled to the present with it and who or what lay within claudium's Crystal many and more questions lingered but that is a story for another day hey all thanks for watching if 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Channel: The Eorzean Archives
Views: 8,563
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, ff14, yoship, final fantasy 14, final fantasy XIV, LPP, ffXIV, lore, ff lore, endwalker, buried memories, troia, pandamonium, raids, asphodelos, abyssos, Pandæmonium, Pandaemonium, pandaemonium, hesperos, erichthonios, themis, P5, P6, P7, P8, 6.2
Id: ZsDWJQxc89s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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