We found an ABANDONED Home Site While Exploring our Land!

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hey welcome to vice grip lodge today we're going to be exploring a 20-acre chunk of land up here in north dakota where i don't know we're going to put a travel trailer or camper or something up here and kind of use it like a cabin one or two weeks of the year where we could just come up relax and be really close to our family up here [Music] so this land's been in my family for 809 or 11 bajillion years my brother had this for a while and i got it from him and he already started a bunch of dirt work up here because he was going to move in a mobile home or a modular home so i'm just going to kind of pick up where he left off and you guys have probably seen some of this in the vice grip garage videos we call this the field of dreams i think that one video was a carol baskin speedway or something like that you probably recognize the hills up here but today we're going to explore all of it i've got chris up here he's going to show us kind of roughly the boundary lines we're going to get all this gps out and re-fence it and stuff like that but let's go explore this whole chunk of land see what we got and i'll kind of share with you what we're planning on doing with this so this here is going to be the view and this is facing west so in the evening it's actually really really nice up here this little hillside chris came in here graded this out flattened i don't know what you call it what do you call it leveled that's the word i was looking for so this is a nice flat pad here so the idea is to bring some sort of living device into here i just brought this truck in and came in a little too hot might have got into the bonneville door dang it brakes don't work that's weird all these cars got to be moved obviously we've got a pickup that someone randomly abandoned here i'm gonna try to get running that's chris's blazer we got the bonnie two of our old race cars but this will kind of be the home site if you will right here and then we'll kind of we'll go up here but this is going to kind of be the front yard up up in that area and this all be yard we plan on mowing hopefully a lot of rock work and dirt work that has to be done and this actually used to be not too long ago we had a gravel pit and clay pit up here so lots of heavy equipment and trucks were coming in and out basically daily and a lot of this has been reclaimed already but this is kind of the remnants of that that's what these hills are we'll we'll kind of go up there i don't know maybe we'll start at top of the hill so we can kind of see what's going on better and then we'll wheel around the whole thing so we're actually heading east right now we're just going to turn around from this corner post here and then we'll head west on what we think is the property line but we're going to have someone come out and jips that out for us swing around here a little bit so if you look there's this cut in the hill right there and that is actually the old road which was moved over there and this is basically the property line where we think so actually we're a little bit too far south right now over here there we go so when was this last use you think let's grab a road 1948. oh okay it's pretty exact 1948 this was this was the road so this is the line here so this is still family property and then this will be my property on this side so pretty much everything your eyeball can hook on to and these directions is all family stuff uh and we're not really wanting to like make hey this is my side your side we're just trying to figure out because see all this dirt these piles and stuff like that i want to get this taken care of so what we're wanting to do is basically push all this down flat and just make a nice sloping hill and kind of get rid of this like big drop over here all this clay was hauled down to newtown for the water treatment plant for the two holding palms that's pretty cool and then all this gravel up here which you can't really see now it's all been reclaimed i don't know how many different rig sites that went to and building projects roads you built roads with it a lot of stuff but we'll kind of oh we've got to ease through here just get all this flattened out make this not so sharp here and then there's a lot well we'll swing over there and kind of show you this mound on the other side here real quick so basically this sharp ridge here follows the fence line down and we're going to push this up and over and kind of flatten all of that out and this fence here will eventually come out we're gonna make it more of like a nice yard looking thing all right i'll head back over to the line on that side again so right about here is where that cut is where the old road was so [Music] kind of down this way chris is saying maybe that rock's a marker nope this random what was was this a little shed back in the day i think or something no this was a this was a cattle trailer for like a semi our truck put cows in there and then i burned it and ran over it [Music] that's all so it comes down something like this well there's the road right there isn't it so that's probably the line right there but this is why we're going to uh have this surveyed is i'm going to be putting in a brand new barbed wire fence because my cousin and uncle run cows on this side over here and then that way i could take the fence off that runs around what's now the perimeter of my property but this is a natural spring down here the water's really bad so that's good it's also not potable even better uh it's about well we i mean we grew up on this water we drank it out of hoses we canned all of our food with it you name it it's about 87.2 sulfur 3 crude oil and the rest we don't know but you do get 11 toes if you drink too much of it but that fence probably maybe even that huge post right there hard to say probably maybe is where it's going to be and then it just follows the road and there's a is there a setback or an easement or something on gravel nope up here and then it goes across the road too on this side of the road so try to weave through here you can see a lot of the i mean this has just been pastured its whole life i think i don't know if it ever was a field based on the rocks was the house up there at one point oh let's go look at that barn there's a bell up here that's a very interesting we'll jump out up here chris is saying there was a house and a barn and some stuff up here at one point see if we could find anything oh yeah look at the rocks that's cool let's go look at this [Music] foundation everything's oh yeah either the well there's some sort of structure there too maybe this was the house you can see they had it facing out directly like this which would have been the thing to do and then where to feel the dreams remains vehicles are it's probably where we're gonna post up but now that i'm up here i don't know what if a guy sets it down in here closer to the trees and maybe that's where a shed or something goes you put it up there for the view and just about get by the trees right pretty much i didn't have a plan oh got it pinned for i thought i saw i did there's some stakes there's one there there's one over here that's a old square bolt this must have been the barn then huh who knows how old this is it'd have to be 100 years old or more concrete rocks there it's really cool it would be nice to set something down in here it's just we don't really know what i mean obviously it's a draw there's a lot of water and moisture and you'd have to do some dirt work down in there yet and he's already got a lot of money and time getting that leveled out but this view is just incredible there was something some sort of structure here something mounted i don't know some sort of pump or something but quite a bit of concrete and then here's the old well right here so i would probably say that might have been the house and then maybe up there it was more of the barn or something like that because that didn't hit a rock foundation wall greater there so yeah because they i'd imagine they'd want the well closer to the house than anything right because hand digging all that stuff so then the barn and stuff you can see a chunk of concrete right there actually so that must be part of that foundation he hit up there this was called the noir place way back in the day here's some old wire sheep here's an old fence right here under the ground yeah we do need that for some fencing running out of wire well we'll jump back in we'll follow the perimeter property line goes over the road just to pitch actually up there look what bentley just found so that confirms that was right here bud yeah like oh look at this this is probably like the walkway or something so that front door must have been right here in this area that's really cool good find bud you're finding all the treasures today huh pretty big house for back down goodness gracious or this could have just been retaining walls and then the actual house house was you know here and back that way yeah another steak or bulk or something those are cool yeah the skeeters are getting real sick this oh that's not that old son i don't even know what that is maybe it is old ever ready not sure this must be from whenever they doze the house all the rocks got just pushed into these bushes over here i don't know that i'm really going to clean this up that much to be honest i might pick up all the broken wood pieces and stuff but a guy might just keep all the rock and everything exactly like it is here's some more scrapping that looks like a barrel here's something that's a frame of some kind i know what that is there's more fence wire out there more wires yeah so i would say the house got pushed this way and it's all in there some more good barbed wire we'll need that [Music] i wonder what year this house was taken down [Music] cause he's the one that told me about [Music] oh [Music] yes he looks like quite a bit of water flows through here [Music] these are 43 alive yeah there's like look at that one there's like eight good limbs so that's good i mean trees in north dakota i mean if you'll just look it's rare so we'll take this all day long yeah so you go all the way up here yeah so this disappears basically and this is going to become yard it's actually fairly not that bad we might back drag a couple areas or well actually i'll have chris do it but the skid steer send the kids out here with the trailer and four-wheeler and pick up rocks and then we want to bring in some trees so just randomly plant some trees through here and start mowing this in fact i might mow this here in the next couple days just to shock it and let it know that it needs to grow again and well we got to get the rocks and stuff out of here first and chris put these rocks up here i'm going to leave this this looks pretty cool you found where you uh 2012 right there that came out of there out of the pit or where you're at the house where i was taking the house yeah so we'll leave those but this old fence has been here since i was born i mean it's some of these t-posts got to be 50 years old and it's really not that good of shape anyway so that's a brand new that's right we got a new culvert in up here but i think we need another culvert over there put in great thing is chris knows how to do all this stuff so i just rent him out for a couple days and then this will be the entry i guess this gate will eventually disappear i think i might bring that gt500 up here because it's got that loader that barely works and then we can just tie chains onto all these posts and pop them out pretty quick and just throw them in the bucket or whatever and there's some feeders in here that my cousin's got to get out but that's pretty much it i mean it's a nice chunk of land i'm just happy that you know chris kept it in the family i'm going to keep it the family i'll probably split it into thirds somehow the kids can do whatever they're going to do with it but the goal is to just hang on to it a little bit i got skeeters everywhere in here carragana i used to eat them little bud things they're not very good that one got hit with the bush hog i'm going to take you over to a dam up here it's pretty cool so this is all run off in here and 2010 there was a big flood up here and this got blowed out my grandpa came up here as a cable operated d something dozer v6 you can see where he pushed and scooped her back up but a lot of this water that came in after that flood just doesn't go away no it's just all the runoff comes in here and it just stays and works out pretty good actually and i think that's just from the culvert from the other side when the wind gets weapon this water will come up all the way over the road we're gonna roll aren't we i don't think we should maybe we should go backwards yeah okay [Music] this here is a pretty good overview so basically along there up through that cut and then the road is kind of the outline on the other side but hopefully we'll be sitting there and looking out here on berry lake we're gonna go look at uh some tp rings bentley jumps out and finds a pair of we have to assume these are my grandpa's players fence right there he wore these on his hip i always had a player on his hip so that's really cool here's a teepee ring right here see the circle let me back up so you can see it a little bit more he's in this almost in the center but here's a circle right here and then you can see them kind of lined up down as you go so that would have been the base of a tb where they'd set them up which makes sense it's up on the hill where they could see surrounded by water lots of history up here in the dakotas people don't necessarily even think about so we've got a family friend scott who uh pushes dirt he moves the dirt he knows how to move the dirt he's got equipment he's gonna come over this evening we're gonna take a look at this and try to come up with a plan how to move all this stuff and i'll take you guys along for that too i guess and biggest thing is just trying to get all of this done without spending 78 bajillion dollars basically so a couple days hopefully we can try to get most of this done and then crying and i'll come back and do the finishing touches because he helps me a lot for you know food and beer and stuff like that so works out because i need that too so we'll see you guys this evening we'll see what scott has to say because he's going to probably look at this completely different than i am and already have a plan in his head because he's been up here quite a bit too so and then we'll try to make it happen but basically we've got surveying the needs done fencing that needs done dirt that needs moved then we got to figure out water and power scott's here he's the dirt guy so plan is take all the clay we're standing on and bring her back into this hill feather that in then all this is topsoil so this will get folded in and then that'll get folded in this way there's not a lot he's saying so basically this is still going to look similar it's just going to have more of a gradual grade to it and then he's going to clean up a lot of these bumpy rivets and divots and stuff and then we should end up with a nice big lot right here that i can haul junk cars and fema trailers and grain bins and stuff like that in here that you can see from the highway so we get if you stack it up tall enough you go see it from the highway you think so i think so well that's how deep you get boom water right there and look at this there's the original well yeah right here that is wild i've never seen that done yeah look chris has got her too boom i just want to make sure that we take out all the variables here so three people can do it you only have to hold them loose you squeeze them as tight as you can they'll turn you know what am i doing here can't see where you're going why because just close your eyes come towards me all right keep walking keep walking oh they're crossing a little yeah he don't go like this no they don't you can hold them as tight as you can oh wow that's crazy i've never seen that done in real life now we're gonna figure out depth with some washers we should also try it down here scott well it's got to be water down there when do you stop when do you start 23 so times two 46 feet yeah i am just i don't understand what's happening right now 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i'm legitimately not moving 19 20 21 yeah 20 21 i'd say yes both got the same reading look at that it's nuts 46 feet we need a bigger hole scott i don't think it will go that deep if you want a 46 foot hole we can do it you're gonna have a mess but yeah might be an awfully big hole that's pretty cool we'll see hey see how deep this one up here was then the original one interference 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17. 19 20 21 couple at the beginning two five six that makes sense right yeah you got eight foot elevation yeah so 30 some compared to 20 some makes complete sense so there's got to be just a big lake under here not a lake but what did you call it spring yep pretty cool huh aquifer hey can you say that again this way we got a floater here so we're gonna defloat it you just reach out to you know bring her back something like that oh now it's a leaner but it'll trick him that's gonna do it guys thanks for watching we'll keep you in tune as we progress and go through here and when we eventually get something brought in to hang out in we'll get you updated on that as well we're gonna go look at a park model rv right now that is tommy's uncle or cousin or something friends brothers nephews guy it's got a pretty good price on it so we're gonna go check that out but thanks guys for watching appreciate it very much we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Vice Grip Lodge
Views: 270,140
Rating: 4.97328 out of 5
Keywords: VGG, vise grip garage, vice grip garage, bts, behind the scenes, home, house, repair, cooking, show, land, north dakota, farm, ranch, water witching, abandoned house, abandoned home, antique, classic, old farm, old ranch, farmstead, tipi, teepee
Id: hbgsw09db7E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 14 2021
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