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Since quite a few people liked my first  Discord tutorial, I wanted to make a sequel. It's time for part two, this time covering  more tweaks that most people don't know   about — along with a really major one that may  be one of my favorites yet. To say the least,   I think you'll like it. Alright, let's  jump straight into my favorite one! 1 — Create an achievements system (they kind  of work like quests in a game). Maybe you're   thinking this sounds crazy for a Discord server, a  place where people mainly just chat. But who said   Discord had to just be for that? Anyway, I think  of achievements as optional things members can   do to be engaged with your server — essentially  some small challenges that can be rewarded for   completing. In my own server, some achievements  require members to post a certain number of   messages, unlock certain roles, or even having  their server feedback accepted. Maybe you have   an economy store set up, and you can give people  achievements when they purchase something from   it. That achievement gets people more engaged  with your economy system and the achievements   themselves. Possibilities don't end there! To add  some flavor to this system, you can reward people   for completing achievements like I said earlier.  I have my achievements set up in four tiers:   these include easy, medium, hard, and even more  difficult. Each time someone completes a tier,   they get rewards in the form of special roles  (they're a good thing for members to show   off!). I mean seriously, if anyone completes  my last tier they deserve to brag about it!   My first tier — which is the easiest — I use  as a way to teach people about my Discord   server. ⚠ Unless anyone makes a bot for this  system, it seems to be impossible to automate   at the moment. Bear that in mind if you want  to implement them into your server. Alright,   that was a long one so let's move on to part two. 2 — Use special characters in text channel names   to create invisible spaces. Now this isn't a huge  feature like the last, but I haven't seen this one   utilized as much as it should be. It's not obvious  how to do it, but I'm going to tell you how. in   part one i mentioned keeping text channel names  as short as possible and stick to a few words as   possible this was because of the removal of the  ability to add invisible spaces to text channels   using a particular character since then i've found  a way to make it look like an emails of space in   it when in reality it does not this is again  done using special symbols this time special   line symbols and you can find these with the  website in the description of this video some of   the characters won't have spaces around them but  try to find ones that do as you see here if i copy   this one and paste it onto discord there isn't  a space here but it just looks that way this is   as close as you can get to having a space in the  text channel name that we know of so far there are   many more symbols even including minimal dot like  you see here i use this and a triple line symbol   right here's another one not everyone knows about  as you may know you can't just type anything into   the text channel and expect it to work sure  you can add emoji but you can't add capitalized   letters well what if i told you yes you can don't  actually try this right now you can't simply type   out with the method i'm going to show you and  the previous tip you can make text channels look   almost as good as voice channels so as with last  time we'll need to find some special characters   the website i recommend for this is f symbols but  you can use other ones like lingo jam they pretty   much have the same as for our designer say you  want your text channel in italics type out the   name of your text channel and scroll down until  you find italics what more you can use italics   are bold best of all in my opinion you can  actually type out the channel with uppercase   and it should most of the time retain the  caps bear in mind some stars may not work   and something you should definitely be cautious  about is your android users with a lot of the   styles here characters are unsupported on their  device set up a virtual economy channel for games   and compete to become the richest in your server  you can do this with bots such as unbelievable and   dank memer i personally use unbelievable and  for the remainder of this tip i'm going to be   referring to that box so with the economy system  you can add periodic income based on roles and   this can be another boosting perk if you don't  understand let me explain so first of all if you   don't have an economy channel in your server i  highly recommend you get one with unbelievable   for example you can add a lot of fun into your  server the bot includes many features and games   that allow members to compete in becoming the  richest in the server with fake currency obviously   so back to periodic income so in my case i have it  set so everyone gets 5 000 coins for 24 hours and   then people with the level rules for example you  can hit level 5 level 10 with leveling bots will   get gradually more income on a more frequent basis  as they level up boosters of my server get 150 000   coins every 6 hours which makes it another great  reason to boost the server you can take this with   a grain of salt because you may not want to lock  this behind a paywall at least make sure boosters   of the server don't get way more coins than  everyone else because if that is the case then   everyone who doesn't boost a servant doesn't pay  doesn't really have chance add an faq channel for   frequently asked questions if you often get the  same questions about your server all the time make   a channel where these questions are answered now  i did recommend merging channels where possible   so this could go in their welcome or information  channel whatever you call it this tip is mainly so   you don't have to keep repeating the same answers  right next up in the original video i brought up   a tip of giving rewards to people who boost your  server so many servers have self-assignable roles   some including color rolls that allow the user to  change the color of their name what i also have is   more colors that can be unlocked only by boosting  the server these colors are more saturated in the   pot more than the default assignable colors so  they can help boosters stand out in the server if you have channels that a lot of people  don't want to see but some do consider   making self-assignable roles that give the  user the option to unblock these channels   those who pick up the self-signable role can  access the channel overall it's a way to block   channels that may be spammed controversial or  for posting stuff that not everyone cares about   i must crack something i said in part  one i claimed it's impossible to edit   embeds once i posted i have since been  corrected i might make a video in the   future covering carl barton beds anyway  i just thought i should clarify this here you
Channel: Aeno
Views: 147,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aeno, Aeno Official, improve discord server, how to grow your discord, how to make a discord server better, how to make a discord server, ways to improve discord server, discord, discord tutorial, how to make a good discord server, discord server boost, making a discord server, discord server, 2021, guide, tutorial, easy, achievements, quests, how to make roles, how to make a good server, reaction roles, self assignable, boosting, tips, upgrade, make best server, secrets, easter eggs, carl
Id: KUiBiyiMT2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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