We hired a Insane Custom Car Hauler for our Move (Good-bye Shop!)

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hey welcome back to vice grip garage today is  an exciting day i've been looking forward to it   because we're moving a lot of these channel  cars and we're talking to brown cadillac   hitting back their lawsuit the snowbird  independence there's even a corvette back   there that a tree fell on i think that's fine  we're gonna be moving them from minnesota to   tennessee and we've hired none other  than always haulin' who's on the way   right now with one of their custom one-off  semis of fact i think i hear it pulling up   do you think any of these are actually  even going to start probably not oh man look at this thing bobby how's it  going man good buddy how are you good good   to see you man how was the drive uh it was good  until it started raining yeah you know sorry   i usually keep it clean it still looks  absolutely amazing even in the rain   this is crazy what's the name of this one  they all got names right this is purple sky   purple sky triple sky all the trucks have a have  a unique name and a unique story we have purple   sky purple rain uh midnight money money stacker i  mean they're just i mean uh jessica rabbit we've   we've got uh wow just all very unique trucks  all special and purpose built this is like a   legit one-off custom rig isn't it yeah this  it's a it's it's hot rodding on the biggest   scale you can hot rod i mean it's a you know it's  a 2019 peterbilt um after that everything else is   custom though the motors per special built it's a  caterpillar c-15 and we have we have the ability   to turn them up to 750 horsepower when we uh when  we feel like it's 750. they'll get there yes sir   so uh how many feet long is this thing 80 feet  and then when i have uh some overhang then i   get to be at 90. so you got a turb ski or two  skis there's two it's a compound turbo setup   jeez that's crazy it rolls it'll get you in  trouble if you let it so you gotta you know   sometimes sometimes you'll have to look down  and realize you're uh you are exceeding the   speed limit where are we gonna start brown sugar  the big cadillac brown sugar let's go ahead and   we start with brown sugar and we'll start  filling it up from there all right man it's   going to be fun all right we'll run down to see  if the cadillac fires up this is going to be a   lot of fun actually i've never seen one of these i  don't know they move and tilt and lift and operate   so independence has just been laying up here have  not touched it since the last burnout competition   still some water leaking out of it there's a hose  clamp or something laying down here the snowbird   hasn't moved either that's been sitting here since  that trip i don't know when that was months ago   i don't know i do know lawsuit that's been parked  up since frankensteiner's car show october of 2018   i believe that truck's just been hanging out  so we're gonna see if the inline six fires off   in that hopefully the keys in it oh it is good  so we got these and then the cadillac and then   we've also got the corvette that's been sitting  out here i feel kind of bad nope not really the   windows have been down this whole time because  none of the switches work and i think a relay is   burnt or i don't know they don't work basically  this thing's been sitting back here in the trees oh yeah that looks looks better what is this  why is this up here i thought it was a tree   but i guess it's just a two by four okay so we  got to see if this thing fires up you think this   one will run yeah yeah maybe but we're going to  start with brown sugar he wants to get that up   on the top rack there these guys obviously know  what they're doing i ain't going to question them   there's a certain way you got to stack late  them to maximize your capacities you know   okay let's see if this thing is  going to want to fire off come on not much battery bring the thunder oh it might go yes oh put this down a little bit come on we  just gotta we just gotta go we gotta go now gonna make it up the hill oh yeah  of course it had to be raining today   he's got all these ramps percolated  up together now makes a nice runway all the way back 80 feet got to get the high idle kick off  on this or it's gonna be kind of a   ride because the brakes ain't the best guy  doesn't wanna shoot it off the end you know   engine temp light is just yelling at  a guy i didn't think it worked but   it is hot for some reason there is a lot of  pressure in this system like i can't even barely   squeeze that and it doesn't have a  thermostat remember so i don't know   what's going on with that it didn't get hot on  the way home like that not that quick anyway   so i'm gonna let it sit look how hot that is  and i don't know can we just get it to run for   two minutes up the ramp that's all i need to  get out of it today got that cracked without   burning the rest of my phalanges off and uh  yeah she's bubbling so great another thing   to add to the list i guess but i think it'll  be fine enough just to get up the ramp anyway brown sugar's on i was a little nervous you  can't see nothing when you're up here but   i decided to take the wheel and drive that way  if i failed off the end we'd have proof that it   was my fault anyway world independence has all  sorts of just torn up this will be coming back   soon but all the wiring and belts and hoses and  power steering and digital fans and you name it   procharger's not even on it right now this it  was a mess but basically i'm just going to try   to you know can a guy put a bottom circularization  ice cube pipe on it because this one's popped up   that way i can at least get i don't know two  gallons of coolant in here so we can run it long   enough to get up the hill and onto the semi yeah  that might cause a leak but it looks to me like   this was torn open and what that was was the  reason everything else was torn open it's all   these belts and wire flipping around in here at  7 000 rpm pretty much caught everything up in its   way but we'll address that here coming soon just  going to throw this one on is this the right one   yeah close enough got her topped off with ice  cube juice and i got a belt here but i keep   forgetting dang it it doesn't have the stock style  charging whirler bracketry it's got this little i   don't know what it is so the belt's different so  i gotta run and get a different belt really quick   to get this you know charge late and water  whirling all right independence now this tune   is gonna be expecting a bunch of air forced  in but we don't even have the pro charger on   so if this thing fires up it's  going to run really rough but   hopefully enough just to get it on the trailer  and then we can doll it up here pretty soon dude do so i'm actually taking the mufflers  off of independence right now they   hang pretty low i didn't get these welded in the  way i want it to and it's hitting so quick fix   just three little bolts and then we'll have you  know clearance clearance battery's dead that's   weird nope completely expected did we ever give  this a nickname i don't think we did we might go   ahead and do that today if you got one bleep bloop  it down there okay sure little bit of groundage nice and clean in here oh no oh found the key okay there she goes yes you want to pull  that jump box off and shut the hood   i'm ready to rock this is my window situation it's  not even really a situation should maybe do the   right thing put some trash bags or something  up there do the wipey's work oh yeah okay   sure smears all right i had actually  forgotten this thing runs pretty good to   be honest there's just that one sensor in here  that flips the timing when you try to start it   but other than that it's you know drivable other  than the bent frame and bad rack opinion and   the alignment is completely trash i  don't know but it's good otherwise   we're gonna basically bring it in and back  it in and tuck it up on the tractor there and   then the tractor side will be done and then  we can start i don't know there's levers on   this too i've never seen this done before  in person it's actually really fascinating   whoever figured this thing out must be a genius  there's just hydraulics and everything moves that's about flat it's got a screwdriver all  right i'm coming we got to use a jump box this box   i mean first they went and ruined all  the battery chargers now all the jump   relator boxes has got battery cooldown and all  this stuff in here i just i just want it to   shoot juice that's what i need firebird dead  battery that's really weird nope used to it okay see now this jump box i gotta wait 15  minutes see oh what is this i don't know   oh the screws broke off looks like i fixed it  last time with some tape though there we go she's a lot more smoky than i remember but it has  been sit for quite a while most likely that's the   valve seals dropping earl down on her this  one also doesn't have coolant in it because   that freeze plug didn't pop  out again but it did weep   and there's really no sense in filling it  back up because it's just going to weep   out again so i'm not going to let it sit here and  idle and charge it light the battery which would   be the right thing to do we're going to come  in here now with some jacks and some of these   coaster roasters and we gotta scooch  this oh we're also leaking what is this we're leaking a lot of gas  that's good and transmission and   whoa about 15 gallons of water oil so  basically the snowbird leaks ever no wait i don't think the rear end leaked bentley that's  good anyway we're going to scooch this around   see if this one's got any battery left on her  is it turning yeah oh okay i'll get the jump box   weird it's a got a dead battery   huh gonna have to just keep cranking on it because  if we shut her off we lose the jump starter there we go charging good old truck it's been a year two years  i don't know since october of way back   fires up that easy it's not  even really smoking at all but we got that left and this left then we're  gonna head to my house and we got the 56 buick   that white black car you remember that one yep  that's the one in texas and then we got betty   white will it fit on there too i don't know  i just don't know the situation here is this absolutely nothing well that ain't gonna work we're not getting  the tractions it's got a really tall first   gear tall rear end in it so i'm gonna go back  about four blocks and just hit it in first gear   and he's going to pull the lever and i'm  going to shut it off see what happens snowbird is up there now we want to try to get  that 56 buick back here but all we've got to   work with is down to here but he was just saying  that deck extends so if we need to get a couple   more feet this will scooch out a couple feet and  we can slide all these forward if we need to and   then uh betty white cadillac goes down here and  then grandpa's truck goes on the bottom back here   and i think we got everything we need to get and  the wife's going to drive her going to town rig   i'll drive the moving truck things are happening  by the way this is load one of two we have a whole   other rig coming in he might do it actually we'll  see but we've got another rig because of course   we got the monte carlo the lasagra the boat tail  the scout the gmc you name it pretty cumbersome   fellers this is where it all started other than  my garage this was the first shop that we picked   up just for the youtube channel did a lot of work  in here had a lot of fun we've got a couple spills   to clean up and just a few more things to pick  up and then i guess we're out of here for good buick fired up just warming up so it's a little  easier to load gonna stick the cadillac in there   now it's just a strategy game on how to fit  these remaining cars in there and then we got a   newer pickup truck that's got to go on there as  well so i don't know he knows what he's doing   i don't know what i'm doing i do know it's  cold snack time i think i'm gonna go do that   just we'll figure it out looks like the buick  fit got them all snugged up looking good fuel   pump on the firebird just went bad today where  the bottom is press sealed around the fuel pump   later shooting juice out of there so now we got  gas and all the stuff just dripping and leaking   and that caddy is going to be coming down here  so we're going to wipe that off hope it doesn't   leak too bad good look at the buick here there's  that starter issue we got a something burnt up   there i'm not sure inspection cover is missing  and you can see here the mount is just shocked   there's something i think it's that joint right  there went bad and just shook down all the pieces kind of the pits it's raining today  just makes everything really slick buick's loaded bird lawsuit's looking  majestic up there even with no brakes   copper's held on with place grips that's  fine betty white's is laying low down here   got some more wires hanging out of that i don't  know independence is up in the trees flying like   an eagle and of course you got brown sugar just  hanging out up here this truck is just incredible   is that good or bad oh it's perfect that's  their federal regulation on hype right there   oh man you got three quarters inch up there there you go yeah aren't you convertibles i  don't know no maybe not with the can opener look what's uh brown sugar up here is that yeah  we're gonna go look at brown sugar next i think   i think she's good because you'll see  where i keep hitting my antenna oh yeah so he's checking the height to make  sure there's a regulation of height   for bridges and stuff like that and down there  that's pretty high and then here but it made it   just by an inch or two maybe but why does it there goes load one of i don't know   two three four guys crushed it it's gonna be nice  he's actually gonna beat me down to tennessee so   we're gonna hit the road tomorrow morning  with a couple friends driving some penske   trucks by the time we get there these  cars will be there hopefully we can just   get right to wrenching again thanks guys for  watching appreciate it very much see you next time you
Channel: Vice Grip Garage
Views: 699,617
Rating: 4.968926 out of 5
Keywords: motortrend, roadkill, vice grip garage, vise grip garage, vgg, corvette, firebird, independence chevelle, c10, cadillac, always haulin, car hauling, loading cars, moving, custom truck, peterbilt, cummings, car hauler
Id: QcAusD5cwAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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