Ascians! 13+ Characters Explained (FFXIV)

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the aseans these masked mages have been pulling the strings behind final fantasy 14's biggest catastrophes for thousands of years we've confronted combated and even converted some to our side the end walker expansion closed the book on this saga now that their dark master is gone but there's still some assians out there so where are they now what are they up to let's dive into this ancient organization and speculate on their future in final fantasy xiv but first a spoiler alert for so many parts of the game's story if you're not caught up save this video for another time [Music] the aseans are bringers of chaos they were a once mysterious cult who shared knowledge with the beast tribes about summoning primals legends tell us that aseans arrive in times of need to lead those in darkness to the light of those primals you'll know it's an asean by the signature mask black robes and the lack of a shadow it has begun soon the planet will regain its true form that's how the aseans were framed for us in a realm reborn but we've learned quite a bit more about the organization over time in truth their agenda leads back to the dark primal zodiac aseans are the remnants of the ancients a race from thousands of years ago that lived on the star of aetherius the convocation of 14 was the council tasked with maintaining order on the star their society was a textbook example of paradise the ancients had long life spans and a mastery of creation magics they used these powers to populate the planet with new life they also had a strong grip on advanced technology death wasn't even a worry for them as tradition dictates they willingly give up their own life to rejoin the ethereal sea after their duty to mankind is complete there are so many parallels with other idyllic societies in fiction particularly the book utopia by thomas more their society is perfect in their eyes anyway the ancients eventually faced their greatest challenge in the song of oblivion that's a massive wave of dynamis that corrupted the ancients creation magics turning those new life forms into horrific blasphemies that threatened to end all life on a theris the song of oblivion stems from meteon a creation of hermes the ancient who holds the seed of fan daniel on the convocation he's the one who determines that only large amounts of ether can repel the effects of dynamis so the convocation makes plans to summon a primal to protect their star that's zodiac summoning him did take an incredible amount of ether so much so that they had to sacrifice half of the ancients on the star to even bring him to life this difficult choice led to ancient society splitting into two factions those loyal to zodiac and others allying with vana a former convocation member it's this conflict that leads to the battle between zodiac and heidelen and the eventual sundering of the star this broke the star into 14 pieces along with everyone on it it also sundered zodiac dividing his great power between 14 versions of himself this allowed heidelen to imprison zodiac on the moon for stalling the final days but also keeping the dark primal in check i said everyone on the star was sundered but there are three exceptions emmett salk lahabrea and elitibus were three convocation members the game's director naoki yoshida says heidel heidelin left a small hole in her sundering spell this allowed the three to slip through unsundered yoshida adds this was intentional given heideln's knowledge of future events now there are only three ancients left with their souls intact the three of them decide that zodiac and their lost civilization need to be restored this process which we'll refer to as the rejoining would involve the 13 reflections of the star being destroyed this would bring all of that ether back to the source if all the reflections are gone then zodiac would be at his full strength and more than capable of breaking free to restore the ancients to their former glory this is the asean's ultimate goal it's also important to note that zodiac is split into those shards on their various moons elitibus tells us in the crystal tower in end walker that all shards of zodiac would die along with the one from the source remember that when we talk about what each of the remaining aseans could be up to so before we get into the aseans we know of let's first discuss their rank and abilities elitibus emmett selk and la habrea are the three unsundered also sometimes referred to as paragons that's a callback to the 1.0 story they're the most powerful aseans given their souls were never broken they have the extraordinary ability to cheat death if they are killed in a normal way their souls can return to the rift instead of the ethereal sea this allows them to find new bodies a soul that dissipateth not upon the death of the flesh the secret of life everlasting and in the class of a sahaga no less but i wonder what would happen to one of these obstinate spirits should there be no suitable host for it to claim the unsundered can also alter these mortal bodies as needed according to emmett selk the unsundered can also use the rift to travel between dimensions like the source and its 13 reflections now beneath the unsundered are the asean overlords these are former convocation members who have had the memories of their past life awakened we can identify them by their red sigil and mask fan daniel is the most recent example of one these aseans are also immortal can possess mortal bodies travel across dimensions and reform themselves in the rift beneath the overlords are lesser aseans these are usually just mages that make contact with an overlord and serve in exchange for greater power the lesser aseans are the grunts doing all the leg work for the overlords and the unsundered we know they're a lesser asean because they possess black masks remember how i said each one of the asean overlords is a former member of the convocation or a piece of a former member soul this little detail gives us some information about who these aseans were even if we haven't encountered them in the story each of them are named after one of the scions of light from evilus that's the world of final fantasy tactics final fantasy 12 and even shares some connections with final fantasy xiv now that we've cleared up their names we can actually talk about what each of these aseans have done and could possibly still be doing let's begin with the three unsundered now i won't spend a great deal of time talking about elizabeth's emmett sulk and la jabrea because they are main antagonists to the game's story these characters really deserve their own videos and will definitely get them eventually through the joining the world shall become whole again then all shall be as once it was as it should ever have remained lobria was executed by the primal king thorden in heaven's word thorden absorbed his soul so it's not clear if he rejoined the ethereal sea when we eventually killed thorden later in the story remember remember us remember that we once lived now emmett selk died fighting the warrior of light and ardbert in the first shard of the source and reappears briefly in end walker before rejoining the ethereal sea very well i shall cast you unto the river of time let this be my final act and elitibus is sealed inside the crystal tower by graha tia and expends the last of his life force to send us back in time to alpis he's back in the ethereal sea as well tell me why do you despise the primals so they are the embodiment of mortal will of mortal desire plainly you desire a foe to despise and as well that you do for it is from the vortex of ceaseless conflict that lord zodiac shall be reborn now let's talk about the sundered overlords iggy orum is a female asian who appears briefly in a realm reborn and a little bit more in heavensward she has a lot to prove that's because she traveled to the 13th shard to start a calamity with the goal of it rejoining the source the problem is she made a pretty big mess iggy yorum clashed with unakolai an inexperienced bringer of light who was barely a child before being faced with an asean threat iggy orm won but the flood of darkness that came swallowed the 13th corrupting the reflection into the world of darkness a desolate and twisted world in the void it's implied that the aseans didn't exactly know how the rejoining would work so this experience taught them that the world would need to be on the brink of collapse for rejoining rather than it being consumed completely so the unsundered deemed the 13th too corrupt to be rejoined so iggy yorum had to make herself useful in another way that's why she worked closely with la habrea in preparing the source for their agenda she appears a few times in the heavensward story once after the primal ravana is defeated and again after the fall of bismarck she's working with archbishop thordan vii at this time iggy yorum overpowers the warrior using dark energies partially because the blessing of light at this point is weaker than it usually is and this action forces the warrior to give up the key to the forbidden continent she confronts the warrior with la jabrea at the bottom of the etherico chemical research facility our hero overpowers them both so they decide to fuse into an asean prime but that power is still not enough so the two assians separate with iggy worms suggesting they flee and they should have ran sooner because the warrior traps the ashian in a shard of white orisite with nowhere to run the warrior uses the immense power of the left eye of nidhogg to obliterate her ether now if aseans are killed when their ether is trapped there is no returning to the rift or the ethereal sea as far as we know iggy orum is gone for good wrong wrong wrong wrong lies and delusions the dead have no power over me you will be silent silence has the grave van daniel is certainly the wild card among the asean overlords he's the reborn soul shard of hermes who we met back in elvis fan daniel had the memories of his past life awoken by emmett selk and decided to join their cause but he was motivated by a different agenda van daniel was driven mad by visions of the past slowly drifting into insanity he wanted all life to be erased including his own he was also heavily influenced by his life as ammon the elegant technologist who took emperor zone's nihilistic views to heart that's why he decides to ally with xenos to gather ether from atheros all of that energy would break zodiac seal on the moon in the source once that seal is broken he hijacks the primal becoming its heart to battle the warrior of light but he never wanted to win he's weakened and reveals his true intentions to destroy himself and remove the only thing protecting the star from the final days we see fan daniel one more time in the ethereal sea as aman the undying his soul is dragged to the depths of the sea by asaezas brutus has revenge for stealing his body and betraying xenos if you want to know about fandaniel's motivation in history you can watch the video i made by clicking the card in the top right of your screen do settle down oh dear could it be that frail heidlin has forgotten her champion this i did not foresee nabrialis was first seen in the cutscene after the initial story conclusion in a realm reborn he's in a dark room with many other aseans discussing how bahamut is stirring again now that ultima weapon is gone he later questions elitibus's intentions for approaching the scions menphilia and the warrior of light this is because the two were growing stronger in using the echo nabriala shows up again after the primal ramu yielded to the warrior he's also later seen commenting on the primal shiva's defeat nabriale's most important moment comes when the warrior is really struggling he had lost heideln's blessing because of midgard swarmer's actions which was preventing aseans from attacking the scions directly nabrialis capitalizes on this and assaults the rising stones he wounds the scion monbrida when she tries to strike him down this is also when he reveals what he's after the staff of the legendary luisa lavere menphilia refuses to give it up but nabrials knows he can't leave without it so he teleports her and the staff to the chrysalis in the ethereal rift the warrior follows through the portal and defeats the asean bringing menphilia back through the gate to the rising stones abrialis follows though reconstituting himself in front of them determined not to be defeated he says even though this day is a setback he will keep coming back no matter how many times he's cut down that's when monbrida tosses minphilia some white aura sight to trap him the warrior grabs luisa's staff and tries to blast nabrialis with enough ether to destroy him but the warrior doesn't have enough strength that's when manbrita steps in and makes the noble sacrifice to offer her own life force to the staff destroying nabrialis for good but killing her in the process mitron [Music] yes i remember i am gaia [Music] mine was the seat of logarithm i shall restore the power of darkness to this style logruff and mitron spend most of their time together so we'll discuss them together they are major players in the events leading up to the shadowbringers chapters and the eden's verse raids logoff's true name is gaia and mitron is known as artemis so back in ancient times lawgriff offered herself to be sacrificed as zodyark's heart mitron who was her lover convinced her not to and so elitibus took her place the person born from lagrave soul shard on the source was eventually found by the unsundered and she had her memories shown to her and she eventually joins the aseans mitron also rejoins around the same time both were assigned to the first with the goal of preventing the shard from falling victim to the flood of light if they failed the first would turn out like the 13th far too damaged to rejoin the source emitselk ordered them to tip the balance so the first could be absorbed unfortunately for them arbert and the warriors of light from the first stood in their way the warriors defeated the two after merging to become an asean prime though they lost the battle they still succeeded in their mission logruff was killed and mitron was struck down by ardbert's axe this caused the asean to change twisting into the very first sin-eater eden ardbert's overwhelming desire for the light to prevail over darkness flooded the first with a massive wave of light menphilia's sacrifice to stop the flood restored mitron's consciousness but he was still trapped in eden his love was gone the other aseans abandoned him so mitron waited slowly driven mad by 100 years of isolation mitron awakens when he senses logruff's reincarnation of gaia he manipulates gaia and menphilia's reincarnation rin into gradually freeing him eden absorbs ether from the two and wipes gaia's current memories restoring her as logruff reen and the warrior of light refused to give up on their close friend even though gaia resisted the transformation from within mitron wouldn't relent either eventually erasing gaia's memories the warrior and rin managed to strike mitron down and both he and gaia have one final conversation as mitron's soul is finally freed from eden's grasp she promises to meet him again in the next life and says she'll keep her memories in a diary for future generations so gaia the former lowgriff is still alive on the first she's also no longer an asean so it's presumed her future is with her closest friend mitron's fate is somewhat unclear he implies he will be reborn someday which could mean the ethereal sea but he's an asean overlord who could reform in the rift if he chose whatever happens to him we can be certain that whatever he ends up doing upon his return won't be nefarious his final promise before departing is he hopes gaia can continue living in peace altima is the advocate of the arts and another asean that makes just one appearance it's in this cutscene and the defenders of theyorzia patch in a realm reborn the aseans are meeting to discuss how the warrior of light is gaining strength altima calls it the limitless potential of man that's the only time we see altima but his story doesn't end there in stormblood we encounter gaius belsar again he's the former legatus to the garlian empire and one of the main antagonists of the realm reborn story now he's a shadowhunter resolving to avenge his comrades for the deception brought by the aseans so he hunts them taking their masks as trophies we can see here that gaius carries several masks including two red ones yoshida confirmed in a live letter that these masks belong to the asean overlords altima and dudalophon so gaius has killed both of them once but yoshida also says they could still be out there it's possible gaius and the shadowhunters don't have a method of trapping their ether i believe they reformed in the rift perhaps plotting their revenge against gaius also that's the only information we have about dudolophon as well maybe he and ultima are together though that's just speculation ameroleth is mentioned by other characters in the stormblood quests for the eureka instance her seat specializes in medicines and healing as an asean she learned about the primal eureka imprisoned on the isle of val so when she sought to use this power to bring about another calamity golovk baldassian and his companions used powerful magics to throw the entire island into the live stream it's there that they use their combined powers to destroy amarolith scattering her essence so much that she'd never be able to reform again but there is a discrepancy in this asean's history we have to discuss in the defenders of aorzia's story emma rololeth appears in a meeting with other aseans now this happens after the events of the island of all being sent to the live stream so what happened was golovk wrong about her death or maybe this is another piece of the original amarillo's soul awakened to take the fallen one's place it's also possible that this was an oversight and the writing team perhaps forgot that they included that brief appearance of her in the asean meeting maybe we'll find out in a future story chapter bahamut's thirst poshtaro isn't seen much in the game's story in fact this is the only cutscene he appears in after the defeat of la jabrea and ultima weapon he praises zodiac along with his fellow aseans but that's all we've seen of him emmett sulk mentions him in passing once but that's all we know so we can assume he's still alive perhaps on another shard working to bring about calamities like the others but elitibus tells us he can sense that zodiac has been destroyed because of his connection to the primal and that the other aseans would be able to sense zodiac's demise like he did so it's pretty unclear what he would be working towards now hamaru is the final convocation member who became an asean as far as we know i'd love to show this person to you but they've never made an appearance in game all we know about holmaru is that this seat specialized in fungal and plant life an entire wing of the academia editor dungeon was host to his research we have no clue where hammuru is now or what this person did in the chapters leading up to end walker it's likely they were working on a way to bring calamity to another shard until zodiark was destroyed now we can talk about the lesser aseans the warrior of light encounters one of these early in the story they have no name and are only called the masked mage he's an antagonist in the early portions of a realm reborn causing trouble in either the black shroud lenoscia or thanolin depending on the player's starting class the mast mage is killed in the quests that lead up to their path to the joining of the scions of the seventh dawn best not to think too hard about this guy there's also a lesser asean named travanche he's from 1.0 before the game was reworked into a realm reborn he's also referred to as the shadowless man now travanche appeared in the initial quest for limsa lomensa storyline he's got some connections with the sahajin and eventually leads them in an attack against the knights of the barracuda fleet he's also a pretty skilled mage which fits the bill for most aseans travis shay later steals the seal rock key before melting into shadows soon after now travis shay also appears in heaven's word even though it's only a flashback this scene reveals he was the original instigator of summoning the primal alexander he also tricked that treasure hunter mead into placing the magic horn he stole from yestola into the primal's core those are his only appearances so we're not sure what he's up to since zodiac is gone maybe he's biding his time to enact a plan of his own but probably not we also see some black mastations during the summoner quest line but they don't really do much here other than get slapped around by the warrior of light that's about all there is to them and that is a full breakdown of all the aseans we know of living dead and otherwise so what do you think some of these people are up to now which one do you want to see featured in the story down the line let me know in the comments below and if you want more discussions on final fantasy 14 lore be sure to subscribe so you know when the next one comes out until then take care warriors and i'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Stout Helm
Views: 69,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ffxiv, final fantasy xiv, ffxiv endwalker, final fantasy xiv endwalker, endwalker, ffxiv zenos, stout helm, final fantasy, ff14, final fantasy 14, ffxiv hythlodaeus, hythlodaeus, hythlodaeus cutscene, hythlodaeus ffxiv, ascian, ascians, ffxiv ascian theme, ffxiv ascian, ffxiv ascian lore, ascian theme, elidibus death, emet-selch dance, lahabrea death, pashtarot ffxiv, altima ff14
Id: dCWflzhtngs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 53sec (1493 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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