We REFURBISHED someone's Discord Server in 30 minutes (Ft. @CustomName)

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hello everyone this is sound route and in this video I am joined with a wonderful guest custom name hello guys nice to meet you and this video yes we're gonna be doing something very unique it has brought to me by custom name this is a wonderful idea where we make over somebody's discord server you know it's kind of similar to those shows that they do where they make over a house so me and custom name have taken it upon ourselves to refurbish this server right here we've chosen randomly from 370 people and we're gonna have about 30 minutes to do this it's gonna be awesome alright sorry to disturb your guys's viewing experience but me and custom are hosting a huge giveaway so you gotta hit that link in the description and you can enter this giveaway right here so if you want to enter you got a login using one of these options right here I will login using email real quick and once you've logged in you can see four different options here initially you'll only be able to see these two which is to subscribe to both me and custom and then once you've done those two you can unlock these which will allow you another two entries by following us on Twitter so these will give you two entries each so this will give you a whole total of six possible entries so in order to enter our you got to do is click on the thing you can follow or connect your Twitter account for the Twitter ones and for these ones you just gotta click on the link and subscribe to our channel and you will be entered twice so this giveaway ends in three weeks make sure to enter before it's too late and enjoy the video now that we we've got to think about what we're gonna do here right yeah so I'm gonna begin the timer if you're ready yeah yeah she said you want to focus on the all sort of things yeah yeah I would like that and I will focus I'm getting some bolts off I'm not sort of thing okay I'm going to start the timer now we've got 30 minutes to refurbish the server it's got quite a lot of stuff in it already but we're gonna make it even better our 30 minutes begins now alright let's do this right okay so we got thirty minutes I'm gonna start with the channels so I'm first of all I'm gonna quickly go into my server and take one of these things right and I'm gonna be putting a little image on top of like the rules and stuff like that can I similar to my servers so I'm gonna start working on that right now right so the server is about dinosaurs right well don't mind that's what I for so i'm i think it is i think we're on our theme i guess because we have nothing else to really go on so so i just changed one of the channel names to public because I thought it was bit other than a standard or general but right and also I've noticed there's like VCS mixed in with the normal chats that's a bit yeah yeah I'm I sort out no no yeah four channels that's what I'll call up I'll get myself a nice dinosaur image oh yeah we've got to also make an icon I'll do that I'm gonna delete these voice channels because I really want to just redo straight off the bar you know yeah because I think I picked it better so main voice let's go so we want a general chair I think let's go a bit of general so we go we going general general chat and that's we'll do that hashtag one right my rules image is coming along nicely good good yeah yeah I think this is this is taking longer than I expected but it should be fine if we hurry up yeah definitely so what's what's the timer now we are at 25 26 minutes oh damn so he already has four minutes and we need to do so much more to make the server amazing for this guy yeah so that's quickly doing music use a hashtag one so for the rules channel I'm gonna need to delete everything there right now because then I can put the image on top deleting all of these old channels which don't seem to have much you know use in them yeah general book commands I'm just gonna change that to commands cuz I don't think you need multiple commands channels and that's a fair to you guys who are watching this video right now because I don't really think there needs to be any more that I think this is mainly about you know tidying up a bit first because there needs to be a bit of that yeah I'll also make the rules a bit nicer so I'm trying to make it in the same style that he put it cuz I don't want to delete everything that he made Sam what's your opinion do you think we should have one self advertising channel or two well the things because I think you could probably combine it because we don't want to over go overboard and channels there yeah I can eat don't ya you can put one and then merge it into another category when you have an afk job alright I've made the rules a little bit more spicy than before you should be good oh yeah that's a much nicer I'm still working on it you know those rules are really important you got to make sure it's a high quality Channel sorry for the pinks by the way just I wasn't Rory I got enough in them anyway okay change the role name and if we just a tiny check 18 minutes oh damn God we need to we need to hurry up that we're doing good though actually you're not gonna lie we're doing good yeah if you guys want to see another one of these videos then hit like subscribe and make sure to share this video with your friends as well yeah helps us out and we were definitely do enough of one of these videos if they go well and might even be your server potentially this reminds me with the fiber video that I just did people made my server people making oh servos yeah we're doing kind of something similar but it's free yeah we're do it for free because we're nice people want me yeah we should probably set up a fiber that they'll be funny maybe that's an accident I set up a fiver and this is how much I made for that's a bit strange but I will I will sort that out I'm also gonna separate his boss out from his members because I think that might be oh yeah I would have chosen a nicer dinosaur image though maybe because this one isn't the highest quality but it still looks pretty cool it still looks good like some items there that's nice get giveaway boxes probably the best er best thing you can use yeah and it's free to you guys really free it was actually made by discord fun fact just go made it themselves so I didn't know I'm pretty I thought they did anyway but I know discord definitely use it so it's not let's see here we have 12 minutes 12 and a half minutes so I can now edit the bot role which is good because he just moved me up I just need to talk how to verify good I just need to add it the box one thing I've noticed that's kind of annoying if you're getting someone to edit a server for you you're gonna have to delete the text and everything if you want to edit the text yeah if you want to yeah yeah it's a bit annoying boss speaking always be faster I'm calm right I mean you can always copy and paste everything I'm gonna quite a staff role like a general staff Rowan emerges so all the staff can go into one section I'm gonna start adding topics to each channel because you might as well have topics right yeah it sounds good it's kind of weird to have a Blake topic this is an awesome website you want to use it so there's you can go on hex color palettes it's called color - hex calm and it gives you some really awesome palettes which you can use for your rolls in your server so I'm gonna find one which suits your server and I'll skip to that so it's like a fade down the start team and I've used out my server as well and it looks really cool oh yeah I see it looks pretty nice so for verified role I would recommend a much calmer color because the current one is like really vibrant it's not you're gonna changed off yeah I'll change it to something a bit more mellow like that yellow looks pretty decent so I'm looking in the server moderation and right now it's at zero no moderation level it's not a good idea to have that because if you have unrestricted then literally anyone could join and do anything so I'm going to change it to medium so they have to be on disk where for at least five minutes and they have to have a verified email that's pretty good and then I'll also scan media from all members so that people don't post weird stuff right we've got just over seven minutes okay so we need to really hard out there there's a lot boss in here I don't know you cuz you need them all G thing well I mean it's not mad I'm rippin greevey arm rhythm also I noticed that that the box are like hooked onto the member list really high it's not a good idea if you want to not spam your member list full of bots yeah I know I'm gonna move that down yeah I've just I've just done that so it's not April mm-hmm I'm gonna work on the logo now because I think that's important right so I'm still in the hi mom named me six plugins this seems to be alright but I'm gonna go you so I'm gonna work a little logo it's probably gonna take a pretty long time hopefully I can finish it how long ago we have Oh God we have under three minutes oh no I know almost done but I'm not gonna finish it I think you're not ki confirmations hold on big message history administrator read message history okay so that's all set up for me six music stops all done so the locks can go in there now and he's got all those permissions for commands that works doesn't it Kovach boss so he's up all right I've just designed a logo I think it looks pretty good I'm gonna slap it on there we go looks good boom check it out what do you think Oh Oh Donna that's nice yeah I'll buy so much better yeah I know ah put a dinosaur there pretty cool I made that in like two minutes we have one minute left dude one minute left how are you doing I'm just changing the level thing and I should be okay and then she called me but don't push are the reason why doesn't have permission sent knows because it doesn't have permissions as put in the chart Oh could pretty much do some injustice good message history 10 demise 30 seconds 30 seconds it's a hands oh where is a update here hold on hold on eight seconds you got to drop everything in five four three two yes it's done one stop stop stop time's up Stuart just in time oh okay this is the finished product so the rules channel is all nice and done look at that from sounds thank you son and bot so here yeah this this BOTS role added and we changed some of the announcements so and we've added you know messages at the top giveaways now we can do giveaways in here using you know jeez stop yonder you know that's the G Star one winner bang TAS giveaway all stop oh yeah I want to win test please I want to win I want to win the test is worth so I know I'm gonna win it's mine not mine how to verify that's all sorted and verify here so you can click on the road to get that yes lots of works I've also added a topical feature channel everything is off news Wow it's all sorted I've got this amazing logo emojis he doesn't have emojis yet but you know all of this is sorted now so good that's all that log yeah let's pull up a little before and after on the screen right here so you guys can see what it looked like before and after we finished refurbishing it looks beautiful I can't see it right now but you guys will be able to see it oh I won the test let's go Oh destroyed I felt that a company if you won yeah I've asked him to rate it out of 10 see what he says knowing the difference yeah what could have gotten us that 10 hmm he says actually 1000 yes sound of the best disco builders out yeah yeah make sure you hire us don't see a bad thing well actually I've noticed one misspelling if you look at the topic of staff chat my fault oops all Wow sounds I'm sorry it's my fault laughs in the comments of sound cheese to be fair we were lucky that he set up a lot of stuff for us we got in here yeah it could have been it could have been harder but you know 30 minutes it's a challenge and you always push for time but I think we did well in the time that we did have so yeah that was really fun i enjoyed rushing that made everything and if you guys want another video like this then let us know we would be happy to do more I think so yeah we'll go ahead and leave a link to this server in the description make sure not to be rude in the server please follow the rules okay and make sure to do the gleam giveaway that will be ending in just just around three weeks from now so you've got a bit of time we wanted to make sure everyone can see it but yeah so make sure you go and do that good luck enjoy the rest of your day and make sure to subscribe to sound and leave a like on this video subscribe and comment yeah make sure to hit up that gleam giveaway for a huge amount of prizes up for grabs thanks to custom name he's the one that started it so yeah thank you man you got lots of time to enter that smash like on the video otherwise you will find a creeper tonight in your bed and you'll be in trouble alright thanks for watching I'll see you all in the next video bye bye guys bye [Music]
Channel: SoundDrout
Views: 322,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: awesome discord server, best discord servers, making a discord server better, upgrading a discord server, refurbishing a discord server, how to make a discord server look good, best looking discord servers
Id: wxpQGEfT-bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 8sec (968 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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