Spanish Garlic Zucchini | A Dish you Won´t be Able to Resist

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so you have to say zucchini which is also known as courgette is one of the best vegetables around all right technically it's a fruit but we all treat it like a vegetable anyways in my opinion the zucchini gets a bad wrap as it's rarely used as a star of a dish it's typically just thrown in with pasta mixed in with some rice or thrown in with other vegetables as a side dish today i'm going to show you how to make a dish where the zucchini is the star and the flavors are going to blow you away we're talking spanish garlic zucchini this this is known here in spain as calabacin al ajillo it's got so many great flavors it's super easy to put together and the texture of the zucchini is absolutely incredible you can serve this dish either as a tapas appetizer or even as a side dish either way with one taste this promises to be one of the best zucchini dishes ever let's begin by grabbing two zucchinis rinsing them under some cold running water and patting them completely dry once the zucchinis have been washed and patted dry i'm going to cut each one into thick slices that are half an inch thick which is about 1.25 centimeters then we'll place the slices of zucchini in a single layer and season them with sea salt on both sides and we'll add the slices of zucchini into a colander and let them sit there for exactly 30 minutes you know zucchini is 95 percent water so by taking this step that salt is going to help extract some of the water that when you fry the zucchini it doesn't absorb so much oil which is what makes it soggy it's going to keep it firm which is what gives this dish that incredible texture while we're waiting on the zucchini i'm gonna grab six cloves of garlic remove the skins from each clove roughly chop the garlic and add it into a mortar then we'll grab a generous handful of fresh parsley roughly chop it and add it into the mortar with the garlic this is a quarter cup of fresh parsley which is about 15 grams we'll pinch in a little sea salt and we'll pound down all these ingredients just between 30 to 45 seconds or until they're well combined and then set it aside alright let's move back to the zucchini it's been sitting here for exactly 30 minutes and plenty of that water has been extracted out of the zucchini for the next step i'm going to start adding the slices of zucchini on top some paper towels making sure they're in a single layer and we'll gently pat down the slices of zucchini with some paper towels to remove any of the excess water once all the excess water has been removed from the slices of zucchini i'm going to season them with some freshly cracked black pepper just on one side for the next step i'm going to grab a large fry pan and heat it with a medium-high heat we're not going to add any fat into the pan right now we're just going to heat it on a medium-high heat between two to three minutes that way the olive oil doesn't lose its flavor and it gets incorporated into the zucchini after heating the pan for about three minutes on a medium-high heat and as you can see it's nice and hot i'm gonna add in a generous two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil this is about 35 milliliters and start adding the slices of zucchini into the pan you want to make sure they're in a single layer so cook this in batches with the amount of zucchini that we have we're gonna get this done in just two batches after about two and a half minutes i'm going to start flipping the slices of zucchini to fry the other side i always like to do this with two spoons as it feels like you have more control but you can also do this with tongs after exactly five minutes that's two and a half minutes per side these slices of zucchini look like they are perfectly fried i'm gonna start removing them from the pan and transferring them into a dish with some paper towels and we'll continue to cook our second batch of zucchini in the exact same method and once again you want to go about two and a half minutes per side on a medium-high heat this is going to give you a beautiful golden fried color on the outside and the inside an incredible texture once all the fried zucchini is done i'm going to lower the fire in the pan from a medium-high heat to a low-medium heat and let that pan sit there that way it can stay nice and hot meanwhile i'm going to transfer the slices of fried zucchini into a serving dish for the final step let's cook up our garlic and parsley mixture using the pan that we have on a low medium heat i'm going to add in 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil this equals 15 milliliters and we'll add in our garlic and parsley mixture into the pan and we'll start mixing everything together you want to make sure you mix it continuously we're only going to go between 20 to 25 seconds you don't want to overcook that garlic you just want to be nice and aromatic after about 30 seconds this mixture looks like it's ready to go once again you don't want to overcook that garlic i'm going to remove this from the heat and transfer the mixture over the slices of zucchini folks check it out our calabacin al ajillo is done spanish garlic zucchini such an incredible aroma coming out of this and a beautiful presentation but the beauty of this dish is the texture of those zucchinis let's give this a try and see how it tastes now this is what i call one heck of a good looking zucchini dish here we go it is so good it's just simple ingredients the garlic really shines through but the beauty of this zucchini is just the texture of the zucchini by salting and draining that water it didn't absorb so much olive oil so it's got an incredible texture folks you saw this a classic spanish dish very easy to make simple minimal ingredients make at home guaranteed to be one of the best ways to enjoy zucchini at home really quick before i go a shout out to a couple of my patreons Martin Jon Madsen, Jesper Hallund and Jim Owens again guys thank you so much for being patreons of spain on fork it's thanks to you and the rest of my patreons why spain on a fork continues to move forward if you're not a patreon consider becoming one it helps with ingredients and equipment to continue making videos like this you'll find my patreon in the description box below and iCard above if you enjoyed today's video hit that like button leave me a comment below and if you're not subscribed you know what to do smash the subscribe button until the next time...hasta luego!!! A HUGE Thank you to my Patreons! Michael and Kelley Thompson Dr. Michael Barvitz Terri K Kleen Robert Jefferson "The Kamakura Gardener" Martin Jon Madsen Jesper Hallund Jim Owens Joan Quilico Tommy Williams Stewiggs Family Clarence Bolin Carsten Korn Martin Giddings Aravinda Garimella Robert Monaghan Tamara Johnson Kim Hemmes Darren Allen Linda Bufano Hollis Helmeci Sam Cohen Kent Anderson Michael Kuhl Jean Buckley Jeff Zucker Kay Brown Kathe Mayer Mike Maier Beth DeVine Gerry Hand from Calgary Simon Lanario Detlef Suenberg Steven Riggs Dick and Leslie Rivera Margaret Garigan Rosa Linares Che-Wing Cheung Rafa Mayer Norman D. 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Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 1,099,527
Rating: 4.9246969 out of 5
Keywords: spanish garlic zucchini, spanish zucchini, garlic zucchini, spanish zucchini tapas, spanish garlic tapas, spanish tapas, zucchini you can´t resist, zucchini recipe, how to cook zucchini, easy zucchini recipe, easy zucchini tapas, zucchini with garlic, calabacin al ajillo, calabacin al ajillo recipe, recipe for zucchini, spanish tapas with zucchini, spanish courgette recipe, spanish courgette with garlic, courgette tapas, spain tapas recipes, video, spain on a fork, yt:cc=on
Id: BLI9E_3vi5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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