Tier List of all Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Changes

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the caven cliffs update has arrived and it's bonkers it's totally nuts i can't remember a minecraft update this release that has this many features inside of it and so many game changing features as well this is this is a really big one and clearly i'm not the only person that feels this way because the community has been going wild as well i've been reading through all the twitter responses and everyone's going nuts which is great i can't wait to start playing around with snapshots and i can't wait for the final release but for the time being you know we don't have any of these features to play around with so i thought it would be interesting to just talk about them a little bit talk about how i feel about them and the best way to do that in 2020 on youtube is of course to whip out the old tier list modern minecraft updates require modern discussion solutions now the first update that's been announced is mountains now this is a big change to terrain generation and i'm incredibly excited for it i mean the idea of more extreme terrain in minecraft definitely has me excited but currently we have absolutely no footage of it so it's gonna have to go in tier c now this is mumbo while editing the video having just found a screenshot of what the mountains are actually going to look like yet that's being bumped up to top tier how did i not see that during the live stream that's wild we do however have plenty of footage of this little guy the mountain goat now he was voted in at the previous minecon live event and he seems pretty cool he can jump like a madman and also the attack mechanic is interesting i just love the idea of a hidden goat trap you know a piston drops down and then a goat comes flying out from behind a wall i don't know if that's gonna be possible but if it is he probably deserves to be in a higher tier but for now to be snowier snow or powdered snow is going to generate on top of mountains and it means that when you're exploring mountains you're going to have to be careful because if you step on this powdered snow you're actually going to drop through into a trap for now i'm going to put it in tier e because i can just see myself falling into it and dying the lush caves the lush caves were one of the many new cave types that have been introduced in the cave and cliffs update and they look great they are it's exactly what i wanted mojang to do with caves like if i imagined a cave update that's the sort of thing that i was hoping for the overgrowth the bringing life into them stopping them being so stoney and actually adding vegetation this is definitely top tier stuff i'm loving it and with the lush caves there's a bunch of new block types that have been introduced now the first thing i noticed while i was watching the lush caves is the new grass carpets i mean they're not necessarily called grass carpets but i just love the idea of being able to hide light sources underneath them in my grassy areas for that reason alone once again top tier stuff my lawn will now be nice and torch and also mob free the glow berries first off look really cool i look forward to using them in my builds it's a nice way to get a light source in overgrown areas and things but also introduces an interesting new game mechanic in which we have a growing farmable light source like it's a light source that actually grows i don't think we've ever had that before tier a the spore blossom has me excited mainly because it's a particle emitter so we're going to be able to put that down and it will start emitting particles around it so that's going to be great for adding atmosphere into builds you know what i was going to put it in tier a but i'm actually thinking that's some top tier stuff i'm also a massive fan of this drip leaf plant i'm very curious to see if mobs can spawn on it because if they can that will lead to the most interesting and wild and weird looking mob farms possible for now i'm going to put it into a oh and if you're unfamiliar with what the drip leaf plant does it's essentially a block that you can stand on that gradually decays and then eventually you fall through it after a certain amount of time it's very cool the azaleas i think that's how you say it are little plants that grow in the lush caves now i must admit they look gorgeous they look they look really adorable they're very sweet but for the time being i can't really see any crazy use for them so i'm gonna put them into c but i want to make it very clear they are very pretty they definitely add to the lush caves i'm a fan okay but i'm a bit of an engineer you know and when i don't have an obvious use for something it starts dropping down my list and this of course feels like a good time to mention that this is all my personal opinion and i haven't actually played with any new features yet so i'm sure when they actually get introduced certain things will get switched around anyway next up we have got the mega cave now i don't have to play with the mega cave to know that i love the mega cave i mean i did see it and think gosh it's gonna be difficult to light up the caves my mob farms and things but i don't care because the mega cave is mega local water level sounds like a bit of a technical feature but it essentially means that different caves have different water levels and that will lead to waterfalls and it will lead to certain parts of the cave systems being totally underwater it's definitely going to add some variety to caving it's going to make it harder to find resources but i actually think that's a good thing tier 8 and when it comes to adding variety into caving the drip stone caves definitely will they look wild did not expect that sort of thing being added into minecraft and for that reason alone tier hey it just it came out of nowhere now inside these drip stone caves we've got stalag tights and we've got static mites static tights hang down from the ceiling and it showed in the video that they can actually drop and they will cause damage now that instantly brings up ideas of redstone traps which means that it's a fairly high tier but the stalagmites are even more interesting to me because in the video clip it shows a zombie dropping off a very small ledge and it dies so that could mean that we have a new way of killing mobs inside of mob farms that could potentially be more efficient for that reason top tier stuff sculpt growths are another introduction into caves and they're a scary one they're mildly horrifying okay they happen right at the depths so in the lower y levels and on their own i would say potentially tier b you know it's a nice bit of variety a little bit creepy but because of what's in them 100 top tier so the whole point of these sculpt growths is it's so dark that things don't see instead they hear and that introduces a new redstone component which is the skulk sensor now this thing is going to detect sounds so when you place down a block that's a sound this thing is going to detect it when you walk past okay this thing is going to detect it and if you activate a redstone component this thing is going to detect it which means that we now have wireless redstone in minecraft which is words that i never ever thought i'd be saying it also has some interesting features like wool occlusion so if you surround it in wool and then leave one block missing it will only hear things from that direction so it means that we can actually be a little bit accurate with these things they're not just like a blunt hammer i feel like i got that saying wrong i mean surely you want your hammer to be blunt i don't know what i'm talking about but believe it or not this isn't actually the thing that i'm most excited about inside these skulk growths because i think we've got one of the most interesting new mobs introduced into minecraft ever to be honest with you genuinely i was not expecting this at all it kind of took my breath away a little bit and i know that sounds incredibly cheesy and i know my girlfriend is going to watch this and she's going to laugh me later but those are my thoughts you know so this is a mob that can't see you instead it hears you so you have to sneak around it now if you make any noise that noise then gets sent in kind of like a particle to its antlers and they rattle and it just makes this incredibly sinister and creepy noise and it's just wild it's not something i ever expected to see in minecraft and i'm all for it i think it's i think it's awesome if there was a tear above top tier it would be there now i couldn't help but notice in the warden clip that the walls were made of a new type of stone brick which is that's cool that's definitely tier b i also noticed some candle action going on that's a welcome addition to the game i've always felt like minecraft deserved some candles especially for those of you who love building in a medieval style it's gonna add some atmosphere so tb next up we've got these amethyst crystals and these are definitely very interesting to me because they actually grow inside these things called amethyst geodes now these amethyst geodes are essentially like mob dungeons you know you've got like a mob spawner and you can't really move the mob spawner well the way the developer explained it is it's like that so these amethyst geodes you can't actually move them when you break them i guess you won't get the item so you can only grow amethyst crystals where the amethyst geode originally spawn and just to be clear the amethyst geode isn't a specific block it's actually a whole structure and the crystals grow inside of it which means we're definitely going to have some interesting farms and importantly they are location-specific farms they can't just be built anywhere you actually have to travel to them and i love that sort of thing and for that reason even though i'm not entirely sure how useful the amethyst crystals are i have high hopes so they're going in top tier now one of the uses for the crystals is the crafting of a telescope now the telescope essentially works like the optifine zoom except you get a pretty heavy vignette well it looks like you're looking through a telescope imagine looking through a telescope that's what looking through a minecraft telescope looks like now obviously i use optifine so that means that i can zoom in and i can use the zoom feature which essentially makes the telescope a little bit redundant for me however optifine is a mod so that would be like me saying well the skulk sensor isn't really that useful because wireless redstone mods exist i can't really say that i would say it belongs in tier a yeah i'm happy with that next up we have copper now copper brings with it a handful of new interesting features so first off all generation is different for copper that's pretty cool it also has all the slabs and stairs variants which is always nice to see especially in a metallic block and then finally it actually shows its age so if i was to build a copper roof it would go from being the coppery orange color and then it would begin to oxidize and then eventually it would go fully green and i love the idea of minecraft builds and she's showing their age i think that's a really really cool game mechanic not something that we've seen before and it's something i want to see more often for that reason top tier staff now one of the uses for copper is the lightning rod and if you play with fire tick on this thing's going to be your friend and if you play with farticon and you've got a wooden roof then it's going to be your best friend ever okay because this is going to attract lightning and it's going to divert it from your builds which definitely comes in handy for a number of things i mean i've got a villager trading hall that occasionally gets struck by lightning my villagers get turned into witches it's a whole horrible scene i don't want that so for that reason i mean like i can't keep putting things in the top tier but it feels like this deserves to be in the top tier no tier eight okay we're gonna put it in tier eight but we are about to get another addition to the top tier and that is bundles bundles is the inventory management system that we've all been asking for and we've always wondered how they were going to do it you know because over the past minecraft updates as they start adding more and more items the inventory just keeps overflowing and overflowing and these bundles it's perfectly done you know it's such a balanced and minecrafty way of doing it it just fits in it fits in perfectly with the game so you know what it might even it might even belong up here you know it's it's going one above now this one the brush came right out of left field this is not something i ever expected to see but we now have archaeology dig sites in minecraft and we got this new item called the brush which allows us to slowly and very carefully look for valuable items inside of blocks it's totally wild but that's just definitely top tier and also the archaeological dig sites as well they definitely belong in the top tier too just because it's an interesting new structure that once again came out of left field but also it gives players who have just started a world potentially a way to get valuable resources without actually mining so it's like a different strategy now one of the things that you can find at these archaeological dig sites is clay fragments and these actually have art on them and you can put these together to form your own customized clay pot that you then fire over a literal fire and then it's your own it's like sealed in place which is wild you know a completely new game mechanic once again i feel like i want to put it in top tier but once again i feel like i can't so it's going in tier eight the oxolottal though is 100 going in the top tier not only is it absolutely adorable but also it's gonna help me fight drowned you know drowned i like the bane of my life as soon as i touch the water i'm surrounded by them so if i can get a squad of these guys following me then yeah 100 i'm all for it and as far as i'm concerned that is the only aquatic mob that has been introduced in this update because i mean the glow squid just doesn't even doesn't even exist to me you know i'm just going to ignore its existence the ice holiday would have been so cool ice attacks stuff new things and you went for a squid that doesn't even glow it just has they just ah i've never been so disappointed with the community in my life it's a hard z i'm sorry to end on a sad note but i will i i i will i hope you enjoyed it's been fun there's updates wild i mean look at that top tier look at the top tier it's it's ridiculous awesome minecraft 1.17 it's going to be a wild one and i'll catch you over there that makes it sound like i'm not gonna make another video until minecraft 1.17 comes out and they said that it's going to be summer 2021. no don't worry okay i'm going to keep making videos all right but then i will also catch you over there okay so i'm going to catch you in minecraft 1.16 for now okay and i'm going to keep catching you in minecraft 1.16 for like the next you know 12 months but then then i'll catch you in minecraft 1.17 yeah i think that makes sense
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,856,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tier List of all Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Changes, all Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Changes, Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs Changes, Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs, Minecraft 1.17, Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft 1.17: Caves and Cliffs update, Minecon Live 2020, Minecraft tier list, new Minecraft update, Minecraft update, Minecraft cave update, wireless redstone in Minecraft, new Minecraft bosses, The warden, Cave Update, Minecraft cave
Id: 0WIo5Ek7aF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 04 2020
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