FF7 Rebirth's CONTROVERSIAL Ending Explained! Was it GOOD!?

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it probably goes without saying but this video will feature heavy heavy spoilers for the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth that being said let's get right into it Final Fantasy 7 rebirth featured yet another controversial ending with the fate of its flower girl in a state of flux did she live did she die visually speaking she's dead however with the Multiverse now being confirmed by the games writer Kash nojima it brings up the question of does character death really matter and is this character actually dead there's a few famous literary principles I want to discuss that will help give my thoughts in a way that doesn't come off as the hater that people have painted me to be those principles are check off's gun the die is cast and if you didn't see it it didn't happen these literary and television Concepts will be linked to everything I discuss in this video with that little introduction out of the way let's talk about the ending itself and the leadup to it as chapter 14 begins we see Zach in the train tunnels of midgar attempting to make a choice does he go after bigs and attempt to save him or does he choose to go to Shinra headquarters and get a cure for cloud we see a pink ribbon wrapped around his hand which will be important in a bit when Zach chooses to save Cloud a rainbow light shoots out from the tunnel that he chose not to go down we can now confirm from the recently released ultimania that new worlds are being created by Zach's choices we can also see Terrier stamp in the background marleene explains to Zach in a flashback that seph is the one who plans to kill aith when she wakes up she also tells Zach that aith has feelings for cloud we now flash back to aith and cloud is stepping out of the wheelchair he's been seen in during Zach's interlude scenes aith tells him that they're in her dream and to just play along for a bit they go up to leave the house and she tells him not to look up but it's clear that that's actually what she wants him to do when he does he sees the giant Rift in the sky which means the world they're currently in is dying it's worth noting that this is almost the exact Rift seen in Cloud's Liv stream sequence in the original they go in this mini date and we see another version of stamp meaning we're in another world again one separate from the Zach worlds we've seen so far and the Beagle world where the main game takes place in we're now at a total of three worlds but that number is about to shoot up pretty quickly it's interesting to note that all the shopkeepers are alluding to the world ending as well after meeting with the candy seller we see another scene with Zach and he's in the Shinra headquarters he's got the pink ribbon around his hand is on the Hardy Daytona and is facing several Shinra soldiers Terrier stamp can be seen in the background so we know that this is the version of Zach that made the choice to save Cloud instead of bigs he drives through this crowd but his fate is unknown we then go back to aith and cloud and seph begins to intervene some black feathers descend from the sky in front of aith and sephos States so this is where you've been hiding in a world that has already accepted its fate so while aith claims that this is her dream seph is clearly able to go to these worlds at will much like aith this date definitely feels like a goodbye of sorts once the entire sequence plays out it's almost like aith wants Cloud to have one last great moment with her before it's time to say goodbye after a bit we flash to bigs in reactor 6 which he explains to Zach that the world they're in now is devoid of Life stream this world is designated by a different pug stamp totaling four so far Zach is also missing the pink ribbon around his hands so we know this is the world where he chose to go after bigs instead of cloud bigs is shot dead by Shinra and Zach jumps over the railing his fate unknown we flash back to aith and cloud is asking aith to explain what's going on but she tells him they need to go to their spot for her to explain it a black feather descends from the sky during the segment and a thrushes cloud away from it we then jump back to Zach who's now sitting on the church steps obviously indecisive yet another stamp is present as Johnny walks across the screen randomly with a stuffed Corgi in his arm stamp number five zro begins walking up the steps to the church slashes at Zach and knocks him into a portal on the ground the black Whispers pulling him down into it Zach fights his way out of The Whispers and ends up in a white light with arth's flower pedals guiding him to a brighter white light portal he jumps through another portal and the game flashes to arth's church with aith and Cloud now aith makes it seem like she really wants to open up to Cloud but she's really struggling with her feelings almost as if she's shielding him from something they hug and she tells him not to blame himself no matter what happens clearly she knows what's about to happen and is protecting him from it we'll go into the wise of that in a minute because this might be the key to answering the question about the white and black Whispers we'll see in just a bit she takes a few steps and unties her famous pink bow and hands Cloud the white materia hidden inside of it when Cloud rejects it she says it's not about me though it's about saving the world and you I believe this little throwaway line is one of the keys to this entire thing and again we'll go into that shortly a bright rainbow light shoots out from around her feet and she hands him the Materia and thanks him for everything she then pushes him into a port in the ground as seph steps into the church it's clear this isn't the same world we just saw with Zach because the world that aith and Cloud are in is not the Corgi version of stamps world and this is where I have to bring up if you didn't see it happen it didn't happen the common thought is that Sethro walked into the church confronted aith and ultimately killed her but if years of Television movies and video games has taught me anything I need to see the body or it didn't happen fake outs have been a part of media forever and to me this is possibly no different so at least one aith is unaccountable for we also know from the ultimania that nojima states that an aith From Another World gave Cloud the white materia which he then gives to the beagles world arth this is due to earlier in the game where she reveals that her white materia is now empty as cloud is falling through the white portal he's surrounded by white Whispers yet black Whispers begin to come after him and they do battle seph appears and shows Cloud the true nature of reality stating that when fate is breached new worlds are born immediately in front of cloud is Zach's Final Stand the point at which we know a new world was created where he lived this means that because of their actions in the singularity and Final Fantasy 7 remake the party ended up creating this Multiverse by destroying fate itself the party then made it possible for Zach to live and a Multiverse to come into existence this appears to have been a part of seph's plan from the beginning he explains that the planet encompasses a multitude of Worlds ever unfolding confirming to Cloud that there is in fact a Multiverse of some kind he also tells Cloud that some worlds die quickly While others endure yet all are faded to be destroyed sephra says that we shouldn't mourn those worlds as as they all rejoin the planet upon dying we then hear flashbacks of things that happened in remake seph tells Cloud to listen to the cries of the planet which Cloud can hear their screams he claims that the reunion is not just of the kind we know with goova but a reunion of Worlds we then see flashes of cloud as a black robe Cloud tells seph that he wants no part in it and seph claims that cloud needs just a little push and we're going to find out what that push is and what it has to do with aith seepo also tells Cloud that he gives Cloud his Blessing just before he leaves his Distortion I'm going to bring this up a little bit later seph's plan is to reunite the fractured worlds into one entity absorb that entity and then become even more powerful than he was in the original we saw him absorb something at the end of remake and instead of meteor it's possible that it was a world that was rejoining the planet I think it's also time we acknowledge something now that we know about this Multiverse so to speak while it's easier to call it a Multiverse I go back and forth on whether to call it that as it has a similar function but doesn't necessarily seem as though it's the same traditional MCU style Multiverse so for ease of conversation a Multiverse is the term I'll use for what we're seeing but to my point it's worth noting that every single named character in these alternate worlds is somehow directly related to aith in some way bigs and aith were childhood friends aith knew Kira in the book The kids are all right and there's an obvious connection to cloud and Zach we also have her adopted mother almyra and Barrett's daughter marleene who aith saved during the sector 7 plate drop and showed Marlene her death we know she's seen her death because Marlene later describes the man that will kill aith to Zach and he recognizes him as sepo bigs and Zach also claim that a certain wind carried them to these alternate worlds where they now live but that they know that they were supposed to die originally you could definitely chalk this up to the life stream and that seems as plausible an explanation as we'll probably get however it's also worth noting that all of these characters besides bigs and Zach are still alive in the main world and with that being the case in this particular instance the LIF stream isn't an afterdeath location as we normally know it to be we might be dealing with fractured segments of the life stream which seph suggests as much and those fragments have somehow become tangible in some way with sepo wishing to absorb them the reason I believe they're tangible is twofold for one cloud has obtained the white materia from another aith that much is confirmed in the ultimania and two Sethro also claims that the fake black Materia found in the temple of the Ancients is the key to finding the real one locked Between Worlds this to me spells that at least part of these worlds is tangible in some way moving on cloud leaves the portal and arrives in the sleeping forest with white interia in hand seph appears and tells him that it doesn't belong here and that it's very poor form while it's obvious he's talking at Cloud he's definitely not talking to him that line was definitely meant for aith as they've been locked in this chess battle from the beginning and Sethro is basically saying she's a cheater Cloud fights off black Whispers but then white Whispers appear creating a Bright Light in the Forest aith appears and tells Cloud not to worry about Sethro and to just focus on himself the real him she gives the speech about letting her handle sepo and this scene is almost a shot for shot remake from the original cloud gives aith the white materia and she gives him the empty one in return she then disappears but when Cloud gives chase the white Whispers stop him eventually cloud is enveloped in a white light and it flashes us back to him at the Temple of the Ancients attempting to pull aith up from where they originally fell before this series of scenes began we then start seeing a point of view from Cloud's eyes and it appears that he's in rough shape likely due to seph's control at the temple and the fragmenting of his already broken mind aith disappears into the forest again this time the party now looking for her to get together it's interesting to note that we see this green portal anytime something in Cloud's mind takes place so it's not really clear if what we saw was real or a battle inside of Cloud's mind for aith and SEO and the attempted purification or control of him respectively and then this is where it started to click for me with the Whispers when the party is confused on where to go the black Whispers show up and Cloud then knows the direction to find aith and the Forgotten Capital it's clear the party didn't see the Whispers because they even ask Cloud how he knows where to go cloud and each of the party members kind of have this moment where they all make their amends or promises to stick together and it feels like the leadup is slowly building to everyone saying goodbye if things go south it was a really nice moment in my opinion and further solidifies that the handling of these characters was done really well when the party arrives and after they discuss the Forgotten Capital they notice the black Whispers have arrived and Cloud tells the party that they're not fate or the planet anymore that they belong to sephra seph then appears in a scene exactly like the end of remake begins to play seph then says good aith prey he raises his hand and a portal in the sky opens up with a rainbow beam of light shining down behind Sethro and the life stream begins to flow from the portal this is also where I believe we're not seeing seph absorbing meteor like originally thought it appears that seph is absorbing another Dying World hence the live stream from the portal once again this feels very much like we're dealing with Advent Children searo and not the one we've been dealing with the entire game he destroys the land around the capital and the party is forced to fight their way towards it they encounter a battle with the white Whispers who to this this point it felt more like they're for the party than really against them but it seems to have changed now what happens next is what drove home the purpose of The Whispers for me and while I still don't like them I grew to understand them better now after defeating the white Whispers black Whispers appear and close off the access point for the party to enter the capital yet for some reason allow cloud and only Cloud to enter the capital and this is the moment I've been waiting to explain for a few lines now aith has been battling to save cloud sepo has been battling to control him for aith to succeed she needs needs to Shield him from trauma in an attempt to release the real cloud from his mental shackles for sepo to succeed he needs to break Cloud to the point where he is no longer control of himself the Crux of this is arth's death and that's what the whispers are for the white whispers are trying to keep cloud from seeing her die the black whispers are trying to ensure that he sees it without interruptions so everything to this point in the story has been in service of that end and The Whispers have been that means to an end if you remember the scene where Sethro explains the Multiverse he tells Cloud that he just needs a little push I think it's pretty clear now that that little push is cloud witnessing Sethro kill aith Cloud enters the temple and as he does the whispers are seen in a battle almost a Duel of the Fates if you will Cloud steps towards the altar but as he does it's clear the white whispers are attempting to keep him from doing so as he walks up the white and black whispers are battling over Cloud even surrounding his blade he deflects them back but the Whispers begin controlling him making him raise the weapon to aith the game forces you to fight against that eventually breaking free black feathers descend from the sky and SEO descends with his blade to land the killing blow but instead Cloud jumps up deflects the masamune and bright rainbow light burst from the connected swords signifying a breach in fate however we see a flash the sword is now in a different location blood pooling around it and then Sethro removes the bloody blade from aith and she falls over onto the ground white materia falling from her bow and just like that aith is dead the white materia descends into the water like in the original but then things take a turn seph begins laughing and we start seeing Cloud's glitching mind with it going from crying to not to him talking but no words can be heard Sethro mocks him like he did the original but then aith reaches up with life Stream Energy around her and tells Cloud that it's okay the party is finally allowed through the portal and now we're seeing things through tifa's perspective and even her mind is now glitching over it flashing back and forth from aith being bloody to not being bloody Sethro then States the Confluence or joining of Worlds has begun and Cloud tells tells aith that he's got this Sethro continues to mock cloud and tells him that he's just a puppet and the fight with goova begins everyone in the party has their limit break except for cloud signifying that he's not at the same height and state of emotion that the rest of the party is as if he's in denial or doesn't know that arth is dead much like in the original game in the northern crater the party gets separated into groups that have to fight goova on their own after a really long battle with goova life Clinger cloud and the party are enveloped in a white light and then it flashes to Zach he then comes upon cloud after the white Whispers show Cloud to him and after a few comments he's pulled into a fight with seepo at the edge of creation best friends reunited the two take on Sethro side by side and Zach questions Sethro on how he could abandon his Soldier beliefs which Sethro coldly and [ __ ] awesomely responds easily after the battle ends Sethro slashes open another portal stating just as worlds unite so too do they part Zach then falls into the portal but tells Cloud to save aith seph then transforms into Bizarro Sethro from the original but this time called seph reborn cuz why the [ __ ] not after a lengthy battle Sethro then returns to the party through a rift in the sky and then the party must battle him after another battle with Sethro and a whisper version of Bahamut we flash back to Zach and it appears that he's now in a world doomed by metor he's in arth's church and much like the player asks what in the hell is going on searo reborn appears in this world and the two friends simultaneously recite the soldier Creed and I wanted to crawl out of my [ __ ] chair from cringing a flower portal appears in Zach's new world and when Zach steps into it it helps Shield him from damage clearly aith is still helping cloud and Zach from wherever she's ended up whether that be in a new world or in the Life stream after this battle we flash back to the party and they must fight a rebuilt version of Sethro reborn and they question if cloud is helping them from wherever he's located after this phase of the battle Sethro returns to the edge of creation to go one-on-one with cloud in his One-Winged Angel form yet sends The Whispers after him white Whispers shoot out from behind cloud and steps out from a portal purifying the edge of creation into a white location because why the hell not the two face off with seph in one Epic final battle during the fight seph questions Cloud on whether any of what's happening right now is real or all just a fever dream you could definitely argue that anytime we're in the edge of creation that were actually in Cloud's mind but it doesn't really explain the world hopping Universe Travelers like aith and Zach SEO also mocks arith telling her to be gone because her part has been played after the battle sephra just smugly flies away laughing and when Cloud questions it aith tells him that it's because he knows it's not over white Whispers surround the two and after they stand back to back aith asks Cloud if he's ready and begins to hold his hand she disappears into life Stream Energy and cloud has returned to the real world maybe we then flash to Zach with meteor descending towards him seemingly accepting that he's about to die the church for collapses and he falls yet again into another white portal we then see aith laying on the floor of the altar seemingly dead Cloud approaches the rest of the party with aith surrounded by the party and white wh Whispers in a rainbow light now the party is nowhere to be seen and Cloud picks up aith and tells her to wake up which somehow she does now this can be ATT tributed to Cloud's denial of her death or Multiverse [ __ ] but it's clear that at least in the Beagle world aith is actually dead the party knows it yet Cloud seems to not be bothered by it we then see the party around what appears to be the lake that ath would have been buried in yet we don't actually see it happen two parts of this moment that I felt shouldn't have been touched were the monologue that cloud gives when she's initially stabbed and then him walking her into the lake to be buried unfortunately neither one of them is here and that's what really hit home for me honestly I think this would have been a perfect time to use a forced walking segment where the player has to say goodbye to her themselves and not just the party Force the player to walk her down into the lake Force the player to let her go I understand they're attempting to show just how broken cloud is and I'll explain my feelings a little bit later but I felt this robbed aith and the player of her moment Barrett claims they need to get going and Cloud just nonchalantly says yep sounds good as if nothing has ever never happened he has a headache and then sees aith sitting next to him as the two walk away Tifa looks up and only cloud is standing there and has an odd smile on his face we then flash to Rufus who begins talking to Glenn but I don't really feel like this is that important to the ending so I'm going to skip this part what I will say though is that I'm actually excited for wuai versus Shinra so in part three that is something I am looking forward to we then flash to a scene with the weapons dispelling the black Whispers inside the Liv stream with their large Materia bellies then we move on to Zach being in another version of ith's church but unlike the church where we fought Sethro Reborn the flowers here are very much alive and well now there is the question of is aith alive in this world he's found himself in the flowers are deeply connected to aith and to me it's possible that when the flowers are alive so too is aith but that's just a small Theory I'm not putting much weight into Zach says he couldn't have dreamed what happened because it felt too real he repeats seph's last words of just as worlds unite so too do they part and sounds hopeful that they could be rejoined we then flash to neheim where the black was appear to be leading the black robes towards their new destination the northern crater now we're in a grass field near the Forgotten Capital as Sid Kate Sith and Barrett attempt to fix the tiny Bronco aith is seen walking among them but it's clear cloud is the only one that can see her however something to note here is that red 13 can also feel her presence when she touches his back he has the closest connection to the planet other than aith so it makes sense that he can at least senser Cloud p over his orb and when he attempts to pocket it you can hear the sound of glass knocking against glass Cloud then removes the black Materia from his pocket revealing that at some point he's obtained it just a small Theory but this may have been the blessing that SEO told Cloud earlier that he had given him he has a headache then says the reunion and places the black Materia in his Buster sword officially hiding it he looks to the sky and sees the rift tells the party to not look up and to not let it get to them because he claims it's really Just an Illusion however it's clear that the party can't see it at all he tells them that seph Roth is headed up north and that it's solders intuition yet we know that that that's just the reunion taking hold of cloud Barrett gives a heartfelt talk to Cloud about trusting him and hoping that cloud can carry the burden of the future of their Journey he tells Barrett that he can handle it Cloud then turns around and sees aith again after she tells him to take care he asks if she'll be okay getting back and the scene plays out reminiscent to when they met in midgard just before Tifa was taken to Don Corno you going to be okay getting home and if I said I wasn't I'll go with you she promises Cloud that she's going to pray to stop meteor and L promises to stop searo he then gets on the tiny Bronco and flies away aith then tells the party goodbye with no promises a wait at Journey's End coming across the screen before I give my thoughts on this ending I want it to be clear that no matter what I'm about to say I'm absolutely loving my time with rebirth I'm at 270 hours into the game just completed all the simulator challenges and I'm now working on finishing all chapters on hard mode for the Platinum so I just want it to be clear that I'm not a hater and nothing I'm about to say should lead you to believe that about it so I'll be honest with you and I know this won't come as a shock I didn't like this ending however I want to start off with some positives because this is about to get kind of negative and I don't want it to seem like I hated everything about it and some of the things I liked you might actually be surprised about I honestly really liked that they focused on Cloud's mental state in this game the consistent yet subtle changes in Cloud culminating in his control at the Temple of the Ancients and almost attacking ath in the capital it's consistent with how the original showed Cloud's mental state and I thought it was really well well done I also really enjoyed the segment of cloud deflecting the blade only to realize that he hadn't really stopped anything however that part does come with some things that I didn't like which I'll go into shortly I really enjoyed that they even showed what grief is supposed to look like using the green flashes as way to show trauma when Tia sees aith dead she also flashes between two realities in her mind one where aith is laying there with blood and one where she's laying there with no blood it's a unique way to visually represent trauma and loss unfortunately things like this kind of get lost when you mix them with Multiverse theory if the player doesn't know whether or not the Multiverse does or doesn't apply it's hard for the player to understand what's going on enough to feel something about that moment ai's death was supposed to be one of the defining moments of this game and of this story and I felt personally that it was treated as being in service to another character's story arc instead of in service to her own and the overall plot a robbing Peter to pay Paul type of scenario yes cloud is the main character and yes things should be done to ensure that his character are is fulfilled but we didn't get anything from arth's Death here that really dug the knife in like it was supposed to no monologue no walking her down into the lake just nothing I will admit that if they're going with Cloud rejecting her death the lack of a burial scene and monologue are thematically consistent with this new story however the powerful visual of those two parts of the scene was one of the many things I was looking forward to and admittedly these requests are absolutely all selfish it's very clear that during the part where cloud is crying and we can't hear what he's saying but we know he's talking that the monologue is happening I think for me personally as raw and Powerful as Cody Christian has been as Cloud Strife I wanted his performance to break me in this scene and that isn't even really a negative because if a voice actor has that kind of power over me across two games they're doing a damn good job and they need to be celebrated it's kind of like in the original when cloud is officially broken and he begs Hojo to give him a number like the rest of the Clones I want to hear Cody's take on this scene and I honestly hope it remains in the third part but now I want to address what happened immediately after she got stabbed we had to fight a 10- phase boss fight with party banters still happening across time and space inside Cloud's mind maybe Dead characters fighting side by side with Cloud even as recently as 45 minutes prior at the beginning of the Genova boss fight when aith got stabbed Zack and Cloud stating the soldier Creed together splitting of timelines realities worlds Etc it just felt all thrown into the ending for no reason other than shock factor and to give the Multiverse some sort of narrative importance it felt like a method of creating fan service that in turn didn't service the story in a meaningful way I'm also very much of the dis cast type person what this means is that once something has happened it can't be changed it brings a sense of finality to death it brings with it a hopelessness a grief but it also creates Heroes it creates new life and there's Beauty in that AIS death in the original was senseless brutal yet poetic at the same time she was the last living ancient who died in the Forgotten home of her people would be buried there with them as her final resting place it had meaning but with this Ending by the time I got finished with the hour-long boss fight across time in space I just felt emotionally exhausted from trying to keep up with everything and even though I now have a better understanding after my analysis of it I still feel this way it feels like two stories happening at the same time and both are at odds with each other at the end of all this I just I felt nothing other than disappointment at how this was handled there were definitely some cool moments especially with the characters involved but I felt nothing for her death cuz honestly who knows at this point if it's final or not we know that the party knows that ath died in the Beagle World however Cloud did deflect the blade and the ultim Mania has now confirmed that actually happened and in doing so a rainbow light flew from the blade signifying that a possible new world has been created where she survived and at that point I emotionally cash out because death means nothing when I don't know if it's real or not granted I believe she died in the Beagle world that part I'm not disputing at all but we have a world where it's thought that she died but we didn't see the body so how can we really be sure and we also potentially have a World created now where she lived at the Forgotten Capital because as seph Ro stated when fate is breached new worlds are created as a result namora comments on this in the ultimania stating in the original Final Fantasy 7 in order to depict the cruel loss of someone you cherish they had Cloud be a bystander as SEO killed aith in rebirth they wanted to fight back against Destiny and have Cloud make an effort to Parry seo's attack however when you actually lose someone you cherish in the real world you aren't able to accept it right away rebirth strives to depict that inability to accept the loss of someone precious to you Cloud psychic interference reflects his state of mind and while this is great and I hope this means that they're sticking with the original story The Multiverse has done nothing but create confusion when this scene should have been pretty straightforward because we did so much hopping back and forth between all of these worlds earlier in this chapter you put the idea of the Multiverse into the player's mind you can still show Cloud's broken mind but the convoluted plot elements feel as if they've only served to take the focus away from what should have been the focus and that's aith this is a character we just spent 100 to 150 hours across multiple games with and yet I walk away from this inding feeling nothing you could definitely make the argument that they wanted to give us false hope and in some ways they definitely did but in other ways they only serve to cut the emotional weight something like that would have had by having her show up in the boss fight after her supposed death I guess at the end of the day I can't change how this was handled and I can only accept that it did happen I just hope that part three concludes in a way that makes how I feel right now all lead up to something satisfying I already know what people will say about cloud and how they'll give us the two missing segments when he finally comes to term with what happened and to that I say the moment has passed and I don't really emotionally Care at that point I shouldn't have to wait 3 to four years or more for a resolution to a scene that's supposed to break the player all for it to be relegated to a flashback or nightmare it won't carry near the weight it would have had I seen it in the moment it robbed aith of her final moments in order to give Cloud his big character moment in a future part if I can see a character up walking around or if I'm not given the information needed to know that that character has died I can't have an emotional connection to that moment in a game TV show or even movie because most of the time that's used as a fake out scenario now obviously we saw aith and Zach and advent children as a I'm making peace with this now situation with Cloud at the end that's a little bit different than what's being presented here though I'll actually concede and give an example of something that makes this work but for me this is a rare case and if this is what they're doing I might be able to be on board with this Direction More however I say that also to acknowledge the fact that if this is their plan it didn't need to happen in this exact moment the focus should have remained on aith herself but the example I'd like to use is the show Dexter about a serial killer who only kills the people who Escape Justice of the law Dexter sees his father throughout the show but it's not really him as his father's actually dead however because of his mental state and his loneliness over not being able to tell people about his Dark Secrets he Converses with a mentally created image of his father this works because of a pre-established history that Dexter has of mental illness and if that's how this is all turning out I'd be more on board with remake Trilogy the only problem with using this example is that Dexter actually knows his dad's dead so it's not like he's using his dad as a coping mechanism for his death he's more using it as a coping mechanism for himself I also want to talk about the multiverses cuz I feel like this is kind of important to this whole thing and I want to talk about check off's gun because I feel to understand my feelings on the Multiverse and the narrative element you need to understand this principle check off's gun is a narrative principle that states that every element in a story must be necessary and irrelevant element should be removed for example if a writer features a gun in a story there must be a reason for it such as it being fired sometime later in the plot and that's what I want with this Multiverse treatment of death and finality of it to lead somewhere important because if it's just for fan service then why is it here and why is it narratively needed will part three give us that reason or will it just be another moment of fan service in the ultimania namora even stated that was the reason Cloud deflected seph fros blade in the capital that they knew many fans wanted her to live in rebirth so they had Cloud deflect the blade I just hope that this movement hasn't become so strong that they decide to bring her back alive once the Multiverse aspect is concluded as a writing Trope multiverses to me are a break glass in case of emergency type writing scenario a DEX Machina if you will by their nature they remove stakes and impact due to things existing in them that can fix any problem that may arise there are times where this be done well and others not so much katas keeps claiming that while his word isn't the only one involved he wants a happy ending for these characters and there's a few ways that can go so for now I guess we just wait and see overall while I obviously didn't like this ending I still loved most of the game especially enough to put almost 300 hours into it I'm just one guy on the internet with an opinion and whether or not you agree with me on what happened or what my feelings are please just be kind in the comments section and let's try to have a rational discussion I know everyone's emotions are all over the place right right now over this ending but we can all come together as fans and enjoy civil debate as I said earlier I don't want this to sound like I hate the game or that I'm not looking forward to the future I'm sure there will be comments about I need to go back and play the original game because I'm just a purist but I honestly don't care the reason I critiqued this ending as hard as I did is because I love this game I love the original and I love this franchise it's meant so much to me over the last 20 plus years of my life and to say it's one of the most important pieces of media in video game history is an understate so I promise you that none of this has come from a place of hate and I hope that part three leaves me feeling happy about the way this Trilogy ended up because I love Final Fantasy 7 and I have high hopes for its future thanks for watching and don't forget to Omni Slash that like button let me know in the comments section below if you did or didn't enjoy the ending of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth if you're excited for more Final Fantasy 7 rebirth discussions guides and other content subscribe to the channel and set notifications to all I'm Soldier first class and I'm on to the next mission later guys [Music]
Channel: Soldier_1stClass
Views: 14,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, ff, square enix, final, fantasy, final fantasy 7 rebirth, ff7, final fantasy vii rebirth, ff7 rebirth, final fantasy 7, final fantasy vii, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending, ending explained, final fantasy 7 rebirth ending explained, ff7 rebirth ending explained, ff7 rebirth ending reaction, ffvii, ff7 remake, rebirth, ending, explained, controversial, ff7 rebirth ending, ffvii rebirth ending, ffvii rebirth ending explained, rebirth ending, aerith's death ff7 rebirth
Id: c47rD4Uv5o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 13sec (1873 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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