Seven Fishes Seafood Salad - Rossella's Cooking with Nonna

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you Joe everyone I'm rissalah Rocco and welcome to the cooking with nomina Christmas special I brought a really special guest all the way from Sicily to join me today say hello to Nana do sattva say hello everybody hi everyone hello everybody i'm giuseppe kochi Ola I'm from the island of Sicily prevent reduce reduces salary no provincial Saragosa and tell everybody what we're gonna make today I'm so excited today we're making the Seven Fishes for salad since it's the Christmas holiday I have a little bit of things to kind of show you it's got to do with religion yeah non non drew sapa has figured out a really really special way of cooking all of her seafood for a 7 fishes seafood salad and it she's got some really neat tricks and i'm really excited to show them to you and at first we're going to talk a little bit about steve would tell why is it so special for you to do seafood salad for christmas eve because for the longest time for the Christmas holiday the family says Suzie Josephine which means a Josefa you're going to make the fish salad so this is why I enjoy to make it because everyone else enjoys it the way it comes out so I do enjoy making it and its initial she always has a lot of people over for Christmas Eve she had to figure out a way to cut down all the steps and make them easier and less time-consuming because a lot of people are intimidated about making a seafood salad like this because there are you have to clean and prepare all different kinds of fishes in our case seven we have seven and you don't want to spend too much time doing that because obviously you want to make other food so known as yourself is going to show you her secret way she's never shown anybody before just today it's very special and we're gonna start out with our seven fishes I want to show you guys the Seven Fishes first so you guys have an idea of what we're going to be doing what do we have today okay we have scallops Popo is you say the English but somebody so I ashram calamari scungilli scungilli and mussels and come on baccala it sometimes it was soaked in water of course yeah yeah so you can't have a Christmas seafood recipe without some baccala and in Yemen very important and we're going to start out by steaming each of our fishes separately but in the same special broth that Nona is going to prepare we're going to steam all the fishes actually except for the muscles so the muscles we're going to start out seaming them in a separate pan and we're going to show you that right now you went through so we're gonna yeah I'll turn the heat on you get the mussels do you want to do the talk and what yeah I don't good do it don't be shy she's a little shy this one don't bother be a little bit of wine in the pan a little bit of white wine okay okay sorry we're going to just kind of let her warm up with your Minnis and we have our muscles all cleaned and ready to go and with our muscles you pointed this out earlier if some of them are open Nonna says to run them under cold water correcting us because they're going to close up and if they don't close up throw them away and if when you even cook them they have not opened who discard them yeah you don't want those okay just put me home yeah absolutely please okay so we want to open our muscles because we want to extract the fruit of the muscles and we also want the juice of the muscles and we're not going to throw that away we gotta save that and that's gonna go back into our salad now we're going to cover this and we're going to wait a few minutes this is all going to start firing up and you'll be able to see when they all start to open and as soon as they all open shut your heat off immediately and we'll come right back when they're open and we'll show you how to extract them and save the juice give it a little shake while they cook so this way they kind of open up a little bit faster now you could see that the muscles they're boiling the steaming they're opening up so now you shut the heat off okay that's right and we're done with the muscles okay so now that we have our muscles nice and open and steamed we are going to start removing the fruits of the muscles from the shells so I'm just going to take this out for all our shells and then I have this other bowl this is for our juice and we'll show you how to do that in a moment and we're going to put all of our fruits of the muscles inside and you could either it Nona said you could take two shells and scrape it apart or you could just pull them out with your hands okay so what are we going to do next now we're going to strain the broth okay so a little trick for straining the broth you can use a cheesecloth you have cheese cloth we're going to use a coffee filter and you're a big fan of these right yes and just to be extra safe I'm going to put a strainer under it and I'm gonna pour okay and that will filter out all the grit or the sand or what can you hold the the strainer apart please I'm going to pick this up so we're going to start to have it drip out and this might take a little bit but it is very worthwhile because the worst thing is when you get sands and your seafood so forth of course when your don't want that you can let it sit right there and you don't want to throw the breath away because there's so much flavor and yeah I mean oh yeah yeah okay okay so now that we have our mussels steamed open separated and our juice all strained we are ready to start Nam Nadja set buzz secret broth for boiling all of the other fish and this is what's going to give our 7 fishes seafood salad its distinct flavor and that's why this is known Nadu cepa's famous dish that everybody comes to her house for on Christmas Eve so we're going to start with cold water and we have a variety of spices that Nonna Josefa is very particular about but that is why this is her special broth and the broth and the seasoned water is going to give all the fish a very unique and delicious flavor and the secret to this whole thing is that we're going to boil all of the fishes that we have in the same water so these are our fish and what goes into this magic secret broad writes 3 we'll start with the laurel leaf uh-huh 3 laurel leaves that had the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit there was a little bit of sauce from the seller for Mom for their parsley okay drop them in okay after that we're still going to have the Father the Son the Holy Spirit three cloves of garlic it's Christmas okay three pieces of zest lemon zest okay now there's all 12 peppercorns which they're the apostle's it's got to be 12 not 11 not 13 right okay right and now we have about a teaspoon of fennel seed fennel seeds now for the full recipes and the exact measurements make sure you head over to cooking with Nona calm there will be a link in the box below and we will show you the full measurements and quantities for everything but this is knowledge isettas way right of course and now at the end we're going to add some wine you know when you go to church after the Eucharist is always behind so this is very holy right on Christmas always wine of course at my office of course yeah and every home so now we're gonna bring this to a boil okay okay oh thank you very much okay so once we bring this to a boil we have our colander that is going to help us out for lifting out all of our seafood so we're gonna put the colander inside and we're going to be able to put all the seafood inside and kind of boil it through that right and then just lift it right out and switch everything out but one at a time you go one at a time one at a time okay so our magic broth is all ready to go it's got a nice rolling boil and Nona's just gonna start adding some salt and she doesn't oh my god to cold water only hot only hot what otherwise you're going to ruin your pan at the bottom it's going to pit it if it's the right word and no no it's not the right word but that's okay you you have to wait until it boils that's when you add your salt and now this is ready to start ready yes yes so we're going to start with our bacala and like we said before it's just not Christmas without baccala and baccala is a dried salted cod this has been soaked and we've reconstituted it now I'm going to put this : turn and head right in here and you're going to drop it in okay okay for approximately seven minutes approximately seven minutes about about seven minutes for this one now our buck Allah is in there and we're just going to cover it while it cooks and we're going to do the same thing with all the other fish except for the paul fo the pulpo gets a little bit of special treatment right at the end correct I've got a you gotta you got a move yeah you got a will show those emotions okay so we're gonna show you guys the approximate cooking times of course it's going to depend on how thick all of your fish are this buckle is probably gonna go for about seven minutes or so see it with the fork when it starts flaking okay because guys I said I could be even raw but you cooking yeah I want to cook everything fully cooked so we're going to show you guys how we have we drop in and cook all of our different fishes and then at the very end we're going to show you our special way to do the octopus so now we're going to do this clip three minutes another two minutes or until did yet yeah now I'm gettin ya to think what it means to be going on I get a do one thank you bet with you I got a cook with you yes that's an ownership a single day you thought of leaving the scallops see if I not by holding it up their little skin goes to them because once you drop them in the water they already warming up and they will not get tough so this is a good idea by doing a little lipstick okay you this spongy okay so we got six fishes down we got one left to go and it is my personal favorite because somebody said I love the octopus The Fault ball and no non-jews Emma's got her special little trick for boiling the pulp but we can't just treat it like any of the other fishes that we've done and what are we going to do with this now we're just gonna lift the pan to sear the colon and you're gonna drop that in okay both of them okay one and two now we're going to immerse this here inside of this as quickly as we merce it that's how quickly oops okay okay okay all right zero and three one more time I know why are we doing this so that the purple of the octopus will be tenderized by doing this it doesn't get shocked do but just like I so by lifting it up right okay it helps not to get hard okay it will keep so you don't want to hurt octopus no no no we're going to finish up with our octopus and when we come back we're going to be ready to cut and assemble our salad and eat it right we're going to come in and dress it yeah yeah okay so our po po is all done and we're ready to take it out and start cutting it look at that we got number one I want you together no okay and I never did I'll end up with Deena thank you and number two look at these guys and I can really smell all the flavor out of all of our fishes that are coming from that broth that we made so I'm going to just grab a fork and get a big knife like this and we're going to start cutting up pieces for our seafood salad and Nona's got her own tool yes for uh you can use a knife or you can use a scissor call my fat line on this is the eye of the octopus and a lot of people don't like this so we're going to remove it yeah we're just going to remove this little piece or you could just get rid of this piece altogether I'm just gonna discard this one piece right over here so I'm just gonna transfer this to our bowl with our muscles that we prepared before mm-hmm I thought you will yes thank you very much okay granddaughter yeah of course granddaughter for the day or the day you go sweetheart and then we're gonna move on to the rest of our seafood so we're just gonna take that platter just move the this yeah listen is the pot over and guess what she does it everything okay okay so move this wait a minute you know that we don't need to get her out of here so the scungilli I'm gonna let no net handle because she is so eager with the scissor right now hmm she can't wait and if you've never had scungilli before scungilli our sea snails and they're popular for seafood salad it's one of the things you absolutely have to have I think in the in the Seven Fishes correct in the pieces of seven fishes and the seafood salad and some people don't like them because of their texture they think they're a little rubbery but I found that the longer you cook them it does become a lot more tender so don't be afraid it's okay and then if they truly don't like them and they're still one of the Seven Fishes liquid yet lobster Oh turn laravel tails seen them and just chop them in okay okay so I'm gonna move this over here okay and I'm gonna let you start adding okey doke and I'm going to add our column a tea or squid mm-hmm that are already cut we don't need to cut those anymore I'm going to add the scallops looking good that are small they smell so good everything smells so good because of that broth your magic yeah it doesn't even thought you notice it doesn't even smell fishy no only smells Fanta and it's all that we put in and a little bit of a stock a water and all the blessing with the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit it must be that and the Twelve Apostles and then the blessing of the wine Wow how could you go wrong as holy water oh yes and then the buck a lot I'm gonna break it up with my hands it's this baccala it's cooked beautifully it's flaking so nicely so does anybody help you on Christmas Eve or do you do this by yourself well one of my sister but the most of it falls on me I gotta tell you the truth that she could hear me now yeah but you seem to have a system for yeah you want to do it yes yeah yeah yeah do you remember when you learned how to make the seafood salad Oh a ghost bisque what if you have been here two fifty-two years I tell you it's been down long or even longer maybe yeah because I saw my mother one of my aunt she she would have been top chef a chef of today and awesome awesome cook that's Antonia my eye on Antonio name was something yet Oh a marvelous cook she thought you very well because this is looking fantastic well I'll tell you my mom was in Italy for a good 18 years of my life when I need to know anything I would call my aunt and she was one of the best cooks that I know know best you're not too bad and we're almost done with this look we're almost ready to eat so we're just going to add our shrimp we're gonna leave the shrimp whole but if you want if you want to you know look what they should do just stick the shrimp mm-hmm and it's a little bit easier to cut it into little chunks and then if you want to go further as I say yeah it serves more people okay I'm people like to split them in half but it you know it looks prettier but I think this will go if you cut them into little Chum we'll go long go further yes yes but we're gonna leave them whole because I think they look so beautiful yes did you yeah is there big shrimp they're like little laughs mmm okay so now that we have all of our fish cut and put together in a bowl we are going to get ready to start making our dressing and add our chopped vegetables so we're going to go over here and we have some olives you can use the ones with pimento in them that's what non-adjustable likes or you can use the plain green olives we have some parsley some shredded carrots and some celery super simple yes very much so super super simple because you don't want to overpower correct flesh yes and now our dressing is very special because we have that mussel juice okay and we're gonna add some extra virgin olive oil mm-hmm some lemon juice yeah fresh lemon juice and then we have crushed garlic and nonde brought her special little Bowl it would you do you just take this okay hmm we have a knife that's an air rubber by four here like this yeah one more one of my friends one time brought me to eat in this restaurant and they had so much garlic that it just brings all that flavor all the flavor out not nice a nice yes now we have some a little bit of red pepper flake I fed on Chino peperoncini oh okay okay so I'm stuck move it over here okay and now we're gonna whisk it all together I needed some oregano she's inside that's enough ragga now okay and what I usually do it's put in the palm of my hand and let the oil come out just grind it like a little sloppy but it's okay then we take the a whisk and we're going to start putting a year of the palm and I'm going to start giving our seafood a toss this way when we put our dressing on top mmm smell the garlic it doesn't just sink to the bottom or anything okay okay and am I ready for the vegetables for all Rs we're going to just remove this for a minute of our pretty lemons yes good job so we're going to throw in your toss as Auliya throw the ad that's a girl beautiful all the colors coming together here we're going to suggest a little bit of this for the salad dressing okay and we're going to add the olives with commentar inside okay and the carrots I was going to little presentation oh okay that looks good mmm oh my goodness well this looks fantastic okay oh we need some vinegar right I almost forgot oh yeah right yeah some white vinegar not too much because we have an awful lot of there orange juice okay lemon juice lemon juice all right well this is this is Syrians with your oranges and now we're going to now we're going to step in a pinch of salt oh just orange we got a ring here and then we could add a little bit more put a little pinch in here too so this way brings the dressing together okay okay good and then we taste it see if we need it you can always add salt and pepper and whatever okay beautiful Wow okay ray she goes okay so now that we have everything tossed beautifully together we're going to cover this and let hang out in the fridge for a few hours preferably even overnight because you want all the flavors to marinate together and then once that's done we are ready to eat all right yes yes and I don't think I've ever seen anything disappear faster than seafood salad it's awesome on Christmas Eve have you know long has this list on the table not one good one not long at all I know you feel like all this work and then everybody's just gonna eat it but it's so worth it so I can't wait until we come right back well after its marinated and we're gonna finally taste and look the amount that you get out of it - that's great I'm up never matters how much you have yes so he's gonna go okay so our seafood salad has been marinating it's beautifully chilled and we're ready right all right everywhere we're finally ready that's it now it's munch of time munch a time you okay yeah yeah whoo so we're just gonna put this on our beautiful plate ooh the longer it sits in the fridge the better yeah gorgeous oh my god and I could smell that garlic mm-hmm oh my god there's so much of it mm-hmm I don't know that we could fit any more on this on this dish but no matter how much you have of seafood salad it's just it disappears it magically disappears within minutes looks cute with some nice colorful gorgeous you want me to help a little bit a little guy I think that looks fantastic yeah carrot and then we're just gonna garnish it with any lemons we cut these into pretty little flowers you mind if we join up what's a little bit more I don't know I can do whatever she wants okay I love you I will fill the other corner up okay amazing okay I guess it is a little bit too much it's a melon of seafood salad see this is gorgeous did you notice what happened what they're known as to what they tell their grandkids okay let's do a little bit more just a post and B Nona knows best what's it father knows best now it's nor no knows best no no Nona knows better than anyone not this all Nona's all of them all of them but today you okay so how gorgeous does this look this is incredible I think anybody would be happy to have this all I want for Christmas is non messy food salad is known as Yusef se hotel and I give you a kiss yes Wow god bless you god bless you - we got to eat it a salute this and Zebina I appear Tommaso quoi right we worked and now we got to eat it we'll have wine later doors hmm oh my god mm-hmm this is perfect my god every single I have to eat more every single piece of fish no matter what you want Endor yeah awesome we just totally hit it I've got to get my shrimp hmm and even with just the two of us come back in ten minutes this isn't gonna be here I don't think I'm so no no juice at but I just want to thank you this is such an important recipe not only for me and I know I'm going to have this for the rest of my life for every holiday but for so many people that get scared just at the thought of making their own seafood salad I think now they really are a handle on it so I want to thank you for being my Nonna today and this Christmas and you are a pleasure what your sweetheart thank you for honoring me to be here I'll come on and can I just say thank you for my granddaughter Olivia with Jody got in touch with you may God bless the use of today god bless america sings for everyone Merry Christmas oneness Allah one of them don't cry eat shrimp you you
Channel: Rossella's Cooking with Nonna
Views: 146,921
Rating: 4.7701712 out of 5
Keywords: Seven fishes, seafood salad, seven fishes salad, Nonna giuseppa, giuseppa cocchiola, cooking with nonna, fish for christmas eve, seven fishes for christmas eve, rossella, rossella rago, seven fishes tradition
Id: A074OgTK1dE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 20 2015
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