How to get your DISCORD SERVER extremely ACTIVE and USED!

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hey what's up everyone its custom here and I'm back with a new video and today I am gonna be doing a video again all about you and how to help you guys out so today you're going to find out how to get your server active as a follow on from house burial server now growing your server is one thing but getting it active is another and they're completely different ends of the spectrum one is harder and that arguably is getting activity getting people sort of talk when your server can be quite difficult now I own a server as you can see here it's called something that everyone and it's got 53 thousand people in it now we have a lot of messages in this service so if I go after let's say 2015 because we made server in 2017 we have 12 million eight hundred and fourteen thousand and ninety three messages as of the day of recording and that is incredible now if I go to yesterday so I go during and I go the 11th because I'm recording this on Tuesday I wrote on the 11th we had 42,000 messages yesterday which is really really good now I have a few tips and tricks which can help you guys out a lot and how to get your server active so I'm gonna give you five methods in which you can get yourself active today and then there will be some follow-ons from some server owners as well which will again give you some tips on how to get yourself active so let's get straight into the first tip but remember there is a night road link hidden within this video so go find that right guys so the first method and what you can do to help get your server active is by doing events now on something for everyone we do events as much as we can and we even have an events team which helps them we have coordinators including pingu we've got loads of staff as you can see here and basically they just help organize events now some events which I will suggest that you can do if your server is doing quizzes so you could do something maybe based on hoot or you could do you some sort of trivia and I or something like that and it can really get with your community engaged especially in voice jars same thing with karaoke a lot of people mucking around and singing and it's really really good doing some sort of art event as well that is also good and we do that as much as we can usually after we do help her acceptance party which again is also a good event so when you're accepting staff maybe you can make a mess of an event of it because more people are going to want to join and participate and see the new stuff and get engaged and we also do stuff related to gaming's we've got something the Hunger Games which is minecraft based and we've got something for games as well so it's good now there's other events which you can do such as Simon Says which I know that sound drought does you can do movie nights which I know some other servers that do and it can really really help get you also the you know interactive and get your activity up so that is the first message you should do and it really really will help right guys so the second method in which you can do to help get your server active is by doing team challenges and team challenges are incredible so it's something which we designed on something that everyone we started it probably about a year and a half ago two years ago now you may be asking what's a team challenge well first things first go and join my server because you'll get a really good idea of what it is because we do them every single month and you might have a bit of an idea of what's due for you all so ever now what we do is we post a message like this and we give a bit of information about you know the role which they would get because they get a role if they win it if they reach a challenge and if they don't then they don't get the role now we put it up for reactions and we go if you want to join react here so in a certain time period they have to register for example 19 hours 24 hours whatever you want depending on the amount of people that are doing the challenge you will make up a goal so for this mumps goal if I go down to recently for this mumps goal the team challenge because 312 people entered is to get 180,000 messages between you all so it basically everyone to work as a team on the server and it allows bonding in especially in local members like the main char where people can talk and meet each other and if they reach that message goal as a team so all 313 people needs to get a total messages for that month open for that time period of 180,000 if they do that and they will get the role I never succeed and the person who gets the most could get a nitro for example it's a really good way of getting people active on your server I really really recommend it as a server owner - and you know - you guys it's so good and it really really works right guys - another way in which you can get your server active is by doing personal text challenges so we cover team challenges now let's go to personal test challenges so something which I suggest is doing personal ones you can set them out of messages and their corresponding prizes and you give a time period for example a week now what you do is you say for example if you get 500 messages you'll get 50 largely points which is basically the point spot on our server you get a thousand messages you'll get a special caller role such as one of these blur pool lavender rolls or bitter mornings aqua and a lot of people that are on the server want to get those because you they're hard to get or they cost a lot of points two thousand messages they'll get a special roll called legendary which was only supposed to be released back in 2017 when we first released a server and only about 100 people have it at 3,000 messages you get a second roll and more points my fatha Massachusetts they get a free month for subscriber which is basically one of our donation pools for the server as you can see here and twelve thousand messages they get a custom role as you can see here like their their custom rolls usually only donators get them and 25,000 messages you can get a month of nitro now doing this allows people to go oh I really want to get that so I'm going to talk more and we'd get more active on the server and it is such a good idea to do it because it really really helps boost your server activity so I really really recommend it it's a good thing and I haven't really seen many other servers do it but I really recommend you because it really gets the community engaged and gets those more people active so go do that and it could help get over booming any second right guy says the next method which you can do to help get your serve active is by being engaged if you're a server owner or a server admin engaging with your server will help get the server active because people want to see the owners and admins online people want to talk to them and get to know them because it really really helps query the community so if I send a message like hey everyone usually I'll get a lot of responses back saying like hey custom you know hey map blah blah blah blah from the community which is nice as you can see here because it allows people to engage with you and actually get to know you as a server owner and admin if you engage with your community it will help get the server active and there's another person to talk to so I know it isn't March and it may not seem like a lot but you shouldn't sit behind as a star team generally and just moderate the star team and the owners should basically always be in charge trying to get to know the community as we do on sfe we want to get all of the staff to communicate because it allows them to get to know the community and the community to know them and it helps the activity on server massively what we do is that we have some sort of requirement that staff need to get every week for messages and it's a bit different most of us don't do it but we did a test with it and a test without it and the server activity with it was insane compared to the activity without it so really if you get to know your server and your staff get to know your server your activity will go up so make sure that you're going at your staff to be active and you be active yourself right guys so the next way that you can get your server activity up is by doing giveaways now on my server something for everyone we do giveaways every single month where we give away a bunch of nitros all the time and mystery prizes sometimes as you can see here and what it does is it helps get the community engaged now if I go to just one of these specific giveaways so I'm just going through them to let you read them as you can see there's some giveaways where we requirements is getting like 400 messages in our main chart basically it helps bump it up or react to the past two weeks of her question of the day and reaction of the day react to the Koala must level up on me six twice before the you know end of the giveaway or participate in the Teen Challenge event for example it really helps get your serve out there massively because more people are going to want to participate in the giveaways and if your requirements are to be active on the server that and they're going to be active and that is how it works it just helps your server massively and I really really recommend that you go and do that because it will help your server boom and it will help you get more activity and more members in the long run so if you do that you will help get your server way more activity generally right guys so I'm going to give you one little bonus tip before we go over to the other server owners to let you hear their advice now if you have me sex what you should do is you should get level roles because if your community levels up they would get different roles on your server and they can be different colors and they look different they have different permissions for example now if you do that a lot of people are going to want to try and level up on me six which requires you to be active and not just spam but you have to be active quite a lot to actually level up because there's only some like a limit of amount of XP you can get a minute anyway so spamming doesn't really help but it will help your server massively so if you do that you can get a lot more people for example wanting to you know communicate on your server and talk because they want to get those level roles they want to get more roles on your server and become more developed within the community and more engaged so if you do that you could see your activity boom massively and they really really recommend it because that is what we do on our server and that is how we get in doors of activity every single month and as you can see if I go for like 10th we had 33,000 messages if I go yes there we 40 fast messages of a go let's say Saturday we had 35 thousands if you do this sort of thing you would get loads and loads of messages so I really really really recommend it but guys before you go I've got some more tips for you so I'm gonna go over to other server owners and let them talk so you can hear their perspective on it all and you can also see their top tips so I'm going to hand that over to them and enjoy the rest of the video guys trendy here server pings and other promotions within the platform have good short-term uses however if you're in it for the long run here's what I would do start advertising on Instagram with multiple 30-second gifts or video showing off different aspects of your community set a daily spending budget of $3 per promotion with a 90 dollar monthly budget on each if you do one of these you should reach around 80 400 average joins within a three month period of time do multiple ones that value increases significantly advertise it in the right niche for maximized results things only work so well however Instagram ads work way better I'm a Jay from the capo server and my tip for you is that you need to find something for people to come to your server to my server has global emotes it might sound silly to you but it's a good reason for someone to join the server if they don't have a good reason to join your server then you can't expect them to be there in the first place give them that reason I would say the best way to get you guilt active is by having frequent events and holding message events monthly or half monthly having events brings your community together and forms a stronger bond with members making them want to spend more time on your server holding message challenges but this be individual or group challenges gives people a reason to want to talk more try to spend more time there to get a reward constantly paying for giveaways made it short term success until bewitching our notification settings for the server or leave right guys so I hope this video has helped you a lot and I hope it has allowed you to learn about activity because activity in your server can be hard to get but if you do those five methods which I told you and the bonus method and you also follow some of the other advice you could see loads more activity from your server you can see many many many more messages on your server every single day every single minute and every single hour because people are gonna want to talk there if you do events and make it fun or give stuff away or get the community engaged so if you do that you will see you also ever get more activity now guys the next video should be on Monday so make sure you stay tuned for that and make sure to subscribe like comment and share this video turn on notification Belon and enjoy the rest of your weekend and day peace out guys [Music]
Channel: CustomName
Views: 200,221
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Keywords: Discord, Discord Partner, Discordapp, Discord Server, Discord HypeSquad, SoundDrout, softwilly, Discord Servers, CustomName, How to grow a Discord Server, Discord Tutorial, Discord Memes, Discord Video, Gaming, Discord Tips, Discord Setup, Discord Nitro, Discord Help, Discord Trolling, Discord Fiver, isaacwhy, Discord Staff, Trending, Minecraft, Discord Emotes, Discord Event, Memes, Discord Games, Discord Friends, Discord Talent Show, Mineplex, How to get an active Discord, Quackity
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Sun May 17 2020
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