Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Devs Just Dropped a TON of BIG News..

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the Final Fantasy 7 rebirth ultimania is finally here a book with developer interviews detailing the deepest story secrets of the game as well as what we can expect from part three although the book is currently only available in Japanese dedicated fans have been dropping translations of it giving us a ton of brand new updates clarification on existing story threads and some incredibly fun teases on where Final Fantasy 7 re Trilogy might go with part three so go ahead and smash that subscribe button we just crossed over 96,000 on our way to 100K and now let's Crush 97,000 together as well today's updates come via Shinra archaeology department and if you guys aren't familiar with Atri Arc you will want to be these are guys who do incredible translations of all ff7 materials over the years many interviews and information that would never make its way to English speakers can finally make its way to the fans here thanks to their translations now unfortunately they were not able to give direct translations on everything as squarex didn't want them posting all the official information however they can give us paraphrased information about what the developers have said keep that in mind as we go through all of the information the first thing I want to talk about is something that I personally am extremely passionate about airships it has been confirmed that the high wind is returning for part three and yes it is going to be playable however they do talk about a lot of the technical challenges that have gone into making the high wind work airships have gone away in recent final fantasies for a pretty good reason making them work on a technical level is incredibly difficult to do for starters you have to build a seamlessly connected open world for you to even fly the Airship across in the first place however there is one issue that people haven't really thought about about that Noma brings attention to in this interview that adds yet another layer of difficulty to creating airships in a modern Final Fantasy Title Here is what he's had to say in the rebirth ultim Mania tsia Noma considers implementing an Airship to be the single biggest obstacle posed by part three of the Final Fantasy 7 remake project he's worried about needing wide flat surfaces to land such a giant aircraft in fears this might limit how freely the vehicle can be used n says this is an issue the developers have been struggling with for a while it used to be you could land an Airship icon on a cartoonish map with the graphical scale now more realistic this no longer suffices however he's confident the staff will rise to the occasion again this is one of those things that you never really think about when implementing airships but having a way to land them is a really huge technical challenge to overcome with Final Fantasy 15 the way this was implemented with that airship ship was that your car would essentially land back on the road indeed Landing the regalia is the most difficult boss fight in all of Final Fantasy 15 while flying in the game is incredibly fun The Landing is certainly not and hopefully Landing the high winds will not be nearly as tedious the next few tweets will contain some in-game spoilers so just a heads up for those who haven't finished the game you will likely be spoiled by some of the following information so this is your chance to click off of the video now if you want to and if you're staying with us this is the time that we talk about timelines we see at least five worlds throughout the course of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth these are represented by different breeds of stamp beagle Yorkshire Terrier pug Corgi and Chihuahua it's also possible that Zach's final scene in the church takes place in a different world sixth World indeed many people wondered where that scene with Zach and Ender mission was taking place as the scene at the end of intermission where Zach is about to open the church door doesn't really fit in chronologically with Zach of the terrier timeline now we know that was possibly Zach and yet another world Shinra arc's translation continues by saying beagle is the main world of cloud and Co while Terrier is the world where Zach survived two additional worlds pug and Corgi split off from the terrier thanks to the alternative choices Zach makes meanwhile Chihuahua is a fifth world where cloud and Earth take a stroll the ultimania indicates that the world where Zach attempts to meet Hojo and find a cure for cloud is a continuation of the terrier world and not a separate new one that has split off for many of you this may be sounding kind of convoluted by this point and yes this story is going to have quite a lot to keep track of there's been a lot of discourse recently on how much these timelines are going to add to the story for me personally it's hard to make heads or tails of it at the moment right now however it seems there's potentially six worlds that we know about but there are certainly even more than that whether it's infinite or there's a finite number we simply don't know yet and I know some of you think that these worlds are just dreams or you think it's something just in the live stream like the dream of the faith in 10 I actually think none of that actually matters because functionally you have different realities and different courses of events to keep track of and that will be in influencing the story in some major way and so regardless of whether you perceive this as actual Multiverse or not functionally speaking it's not really that big of a deal whether it is or it isn't it ultimately kind of amounts to the same thing when experiencing the story there are multiple versions of these characters experiencing a different chain of events and that chain of events will be tied together shimra Arc also reports that kazushi nojima says that in writing Final Fantasy 7 rebirth scenario he studied yoga Cara and Young's theory of the collective unconscious referring to these should make it easier to understand how the game's World works and may even hint at the story's ending this is something that you're going to want to follow people like shinger baby seal for to talk about in a greater depth he's super qualified to talk about that stuff and I am not however if you are someone in the community watching this channel leave a comment below on your theories on how this relates I do read the comments and I'd love to see what you guys come up with next we have the death of aith Noma says that in the original Final Fantasy 7 in order to depict the cruel loss of someone you cherish they had Cloud be a bystander as seph off killed aith in rebirth they wanted to fight back against Destiny and have Cloud make an effort to Parry sephos attack however when you actually lose someone you cherish in the real world you aren't able to accept it right away Final Fantasy 7 rebb strives to depict that inability to accept the loss of someone precious to you Cloud psychic interference reflects this state of mind there is a ton of conjecture right now on whether aith is truly alive in another timeline whether cloud is in denial goova aith and a number of other theories I currently do not have a theory that I strongly believe in I do certainly think that some of these theories are more likely than others but nothing really stands out to me as it has to be this and nothing else that being said under the assumption that she is Perman permanently dead Cloud being in a denial State about this situation and eventually discovering the truth in Final Fantasy 7 remake part three could make for a very emotional moment while the water burial is not featured here in rebirth I'm under the assumption that the water burial will be featured in part three in the moment where Cloud remembers what truly happened to aith or maybe that's just my cat for the water burial not being a thing in this game but I feel like it is aent going to come now another big mystery that's happening with Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is the translucent Materia this was once a white materia that has now been deactivated it's assumed that it currently possesses no power however it is going to come into play in part three in some way nojima has in fact commented on this asked if AOS white materal that has now turned transparent will also be key to Future developments nojima says yes Toriyama adds that this is something that we can look forward to in the third game following Final Fantasy 7 rebirth obviously with the Materia being translucent it's essentially empty possesses no power however I think it will be really interesting if this Materia is filled with a new Essence and perhaps whatever new power ends up being stored in that Materia is what ultimately ends up being the foil for seph off's new plans however right now it is currently very hard to say what this new material will do and become however right now it's one of the most interesting points of the Remake project for me this remake project as a whole has been depicted as a battle between seepo and aith a game of interdimensional 40 chess the devs commenting on this saying just before Final Fantasy 7 rebirth final battle sephos says I underestimated you according to nojima this line is directed at aith when sephra started to put his plan to reunite the world into action aith rose up to prevent it at first sephra didn't consider arth a major force to be reckoned with but recognizing the obstacles she's proved up to this point he remarks how he underestimated her indeed while Sethro is more powerful than ever it seems that so is aith and it also makes me wonder if the aith that we see both there as well as the aith with Cloud an extension of her power as well then we have cloud and Zach in Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and their surprising or not so surprising team up at the end here is what they've had to say rebirth creative director Noma says to think of cloud and Zach fighting side by side against Sethro as a temporary state of entanglement in that scene he wanted to have Zach and clout link up if only for a brief time so he put in a request to have it made so one of the notable things I want to talk about is when people are saying who wrote this story and who made all of these decisions as I always say this is a team effort and so some people will say oh kitas came up with this or nojima is the one that wrote the story etc etc but when you actually read these interviews and actually break this information down the story in Final Fantasy games is always hugely collaborative and so if you love it it's because you love the way all the team members synergized and if you didn't like it that's also an issue with Team Synergy no pun intended of course ultimately all the creatives on the game are always making various different decisions like this for example with it being huchi's decision to put SEO at the end of part one that being said it was cool to actually see cloud and Zach fighting together canonically depicted in Final Fantasy 7 for maybe the first time ever although it was a cool fan service moment I really want to know what it's going to contribute to the story down the line what is the point of having Zach back in the first place this currently remains unclear and I suspect that part three is going to be a lot more direct about the true purpose of Zach in the overarching narrative and as I've said before I think it would be very interesting to see these two get a lot more on screen time together than they got in this game as I don't want the inclusion of Zach to Simply end at fan service I wanted to make a measurable impact on the story such that it will actually Elevate the story of Final Fantasy 7 and not just a way to include a fan favorite character who was already dead seeing the return of Zach matter and have deep consequence to it is something I think imperative for the Remake Trilogy moving forward but these are just my thoughts and I'd love to hear yours in the comments below and we should be getting even more ultim Mania updates throughout the week as more things are translated be sure to look forward to more ultimania translations coming throughout the week and I'll see you all in the next video
Channel: The Night Sky Prince
Views: 48,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy vii remake, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, ff7 part 2, ff7 remake part 2, ff7 remake part 3, final fantasy 7, ff7, final fantasy 16, final fantasy xvi, ff16, ffxvi, state of play, final fantasy 7 demo, ff7 rebirth demo, ending explained, ff7 rebirth theory, ff7 ending analysis
Id: BaEEn64Ab8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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