Pandaemonium The Complete Story (FFXIV Lore)

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welcome to my channel where we cover the lore of video games we cover all kinds from the mainstream to the ending so I hope you enjoy your stay and welcome to the chronicler of lore [Music] thank you in Old Charlene a woman named them Gigi predicted where you would come so she stood in the same spot waiting for you to pass by her calculations weren't all that good because she won't tell you exactly how long she had to stand there but you're finally here she works with Professor claudian with the atheist scope to observe the Ethereal sea in an attempt to solve some of his Mysteries recently they found a strange Crystal and they have no clue what it is so they figured since you've been to everywhere from the center of the star to the edge of the universe you may have some information that they don't so you had to Emporia with her to see if you can help them solve this mystery after getting introduced to Professor claudian he has to admit that he's a bit nervous meeting the first person to go into the Ethereal sea and live to tell about it while he hasn't done what you've done cloudy and has looked deeper into the Ethereal sea than anyone else and his knowledge is second to none aside from you that is but you were busy fighting during your trip to the underworld so you didn't have that much time to learn all that much Claudia and his group were the ones who used the anti-tower to speak to heidelin and learn about the final days that was when they moved to labyrinthos and used The Atheist scope to study even more of the Ethereal sea but they've only learned a small fraction of what it has to offer during some of this studying they found a weird Crystal found isn't quite the right word it popped up in front of them like someone had thrown it at them the shape is strange and The Ether in it is extremely dense it's not a natural creation of the planet someone made it that's all they figured out for now which is why they brought you in it's a good thing they did because the crystal is very familiar it looks like the crystals the Ancients use to store memories seeing that you do know about the crystal cloudian wants you to tell him everything which of course you do learning that the Asians had used those crystals to put their memories into new vessels is fascinating to the professor and even though he had known the crystal was special he hadn't expected it to be something quite so interesting nimjiji points out the fact that there's been similar memory storing crystals appearing throughout history from the soul crystals that people use to learn combat techniques to pieces of arasite meaning they should test the ancient Crystal against some of the more common ones just to see how different they actually are it's a good idea but claudian is so lost in his thoughts about the crystal that he doesn't even hear while the crystal is similar to the ones you've seen it doesn't have a symbol on it so whose memories does it hold apparently the professor gets lost in his thoughts constantly but it's a little rude to do that after you invite a guest over once the others manage to get his attention again he decides to let you see if you can draw the memories out of the crystal as soon as you touch it you hear distress message saying for anyone who hears the message to come to pandemonium otherwise the star will be in serious Danger unfortunately that's all it tells you pandemonium is not a name cloudian has heard before but in the ancient language it means all demons which doesn't make a distress call from a place like that something you really want to get if another planet level threat is on the way then studying the Crystal and drawing out the rest of the memories is a top priority for the scientists claudian has a special assignment for you he wants you to go and find the person who sent the message since the crystal is made by one of the Ancients and you've been to the Past before you can go again to try and find out what pandemonium is yes that's a spoiler from the msq but you clicked on a video about the story of a post-msq raid I shouldn't have to give you a spoiler warning since that's kind of self-explanatory since the warrior of light is in fact the only person who can make this trip you take the crystal the scientist Mound and head back to the portal in the crystal tower that is linked to elpis as you get close the crystal glows again and tells you to come to pandemonium quickly so you step through the portal and slam headfirst into a young white robed ancient when he sees you he mistakes you for a close friend of his but that could have been from the concussion you gave him his friend told him that a falling star would appear before him but he hadn't thought she meant that literally his name is Themis and the reason he's not actually wearing a mask is because he's not one of Elvis's observers he's there on an assignment that had been pretty normal until you fell on him which makes him wonder what brought you there because you clearly don't belong there or anywhere else for that matter that's when you break out the lie that you've been telling to people since your first trip to Elvis that your azim's very detailed familiar ironically enough Nemesis friend is a zim which means when he mistook you for her he wasn't that far off but he didn't know she had such a unique familiar then this assumes you were sent by them and because of that he very accurately guesses that you're there to investigate pandemonium which means the two of you can work together after you tell him how you got there once you explain he apologizes for being so untrustworthy but your arrival was a bit weird and he's understanding enough to not pry too deeply into the things you're trying not to tell him since Everyone's entitled to their secrets but he does want to see the crystal that you told him about he can't tell you what specific memories are in the Crystal but they are there and they say something bad is happening in Pandemonium the place goes deep beneath elpis and is watched over by the words of LA habrea it holds Creations that are extremely important for research purposes and extremely dangerous to the planet it's heavily guarded and under constant surveillance but a few days ago there was a strange shift in The Ether around the place and not long after that all communication with pandemonium vanished themes is there as a representative of a group that works with the convocation of 14 and he's been sent to investigate and since you're both going to pandemonium he thinks it'll be a good idea for both of you to head there together plus that'll keep you from having to do something crazy like sneaking in he had originally planned on doing his investigation with azim she had noticed the changes near pandemonium so it was only natural that the two of them would check it out together but she figured it'd be a bad idea for both of them to go since having two members of their organization poking around might make people ask questions famous decided to go alone but Asim told him to fear not for in my absence a star shall fall before you didn't expect that star to be a bunny woman but he knew something would happen because of them is usually right about that type of stuff either way he's grateful to have you along but first things first you have to get permission from the words of La Brea to go into pandemonium which means you have to talk to one of the speakers fortunately one of them should be stationed nearby famous had already sent a request for entry so with a little luck it shouldn't take long to get inside the speaker grants the two of you permission pretty fast although he's extremely interested in your strange etheric signature he marks your ether so you'll be able to come and go in a pandemonium freely but the creatures in the place are extremely dangerous so the two of you have to follow what the waters tell you without question water is just the title given to the people who work with the creatures in pandemonium under normal circumstances if a creation is labeled a threat to the star it's immediately destroyed but sometimes those creatures need to be studied before they're wiped out so they're stored in pandemonium so the researchers there act as both scientists and prison wardens the place is basically a dungeon for all things big and scary the speaker doesn't know why the two of you are investigating pandemonium but he wants you to be quick so he can tell La habrea if there is something he needs to deal with the fact that the speaker hasn't realized that something is wrong is a little odd but the changes in ether didn't bother La Habra and the waters haven't reported anything that would make him act so as far as they're concerned all is well famous didn't realize La habrea paid so much attention to the place but the speaker is more curious about your reaction to hearing La habra's name and he wants to know if you know the man there are quite a few stories you could tell him about La habrea none of them good but the fact that you know him at all is a surprise to both of the Ancients and puts your status as a familiar into question La habrea isn't all that free with his time so the fact that you know him makes you even more interesting regardless the speaker warns you to not interfere with LA habrea's work and with that you and them is head to the teleporter that will take you both to the prison of deadly beasts them and still can't believe that you've met LA habrea but he's still trying his best to respect your secrets and not pry but he thinks the two of you will know each other very well in time if he is who I think he is then he is very right about that and that next meeting won't be nearly as friendly as this one but that's a problem for another day this is his first time going to pandemonium too and he's very eager to see what it's like the place looks like something straight out of a haunted mansion from Castlevania and the moment the two of you get there themes fears are realized despite what the speaker said things are very bad between all of the chains and Magic Awards the place was made to be impenetrable but someone is messing with the protections from the inside of it like it's trying to break out but there's no immediate danger because them is reinforced the barriers as soon as the two of you stepped into the place it won't stop what's happening but it will slow it down something really bad is going on there and the fact that the place is so quiet is not making it feel any less creepy famous hadn't expected to see a lot of people but you haven't even seen one water which means you need to find one but of course there's another problem the magic theme is used to strengthen the wards needs his constant attention so if a fight happens he won't be able to join in otherwise pandemonium's protections will crumble let's be completely honest both you and the warrior of light already knew that this was how things was going to turn out famous won't be completely useless when the fighting starts he can use a bit of creation magic to make a total of seven people to fight beside you hmm I wonder where that number came from with the particular sorted out the two of you head deeper into pandemonium to see what Horrors are waiting for you as the warrior of light and them is head deeper in the pandemonium on their search for a water one comes running towards you but he's clearly not in his right mind the moment he sees you he transforms into a much more intimidating form and gets ready to attack if you want to talk to him you'll have to knock him out first famous true to his word uses your ether to create seven allies because that's the number you'll need for an eight-man raid and you all face off against the rampaging water he will some powerful abilities which makes sense considering the types of creatures he has to deal with but he's nothing you can't handle and you bring him down forcing him to transform back nemes was impressed by both your performance and the power of the people he summoned but they were made from you so it only made sense that they would be great Fighters all that's left is to wait for the water to wake back up so Themis can find out what made him attack you like that you must have hit him really hard because when he finally wakes up it takes a moment for his memories to come back when he first saw you his mind was full of thoughts of desperation and anger and he just lashed out he's glad he hadn't come across someone weaker or they wouldn't have been able to stop him he introduces himself as erythonius a water of the highest layer of pandemonium known as espadellos he had really wanted to keep you out of the place because all of the creatures locked away in asphadellos have been set free and are wandering around the halls hungry for blood which is pretty bad especially since this has never happened before each of pandemonium's levels are controlled by a keyboard who pays attention to even the smallest details in their area the process they have to go through to get their job is super strict and the loyalty to La habrea is absolute but for whatever reason things have gotten out of hand the waters have been trying to get the monsters back in place but the fighting so intense that arathonius hadn't realized that he had got separated from the others his senses had been flooded by a lot of Whispers then the only thing he remembers is getting extremely angry then nothing had attacked them with magic probably the same thing that had separated him from his allies and if it wasn't for you and Themis whatever had taken over him would still have him he thinks that the fact that you're there means word of their situation has reached the outside world so maybe you have a bit of good news for him but telling the man that the protections of pandemonium are being taken down from the inside is not quite the news he was hoping for those defenses are probably being taken down by the same people who set the monsters loose but that's not exactly helpful information a question that comes to the water's mind that he hadn't thought about before what would Nemesis organization do once they hear about what's happened at pandemonium the answer is pretty obvious they would consider the place of Lost Cause cut it off from the rest of the world and destroy it that's about what the water had expected if the creatures get out there's no telling how much damage they would cause to the outside world the words of La habrea wouldn't want that to happen no matter what which means arithonius needs to save the other waters before that happens he's willing to go alone because the others won't stop trying to detain the creatures so they'll be fighting them until the place ends up destroyed by the convocation without ever having a chance to escape the only thing arathonius asks is that Themis gives him time to help the others before he tells the convocation and maybe the place won't need to be destroyed by then while his heart's in the right place Themis knows that arathonius doesn't have the power to fix this on his own and all that would happen is he would die but the two of you are supposed to investigate the place before he makes his report and so far all you've done is studied the front door so the water can tag along with the two of you for a while which will give him a little bit of a better chance at survival and of course you're willing to help because they'll be fighting which makes them as think of azim and gives him hope that this will all turn out okay so for the moment the three of you will work together which is good because now you have someone alone who actually knows the halls of pandemonium at the gate erathonius doesn't hear any sound which means none of the monsters or Waters have made it to that point which means he has a chance to save them both because he doesn't want all of their work to be for nothing nemis thinks that La habrea would smile at seeing the devotion of his people but erathonius doesn't think the man's even capable of smiling apparently he's dealt with the man personally arathonius had been mentored by La habra's predecessor the one who had run the facility before him her name was Athena and she was the one who put him in his current position nemis hadn't even known anyone had run pandemonium before LA habrea and it makes him realize that the water's desire to save the research subjects has more to do with preserving the work of his mentor than protecting the work of LA habrea unfortunately he doesn't have a clue how to go about recapturing the specimens since he can't use internment magic which of course you have no clue what type of magic he's talking about internment magic is similar to what he was trying to do to you during your battle binding you in ethereal shackles although only the key ward of each tier is permitted to use the true much more powerful version of that spell and even if he were allowed to do it erethonius doesn't have the power to use the spell famous knows a little about internment Magic from what he's heard La habrea came up with it and while the shackles arathoni is used on you would hold you in place for a few minutes in turn it can freeze the space around its Target for as long as the Caster wants but what famous knows is the equivalent of someone knowing that a baseball player hits a rock with a stick he knows what they're supposed to do but he has no idea how to actually do it but he does have a whole lot of magical power so by combining his ether with arithonius's knowledge of the spell they should be able to recapture the creatures it'll be complicated but it should could be doable once you find one of the creatures preferably one that's alone so if the spell doesn't work the warrior of light can deal with the thing the water remember seeing a hippocampus wandering around the waterways alone and it might still be there so that could be a good place to start since most of the other creatures in pandemonium aren't really that fond of water that way you can get your one-on-one fight because the monster will need to be weakened before it can be captured think of it as a much more deadly game of Pokemon where the Ancients throw you out in combat risking your life while they stand back in safety and once you win they can do the easy work of capturing the monster and acting like this was a whole team effort sort of thing the first thing that I'm positive went through the warrior of light's mind when she saw the hippocampus coming toward her was who thought it was a good idea to make this thing the head separates from the body and floats around and stuff making this thing super creepy it fits Better In a Dark Souls game than here but fortunately you have the people famous manifest to help you fight which gives you the edge you need to knock the Beast unconscious and when it falls the two ancients teleport in and seal the creature away erythonius is extremely impressed by how well you fought it's not all that often that masters of combat come to pandemonium so getting to see a warrior of your caliber was great and the fact that the plan worked makes it even better magic was never his thing but with him channeling famous's power he actually felt like a proper Mage that sounds strange considering all the stuff he did to you in your fight but shackles is the only magic he can do since he's been training with it since he was little but he thinks with you all working together you can save the place even though things are going well the fact that you haven't seen any other waters has thimis worry but arathonius thinks it's likely that the keyboard has already gathered up the other waters and retreated to a safe spot other than how strong they are Themis doesn't really know anything about the keywords the key word of espadellos is named hesperos he knows a lot about the creatures under his charge and he takes a lot of time to personally Mentor The Waters who work Underneath Him he's helped arathonius a lot despite his magical deficiencies he never panicks plans everything and like the other keywords he can use creation magic to bend the halls of pandemonium itself to his will which is why arathonius is positive to other waters are safe unless something's eaten the man but with the power to change the environments that's unlikely the hippocampus wouldn't have been nearly as dangerous if you could have turned the room you fought in into a desert so finding hespero should be top priority the safest place in the area is the center because if things get bad the waters could Retreat to abyssos from there so that's the best place to check and if things look worse than he expected that'll tell them as whether or not he needs to check on abyssos too the problem is arithonius can't change the hallways and the path you have to take is blocked by the Phoenix don't know why they spelled Phoenix that way but it's still an immoral Firebird with very very strong healing powers so it's something that won't be all that fun to fight especially since it's one of La habrea's Personal Creations that didn't turn out quite right instead of being a peaceful helpful bird like you would expect the Phoenix to be this one is crazy and just wants to burn stuff that might be why they misspelled the name to show that this one was almost right but not quite a lot of other ancients had tried to make the perfect Phoenix but they failed over and over again so they gave up all but LA habrea and he eventually succeeded there was more to the Phoenix story and what happened to it after it was brought to life entails from the Shadows number four which I covered on the channel and will link in the card at the end of the video so you guys can check it out while making the Phoenix was a big accomplishment the researchers of pandemonium didn't even make a note of it let alone celebrate the only time the work of the words of La habrea really affects them is when something they make has to be locked away but thinking about the past is pointless when you have things to do and it's very likely you're about to have to fight one of the most Savage creatures in asphadellos but at least you're fighting it in a building instead of somewhere where its powers can really shine so it's best to get to it sure enough the three of you spot the phoenix flying around outside but the minute you see it esperos wearing his best Dracula cosplay changes the area to a place filled with flame that will definitely make the Phoenix stronger before it can attack you the Ancients teleport the three of you away erythonius doesn't understand why hesperos would do that but Themis thinks it'll be better to worry about that after you all deal with the Phoenix because fighting it in the new environment is going to be super difficult and it really is I hate everything about this fight against the most horrifying Hydra Phoenix hybrid I have ever seen But after lots of flame and death the bird is brought down and sealed away with that done it's time to worry about why hesperos tried to have you killed but the ancient shows up so you can ask him yourself he had expected the bird to delay you but it was weaker than he thought esperosa's personality doesn't seem anything like what arithonia said it was the man insults the water's intelligence in every way he can so either something's taken over him or he was secretly a jerk all along and he's just not hiding it anymore but he does reveal one very interesting tidbit of information in the midst of his insults erethonius is La habrea's son the fact that the son of the man he respects is so weak seems to really get on hesperose's nerves especially considering what he has managed to do in service to La habrea he's merged with one of the Mythic creatures and has nearly made himself into a God he attempts to use internment on the three of you but Themis has mastered the spell in the short time since you've been in pandemonium and he breaks out of it since you have no idea what this vampire impersonator can do the three of you retreat while hesperos does think you're all weak he is impressed by how you overpowered the Phoenix and how famous mastered internment so fast but either way he's confident that if you come after him trying to interfere with his work you'll die but he knows you're going to come and he's waiting for it because even though arithonius is weak hespero still has a use for him famous had suspected that you'd have to fight the key war and he's not looking forward to it but at the moment he's more worried about arithonius having someone you respect and admire treat you like crap is a crushing experience and them is hopes that doesn't break the man especially since you don't really have the time to let him process things La habrea had made the protection Wards around pandemonium and the ability to bind things is the only thing arathonius has in common with his father they must had already suspected that the two of them were related once the man had said that he had practiced The Binding magic since he was little La habre had taught him to cast that spell but he was mostly taught by his mother Athena La habra's predecessor she had brought her son to pandemonium La habrea hadn't had anything to do with that it wasn't until after his mother had died that La Habra took her place and the fact that he didn't even seem to care that Athena was gone is one of the main reasons why arithonius hates him even though themes doesn't know La habrea personally the little bit that he has seen of the man gave him the impression that he was a little cold-hearted this isn't a conversation that the water is all that interested in keeping going so then this changes the subject to something that's equally uncomfortable what to do about hesperos the other waters are probably prisoners somewhere so they definitely won't be able to help and hasbrose is expecting you so he's gonna have all of the advantages which means you don't need to give him more time to prepare instead of going after any more of the loose monsters you're going to take the fight straight to the key War but that doesn't mean you know how to beat him however since hesperos claims that he became one with one of the creatures he may be vulnerable to the internment spell famous doesn't think locking the man up is a good enough punishment for his crimes but arathonius wants to know why the man turned on them the man claims he's helping LA habrea but destroying his work doesn't really make sense so ericonius really needs some answers then this is curious too and so are you plus if locking them up doesn't work you can always finish him off the water did notice that hesperos had the fangs of avricolacas a beast that feeds off of ether and that's likely what hesperos fuse with so he's a literal ether vampire and he can change the environment so the fight is going to be rough but what else is new so it's off the fight Dracula Jr you all go the keyboard constantly changes the arena making for a very painful experience but after a lot of blood and death and I mean a lot of blood and death you bring him down famous and arathonius try to bind him but of course he breaks free I don't know why they thought they could bind him with the same spell famous learned how to break after only a few hours but they did and it didn't work hesperos admits that he shouldn't have underestimated the three of you but even though he lost he has no intention of giving you the answers you want and instead of letting Themis interrogate him he impales himself on his own sword and dies leaving arithonius to wonder why he would do all of this when he had everything he could have possibly wanted it could have been something as simple as his own desire to impress his master pushing him to take bigger and bigger risks until he just did something stupid to get attention which that's something Arizona can understand but now it's time to find the other waters and get asphadellos back under control fortunately with hesperose's death it's the perfect moment for Themis to take control of the place but when he reaches out with his ether to do just that he senses something from the next level of pandemonium a place called abyssos and whatever it is puts up a ward blocking you from going further instead of trying to break through the ward they must decides to head back to the entrance so he can get a better view of what's happening but one thing is for certain your investigation isn't over because hesperos clearly wasn't behind what's going on in pandemonium the same magic that had affected arithonius and made him attack you could have also caused the changes in esperos that led him to merging with one of the Creations which means you're probably going to see more Waters merged with monsters in the not too distant future but the fact that hesperos attacked you alone could mean that it takes a while to make these hybrids so there's still a chance to save the others once themes finds a way through the ward and since Themis did manage to take control of asphadellos he can lock up the remaining creatures without too many problems but since arathonius is the only water left on the floor he'll need his help to keep them locked in place this whole thing is a lot more complicated than them has had planned but he still won't tell anyone outside what's going on until after the other waters are found and he finds out what took them but if worse comes to worse erythonius is willing to ask his father for help for now the two ancients think you should take a break they won't need you to fight anymore on this floor but when the two of them break through to abyssos we all know what's going to happen not to mention you need to tell claudian and the other is what happened after what you tell them they're surprised that you aren't dead but they're new to dealing with you so they're ignorance about your plot armor can be forgiven however you still haven't found out who created the crystal that Drew you to pandemonium in the first place which means neither of your investigations are over and there's no telling what you'll find by the time this all comes to an end it's been a while since the warrior of light checked in with Cloudy and the others at labyrinthos and the man after a lot of sleepless nights has apparently made a breakthrough one that he's so eager to talk about that he'll likely miss some important bits so his assistant nimjiji calms him down so he can focus once she does instead of picking up where you left off he decides to give you a full recap of the entire pandemonium Mission including the parts that you were there for one thing you can count on a scientist to do is take a long time getting to the point after you had come back from pandemonium Claudia and his people have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the nature of the crystal that they had found he had detected an odd ether signature from it that he thinks came from the memories that was stored inside of it the ether seems to want to be made complete and after studying it a bit more he discovered an identical signature coming from somewhere else meaning there's a matching Crystal somewhere in your time and cloudy and plans on going to find it he doesn't think it'll be hard to find so he's going to take the trip alone while you go back to pandemonium to see what other secrets you can find from what he's guessed the time travel from the crystal tower doesn't let you pick when you appear so time should be moving forward at a regular Pace on elpis meaning you should check in with Themis and erathonius at regular intervals claudian's assistants don't want the man to head off alone but he's already hired a ship and pilot so there's really no way to talk him out of it and he decides to head off before they can try anymore nemjichi has been worried about him because he's been a little more absent-minded than usual not to mention the fact that he seems to be the only one that can sense the crystals either that alone has him thinking that he can solve this Mystery by himself he's making his colleagues feel useless but they hope he'll be back to normal after his little Adventure regardless the warrior of light needs to get back to pandemonium and since you have to pass through Elvis to get there nemjiji wants you to do something for her she wants you to find out more about the creatures in pandemonium she wants to know their whole story like what made them get locked away in the first place she knows that the Ancients kept good records and that bit of information might help you be at least a little more prepared if you have to fight again since the warrior of light usually takes the shoot first then shoot again later approach to problem solving this may make for a good change of pace back in ELP is when you go to check on the records it turns out that Themis was in the process of doing the same thing and he's already gotten all the information which saves you from having to do something as annoying as research he had taken down the warning seals blocking your way into abyssos and he had decided to play a hunch while he waited for you to come back the wards and pandemonium have still been under regular attack by your unseen enemy but there's been no major attacks that Themis doesn't think that arathonius can handle without him he's been working hard at mastering the internment spells so he can lock up the creatures without themes's help so he was giving the man time to practice them as plans on giving him a bit more time because he has one more thing that he wants to look into and he wants you to come with him he had been wondering why every one of the waters in pandemonium either really hated or really loved La habrea hesperos was totally devoted to the man and arithonius hates him with a passion that doesn't sound all that strange to you but among the Ancients that level of extreme emotion is rare even among family members Nemesis grateful to his own parents for what they did for him but there are no strong feelings between them they all see each other as equals and that's how most of the Ancients see everyone else the researches of pandemonium seem outright obsessed with LA habrea in a way that seems unnatural that's not the only thing he found weird so he decided to just ask a member of the words of La habrea about it the first thing he wants to know is why pandemonium was built under Elvis in the first place since the governing body doesn't really have any say in its day-to-day operations Themis had thought that it was so Elvis's faulty creatures could be easily sent over there but it turns out that most the pandemonium specimens don't even come from there they're sent from all over even the words of La habre have sent over a few so it would make more sense at least to Themis if pandemonium had been built near the Academia nighter the speaker from the words of La habrea doesn't seem to have a problem answering themes questions especially since some of their members have asked the same thing a time or two pandemonium is not exactly something that you can just hook a chain to and drag somewhere else and until recently at least recently in the minds of the Immortals most of the Creations in pandemonium had come from Elvis After Time some Creations that weren't even seen as fit to send to elpis caught the eye of pandemonium's researches and they had them sent over that seems to go against the original purposes of the place so famous wants to know who decides what creatures to study turns out that those decisions come directly from La habre himself which means if somebody is doing some inappropriate experiments in pandemonium it would have to be under La habra's orders that sounds like an accusation which doesn't go over well with the speaker La habrea wouldn't abuse his power and if by some miracle he decided to try to the other keywords do have enough authority to stop him from doing that but none of that is possible since the words of La habrea recently got a report straight from pandemonium that everything was fine since you and Themis both know that's a lie that means one of the key Wars is working with whoever is causing the problem something that Themis waits to say until after the speaker leaves the two of you decide that it's best to get back to pandemonium because if there's another Rogue keyword then leaving arithonius alone may not be as safe as Themis had thought the water is practicing the internment spell but even though he's been working non-stop on the technique he still can't do it properly and time is running out it's running out faster than he thinks because he senses something behind him it's a familiar from the Phoenix which is impossible since arathonius knows that the thing is sealed away the person who's speaking through the familiar admits that it is still locked up and he's not all that happy about it since he went through a lot of trouble to free the thing he does apologize for not showing up in person but since he no longer controls aspadellos he wasn't going to put himself at risk erethonius doesn't need the man to show up since he would recognize his father's voice anywhere the person talking to him is LA habrea and it seems like he's been behind this entire thing and he plans on using arithonius for whatever his plans are so he reaches out and snatches the man but the worry of light and then show up right on time to make the familiar drop him and leave erethonius is more than a little happy that the two of you showed up because he has no idea what the thing was about to do to him and he wanted to tell you that La Habra is The Mastermind behind all of this famous admits that La habrea has both the skill and position to pull something like this off but the La Habra he knows wouldn't actually do it the warrior of light has a completely different view of the man considering her own personal experiences with him but her opinion's been formed from the man she dealt with after he had gone through a whole lot of trauma so Themis could be right and the disaster in pandemonium could be a Step Beyond what La Habra would do to reach his goals during the time that they met while he did seem like someone who would take some odd routes to solve a problem he didn't come off as someone who didn't understand what was right and wrong the truth is none of you will know for sure unless you head deeper into pandemonium and see for yourself and that'll be dangerous because whether La Habra is The Mastermind or not the person running the show in his lackeys will probably try to kill you when you set foot into abyssos they must decides to guard arathonias just in case they try to capture him again which means the warrior of light will have to take the lead of course since he doesn't know what will happen they must cast a spell on you that will summon the Phantom Warriors to help even if you get separated it's a good thing that he does because as soon as the three of you set foot into abyssos you're all teleported off into different locations as luck would have it year snatched into a cage with a carbuncle not the cute little glowing one that alphano used to run around with but a creature that looks like what you'd get if it freaked and a behemoth had a baby that they fed cocaine instead of milk this carbuncle is hyperactive violent and apparently has the munchies which makes me wonder what drugs did the ancient use before he decided to make this thing after a very long and painful fight the warrior of light and her summon allies knocked the thing unconscious which gives themus an arithonius time to show up and seal it away just imagine if that was the car bunker that tataro had summoned back when she tried to be an Arcanist I doubt she would have survived the experience the area you'd been sent to is where creation is made of poisons of study and it seems like the Mastermind behind this whole thing was specifically trying to kill you before the three of you can figure out why La habre himself appears and admits that he's actually happy that you proved to be strong enough to survive on your own it'll make you an interesting test subject at least he looks and sounds like LA habrea but Themis won't be convinced at least not until the man answers his question La habrea refuses and binds Themis in a trap one that was supposed to catch both of you but apparently your ether is so thin that it doesn't work so he decides to try something else the warrior of light is perfectly fine with fighting La habrea since she has so much practice at doing it but he warns her that if she does kill him arathonius will lose his chance to see his mother again the fact that La habrea even mentioned the thing that makes arathonius want to attack him something that would have given the boy a legendary beating but then it stops him he wants his question answered first and all he asks is for La Habra to say his name when the man calls him famous that's all he needed to know to be certain that the man is not La habrea then he casually breaks out of the Trap more than a little upset that the man would insult La habrea by pretending to be him Arizona is confused because he may not like his dad but he does know what the man looks and sounds like but Themis is positive that La habrea would never call him by that name right on cue a fireball hits the fake La brand in the face and the real one shows up calling Themis by a name that most of you knew was his way back when you first head-butted him at the beginning of the story a little bus since he's been outed The Imposter takes off his disguise and reveals his own face he claims that he hated wearing it anyway because after all who would want to pretend to be a man who murdered his own wife his name is actually Hephaestus and after telling arithonius that he should be calling him dad he vanishes leaving you all very confused instead of providing any answers La habrea tells a little bit that he has some explaining to do once you're in a safer place and you all follow him after Elizabeth apologizing for hiding his identity from you not like you didn't know it already after Zim and famous had detected the oddness from pandemonium they had decided that it would be for the best if he hit his station as Elizabeth while he investigated there's more to this story but before themes goes into the details he wants to talk about you a bit even though neither he nor Zim had met you before she had a lot of praise for you which is why Themis had decided to work with you in the first place azim found the fact that you and she were similar as something that was funny but she somehow knew that you'd make for a strong Ally the fact that Themis had heard about Bernard traveling with you made him trust you even more despite how weird you and your ether actually are yeah I just wanted to tell you that before he got sidetracked with all the craziness that's going on since arathonius Dives right into questioning his father in a very disrespectful way the time for friendly banners brought to a very Swift end after making it known that he had hoped to never talk to his dad again he wants to know who Hephaestus is and why he looks like a younger library and he wants to know why La habrea only just decided to show up because he definitely had to know what was going on in pandemonium long before now had known what was happening but he also knew that famous and azim had decided to investigate so he didn't see any reason to join in at least not at first that changed when a keyword sent the message saying that everything was running like normal after that he figured that whatever Hephaestus had done was beyond themis's control so he came to check himself the fact that he knew someone was pretending to be a member of the convocation and hadn't done anything about it was something that themus had never thought he'd see so he knows the explanation for all of this has to be pretty interesting technically no one is pretending to be La habrea Hephaestus is using La habra's real name because he is in fact a part of La Habra himself he knows all of the same things has all of the same skills but he's fueled by all of the negative emotions that the Ancients pretend like they don't have greed Envy lust and such he was a product of an experiment gone wrong from when La Habra was younger and he had thought he'd sealed the man away apparently he hadn't done a good job of that erethonius wants to know why her Festus had blamed La Habra for Athena's death what he really wants to know was did La Habra kill his mother La habreya says that the man is insane and he needs to be put down before he brings disaster to the star what he doesn't confirm or deny the accusation what he does do is decide that since he's in charge of pandemonium as of this moment the place needs to be abandoned and destroyed immediately the fact that he's willing to leave the waters who are still trapped in the place to die doesn't surprise themes since the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few so sacrificing the researches of pandemonium to prevent a star-wide catastrophe makes sense but while it's the right decision it isn't necessarily the best decision famous and azim had even considered it themselves that was why famous had decided to head into the place to begin with so he could see if total Annihilation was in fact the best way to go none of that matters once la habrea got involved as the head keyword his first job is to make sure nothing in pandemonium affects the outside world regardless of the cost how any of you feel about it is pretty irrelevant obviously erethonius is upset about this especially since you all emphasis on the you part have been dealing with and overcoming each of pandemonium's creatures La habrea is a bit curious about you and your strange ether and since you have been doing most of the heavy lifting then this wants to hear what you think should be done technically what you think wouldn't matter all that much but the warrior of light points out that since Themis holds the seat of the Emissary a little bits he can determine if your approach is a good way of keeping pandemonium's problems from spilling over to the rest of the star if he says that it is then even La habrea will have to listen of course he could vote in La habra's favor then there would be no more argument and pandemonium would be destroyed with whoever is still trapped inside but he decides to keep on as you had been instead of taking La habra's scorched Earth Approach at least until after La Habra sees you all in action being a stickler for the rules even when he doesn't agree with them La habrea agrees to follow themes judgment but if you don't seem like you're capable of containing the threat then he will destroy pandemonium erethonius is confident that you'll succeed but confidence that La habria doesn't remember him having before getting even that small compliment from La habre annoys the man and he decides that he's had enough of talking to his father and walks off famous gets that the man doesn't like his dad but this mission is already going to be difficult without adding family drama to it so Themis sends you to talk to the man to help him get his mind right while he is upset erathonius makes it a point to let you know that he appreciates you helping keep LA habrea from destroying pandemonium he just couldn't let that happen after seeing how the keywords had given up their chance to escape when this all had started so they could keep the creatures contained if they fought that hard he knows that none of them would want to see the place destroyed and they definitely don't deserve to be abandoned aside from that he still wants to find out what Hephaestus knows about his mother because he doesn't think the man was lying about La habrea killing her the only thing they had told him was that she died in an accident and no one would answer any of his questions about it knowing his father the man may not have killed her but he would have left her to Die to Save the star and arithonius really wants to know what happened having someone defend his frustrations to works wonders for calming the man down and now he's ready to get to work proving to La habrea that you all can save pandemonium and the best way to start is by Taking abyssos Back even though he doesn't want to since La habrea will know more about what you'll face deeper inside of the facility arathonius decides that you should ask him since he seems eager to see you in action anyway La Habra had asked themus about you while you were talking to his son and hearing that you're connected to a zim in some way has La habrea even more interested in you especially since you're unique even among the literal thousands of Concepts he's seen finding unique things in their travel seems to be a common trait among the holders of azim seat since they tend to get more involved with people and things that more logical people would ignore kind of like what you're doing with pandemonium and azim's tendency to ignore logic and do what she feels usually corrupts everyone she deals with and itself said the same thing but them as promises that he won't let a Zim's way of doing things interfere with his duty La abrea points out that he kind of just did by not letting him just destroy pandemonium outright but what's done is done and La habre has no problem telling you about abyssos even though he doesn't have control of it anymore for starters he doesn't sense anymore monsters wandering around the area but the Festus has left something worse hegemony the key ward of abyssos and she's been corrupted she was very gifted in Magic and extremely intelligent and she hasn't lost any of that after her forced transformation since some of the normal hair Still Remains there may be a way to fix her and erathonius wants to seal her away until you all can figure out how that means you have to fight her the warrior of light and her summoned allies get to see firsthand just how skilled at Magic the corrupted keyword is and while she's formidable she still gets wrecked and famous and arathonia seal her away erythonius is pretty smug since the victory means that La habrea has to admit that the method they're using is good enough to save the place La habre has no problem saying that he was wrong and seeing how powerful the warrior of light is despite her thin ether is making it all the more interesting so he agrees that your mission can continue but he doesn't think arathonia should be a part of it he's not strong enough to seal the creatures alone and just hoping it works is not a good strategy especially since failure means death for more than just himself but that's not the main reason La habrea doesn't think he should stay a part of the team it's his motives his primary focus should be on stopping a Festus but the fact that he's worrying about resurrecting his mother makes him dangerous to the entire mission his mother is dead probably reincarnated in a new vessel by now and the life cycle needs to continue as it's supposed to even if a Festus could bring Athena's body back it wouldn't be her arathonia still thinks it's possible that a Festus may have figured out a way to really revive her proving LA habrea right if he's that focused on his personal mission over the true one what would he do if the price of resurrecting his mother was one of his own teammates or the lives of all of the captains that he claims that he wants to save from the way he's acting La Habra thinks all of that was an act and he hasn't matured one bit from the ignorant child that he's always been that last insult is more than Arizona's can take and he snaps on La habrea calling him a selfish murderer in the moment where he loses control professors calls out to him and despite hearing another voice telling him not to listen arathonius teleports off to join the man whatever he had used to take over erethonius's mind worked quicker than La habre had expected he had felt his son's hatred form growing from the minute he had showed up and he knew that it was only a matter of time before he snapped and that led the spell taken the spell was so good that arathonius didn't even notice it which means the other keywords likely didn't either in the midst of the attack you all felt another presence one that was trying to warn arathonius but the warning came too late taunting the boy hadn't really helped the situation either Festus had likely known that would happen too since he is La Habra and now there's no telling what will happen to his son then this doesn't think it's too late to save the man you just need to take abyssales before arathonius fully loses himself but it won't be easy to get through the place but Festus has laid traps all over that will kill you if you trigger them but with your thin ether the warrior of light can pass them without setting them off at least that's what happened before if he's adjusted his traps this will be a very short rescue attempt why you need to be fast then Mist thinks it'll help if La habre explained why Hephaestus wants arathonius he also wants to know why La Habra seems to have a real problem with his son's Devotion to his mother the man acts like grieving for the woman is just as bad as trying to raise her from the dead since Athena seems to be the driving force behind the Festus and arithonius the situation does need to be talked about admits that it does need to be discussed but only after you deal with the last key Ward her name is Augustus and she's worked at pandemonium since it was founded and her magical skills are beyond all of the other keywords but festus's experiments wouldn't work without her so he's locked her away in a spot that you can't just walk to or teleport to under normal circumstances but with your ether being like it is La habrea can send you straight to her famous will help you with the fight as best he can and from what lahabrea can sense whatever has been done to existence left very little of her so there's no reason to try to contain her all you can do now is put her out of her misery the keyword has been turned into a very disgusting tree beast but the change has done nothing to lessen her power which makes for a difficult fight but again the warrior of light comes out on top the moment she dies a pathway that allows themus and LA habre to teleport in appears which is strange since it seems like someone made it specifically for them it was so neatly made and protected that it had to be done by a keyword of great skill and existence or what's left of her appears to let you know that it was her that did it she doesn't have much power left but she is happy to see La habre again your fight helped her free herself from her festus's spell what it bombards you with so many emotions that it's hard to even remember what you really want to do so if you don't remember that you want to be free you could end up thinking that you want to serve a Festus honestly this sounds like the origins of tempering against this was strong enough that at least a small part of her mind stayed her and she was able to reach out and talk in bursts to the outside world she was the one who had sent the report saying that all was well to hopefully draw la habrea she doesn't have much time left before she Fades away entirely and she has one thing that she needs to let you know to keep the past from repeating itself she apologizes to LA habrea but she has to let you and Themis know why Hephaestus wants arithonius whether he was okay with it or not she didn't wait for La Habra to say so before she made an image showing herself in a young la habrea he had just killed Athena and sealed a part of his memories and emotions away inside of a Festus and after that Augustus had wanted to know whether or not he was going to tell arathonius the truth he had decided to leave his memories buried with his other half because he was sure that erethonius would let the world burn if it meant saving his mother and hearing the truth would break him La Habra would rather let his son hate him than to let him know that the mother he had loved so much just saw him as a tool to be used and discarded besides even if he told the boy the truth he was pretty sure that in the end he would find some way to blame LA habrea or maybe himself so if dealing with his son hating him was the price of keeping arathonias mentally able to serve the Star La Habra was okay with it it turns out that La habrea was actually keeping the secret to help his son but a distance wasn't surprised by that La habre is a problem solver for everyone else but himself there's more to the story but La Habra will have to tell you himself because her time is up he thanks her for what she did since it would have been hard for him to even start telling the story but after everything he sacrificed for the star's Prosperity she was more than willing to help it was a good last to act before she Fades away something that her Festus definitely sensed so you all leave before he attacks you La Habra adds more details to Athena's story once you're all safely back outside she was consumed by her research and willing to kill her own son If It sped up the experiments that's why she had given him a position in pandemonium in the first place it would make him easier to use as a test subject would keep that a secret arathonius probably couldn't handle that news The Festus has picked up where Athena left off and succeeded in creating the hemith away La Habra doesn't know what his plans are but it has something to do with bringing Athena back Themis wants to know the rest of the story but that'll have to wait until after you free arathonius reaching him will be easier since without a distance professors can no longer manipulate pandemonium and the only place that he could be is in Tartarus where Athena had built her Laboratory that doesn't mean the man is gonna just let you all walk in Themis will focus on keeping him from blowing you up on your way there which means La habrea will have to summon your Phantom allies but he wants to be the one to finish off the fastest when you're done he doesn't plan on sealing the man away again and after the modifications he's done to his body sealing him might not work anyway which means it's time for you to face a Festus erythonius is chained up and unconscious in the lab and a Festus is more than ready for you the man's clearly been lifting weights because his new form is jacked and kind of scary looking it's not all show either he's strong but he still gets whooped by the warrior of light and La habrea comes in to finish him off the Festus refuses to admit defeat and in a true coward move he puts arathonius between himself and you like a human shield while he talks like he wants to bring arithonius's dreams to life the fact that he's hiding behind him proves that he doesn't care anymore for the man than Athena had and he's proved that even more by not telling Arizona is the truth about his mother he claims to care for the man like a father but his actions say the opposite and fulfilling a child's wish when it'll hurt them in the end is probably the worst thing a parent could do La Habra admits that after he killed Athena he promised a guide to Star down a good path which made him neglect his son so he has to admit that he's been a bad father but he won't let anyone manipulate and use his kid especially not a damaged clone of himself arathonius heard everything that was said about his mother and he heard what his father had said which helped him regain his own mind enough to break free and he turns on her Festus and successfully uses the internment spell to trap the man La Brea joins in adding his own power to the spell and they seal her Festus away inside of a crystal despite still being light on the praise La Habra admits that his son did well especially since he was able to trap Hephaestus while he was only half recovered from the man's spell his skill with the internment spell is far beyond what lahabre had expected it only takes a moment for all signs of professors to spell to vanish from arithonius's mind and the fact that the Spells attacking pandemoniums barriers has faded away causes thimis to come running in to see if it's all finally over it is and the Festus has been locked away just how La habrea had done before granted the last time he hadn't actually had a body that Revelation makes Themis remind La habrea that he was supposed to tell you all the rest of the story since arathonius wants to hear it too La habrea decides that it's time to let it all out Athena had been a genius that was so focused on her research that sometimes she would forget to eat or sleep on her search for knowledge about the secrets of life the Ancients create life but they can't make Souls they can also enhance and change their physical bodies but they still have limits Athena was looking for a way to break those limits something that's not meant to be done most people wouldn't even have the brain power to try and get it done since La Habra was the leader of the words of La habrea he talked to Athena about transcending their limits a lot when a scientist finds a challenge they always try to figure out how to overcome it while they were talking La habria started to think that the way they could have sinned would be to merge with one of their Creations that way they could make something that countered their own weaknesses fuse with it and become something greater it was just a theory but Athena wanted him to work on it more and tell her about it they started to talk more and one thing led to another which led to arathonius I'm not going to explain how they made him I'm pretty sure you can find something about it on the internet La habria had thought that Athena really cared about him so he didn't notice her hidden motives which is why once pandemonium was built and she wanted to lead the researchers he didn't see anything wrong with it that gave her the ability to do whatever experiment she wanted when he found out what she was doing he rushed to Athena's hidden lab not really knowing what he'd find and for this part he figures it'll be better to show you so he makes a scene similar to what a distance has shown you before Athena has erathonius bounds similar to how her Festus had him and La habrea warns her that if she doesn't let him go he'll have to kill her she's willing to die for a research but she wants La Habra to know what she's doing once he understands what she's doing she doesn't think that he'll want to stop her her explaining it wouldn't be enough so she wants to bond Souls with him that way he'll be able to get his answers because he's actually curious the two of them link the only thing he saw in her was a desire to truly become a God that transcends mortality and their plan of existence and she didn't care about anything else not La habrea their son or the star itself because of that La habrea separates himself from her but she knows that he's just as curious to see if her experiments with arithonius would bear fruit as she is and now that they've shared a soul there's no way for him to get rid of that Curiosity eventually he'll walk the same path as she did and he'll see her experiments to completion to make sure that he doesn't La habrea tears that part of his mind and emotions away and leaves behind only his duty as La habrea the other part he locked in a crystal that became a Festus famous in a very polite way says that La habre is insane since what he did to suppress his memories could have Rewritten who he was the rest of the convocation had noticed the change and some of them had some idea about what he'd done he could have destroyed the Crystal but since he'd never done anything like that to himself before he didn't want to throw away that piece of his soul just in case he needed to put it back he figures Athena had known what he would do and made a vessel to use the pieces of his soul to carry on the mission after her death after hearing the story erethonius actually believes his father had really been looking out for him and decides to tell his dad thank you before you all head back outside then this is eager to go and tell the story to azim but La Habra can't let him leave until they fully restore the place and with the lab and Tartarus they should be able to undo what was done to the researchers minds and bodies still wants to know what made him so important and how her Festus planned on Reviving Athena not that he plans on doing it but he just wants to know since Curiosity has already killed a few people La Habra forbids him from diving any deeper into it and he plans on destroying a festus's crystal to make sure this mess doesn't happen again although there's still the crystal that the warrior of light had to deal with La Habra hadn't even known about it but hearing that it had a message in it piques his curiosity storing memories inside of a crystal is one thing but putting a warning inside one is a lot more difficult it also means that someone other than the four of you and azim knew what was going on in pandemonium it could be one of the other waters but they won't know until after they questioned them since that'll take a while the warrior of light heads home to get the crystal so she can bring it back to La Habra that's going to be difficult because cloudian's assistants have lost contact with his Airship and this more and mggi has detected a massive amount of energy coming from the Ethereal sea of course you go to the atioscope with them to check it out and the first thing you see is pandemonium has appeared in your world something that is clearly not good especially since his appearance has gotten alphanos dad's attention too abortional has been investigating the appearance of pandemonium in the Ethereal sea and he's made a few discoveries that he thinks you should hear about so you and Claudia and scientists head to the atioscope to meet up with the man Professor claudian had disappeared when he went into Isis La alone which was a good way to die since the place isn't exactly safe his Airship was found near the etherochemical research facility but he wasn't anywhere to be seen there were signs that he forced his way into the facility though forcing those people follow this Trail but it ended in a very unusual way both Claudia and the part of the place that he'd wandered into had vanished entirely is people think that the part of Oz's law that disappeared reappeared in the Ethereal sea and was turned into the version of pandemonium that's in the present day which means claudian may very well be inside of it fortuno thinks it's worth the risk to send someone into the place to find the missing professor and by someone he means you but there's another not so small issue that you'll have to deal with first a creature from inside of the prison came out and forcing those people saw the things start eating The Ether around it considering the fact that the Ethereal sea is full of The Souls of the Dead messing with it could ruin the entire cycle of rebirth which means it needs to be dealt with quickly after that you'll be able to search for claudian the memory Crystal was found in Claudia's ship so fortunoff gives it to you just in case you can use it for something nimjiji thinks you may actually have a harder time dealing with the monsters in pandemonium this go around mainly because you don't have Themis there to summon Phantom Warriors to fight with you but what she doesn't know is you've had the ability to summon people for a very long time now so you head off to face the monster this thing looks like one of the Monstrous creatures from the promised Neverland and it's not exactly happy that you messed up his meal it tries really hard to kill you for that but you prove yourself to be the more deadly predator and you put it down freeing all of The Ether Rich Souls that it had consumed as soon as the thing is destroyed a woman reveals that she was watching your fight and she was eager to see if you were just as strong as she had heard and it's not just any woman it's Athena La habrea's wife and the former leader of pandemonium she's also the person who made this new place right in the heart of the Ethereal sea he wasn't exactly expecting to run into you in this time period but that might work out for the best considering all that you managed to accomplish when you stepped into the past she seems to be way too aware of your exploits and considering the fact that you learned that she was in fact completely nuts the warrior of light is prepped and ready to attack her despite the fact that she claims to not be a bad guy she's done some things that were questionable at best but they were all in the name of Science and since she was reborn she plans on continuing those experiments she'd like to do that without violence and she thinks that if you hear her out you might see that her experiments are worth completing the warrior of light is a tad curious especially about how the woman managed to be reborn at all so she holds off on the stabbing and lets her talk Athena had always planned on using the souls of the Ethereal sea for our work since the place provides all of the materials that she needs but she hadn't planned on finding someone as useful as professor claudian she does have him but she's not gonna hurt him since he's a part of what she needs to finally become a god the more she talks the closer she gets to making the warrior of light stab her and she sees that so she decides to summon some people who can tell you more about her and her work in a way that you'll be more receptive to and since you have the memory stone that claudian had been studying she could use that to summon your teachers that particular Stone holds the memories of both LA habre and arithonius and she uses her powers to give those memories physical form that way they can explain why she's trying to become a God she wants you to understand because you have a part to play too and she figures things will go more smoothly if you just decide to cooperate she teleports away leaving you with arathonius and La habrea who both have a lot of questions for you since they have no idea where they are or why so you take them back to the atioscope where you can talk without worrying about getting attacked by anything the two ancients don't know how long it's been since they last saw you but the fact that they remember you means that the memories that were stored in that particular Crystal came sometime after you went through pandemonium on elpis erethonius remembers you telling him about the Crystal but he never would have guessed that the memories that it held belonged to him and his dad finding out that you were from the future does clear up a few Mysteries though especially since he had looked for you after a while but couldn't find a single trace of you he remembers the final days hitting the world but he doesn't know how the event ended seeing that your future exists lets them know that something survived but he wants to know if his people did that's not exactly a simple yes or no question and La habrea doesn't feel like wasting time getting you to explain it all since Athena being there may not let the world survive anyway while the two ancients look like they have physical bodies other than their mind and memories they don't have any actual power Athena made them so they could talk to you not help you fight but honestly even doing that wasn't going to be all that helpful to our plans since she should have been well aware of the fact that her husband who outright killed her to stop her plans in the first place wouldn't have anything good to say about what she's doing he definitely wouldn't try to convince you to work with her so I have to say that her pulling their memories out of the crystal was not smart at all erathonius doesn't know how she knew that they had worked with you in the first place and she was extremely dead at the time but La habrea figures that she must have made a way for her to either monitor the goings-on and pandemonium even after her death or she'd found a way to get the info after she was reborn either way she knows more about current events than they do which is never a good position to be in so la habrea wants claudian's people to tell him everything they've learned about this modern day pandemonium once they stop hiding in the corner when you finally convince them to come over and talk nimjiji admits that she's excited to talk to the Ancients in the semi-flesh but she is a little scared a nine foot tall lahabre is kind of intimidating but since they don't have the power to do anything more than talk arathonius doesn't think anyone should be scared of them at all turns out being disintegrated by the power of an ancient wasn't what an mgg was scared of anyway she was just afraid that she wouldn't have enough time to ask all of the questions that she wanted to but as long as she's willing to share information with them La habria is perfectly fine with answering any of her questions after he tells you everything he can about Athena and her mission to become a god which would have ended with everyone on a theorist being killed Athena believes that God should be able to create Souls at will and she wants that power that's why she decided to do her last experiments in the Ethereal sea the place is a limitless pool of ether that she can draw from Granite drawn on that ether could put an end to all life but she doesn't really care even knowing that seeing his mother's face still reminded arithonius of how much he loved her granted he still plans on working against her as best he can while they put their information together they all think it's time for you to get started searching through the prison before you leave arathonius takes the memory Crystal from you just in case it has any more useful tidbits stored inside of it while he helps you get into pandemonium La habrea asked him Gigi if she knows anything about something called arasite she knows a bit about it from the legends of ivelisse and from the things she's heard about La Habra the asean she almost mentions his name but considering the fact that she's talking to a priest son during la habrea she catches herself in a way that lets the man know that she was clearly about to say his name in connection with the black arasite called the heart of sabik apparently La habrea recognizes the name but he figured that it would have been lost after all of these years that means it'll likely be an issue in the near future but first you have to deal with whatever you find inside a pandemonium you'll have to clear out an area alone before the two angels can help you search the place so you head in to get started the first thing you find is the last thing you expected to see famous he's not actually famous but something Athena made using a soul and some magic he's just as real as LA habre and erethonius but he hasn't gotten Dumber because he immediately figures out that he's in the future Athena revived herself somehow and you've come there to stop her he expected no less but there is a problem he was made to serve Athena and he can't resist her so the two of you will have to fight in the not too distant future it's not something the warrior of light wants to do but Themis reminds her that he's just an illusion so it's not all that big of a deal even though she programmed him to fight you famous is still willing to spill Athena Secrets because she's apparently really bad at the whole making loyal servants thing and he lets you know that she has a new vessel to replace erathonius and she's Gathering souls to modify her Essence the problem is those Souls aren't all that strong so she's decided that the warrior of light would be far more useful to her if she can figure out why you're so strong despite your thin ether she made something to test you so she could watch and learn the secret of your strength and I'm not gonna lie I think she has a whole lot more faith in your abilities than you do because the woman's not making you fight some random creature she put a soul inside of pandemonium itself so the whole building can fight you famous expects you to beat the thing pretty easily then after that the two of you will throw hands for the second time Athena could have made the living Fortress be a little less creepy looking but she was probably more interested in power over appearance but she didn't give enough of either because the warrior of light in her summoned Warriors destroy it with the walking Fortress beaten then miss shows back up and he's quite impressed by your handiwork as usual your Victory opened pandemonium's last gate and that's where he'll wait for you erethonius and La habrea show up right as he leads so allahabre wants you to tell him what the man said so you all can figure out what to do next Once you tell him about Athena's plan to make you fight themes he's not all that surprised the boy was one of the most magically gifted ancients so of course she would use him if she could which means she probably snatched his soul out of the Ethereal sea and used stemis's memories to build the perfect puppet erethonius is more shocked to hear that Athena actually managed to bring pandemonium to life the fact that she could do that means she's almost at the end of her research but after trading notes with nimjiji they figured out a way to stop her and they think the heart of sabik is the key the warrior of light recognizes the name which he should since La habre had used it to power the Ultima weapon and try to kill you with the ultimate spell the heart is something that Athena made during her time with the words of La habrea before pandemonium even existed she had brought a crystal that she said she found somewhere to them and the thing held a lot of power she called it R aside and started studying it and eventually she created the heart of sabik from it Athena never told him where she found the original crystal so they figured that it was from another star it wasn't until later that they figured out that the RSI enhances the desires of anyone who comes in contact with it which would explain why Athena went a little overboard with her work after she found it but by the time La habrea had locked the RSI away Athena had already gone so far down her crazy path that he had to kill her after that he took the heart of Sabi and decided to guard it himself since the thing held some of the densest and most destructive ether he'd ever seen it was all but impossible to study but he thinks Athena may have done something to it to make it that way so no one would know that she had stored her memories inside of it if she had set up a way to give her memories physical form similar to how she Drew Laha brand arathonius out of their stone that could explain how she could have been reborn but it doesn't explain what made her come back at this very moment when the warrior of light beat LA habre and the Ultima weapon she hadn't taken the time to grab the heart of sabik granted she had only heard the asean mentioned it plus it wasn't like there was time anyway so she hadn't seen it since that day La habrea the asean not the ancient wasn't dead so he very likely took the heart with him a good while later he was killed in the etherochemical research facility by Thornton and that just so happens to be the exact place where claudian went missing the professor had been following the Ethereal signature of something that was similar to the memory Crystal that he'd found which was likely the heart since Athena had reappeared not long after that it's safe to say that he had something to do with her Resurrection but that still leaves the question of why on top of that even though Athena is a memory made flesh like LA habre and arithonius she's just as powerful as she was when she had a physical body or at least close to it which means she must have found a vessel that was capable of containing her power but with all of the people of the source being sundered fragments of what they used to be that shouldn't have been possible possible or not she's done it and if Themis is to be believed she's very close to making that body into a God the thing is the only body that should have been able to hold the power that she needed was arathonius and his body would definitely have decayed a long time ago so the mystery of what vessel she could be using won't be solved right now not before you fight themes arithonius doesn't think the fight will be easy but he does think that if you win you may be able to break Themis from Athena's control if you weaken him enough it should work but he won't remain solid for long once his Essence starts to dissipate so you'll have to ask your questions quickly granted you also have to survive the fight because if anyone remembers the last time you faced off against the Little Bus you would know that survival is not exactly guaranteed famous doesn't take on the form of the first Warrior of light like his asean form did but what he turns into is far harder to deal with the warrior of light still manages to pull off a victory which causes Stemmons to transform back with his defeat Athena's hold on his mind breaks and he goes by back to normal he was well aware of the fact that Athena's magic could make her victims Focus solely on their greatest desire and ignore everything else but he hadn't thought that the thing that he wanted most was to test himself against you now that he's done his part Athena releases him so he'll fade away but the warrior of light uses her own ether to hold Themis together for a little bit longer at least for long enough for him to do his job as Emissary and judge Athena for her actions and see that she's punished for them you'll have to do the punishing part of course but he does have some information to share with your group that can help so the two of you go back to meet up with La Habra and arathonius so you can get ready for your Showdown with Athena the vessel that Athena has is actually claudian which under normal circumstances wouldn't work but claudian turned out to be the perfect host which led Athena put her memories into his body while his soul was still intact and that letter resurrect herself in full as opposed to just being a living memory like them as in the others but since claudian is a sundered being Athena hasn't been able to put her full power into him which is why she set her sights on you even sundered the warrior of light is stronger than most of the Ancients and Athena figures that if she could add those properties to claudian's body she would have a vessel strong enough for her purposes you have to stop her obviously but doing that won't necessarily mean you have to kill Claudia Athena taking over his soul didn't destroy it he just doesn't know that he's being controlled at all so if you can wake him up he should be able to push Athena out of his body erathonius doesn't understand why Claudia's body worked as Athena's vessel at all but it should be pretty obvious by now claudian is a Shard of arathonius the same way that the warrior of light is a Shard of ozem famous didn't see claudian but he did hear Athena call him arathonius so that pretty much proves it La habre had already figured that out because of course he did but since stem has confirmed it La habrea thinks he knows how to save the man the first thing that has to be done is the obvious and that's beat the crap out of Athena so she can end up in the same weakened State as Themis granted she has way more power than he had and since you're the only one who can even fight her you'll have to do it alone after you do that La habre has a plan that he won't tell anyone about because he's la habrea well that's part of it the other reason he won't tell is because he doesn't want you thinking about anything other than fighting Athena she's too strong for you to fight her and worry about Claudia's safety which makes sense erythonius already has a lot on his mind too mainly he's wondering if his mother had never found that arasite would she have actually been a loving parent and wife La habre has wondered the same thing too but there's no point in worrying about it since there's no way to know for sure since there's no point in delaying the inevitable any longer you head off to fight Athena a lot of people claim to be a God and usually they're all talk Athena isn't one of those she's managed to build up real power unfortunately for her she's not the first God the warrior of light has had to tangle with and as per usual she overpowers the god to be once the thing is back in her more manageable form arathonius wants to know what was the point of all of this what was she really trying to achieve doesn't really care the woman worked against the star and for that she needs to die for good this time that may be true but arathonia still wants to know why his mother abandoned her family for a mad Quest Athena surprised that her son actually grew into somebody who would question why she would do anything instead of just going along with whatever she decided but since he asked she's willing to answer granted her answer is pretty anticlimactic she had a theory and she wanted to prove it simple as that she came to the conclusion that any real God would see her race is imperfect and would spend all of their time finding ways to remove their flaws and build a better being Athena figured that the best way to help the star was to find a way to upgrade her people into the perfect stewards for the planet and to do that she needed the power to create souls and she was perfectly fine with killing all of the imperfect life on atheros to get it she honestly sounds like image silk but without the actual motivation he saw the sundered beings as imperfect and was willing to Kill Them All to restore the far superior ancients Athena just came up with the idea that her people could be better and she could make them better if she had the power to create her own race she claims that what she's doing is no different from what her people did all the time when they created new things and wiped out the old ones the problem with that comparison is she didn't make the Ancients in the first place so since she didn't give them life she doesn't have the right to decide that they don't need it anymore while the RSI made her go over the edge it didn't give a thing to these ideas no different from when someone gets drunk and does something that they regret they always had it in them to do whatever it is that they did they just had the good sense not to the alcohol suppresses that good sense and the rsight did that to Athena the woman actually takes offense at the fact that arithonius thinks he has the right to judge her when he only existed to be a vessel for her power she figures that his rebellious streak must have come from the fact that she left him with the soul the woman got pregnant with him for the sole purpose of modifying his body so it would be able to handle her Essence when she took it over she modified his mind so he would adore her and follow her commands no matter what but she made a few mistakes on that part his lack of magical ability all of his failures as a person were all things that Athena made sure would happen as part of her plans which honestly makes her quite possibly the single most evil person in Final Fantasy 14. Valens was a child murdering dick but it takes a special kind of crazy to intentionally make your own child suffer up until the very day that you decide to kill them and have that be your plan before they're even born obviously getting that type of information hits Arizona is pretty hard but he handles it pretty well and he lets his mother know that now that he knows what she wants he'll make sure she never becomes a god Athena takes that in stride and changes her plan if she can't become the god of aetheris then the star doesn't need to exist at all while you were all talking she had been building up either and she turns it all into a Spirit Bomb that she's going to use to destroy the Ethereal sea which would wipe out all life on the planet there's pretty much nothing that the warrior of light can do to stop her but La habre had told erathonies before the fight even started that he was the key to beating his mother while he is only a memory his soul is currently in the body that Athena is using something she clearly hadn't thought about when she pulled her son's memories out of that Crystal he can merge with his Shard and wake him up that way claudian can push Athena out of his body stop her attack and make her just as powerless as any other memory until she Fades away for good he probably won't survive the encounter and while some people would say that he's just a memory so it doesn't matter he's alive and self-preservation instincts alone makes sacrificing yourself difficult but the fact that La habrea says that he's proud of him probably made the decision easier Athena tries to command him not to but after which she told him she would have done better not saying anything at all fortunately for you and the rest of the world arathonius separates Athena from claudian causing her to lose all of her power but that also causes pandemonium to start to collapse Laha bran famish used a little bit of power that they have to get you and Claudia out of there while Athena dies but not before she solidifies her place as mother of the year by using her last words to tell erathonius just how useless he is the warrior of light and the others make it back outside just in time to watch pandemonium vanish all that's left to do now is wait for cloudian to wake up while you're waiting La habrea has something that he wants to ask you about he hadn't missed him Gigi's mentioning of the asean name La habrea when she was telling him about everything that happened to get them to that point in history she claimed that him and that particular ass scene weren't the same person but the fact that he had used the heart of Sabi to do some not so nice stuff has him wondering since you met and fought the acid he wants to know if that's who he'll become the fact that telling him won't affect time since he's just a memory in the present means there's really no harm in it but since the two of them are completely different personality wise the warrior of light isn't certain whether this La Hebrew or his successor becomes the body snatching psycho that we all hate the aseans also switch bodies a lot so that also makes it kind of rough to know their real identity and after hearing some of the things that the asean did La Habra does have a hard time seeing himself becoming that but after thinking about it he admits that under the right circumstances he probably would do pretty much anything if it meant fulfilling his duty to the star that includes using the heart of sabik and going down the same path that Athena had which means it's safe to say that he is in fact the LA habrea that you fought while you chat claudian finally wakes up and he remembers bits and pieces of what happened including CNU fight Athena he has erethonius's memories too and he wants to tell lahabre how his son felt about him but hearing the words from a sundered piece of his son is not the same so he'd rather not especially since he's technically the enemy of every living thing on the source claudian doesn't see it that way the asean La Habra is their enemy but the La Habra of the comedy occasion is an entirely different person one who helps save them all being The Logical man that he is La habrea thinks Claudia is an idiot for thinking that but he's not going to argue the point he does think that you still have one thing left to learn from pandemonium and that is who was it that started all of this by setting her Festus free in the first place that means you'll need to take one more trip to the Past he does warn you not to tell him anything about what happened to Athena he doesn't think he'll change what he does but you never know with that said he finally Fades away famous feels like he's gonna fade away soon too but he thinks he can stick around so he can hear what you learned from the past technically he already knows what you're gonna find out since he's a memory of Themis from after you went back but he wants to hear what you think about the news so you head back into the past for what needs to be the last time because time travel is always making new plot holes and paradoxes that are never fixed as smoothly as people think when you get back to pandemonium in the past Laha brand the others are all surprised to see you since they didn't think you had a reason to come back there at all when you tell them what you want La Habra isn't that eager to share any information with you but Themis thinks that you do deserve a few answers since you did help fix the situation after you left Themis had given control of pandemonium back to LA habrea and using some of Athena's research they managed to restore hegemony's mind and body there's still a lot more prisons to fix and key Wars to replace but they're making progress but before they can get the place back up and running La habrea has something that he needs to do and he's willing to let you watch as long as you don't interfere it involves hegemony he called her to meet with him because after all of the deaths she's now the highest ranking key Ward that means she needs to know the full details about what it took for La Habra to separate himself from Hephaestus he fractured his soul to do it and that cost him a lot of his power he doesn't have the strength in his present state to use the magic that a Festus had used to control pandemonium's Waters order freedom from that control her Festus had left behind some research that said to transform a vessel into one of Athena's amitthoai you had to have complete control over the victim's mind the magic that gave that control Guided by amplifying the victim's strongest emotions which in the case of hesperos and agnesis was their respect for La habrea that led Hephaestus throw pandemonium into chaos and take it over but he couldn't have done that until someone set him free that means someone was already under Athena's control before any of this started it was the only way for the woman to guarantee that even after a death her plans would get put into motion and considering the fact that hegemony had worked in pandemonium under Athena herself her loyalty was to her and pandemonium not to La habrea the woman tries to explain herself but La Habra binds her because he knows that Athena messed with her mind but as he is he doesn't have the power to undo it so he decides that if he's going to have the power to truly serve the star he has to repair his soul and merge with Hephaestus bringing with it all of the Power and painful memories that he had tried to banish with his powers restored he easily Burns Athena's mind control out of hegemony that doesn't necessarily mean that she likes LA habrea but he doesn't need his people to like him as long as they do their job and he thinks hegemony will be the perfect person to oversee pandemonium from now on she is more than willing to do the job while he works to safeguard the star As Long as That Remains his goal Themis won't have to step in and put him back in his place something he seems confident that he could do even with LA habred full power again now that he knows why his father is the way he is arathonius plans on working with him on his mission so they can be a family the two of you however are not friends so with this little Excursion over La Habra tells you that it's time for the two of you to part ways and walk your separate paths he says that like he knows where the two of you will end up in the future even though he shouldn't but like I said before time travel is always a problem with that done you head back to your own time to talk to Claudia and future Themis while you were gone famous let Claudia know everything that happened while Athena had Orochimaru to his body and that little bit of info let him understand that the Ethereal signature that he has sensed in Oz's law had been Athena trying to find her vessel but it hadn't started when he first found the memory Crystal the thing should have activated as soon as he touched it since he's erathonius and it held his memories but them is figures that the change is brought about by the sundering must have made it take longer to resonate with the fractured soul of the ancient but once he did get a tune to the crystal that little Athena start to take him over so he was already under her control before he even left to go to Isaac's law all of that is over now but with its mind clear claudian can sense another memory stored inside the Crystal and he hopes it holds the answers to why La Habra and arithonius had created the thing since he has arithonius's memories Claudia knows how to activate the crystal so he turns it on and you all see the moment arathonius put his final memory into it the final days had started and things that started to go crazy with their creation magic but LA habre and the convocation had gotten started on the plan to summon zodiac Nimitz had already agreed to become Zodiac's heart but the one thing that the convocation seemed to have forgotten about in the chaos was pandemonium and the dangerous creatures that it held even if they stopped the final days if the chaos caused the cells of pandemonium to open and those creatures were allowed to run free the final day stopping wouldn't have saved the world it would have just ended in a different way so arathonius decided to go against the convocation and not add his strength to zodiac instead he would stand guard over pandemonium alone to make sure that the creatures wouldn't get out but he didn't know if he would die during the final days so he decided to send the crystal with his and La habra's memories into the underworld with a spell on it that would make it be drawn to his Essence so even if he died and got Reborn the crystal would remind him that he needed to get back to pandemonium and if he couldn't make it back he hoped that it'll find someone like the warrior of light to help with whatever problems popped up and this is why I hate time travel so arathonia sent the stone into the Ethereal sea because he didn't know if he would die and be reborn during the final days if he did the stone would find him jump start his memories and have him make a beeline for pandemonium that part makes sense him mentioning you doesn't because he shouldn't have known you at the time that he made the stone due to the fact that he only met you because he sent the stone and claudian found it which prompted you to go back in time to start this story time travel Shenanigans aside claudian's happy to finally know how all of this started but there is one more thing that will likely be a problem later the heart of sabik survived and it was in Claudia's pocket at least it doesn't have Athena's memories in it anymore but it's still a powerful piece of rsight that Claudia plans on studying he heads off to do just that leaving you along with Themis who has one last thing to tell you he was pulled from the Ethereal sea and he has memories of your fight at the top of the Crystal Tower and of him sending you to the Past he doesn't know exactly why he sent you back but he thinks he had seen bits and pieces of your trip through pandemonium together he didn't see how that Journey went but he saw you in elpis so he knew that he had to send you there in other words he saw you there because he sent you there so he knew that he had to send you there after Themis gives you a migraine trying to explain these Shenanigans he Fades away into the Ethereal Sea and the warrior of light heads off to save the world from whatever crisis pops up next this concludes the story of pandemonium if you enjoyed this video be sure to like comment share subscribe donate if you can and I'll see you guys next time
Channel: Chronicler of Lore
Views: 1,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FFXIV, Lore, The Story of, Chronicler of Lore, Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, Pandaemonium, The Complete Story
Id: jt55IxjySOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 22sec (5302 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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