FF7 Rebirth Dev's Reveal What Cloud Said at the Forgotten Capital

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so we finally have clarification on what cloud was saying at the end of Final Fantasy 7 rebirth in the Forgotten capital in that incredibly pivotal scene now just ah heads up this video obviously will contain spoilers so if you have not finished rebirth you might want to bookmark this video for later and come back to it once you finish the game so just to kind of you know get back up to speed at the end of rebirth obviously we lose aith she is killed and the way that scene plays out is a little confusing because we see two different scenarios essentially we see one where cloud is holding aith and he seems relatively fine and composed and in the other scene he's crying he's broken down and he's saying something but we can't hear what he's saying the audio has been removed from that scene and it was a little confusing to figure out what the heck he was saying but now according to nojima and Toriyama we now know what cloud was saying now this information comes to us from Audrey on Twitter who continues to diligently work on translating the Alania for rebirth and we now officially have the answers as to what was going on Audrey writes we finally have Clarity on what cloud is saying in the scene at the Forgotten capital nojima and Toriyama reveal that cloud is saying his OG lines in the scene where you see him speak but do not hear him the lines my mouth is dry my eyes are burning even if you can't hear him if you play the OG you would know what he's saying Toriyama says he can't say much about that scene since it's up for interpretation but what he can say is when they ask noora for advice on how to portray this he said to include Cloud saying the OG lines as a flashback now after reading that I had a huge duh moment to myself where I realized well duh yeah that's what he would be saying how did we not know that because in that scenario where aith dies and Cloud can't save her it's going to play out how it did in the original game with him mourning her him crying him delivering that incredibly powerful speech after she's been taken away from him and these lines were 100% recorded and we are going to hear them in remake part 3 why well Cody Christian the voice actor of cloud already recorded the lines and he goes in detail about them in an interview that we covered recently so looking back at this interview with Screen Rant when I covered it back in the day I purposely avoided this section of the article because I didn't want any spoilers for myself or other people because I hadn't finished the game at that point but now that I finished it I went back and read it and I realized holy crap he actually already recorded all this stuff so the question that they asked Cody was was there anything that he remembers being difficult or emotional to record which leads Cody to respond by saying I feel like the question is guided to the answer that I'm going to give you so well done he laughs it arth's final scene was a very powerful emotional scene it's a scene that rocked the scene if you will of just video game culture honestly it was such a devastating reveal in the first so obviously we stay true to that and that moment plays out and I remember the recording process of it I treated it just as I treat most of these performances but especially that one I treated it as if I was on a film set as if I was closing my eyes and holding her in my arms and really living that moment and I even feel stuff coming up in me now talking about it I can speak to you about it now as if I was there recording it and I remember we were talking about it I remember taking a good 5 10 minutes just to get into a head space to go and record everything because we did it all in one shot there was just a lot of attention it was a lot of focus the mood shifted usually it's very light we're joking around we're having a good time or we're getting great work done but that one everyone that day myself our translator Ben Sabin was in the session our engineer Justin konis and my director Kirk everyone just felt the shift in tone it was a somber mood and everyone approached it as such and treated it with the respect and professionalism it deserved so I hope even though it's rattling to most I hope that it's well-received because it wasn't something that was just skimmed through or skimmed over so obviously at that point Cody hadn't played the game so he wasn't aware of how that scene was going to be depicted but we were robbed of all of that all of that really great Voice work and performance from Cody the death of aith her burial that was all taken away from us and that's all by Design the more I watch the ending the more developer interviews I read from the alter Mania or just in general the more fan theories that I absorb the more this all makes sense this is one big meta script which some people will like some people won't not everyone's into the meta stuff but us as the player we experience things as Cloud experiences them what cloud omits is omitted from us us what he believes we're going to believe for the most part and we were robbed of the death of aith we were robbed of her burial and saying a proper goodbye to her now there is the scene where cloud and ath have that one final date and they're going around the slums and just trying to have fun and as the player and even as Cloud we don't really know what's going on until it's too late at the very end of that date we realize oh this is her funeral for rebirth she was saying goodbye to us this entire time and we didn't know it when she pushes cloud away and we see SEO walk into the church that's it for her she's gone and that's what she was trying to tell us as the player and as Cloud she's saying goodbye and when it comes to aith actually dying and the burial we were robbed of all of that and that is a very ballsy move to make and that's all by Design so we're going to pull from the Shinra archaeology Department who is also translating the Alania because they have more words on why the developers chose to depict this scene the way they did no more says that in the original ff7 in order to depict the cruel loss of someone you cherish they had Cloud be a bystander as seph killed her in rebirth they wanted to fight back against Destiny and half Cloud make an effort to Parry seph's attack however when you actually lose someone you cherish in the real world you weren't able to accept it right away rebirth strives to depict that inability to accept the loss of someone precious to you Cloud's psychic interference reflects the state of mind and I really like that I think it's brilliant and again not everyone's going to like that but how they're taking this theme of loss and how it happens in real life and playing out the same way in the game is honestly kind of brilliant to me and again doing things this way is incredibly ballsy because there was some backlash to this people were upset that we didn't get to say goodbye to aith but we are most likely going to get that in part three and I think if done right I'm echoing myself here it's going to be incredibly sad and really well done because we're finally going to see once Cloud gets his mind right and he puts his memories back in place we're going to see him actually relive the death of aith we're going to see how he reacts we're going to hear that speech from him and I know that speech and performance from Cody is going to be brilliant because he's done such a fantastic job so far playing cloud and adding so much nuance and depth to the character that I cannot wait to hear the emotion in that scene especially the way he describes the mood of when they were recording that scene he's someone who really puts his all into everything and based on how he's describing it it sounds incredibly sad and painful and in part three once again when Cloud gets right everything's going to come flooding back he's going to remember who he is what his purpose was in neheim how everything played out properly but he's also going to see oh my God aith died I blocked that out I chose to not accept her death and now he's going to relive it and we are finally going to get to see at the same time as Cloud what actually happened and her goodbye her official real death will be in part three now instead of rebirth so again it's incredibly ballsy to do something like this because it can backfire but I think myself included uh a lot of people do trust the process here with the developers and what they're doing they put so much love and care and effort into everything we've played in remake and rebirth and again these developers don't do things just to do things everything they do has a purpose and they were very aware that they didn't want to do a straight up one to one remake make of ff7 they wanted to try something a little bit different to keep things fresh and new and exciting for themselves as developers and I think taking loss as it happens in real life and replicating it in the game is really smart because that's often how it does play out in real life you know not to get too somber but I remember when my my grandpa and my mom's side passed away it just happened I didn't get to say goodbye to him we got the phone call that it had happened and we went over to go see him and that was it I never got a proper goodbye with him I remember losing my dog when I was a little kid you know I I went to school that day and then I came home and he was gone and as they describe death and loss in all of these different interviews the developers that's how it happens loss isn't something that you can prepare for it just kind of happens and the person or the animal that you love the most is gone they're taken away from you and choosing to depict it that way in rebirth um I think it's pretty smart but that's just me and of course as you know oftentimes the first stage of grief is denial and cloud is full-blown in denial that aith is dead and even some people are believing she's not dead so my hat is off to the developers my hat is off to nojima who's writing all this stuff I think it's brilliant and man the wait for part 3 is going to be excruciating but I think the payoff is going to be 100% worth it so with that being said I am curious corduroy let me know in the comments down below what do you guys think of the way that the developers are handling all of this stuff what do you think of the reveal of what cloud was actually saying in that scene let me know down below I will see you guys in the next video please remember to always be excellent to one another [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Curious Corduroy
Views: 56,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: final fantasy, final fantasy 7 remake, final fantasy 7 rebirth, final fantasy VII, ff7, ff7r, ff7 remake, ff7 rebirth, ffvii rebirth, ffvii remake, aerith, the forgotten capital, the forgotten city, cody christian, ps5, playstation 5, ultimania, rebirth ultimania, square enix, nojima, gaming
Id: A4wPI2P0qGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 58sec (598 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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