FF7 Rebirth Devs Confirm MINDBLOWING Details...Part 3 is Getting INSANE

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guys this is a huge deal we have a massive highly requested in the making of probably like 4 years Now podcast scheduled for tomorrow between me J and just baby seal night sky Prince sleep easy and Maxim milum dude we're actually all going to be getting together to talk about Final Fantasy 7 remakes series all the things leading up to rebirth and of course the ending and ideas of all things pertaining to Final Fantasy 7's series that they got going on this has been a very highly requested talk for a long time both viewers and community members I've met in person and honestly non-stop throughout comments I've been asking specifically for this group of content creators to get together and nerd out basically about ff7 and it is finally happening tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. eastern time 5:00 p.m. Pacific time hit that notification Bell so you don't miss out when we go live guys we're going to be live on YouTube and twitch I'll be linking it below in the description so you guys don't miss out on it now let's get into this video the title for part three of Final Fantasy 7's remake series is still left to be determined but there is a specific name that can finally be put to rest as confirmed by nura himself also there are some big confirmations when it comes to the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth that is going to answer a lot of your questions but also introduce more questions on top of that and man this is just the beginning more is on the way guys so hit that subscribe button and notification Bell so you don't miss out on any of this and stay up to date while helping to raise that 38% even higher we are close to 50% guys now with that being said let's get into this video once again special thank you to Shinra Arc department on Twitter for paraphrasing and bringing us these translations from the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth ultimania now it's no secret that the Final Fantasy 7 remake series is following a trend where every single subtitle within the game series is going to start with re in it with remake and then rebirth we don't know what the third title is going to be and many people think reunion is a great fit for it which I agree it would have been however they already used it on Crisis Core reunion the REM ster of the PSP title crisis Corp from 2 years ago and namura the man who is in charge of all the names as stated by many people within the development team including the director hamaguchi they've all stated that it is somewhere within nura's head they don't know what the title is going to be but he will reveal it to them when the time comes neur has said he initially planned on using rebirth as the third game's title and intended to call the second game reunion however he realized the words meaning fit better with part two and decided to use reunion for the crisis Corp remaster there it is guys reunion is not within their plans for part three so we can honestly stop talking about it baby seal and night skyprint are onto something with Redemption a popular one is also returns and many people think revive is another one but the discussion is always a fun one to have so I would love to hear what you guys think comment below now when it comes to the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth we have a lot to talk about and keep in mind we have no idea collectively we all have no idea where it's going nobody does so all all of this is just speculation based on the events that are being presented to us and of course being talked about from the developers themselves who are withholding obvious key explanations but of course spoiler warning ahead for those who have not finished rebirth yet come back after you guys finish so you can join in and have the talk with us to me what is so tragic and heartbreaking about the current ending of rebirth is that we are all confused and unsure of the events that are unfolding right before us just like Cloud almost as if this is like a meta experience and the player are experiencing and feeling the same feelings that cloud is feeling go figure and just like in real life we are collectively grieving in a whole new way over this loss A lot of people have described their reaction to this ending as them feeling empty there is a void they're confused and upset and that honestly sounds a lot like grieving to me and the devs have strived to hit that Mark and very well have done that for many people even though a lot of people don't realize that they've said as much here as neora said in the original ff7 in order to depict the cruel loss of someone you cherished that had cloud a bystander as Sethro killed aith in rebirth they wanted to fight back against Destiny and have Cloud make an effort to Parry seph's attack however when you actually lose someone you cherish in the real world you aren't able to accept it right away fs7 rebirth strives to predict that inability to accept the loss of someone that is precious to you Cloud psychic interference reflects that state of mind for me it's a little bit more mind-blowing because cloud is severely unwell there are many scenes that show that clearly this is a big Focus for them it's also been confirmed in the ultimania that Cloud's original FF seven dialogue when he's holding aith and talking about his mouth is dry his eyes are burning is actually in rebirth we see SEO is trying to show Cloud that reality and cloud is not accepting it thanks to AI shout outs to Audrey for bringing this to our attention but it goes as we finally have Clarity on what cloud is saying in the scene at the Forgotten capital nojima and Toriyama revealed that cloud is saying his original lines in the scene where you see him speak but do not hear him the lines that my mouth is dry my eyes are burning even if you can't hear him if you play the OG you would know what he is saying and I thought as much too when we played the game and we actually were going through this story just a few weeks ago in my live stream he's reciting what he said in the original game Tama says he can't say much about that scene since it's up for interpretation but what he can say is when they asked namura for advice on how to portray this he said to include Cloud saying the original lines as a flashback kind of see him say aith will no longer laugh she will no longer cry and then the Savage sephar went ahead and threw the blood of aith at him zro is trying to show Cloud his reality in order to break cloud down further he does need to witness these events however aith from Beyond the live stream is preventing him from seeing the truth in order to protect his psyche to stop him from becoming a reunion robed clone essentially losing cloud in this way because given the magnitude of the situation that very well can and will happen as it's been hinted at throughout the game all the soldiers we come into contact with from broen Ro we've seen it happen in the original game it does happen to Cloud after the black materi handing over scene takes place during the northern crater and Sethro Falls reveals to Cloud that he's a clone and a puppet with Hojo corroborating further breaking Cloud even more we do see Tia and aith band together to ensure Cloud that this will not happen to him and rebirth and it very well is within aith and Tia's plans to follow through with this I strongly believe tifa's time in the live stream during chapter 9 in gungaga has given her access to these visions and elements that cloud is seeing at the end we see from Barrett's perspective a lifeless aith in Cloud's arms and then right after that it switches to tus perspective where we can see both outcomes no blood unth with her hand touching Cloud's face and a bloodied and Dead aith with Cloud holding her hand to his face Diva at the End is Extremely broken in so many ways she doesn't even utter a word throughout the entire end of the game and essentially keeps to herself as everybody else is I mean they're all in mourning losing another close friend in aith and being justifiably scared of cloud in this situation aith very well could have also informed Tifa of all this keeping her in the loop but witnessing the reality of all of this happening before them is something within itself to experience this is an extremely cool tweet shout outs to vanny on Twitter she posted this here on March 9th a little over a week after rebirth came out in the OG ff7 you can see this crack in the background when Tia is navigating through Cloud's mind and helping to try to repair it and help him regain his true self one of the most iconic moments of the original game my favorite moment in the original game it however looks awfully similar to in rebirth when cloud looks at the sky he can see a crack or a rift a giant fracture throughout the sky from his perspective only cuz Barrett and tia cannot see it I think this is symbolizing OB obviously a lot of things a broken world for one thing sepo actively merging or successfully merging them and also clouds fractured psyche which aith is desperately trying to prevent from getting even worse this realization Cloud will eventually come to in part three is going to be such a shell shock and further make Cloud's mind sequence even better in part three especially since Tia has prior experience navigating this element already with her own childhood and personal trauma and current Trauma from chapter 9 the constant theme of rebirth for its early promos and seph's own words merging the worlds is his endgame we go back to here the September trailer let's actually raise the volume my Slumber it's upon us the reunion When Worlds merge When Worlds merge we have another segment right here this is towards the end of the game with cloud and Sethro traveling through tunnels which they love to do together to Bear witness to the reunion of Worlds the reunion of Worlds and then that same trailer dialogue is mentioned here from Sethro upon us the reunion When Worlds merge when Spite and sorrow are harvested to feed the planet zro wants all of the world's tragedies everybody to be at an all-time low in order to feed the planet so that this way him and goova can consume the hell out of it and by the end of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth we are witnessing at least five different worlds I strongly believe there's more than five but we're just shown these five just because it's there's an infinite amount of possibilities here guys but we have the current remake timeline with our party in the Beagle verse then we have the terer timeline where Zach is present and then we have three other stamps being deliberately shown to us whenever Zach makes a decision there's an alternate reality being created where it's a what if he chose another decision which I believe is like alternate universe theory or Multiverse Theory right where for every action or decision you make in real life there's another alternate universe where you would have did the other action right the Pug universe is where he went to go see bigs instead of going to hojo's lab or trying to figure out what's going on with aith and Cloud the Corgi universe is where he hadn't decided on what he wants to do as he clearly says in that moment and then the Chihuahua Universe which by the way that does not look like a chihuahua to me I honestly thought that was a shihu but hey they say Chihuahua this is the universe where aith Prime the strongest aith and OG ff7 aith takes Cloud to have one final date as she knows she never got a chance to say goodbye and is fullon taking advantage of that I also believe this is the same resolution dream sequence aith from Final Fantasy 7 remake who is Ever present across all universes just like Sethro is and then seph even States when they're walking around this world that he's been searching for her and this is where she has been hiding zephro has always been underestimating aith who is just as strong if not even stronger than him at the very end of the game we do see Zach sitting in the church but there is no clear indication of what world he is in in I think honestly there are no more worlds and that Sethro has successfully done what he's been saying that he wants to do this entire time merged them all into one which is why cloud is able to see a fracture in the sky he's seeing the same fracture that are in all the other worlds that have been combined into one and because of this Zach is seemingly alive and present in possibly the same world as Cloud now that there is only one and while cloud and the party are traveling north to the crater Zach is still in the church in midgar and eventually one can only assume he will encounter the party again but I don't know when that will happen will he also make his way over to the crater I know guys it sounds confusing but trust me deliberately it is we are withheld a lot of information and I can only hope that in the future we possibly get another DLC that could show us an end credit of some sorts like what they did previously showing us Zach in midgar at the end of yui's intermission DLC maybe we can get some more bits and pieces out of that so far this is all we have just to work from I know there's going to be a lot of comments uh and I would love for you guys to comment your interpretations because that's the cool thing about all of this is that there are so many different interpretations there's so many different opportunities for things that I might have missed things that the devs might have missed but I would love to hear what you all think so please comment them below but we do all have one thing that we could totally laugh at and it's right here fs7 rebirth director nagu hamaguchi says the game's final series of battles basically followed what was in the scenario that nojima wrote and initially included two more fights however these had to be cut down due to how long and tiring things became bro it was going to be even longer I heard a lot of horror stories of people who had died and had to redo the fight but selected the wrong menu option which is confusingly warded I will admit only to reset the entire 1H hour encounter from all the way at the end to the beginning and having to go through it again which I would imagine jaded a lot of people I'm at least glad that they they cut down on it man but I hope that going forward the devs learn to not really have so many of the important story impactful elements just stacked into the final two chapters like that it's just it was a lot man we got to we got to really find a way to spread these things out and at least do a little bit better of a job when it comes to the payoff now I don't think it's the best way to tell a story by any means I see the artistic Vision in which they're trying to do but there's a lot of people specifically well within the Casual fan audience of this game that are justifiably confused by all of this and I saw at firsthand myself when I wasn't done with the game yet but I was getting a lot of comments from people that are like hey yo you need to finish this game ASAP cuz I have no idea what the hell is going on and I need you to tell me which is not the most ideal way to tell a story but one can only hope that things get better going forward fingers crossed I like this comment the tri the Triceratops tank was going to be there this has to be in part three bro but that is a lot of important details that they fullon revealed for us specifically this moment right here showing that the Cloud's original lines about aith dying is included in rebirth and uh honestly shout outs to Vandy for this conclusion here and the uh confirmation of the way that the stamps and how those universes work and how they interconnected or intertwin with each other and essentially I strongly believe Sethro has officially combined them all his end game has been achieved all he needs now is a black Materia which someone has within their possession and is well under their way to deliver them to him from the moment that I heard about the multiple Universe idea and that the fact that there were two different world my mind immediately went back in 2020 2021 to the fact that there's going to be multiple holy material multiple black material it doesn't seem like they're going to be doing the multiple black Materia angle however the multiple holy materias is definitely something that we're seeing happening right before our eyes so it's really cool to see that there was some thought about that now there's a lot of payoffs left to hit and Man part three the wait I don't know how long it's going to be I'm thinking it could be 3 years maybe Max of 4 years but I would love to see it come even sooner and hopefully when that launches and releases it's also available on PC immediately this this exclusivity wait time this this ain't it man this console generation in general is not cutting it when it comes to the optimization for these performance modes now again that is a square Unix issue because it is their the engine that they chose and the optimizations that they need to make within their development process but I think I would rather see this game just on vastly better Hardware so this way there's not a lot whole lot of Corners that they have to cut that's just my opinion but I want to hear what you guys think please please sound off Below in the comments let's get a discussion going be sure to like the video If you enjoyed And subscribe if you are new more Final Fantasy 7 videos are on the way and you don't want to miss them my name is Blitz and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: BltzZ
Views: 25,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bltzz, ff7 rebirth, final fantasy 7 rebirth, ff7, final fantasy 7, ff7 remake, ff7r, ff7 rebirth sleepezi, ff7 rebirth night sky prince, ff7 rebirth max, ff7 rebirth schrodingers babyseal, ff7 rebirth ultimania, ff7 rebirth ending, ff7 rebirth ending explained, ff7 rebirth ending confirmed, ff7 rebirth mindblowing, ff7 mindblowing, final fantasy 7 ending, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, final fantasy 7 remake, ff7 new, huge ff7 news, final fantasy 7 rebirth news, ff7r news
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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