Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: The Ending Explained (Spoilers... For When You've Finished!)

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[Music] after years upon years of waiting for a remake of Final Fantasy 7 fans around the world got their wish in April of 2020 but when part one of the Final Fantasy 7 remake project concluded many were left shocked by what they saw instead of being a faithful one toone remake of the original story orbe it with a few expected flourishes and adjustments to accommodate for how times had changed the scenario writers chose to embark on a whole new adventure the nature of this Divergence had been hinted at throughout the game owing to the arrival of beings known as Whispers denoted within the game as Arbiters of Fate The Whispers appeared when someone attempted to alter Destiny's cause but as the game concluded the playable cast Broke Free of their Destiny and it set the stage for the future parts of the Remake project to Ark on an unknown and altogether new adventure this was symbolized in the initial sense by each member walking through a literal barrier but it was then further emphasized by an unexpected sequence that revolved around Zack Fair the original Final Fantasy 7 featured a short event that focused on Zach's last stand outside of midgar this moment was pivotal to the development of Cloud Strife as a character and it was expanded upon to great effect within Crisis Core the Final Fantasy 7 remake then repurposed cinematics from crisis Corp but there was a fundamental difference Zach managed to survive that assault from the Shinra public Security Forces owing to the intervention from The Whispers it became clear through the use of stamp as an in-game point of reference that this intervention had created an alternate timeline a timeline that dealt with a scenario of what if Zach had lived the basic premise was therefore representative of the Multiverse concept every possible Choice could lead to many potential outcomes and although we only see one of those outcomes within our reality even the smallest of differences can Branch off to create new worlds that then play out the whatif scenarios Final Fantasy 7 rebirth is then used to explore some of those whatif scenarios but before we delve into more literal discussions as to how and why this happens we should point out even if it was perhaps already clear by the title of this video we are about to go into very deep spoiler territory so please treat this as your spoiler warning if you have not finished the game yet please come back later once you have done so all right with that out of the way let's start delving into some of the important elements that featured within the ending sequence and perhaps the best place to start is with unraveling the role of Zack Fair as mentioned at the conclusion of remake one of the biggest shocks was that Zach was believed to have survived his Fateful Encounter for some time due to how severe this notion was there was a split sentiment as there were those who just couldn't fathom that squarex would have made such an extreme narrative change but when episode intermission concluded Zach featured in prominent fashion and this cemented that he was very much front of mind that sentiment was further emphasized when Zach appeared within the teaser trailer for Final Fantasy 7 rebirth and continued to appear within all of the pre-launch marketing activities despite this it came as quite a surprise when rebirth started with an immediate focus on Zach but this just emphasized how important the developers believe this particular character to be throughout the game Zach features numerous times in what is collectively known as interlude a world apart and even though these segments are short they serve to highlight the parallels that exist between the reality the polar is most exposed to and the one that was created by Zach survival perhaps one of the most notable deviations though relates to the white materia in the original game Aries protected the white material after it was given to her by her mother aalna and she then used the white material to summon holy prior to her unfortunate demise in rebirth this chain of events was anticipated to be the same but early on we saw that things had changed the white material had lost its power due to the actions of The Whispers we later learned that this wasn't the case within other timelines in some the white material was still fine and this became a crucial Point as for aith to still summon holy she would need to gain access to a functioning white material after the unexpected events of the Temple of the Ancients SEO cornered aith and Cloud sending them into Oblivion during this sequence Cloud was pulled into another timeline by an Ara who was saved by Zach who also survived but here aith did not remain comos in the aftermath this then adds another timeline to the equation as denoted by stamp sporting a new visual style as Cloud attempts to pick out a gift for aith due to this action arith was able to give Cloud a functioning white materia before then sending him back to his own timeline and this just highlights the extreme power that aith possesses as she's able to combine with her Multiverse variant in in order to work towards a wider plan that they hope will stop SEO Zach also highlights how many parallel timelines are in effect as when faced with a choice of who to save between aith cloud and bigs we see the consequences of each decision unique variants of stamp feature in those scenarios but they're also used to highlight the power of fate in the scenario where Zach attempts to save bigs for example Zach still ends up squaring off against a troop of shimra soldiers just as he did in the Fate he avoided and in the scenario where Zach attempts to save aith we see that Sethro still manages to hunt her down even though her location has changed one of the other major deviations however relates to the reason why the Whispers create the scenario where Zach survived as the game reached its conclusion Zach was able to switch between worlds just as Cloud had done moments prior this enabled Zach to Aid the fight against seph Roth but it was also fleeting and after his role had been fulfilled Zach was sent back from whence he came however despite it initially seeming as though Zach's story had concluded an additional sequence highlighted that he is likely to return in part three as Zach is seem wondering whether his world can Unite with clouds once again that then brings us onto the role of our unwitting protagonist Cloud Strife throughout the original game and remake Cloud was only partially in control of his own actions in the broader sense he's being Guided by SEO but it's now clear that aith is taking advantage of this by enacting her own plans through Cloud we've only just spoken about how aith used Cloud to transport the white material from one timeline to another without even telling him the plan and based on this it's clear that she is at least somewhat aware of how he will act after certain events transpire there was much debate online as to how they would handle arth's death and although some elements were the same one of the more intriguing aspects that was evidence within the sequence and at the Temple of the Ancients is that arith is able to break seo's grasp on cloud if only for a moment in the original game SEO attempted to have Cloud kill aith as she prayed only to be stopped by the actions of his allies but in the remake continuity even though this sequence did still happen his allies were prevented from entering by another barrier of Fate it was therefore down to CL allowed himself to fight against the will of Sethro and he did just that based on this it's now implied that another Divergence has been created similar to what had happened at the end of remake with Zach and this is because in the aftermath we see numerous scenarios there's one where Cloud managed to break free of sephos grasp and deflected his blade something that we see led to eror surviving but there's also another where despite gaining control Cloud ended up being a split second too late but based on how and what has happened this time it seems as though ath and indeed the planet are attempting to be the architects of Their Own Destiny and by everything playing out this way the emotional state of cloud is quite different from how it was in the original game at least in the scenario where aith dies this is then emphasized by Cloud saying to aith that he's in control and that she needn't worry and byro then belittling Cloud for believing that he's gained some kind of control or Clarity over his own destiny What followed mirrored the original game as Cloud who had now being rejoined by his allies was forced to fight against goova this time doved goova life Clinger but after the conclusion of this encounter that's where everything started to change Cloud was displaced forced to fight seph alone and this was where Zach reemerged to assist seph was then faced across multiple times lines the first was seemingly seph's timeline it was reminiscent of the same space where seph had a premature jeweled against cloud in remake before saying his Infamous line about there being 7 seconds until the end now believing the timing was more apt Sethro had plans to face Cloud alone but Zach gate crashed the party after the fight concluded sephiroth split the timeline to remove Zach before becoming seph reborn an illusion to to Bizarro seph Cloud overcame this duwel only for seph Reborn to filter back through to the main timeline where he was faced by a small group of Cloud's allies seph Roth reborn was then forced into the timeline where Zach had saved aith before being forced back into the main timeline again and finally after Sethro reborn was failed Sethro was then forced to face a combination of cloud and Earth in what appeared to be the planet's timeline this seemed to surprise seph rooth and due to it being unexpected he attempted to casually manipulate Cloud Again by making light of their present surroundings surro concluded this encounter by using Tempest finis a rather prophetic ability but even that was not enough realizing that his plan had been temporarily stopped zro opted to retreat with a smirk because he knew just as aith did that there was still a long road ahead in the Fateful game they had been playing that then brings us onto the overarching objective of SEO in the original game SEO was concerned with using meteor to destroy all life so as to absorb the Liv stream as it attempted to heal its wound and then become a god a God who could use the planet as a vessel for the purpose of continuing the work of Genova his mother that plan was ultimately stopped by a combination of aith cloud and their allies now it appears as though seph has much grander plans Having learned about the Multiverse seph wants to merge the various worlds and timelines that exist and by doing so he believes this would enable him to become not just the god of one world but the god of every world it's unclear how the black Materia and the summoning of meteor fits into this plan now the assumption is that he still needs to follow the same path as in the original but that he wants to amplify the effect so that its impact is felt on a much larger scale but where do we go from here based on the visual cues relating to aith it's clear that in the main timeline she is now one with the live stream and specific sequences bookended the huge multi boss fight encounter to emphasize this the Curious element here however is that whereas none of Cloud's compatriots can see aith Cloud not only still can but is also able to communicate with her she makes a promise to stop meteor while cloud makes a promise to stop seph this then mirrors the original game as it's through their combined efforts that the planet was saved it's just now spelled out in a rather blatant and simple fashion the other element here is that cloud can see the tear in the sky something that according to seph rro denotes that a world is doomed to fade into existence it's for this reason that we saw the same tear in some of Zach's timelines and according to seph when the tear appears it means that timeline will soon return to the planet's embrace this last point is further emphasized to the player as Cloud references the sky we then see the sky from the perspective of his friends and they see no such tear Cloud also finds that despite all of the events that transpired he is in possession of the black Materia and after muttering something about a reunion he hides it within the bastter sword aith must be aware of this but this could be another example of realizing that she cannot stop cloud from walking his predetermined path but still take advantage of it this predetermined path is then UNS subtly denoted by the seph Clones who are shown to be migrating again having taken up temporary residence in neheim while everything else was sorting itself out due to arth's Newfound situation it's safe to say though that she will play a more proactive role in part three than she did within the original game as for what that role is though well it may end up being similar to the role Zach played within rebirth but for now all we can do is speculate around that particular topic the only other major element worth mentioning is that the ending further hints at the important role that Rufus Shimmer will play as the trilogy continues we know based on developer comments that part three will have a strong focus on wuai and a lot of time and effort has been placed around stoking tensions between wuai and Shinra it was also made clear that Ru first can see The Whispers And that surro is attempting to manipulate him but we also know BAS B on rufus's own convictions that he is not one to be easily manipulated this has been evidenced so far within the Remake continuity but also within some of the wider compilation and it's going to be interesting to see how that specific piece of the puzzle resolves and whether the rofus ends up helping Cloud just as he inadvertently did within the original game either way we're now in the final stretch of this new saga soon enough we will find out the truth behind everything until then though we hope you enjoyed watching this rundown of the ending and how everything transpired if you did please hit that like button and be sure to let us know in the comments what you thought about the story as well as any other things you pulled out that perhaps we missed or you interpreted in a different way all right everyone with that this is Daryl signing out as always I'd like to give a big thank you to all of our patreon and YouTube membership supporters especially Benjamin snow the Liv stream Gregory Justin dent and Suk and TDK who are super special onion night supporters and of course a big thank you to everyone for watching this video I'll see you all again soon for more Final Fantasy [Music] [Music] goodness
Channel: Final Fantasy Union
Views: 139,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6fm63Bpbr0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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