Why it ended the way it did - FF7 Rebirth Story Breakdown/Theory (Spoilers)

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[Music] Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is nothing short of sheer Brilliance the game's overall mechanics are fleshed out even further past the first installment combat feels so much nicer and the game feels three times longer than the first one it was a magical and seamless experience I don't often feel when playing games however I do see that the ending was misunderstood by some as well as why there's a second timeline simultaneously happening alongside the main one I hope I'm able to clear up these details because I believe I know exactly what's going on I have indeed spent a lot of my life understanding neoran hieroglyphics after all comes with being a Kingdom Hearts fan keyblade the topic I want to bring up has something to do with a controversial scene in the ending the scene I am talking about is of course the aith scene there are many who are happy with the ending there are many who are not expectations were met with with some and messed with for others upon reaching the launch of the game the developers have stated that everything that happens in the original will indeed happen in the remix as well only difference is that they have been expanded further and the Order of events may be changed but one thing is made clear every main event will occur in some fashion and that includes arth's passing to keep everyone guessing even if you knew what was going to happen they made this scene dramatically different in a lot of ways but overall the same result to keep the original fans guessing they made Cloud interfere with Sethro and his attempt to kill aith it almost worked but he still got her giving us the illusion that we had a choice in Saving her but alas it all goes according to fate for the most part the part that people are most said about is the false advertising of defying fate and the changes made that aren't as faithful to the original as possible I've often heard from others if she was going to die anyway it should have been exactly the way it was in the original no Whispers no Cloud interfering the false hope and a proper Recreation of the burial scene and I can understand that but I again state that these were all put in place to throw the people who played the original game off and it paid off in Spades absolutely worked on me trust me the devs definitely know what they're doing however it is not over I don't think it is as black and white as her being dead and that's the most confusing part A lot of people can't tell if she's dead or not there is a b story involving Zach an alternate universe where our party members are all either dead or unconscious it is pretty much revealed by the little girl marleene that if aith dies she will wake up meaning her death in Cloud's timeline will result in her waking up in Zach's timeline I know very confusing stuff but that's that's what we're going with which also brings up the mystery where is the burial scene this scene is just as iconic and important as the death scene itself but but everything that is supposed to happen will except this one this is the only missing event and you bet it was absolutely done on purpose everyone is wondering where it went including me I kept waiting for it it never showed up the burial in the original was a symbol of a final farewell it was clouds goodbye to aith and it's not here it's because this isn't goodbye and they even show this 5 minutes later by her still being present but only to Cloud only he can see her I believe he is able to see her because there is another version of cloud on the other side as well aith recently woke up and is able to communicate to Cloud via his semi unconscious self in Zach's timeline and I am almost certain about this because of the don't look up scene at the end there is a nebula like Terror in the sky which is currently in the otherw world sky but the other party members don't see it only Cloud does that's likely because Cloud's Consciousness is currently in Between Worlds so to speak the scene at the golden saucer where Cloud sleeps and is able to hear Zach hints at this as well while on this topic I have a mini side theory that after the northern crater when Cloud Los es himself to MCO poisoning and is in a wheelchair and the whole part where you have to control Sid and stuff like that that's when I think his Consciousness will shift to the other world temporarily and will reunite with aith and Zach with this knowledge in hand it is safe to assume that this Side Story with Zach will become far more relevant in the next game regarding arth's return that's right I believe she will be coming back from the other timeline and eventually both universes merging together reason being I feel like this Side Story would make no sense in existing if there's no plan on both Zach and aith coming back or at least just aith if Zach doesn't make it there is both proof and foreshadowing of this occurring Cloud does end up teaming up with an alternate Zack to fight Sethro at the end shortly after aith shows up to do the same at first I thought this was kind of like a spiritual projection of her to fight at your side but when you think about it I think this was the real aith but from the other side if you know what I mean once the Battle Is Over Zach wakes up in a church and alludes to the Two Worlds meeting once again which in turn will be our last hope of saving aith so we really just need her to stay alive in that timeline Above All Else unlike Bigs like what the the freak did they why did they kill this man they they kill him and then revive him and then they kill him again in the most anticlimactic way what are you doing Square Enix what are you doing why do you do this to us all right tangent aside that is why I believe the ending happened this way they wanted to remake the game exactly the way it was in the original to not disturb the cannon events and expand upon it even further which means that aith had to die no matter what but she is is not gone she will come back well there you have it my friends um I hope that you enjoyed this video um I hope that it's not as much of like a tin foil hat Theory as you know some people might think um I do truly think this is actually where the story is going um but other than that this game was phenomenal okay I did not mean to disappear on you guys I swear I swear we had a vacation for about 2 weeks and then after that I spent three whole weekends just playing the heck out of this game I had I had to drop my channel for this game I'm sorry I really did did not mean to disappear on you I'm back it's okay um but thank you guys so much for watching and I guess look look forward to more more videos coming soon I guess I'm I'm back on the grind uh let me know what your thoughts are I want to know if you guys agree with my theory SL story breakdown and you know if you disagree let me know why other than that I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Xara Fang
Views: 7,765
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FF7, Final Fantasy 7, Rebirth, Aerith, Sephiroth, Cloud
Id: QC2vugNzuF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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