Fencing On The Family Ranch (It escalated quickly)

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i think that's a natal coming in that's fine a little bit of hail following it sure that's okay what made you want to stand in the rain it's open oh okay hey welcome to vice grip lodge today krang and i are going fencing it's it's our favorite thing to do nope not even close [Music] somewhere up here between this field and that pasture there must be a fence down comes throughout yesterday so we got to go find what the issue is and hopefully it's not that bad we just grabbed uh one and a half spools of bar a couple t-posts some clips a few cold snacks it's all about about all the guy needs i guess but just going to scoot around here and see if we can figure out where it's down ah that one looks good enough got a twist in here from them reaching into the bales probably just need a clip or something yeah get out of there [Music] that's good enough definitely not the issue but mazel ticks of over here oh go throw a couple clips in down there too i guess yes so uh yeah this gate is not very effective when it's open so i guess we're gonna shut that real quick but i think there's still something else going on it's probably gonna be this side over there in that pasture we'll see by the way this rig's got air conditioning believe it or not it's kind of nice yeah you're doing good it's looking fine a little gate there that cattle guard if you're wondering what that is fits these side by sides so you can run these and four wheelers over them but of course the cattle them don't get over them more downage here probably on a stretch on this see yeah probably good man [Music] this is called yes not [Music] these are good yeah they're really good all right well we've made it 200 yards of 97 miles so everything's going fine should be some trees popping up here in 20 years right down the center there where she ain't mowed what kind of animal was that tiger the tiger bird yeah that post is 75 feet high you want to fix it or just ignore it i think it's fine yeah me too this used to be uh all this was weak all the way to the road back in the day a guy and a fella are going to see if we could pop these down a little bit you know because you could drive an s10 under it and see this hair they've been just scrolling underneath [Music] uh we probably gotta unhook this so she fires down i'll get the player and this fills with water you know the old one grit hangs that fence down a little bit there you go [Music] 14 better that's fixed we're gonna put a t-post in here how low that is you can see they're just jumping over here for sure that's a little low too might could ride this up a little bit higher you know get some more uppage on it [Music] is it in there now it's down you know good enough for the girls we date anyway crying through a staple up there too kind of looks like christmas lights but that's fine you just gotta trick them like my grandpa used to say we're gonna pretend we didn't see any of this stuff here but we definitely got a big blowout down here we're gonna have to look at this they're just walking through this with these probably gonna have to add some wire looks like yeah and maybe a post oh he snagged out that old piece because it's just so brittle it keeps bending there was a newer piece in here knotted in but this is where this fence keeps breaking and is in these loops like that but we'll throw this one and then we'll probably kind of snag that up a little bit snag cutter got it if you guys remember the c-50 that's where i was sitting right down there you're gonna arm wrench it or you want the stretcher [Music] oh at least it ain't 106 out nope it is oh yeah if we do this right we'll just snap that wire down there well it's kind of ish more gooder we'll uh get that up there and then there's a post snapped off down there we'll throw a tee in and hopefully that's it because that's all the posts we brought with us actually we got to go to the house to get cold snacks anyway so yep [Music] oh yeah calibration needed they're definitely jumping here seems to be getting better the farther we go down here there that's fixing it keep doing that yeah there you might think this is a gate but no this is a this is a fence ah we need posts one two seventeen great free clamp you found there now this won't work that'll spook them all right let's go you're just i'm sweating watching you we're just kind of running down the line since we're over here we'll maybe fix that twist over there crank says that's good because there's different levels and that's the corner post i don't know what it looks like behind the bales kind of almost don't want to look all these poles were going to be cut into lumber at one point [Music] herbert i don't know what he's doing wow we're back we found two good ones and this one's got a slight bend on her but i think you know that'll match we're gonna get this floater out here that'll help quite a bit and i think there's another floater right down there and then we'll try to straighten up this wire a little bit might have to put a new section in from there wow i guess you know all the way down there well this you know it's up it's looking better krang made it to about right there i'm gonna go find some of these staples i pulled out and bend them back flat you know a whole bucket this six bucks i don't really want to oh that's the old c c-band dish satellites i don't think i want to get out here get stuck but yeah maybe we will bring her back go around i don't want to cut a tire oh yeah oh this looks good i don't know how they're getting through here oh let's got a stick tightener 200 in it there's no way they got through this no can't be there oh we got another floater oh here it is now slide that down and twist it that's fresh what is uh what's this one doing oh there you go did you see this down here look at this one it just goes from there to the top this is one that my great grandpa probably put in oh hey we're fixing it this that's this is technically the top and bottom so where does this go that mustache into this one here wow oh yeah there you go but oh wait we got two fences coming together and that feels better i say we don't even use this we just start on this floater here tie into this yeah dying of that that's fine that's a trip hazard for the them guys you know all right take some notes here fellers this this is how you keep them cattle and they just have no idea what's going on nope not even gonna try and i think oh maybe i'll snip that up a little bit you know we'll call her good looks like they come down for the hay here and then they snap the t-post off but they've been walking through here for a long time we'll get this patched up and then i think we're gonna roll this tractor cab just scooch her over a bit try to shut down the alleyway here huh guy yeah yeah turns out the cozy cab with the heater now fellers is just it's too it's too heavy i couldn't i couldn't scooch it so that's gonna stay there what oh it's a ford son that's why it's there now we're getting close to the end though drill pipe globalization what's george doing shooting something got a some sort of snow machine back there john deere disc that's a real good premium 347 tires that's uh the snapper that worked for like what nine days never worked oh okay there it is looks complete though look at that pillar oh there is an upside down is that an alice chalmers tiller another good tire refrigerator there's the frame for an airstream camper on top of a header for a massive ferguson massey ferguson combine hitter got some sort of grain header looks like there's another john deere i think that that's an early no late 70s see the fuel tank on it the canister i think that was a little 111 if i remember right not the hydrostatic spreader that chris spent nine years in what i did yeah the new holland that's the one that michael punctured today oh okay this one never really works you just have to shovel the whole time [Music] some sort of tractor down there i don't know what it is you know what that tractor john deere got the tree off that was growing through it to get it out of there that looks like a like a d or something steel wheel so that would be pre-war during war they made steel wheels because rubber was so hard to get them that they just i mean even the fronts are steel that's pretty cool i can't remember when that showed up is that the bad spot all right i'll bring it around so there's that tree right there he was talking about that they saw it off it grew up through the frame and the engine just to get this thing out of here i wish i knew what it was well and grandpa are dead so pretty cool just imagine i mean this is when men were men you sit on this thing and run this all day instead of rigs like this with air conditioning and stuff it's just crazy oh you fixed it all right hey benjamin grab a clip in the old player should be an old international and a john deere in here let's snip in here and see this is where that c-50 grain truck sat forever oh yeah here you go you got the versatile yeah oh yeah there's the old mccormick deering up there well we'll go look at them what the hey that guy there that was just spray painted is there yeah h oh yeah the h sat here john deere uh chris and i got these two fired up last year and washed them and went around the yard a little bit with them that one we put a new lightning router and you can see the lightning hoses and stuff we put in there i think the same on this one too maybe i can't remember that one we don't know what's what's wrong with it i never never heard the word from grandpa but yeah there was a really nice h sitting here that uh is no longer here c-50 sat against this wall over here this is my grandpa's versatile bi-directional we got chickens oh he just went inside this run yep is that a predator it has 800 million horsepower this barn was moved here in the 70s i think from kenmare north dakota or something like that she's a little slanty huh yep there's uncle chris's tire those are all good oh they look really good uni royals lorados we'll see if we can get up in a hay loft you forgot some nails here on top of feeder you know what's up here dad yeah there's a canoe and a bunch of wild cats yep here we go oh the stairs are fine you know you just ignore that bunch of leather bits and bridles and whatever but there's usually there's my basketball hoop zoom in on it where oh yeah used to play the b-ball up here you know we usually get about two dozen cats out of this up here but i don't see any right now well i think we nailed the fencing them cows are going to stay in for at least 17 18 hours maybe more got some family up at the house back here so we're going to call it a day thanks guys for watching appreciate it no keep keep going a little bit so we can see i think it's all wheel drive it is
Channel: Vice Grip Lodge
Views: 763,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VGG, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, bts, behind the scenes, home, house, repair, cooking, show, farm, ranch, fencing, cattle, cows, fixing fence, how to fence, repairs, ranching, cows out
Id: dS0urgCDWB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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