FEAR STREET (2021) Trilogy Explained

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[Music] hey how's it going folks welcome to found flicks on this explained video we're diving into the recent live action adaptation of the beloved r.l stein book series fear street here we have three full-length movies unfolding in different times and telling a bigger complete overarching story that develops over each it's an interesting kind of balance between movies and a series in that sense the whole thing with this series along with goosebumps is that it's designed as young adult or kids horror which i always call gateway horror something not too graphic or obscene that is tailored for a younger audience that way you corrupt them early before they watch the real messed up stuff personally i didn't read too much fear street as a kid but i definitely read a shitload of goosebumps my personal favorite will always be one day at horrorland give me a big budget live-action version of that please the previous goosebumps movies adaptations were alright but definitely lean way more into the kids side of things that's why i was a bit surprised when it comes to the fear street movies as they actually do get a bit zesty compared to the tamer books especially when it comes to gore this was a pleasant surprise honestly as i would actually say the kills were by far the absolute highlight of the trilogy for me overall i really did dig the movies in particular that installs a tinge flavor of the first two set in the 90s and late 70s respectively there's boatloads of killer songs and homages to a ton of classic horror movies from these eras and that's why for me i personally enjoyed 78 the most that era will always be my jam when it comes to explaining the trilogy the purpose of this video is to cover literally everything that is unveiled it does get a bit complex as things develop particularly in part 3 where we learn the truth behind the curse and hopefully after this video everything will come into focus in every regard so let's check out the fear street trilogy breaking down the story including the truth behind the curse and shady side just how the killers work and explaining the ending that leaves things wide open for further entries finally we'll see how it all connects to some very important aspects from the original books that could give us a glimpse of where the series is going forward our journey begins in 1994 at the paramount of 90s existence the local mall heather is closing down for the night at b dalton's rest in peace it's a bit creepy there when empty getting startled by the janitor martin and another employee ryan oddly clutching a blow-up doll walking away a voice whispers his name assuming that it was heather but she says it wasn't her waiting for him to give her a ride a masked assailant appears and stalks her through the store he does get her with a knife but she's saved by a book but her luck is short-lived however not making it out of the courtyard sorry casey i i mean heather she removes the mask revealing it's ryan underneath to her shock unlike the ghostface killer ryan is quickly dispatched by the police the news fills us in that he was quite a busy boy that night eight dead bodies having been found here is first established the dark and violent filled history of the town of shadyside referencing many previous murder sprees at camp nightwing a milkman that killed housewives in the 50s and the humpty dumpty killer all of this is traced back to a witch sarah fear who is blamed for starting the whole cycle of death meanwhile it's sister city appropriately called sunnyvale has been crime free for decades illuminating a curse that seems to plague shadyside and its inhabitants even the citizens love lifes have difficulties team dina scribbling a message to her ex-girlfriend her younger brother josh is much more into the town's history discussing the latest murders in an aol chat room and he is certain that it's the witch back for revenge once more at school we are treated to an onslaught of needle drops i think there's three in this one scene so many song changes it's hurting my head slow down 90's overload tina can't help but be disgusted by all the couples making out while josh keeps his [ __ ] together by chanting the konami code to himself two of dina's friends kate and simon who appear attached at the hip play a prank on her which she finds in poor taste i mean people did die they don't buy into the whole sarah witch thing thinking ryan was just a sad sack like the rest of us and went nuts dino wants to still see sam and since kate refuses to help she's forced to don her band uniform to see her at the big game versus sunnyvale the drive there really hammers home the stark difference between the neighboring towns shadyside full of small older houses and boarded up businesses while sunnyvale is a much more wealthy and prosperous deena spots sam amongst the crowd making out with her new boyfriend to her disappointment she goes off to sulk and is surprised by sam showing up things getting pretty awkward between them sam moved to sunnyvale after her parents got divorced yet it was dina who dumped her her also accusing sam of being embarrassed of them being together chair of good addresses the crowd about their neighbors seeing them suffer so many tragedies and asking why yet no answers will provide relief there's no peace found in the past well that's definitely not true as we will come to see the kids from their respective towns come to blows things evolving into total chaos on the bus after kate hypes the kids up to finally stand up and take out those sunnyvales everyone chanting their town's name a car drives up repeatedly hawking seeing they're wearing a skull mask and also includes sam in the passenger seat dina gets some payback ready in the form of a big container of gatorade right before letting it loose they notice that her nose is bleeding but she dismisses it and sends the container flying out of the back door causing the car to crash sam crawls out on the dirt hearing voices whispering her nose starts bleeding and she puts her hand into the earth her mind filled with quick flashes of many witchy images dina and the others check on her and determine that she's fine and she starts puking up blood yeah definitely not fine when the police questioned them the gang all stayed united with the same line that it was all just an accident pete is pissed about his car being totaled and grabs dina threatening you're all dead the whispering continues focusing in on the dirt and there's another moment of someone screaming bathed in red the next day dina attempts to check on sam at the hospital but is roadblocked by her mom angrily telling her to never call again there's someone at the door that josh doesn't hear seeing someone in the street dawned in a full skeleton outfit assuming it's peter she tells him he's looking good and goes back in he appears to next make his way to where kate and simon are babysitting hearing a window shattering he's inside seemingly attracted to the blood from simon's shirt checking again they've vanished and his shirt has been all torn up they drop the girls off with former nurse mrs lane and meet up with dina to discuss what happened they still think it's merely peter pranking them on their own turf no less the nerf the gang determining [ __ ] him and [ __ ] sam as well deena agrees that she needs to get her psycho boyfriend in check at the hospital they get some help from nurse betty apparently who supplies kate with her drugs for dealing and are able to get to sam she accuses her about pete's talking around but she knows that it can't be him he's been here all night he enters her scoffing where's your stupid mask the two get into it again concluding she never wants to see her again out of nowhere pete is stabbed from behind dina retaliates with an iv stand and the duo flee they hide behind the desk seeing the nurse has been killed skull mask emerges and betty confronts him which doesn't go well trying to skirt past him the killer gets a hold of sam dina gets her loose and they unmask him revealing it's still ryan a bloody hole there in his head to her befuddlement they hijack an ambulance and screech away to the police station naturally they don't believe them but dina is certain of what she saw a frantic call from the hospital whisks him away leaving them with kapinski no one likes this guy outside simon has taken a piss hearing a girl eerily singing down the street the rest make a desperate escape attempt stealing the officer's gun knowing that they are on their own now simon strolls down the main street the girl facing away by a lamppost she reveals her mess of face and slashes his achilles tendon the others discover him fending her off dina blasts her to no effect knowing bullets aren't gonna stop these ghouls they're already dead you can't kill him again josh recognizes who she is after simon noticed that her wrists were slashed and the song that she was singing ruby sang the same one while she murdered all of her friends and then took her own life and ruby is just one of the many killers in the town's history just like the skull mask has now become this cycle happens over and over seemingly normal people snap and turn into straight psychos apparently the first one ever recorded was pastor cyrus miller back in 1666 he cut out many children's eyes this too ties to sarah according to the story she was hanged for witchcraft and ever since has been possessing people to take her revenge on the town just like the local rhyme goes she reaches from beyond the grave to make good men her wicked slaves thusly all the many massacres are tied to her concluding the witch's curse is real sam steps in saying that she saw sarah herself back in the woods so they returned there and at the same spot discovering chains buried yanking out a skull at the end on the lock fear is scratched in knowing this must be her grave they realize now why sarah is pissed they disturbed her bones and decide to put the bones back in place so she can be at rest sam's nose starts bleeding as she grabs a bone hearing a woman screaming it's you taken over with more images they aren't sure if it worked josh on lookout staring intently into the darkness a guy in a hood wielding an axe rushes at them slashing wildly and everyone piles back into the ambulance to make a hasty getaway so well that didn't work there must be more to the curse than just your bones josh recognized this attacker as the nightwing killer everyone trying to figure out why it was it didn't work sam realizes that it's not coming for them but only her as she's the one that disturbed the grave it's her that she wants josh agrees with this as nightwing did run right by him and went straight to her remembering back to how skull mass acted before he was specifically drawn to the blood not the kids as they suspected they form a plan to use sam as bait to lure the killers to them and get set up at their school things get a little sensual with the girls and poor josh is thrown in the deep end with kate muttering the konami code again to calm his nerves sam moans this is all her fault admitting she did go to sunnyvale to get away from her as she was scared of us but tonight is the first time that she's felt like herself in months and they start passionately making out not sure if this is the ideal time for that right now but oh well even josh gets a smooch too way to go dude okay they set the trap cutting sam's hand into a bucket and spread it out into a trail to bring them to the bathroom that they fill with explosive chemicals soon after all the killers do show up surrounding them from all directions they do walk right past them and into the bathroom without incident going right for sam while sam gets out via an air vent they seal up the door with rope and pour out more chemicals igniting the trail everyone is instantly engulfed in flames followed by a massive explosion they put out the fire searching for remains and it appears that the plan worked there's blobs of black flesh all over the floor that begin to reassemble themselves a hand forms and reaches out so yeah that didn't work either they can't be killed in any traditional sense which this makes clear running out of options kate suggests well everyone else dies so thusly sam must have to die to stop things and she actually agrees dina doesn't however the others holding her back as they throw her to the wolves another article about the past triggers something for josh there might be another way as there was one survivor from the massacre at nightwing c berman believing that she is the key as she went through an experience just like sam seeing the witch and everything unfortunately she doesn't answer the phone forcing them to quickly explain the situation to her answering machine oh answering machines i remember those nobody even leaves voicemails anymore the door about to give a hand reaches through and josh gets him with a compass sam checks the story again realizing c berman technically did die but was brought back to life thanks to cpr so she survived by dying they determine and they adapt their plan to kill sam and bring her back to life just like the girl the kids hoof it to the grocery store for the setting of their next hair brain scheme simon knows from experience with his brother who od'd they will do the same thing for sam she will have to ingest all of them for it to work as intended as far as bringing her back they have a bunch of epipens that are essentially adrenaline and should shock her heart back to life they all mark themselves up with her blood and split up simon offering a nice pep talk to josh he thinks that kate is just being nice to him he corrects that she isn't nice she must actually see something in him and he should see it in himself too now man up and check that exit boy sam is worried that she might just die but dina is not gonna let that happen she vows after all this they're gonna go on a date including some hamburgers and listening to some pixies sounds like a good time but first you gotta die downing the first pile of pills ruby is the first killer to arrive josh hearing heavy footsteps behind him about to take the next round of pills sam wretches foiling their whole plan skull mask appears behind them but luckily kate lends an assist with a makeshift flamethrower and they carry a weakened sam away but you still gotta die somehow and the girls decide to drown her in the lobster tank ruby makes it to simon pulling a razor on him but he's ready defending himself nightwing attacks josh getting his axe stuck in the shelves kate wraps skull mask in the face with a muffin tin and gets stabbed deep in the gut but she keeps furiously fighting back until he flings her down on a deli slicer that whirrs to life pushing her right into it getting her head sliced into deli thin cuts again easily the best and most gory kill in the entire trilogy and also kind of sad you're like oh i kind of liked kate poor simon is quickly taken out too nightwing chopping right into the top of his head well that was certainly abrupt she's still busy drowning sam all of the killers making their way out just then sam's mind is filled with visions and she goes limp the electricity buzzes and all the henchmen vanish just in nick of time josh retrieves the epipens and they jabber with several looking at first like it's not working so they just keep jamming more and more in josh moaning everyone is dead deena desperately tries cpr and huzzah it works sam chokes up water back to the land of the living everyone's size and relief it's all over but of course it's not there's still two more movies that go you fools when interviewed by good just as before they all fib in unison but as far as can be logically pieced together simon and kate will take the blame for the murders when asking if she's okay with that dina spits back no but they're dead anyway poor martin has been locked up this whole time and gets some help from josh on the way out tossing him a paper clip mrs frazier is waiting to get sam dismayed when seeing them holding hands hopeful to see you tomorrow sam considers her response eyes darting no see you tonight she says and gives her a smooch eat [ __ ] ma even josh is growing out of his shell a bit he ordered himself pizza look who's a big boy now way to go she then gets a call at first hearing dead air then a woman's voice surprised that she's still alive it's c berman and she's like thanks for the great timing lady it's all over now she urges it's never over they might have stopped the killers but they didn't stop her we go underground to a ritualistic chamber of some kind and work down some rocks with names etched into it including several known previous killers like ruby and ryan another one is then scratched in sam's name uh-oh now she's gonna turn all killery too she's there in the room a fly buzzing around her dina looks down seeing she's been stabbed and plummets to the ground josh is preoccupied with this chat hearing bangs from above the girls beating the absolute hell out of each other sam roars and lifts a knife and josh's bubble is finally burst deena puts a hand on his shoulder turning back in surprise to his injured sister there's blood everywhere upstairs seeing a convulsing growling sam tied up with a phone line dina growls we have to get her back they are now an even more dire need of help and there's only one place to go see berman's she appears to live a quite structured life with alarm clocks all over the dang place and probably doesn't go out much seeing her calendar is marked for each day since nightwing today number 5900 she whips together a lovely dinner of stouffer's and jim beam gourmet the kids show up and search the perimeter and whoops she forgot to lock one window letting them easily sneak inside they explain who they are berman gasping then why the hell did you come here they show her why opening the trunk to a deranged sam still flipping out she initially orders them to leave but dina begs that she loves her and she can't help but cave after locking sam up in the bathroom for safe keeping vermin spins the tale of just what happened back in 1978 at camp nightwing july 12 the first day of camp her voice breaks one week later my sister was dead things never seemed to change in the long-standing rivalry between the towns young ziggy being chased down by some sunnyvalers declaring her to be a witch they tire up to a tree and not just any tree the very tree that cyril was supposedly hanged from they start to singe her arm and luckily are caught by nick and another dude telling his brother to let her down or he'll tell mom nick of course being a young sheriff good along with his brother prior to becoming mayor of sunnyvale nick follows after asking for a thank you and quickly getting how abrasive and rough ziggy is she sarcastically thanks the king of sunnyvale for rescuing hopeless little me and gives him the bird and stomps off well she certainly doesn't think any [ __ ] her sister cindy seems like the complete opposite a tightly wound goody two-shoes she and her bow tommy are cleaning up some odd red moss in the outhouse and she inevitably gets some honor and loses it him chuffing only she would get upset getting dirty cleaning an outhouse she suddenly realizes two counselors are missing their duties coming to them in the middle of banging alice being quite casual about it she tasks them to get to cleaning but they aren't willing to do any more [ __ ] jobs offering that if she gets them some good drugs from the nurse they'll do anything that she wants a couple of class acts over here she puts her foot down but they are unfazed calling her a snitch and click back on the tunes ziggy goes to the nursing station finding an open book out on her desk with an illustration of the witch's mark the big symbol thing we saw on the ground nurse lane who we briefly saw in the 90s kate took the girls to her house she appears upset but brushes it off and helps her with her burn she asks about the book and she gets serious asking if she knows about her daughter ruby lane of course everyone does ziggy relays just as we've seen so far it sounds like she was a perfectly happy talented girl until she randomly snapped one day and killed eight people including herself she knows rumors from the kids that it was sarah behind it asking what she believes she then gets a little aggressive with her bandaging saying sometimes murder is necessary and good totally looking checked out for a moment there cindy shows up and there's serious friction between them chatting ziggy for getting in trouble again and her calling her ma'am she tries to lay out the seriousness of the situation if she gets kicked out they both do and then who's gonna pay for her college ziggy laughs no one gets out of this town not even little miss perfect cindy keeps complaining scrubbing like mad to the point of breaking the sponge jeez someone slinks by behind her assuming it's tommy out of the empty dining room he appears there and nurse lane enters as well grumbling she can't save him and apologizes now getting why she was off earlier she tells him that she saw tommy's name on the rock wall earlier one way or another he's gonna die tonight she goes at him with a knife cindy just standing there helpless and looking shell-shocked lane bonks her head on a table and the fight is over quickly without too much damage the cops are already considering if she went nuts like her kid did in a mustache cop talks with nick telling him he's sorry his dad passed so soon but knows that he's at peace knowing his boy is following in his footsteps just asking him to go easy on him when he's in charge cindy watches the ambulance pull away lane's words about tommy echoing in her ears kurt won't let this weirdness distract them from more pressing matters it's time for color wars naturally sunny versus shady as always and of course sunnyvale has never lost one before sydney wants to talk to her sister about lane and she truly does believe that shady's side is cursed it always happens to us something holding us down sydney refuses to buy into the fairy tale and then she crests their real issues at hand dad left and thanks to mom's drinking they're gonna lose the house ziggy cuts her down once more saving up all summer for polo won't fix that positive that they're all cursed sending cindy to tears crying she's not her sister anymore but a monster seeing this is also written all over her cabin's walls that's what they say she shrugs used to it at this point it's looking that lane was actually spot on about tommy in the middle of laying out strategy he dazes away hearing someone whispering his name sydney asks if he's okay but he says he's fine good because she needs his help getting a key to the infirmary and they bust in to search the place for some insight into the nurse's odd behavior perhaps drugs or something of the ilk they do find some evidence of this a mystery container of pills in her drawer they're then drawn to the book reading that sarah cut off her hand on satan's stone for eternal life which scarred the area with the mark spreading darkness across the land alice and already show up also looking for drugs and they grabbed the book away from them alice reading mockingly from it one hand lost forever without the grip on the lands hold firm the curse will last until body and hand unite oh there you go you need the hand too they also discover a map of the camp with markings all over it including the word 1666 union which is what shadyside was called before the town was divided the camp was built on the same land as that original settlement down in a corner is written sarah fear along with a bunch of different exes curious what it means alice and already decide to find out for themselves they come to the spots from the map al is falling right into a hole realizing lane must have been digging for sarah's missing hand to stop the curse sydney still not believing it's real while rocking a piss arnie stumbles upon what he thinks must be the witch's house another hole right out front sydney is ready to leave but not alice climbing right down into the hole when surveying things down there someone must have been here recently a bunch of overtly witchy looking stuff all over the place sydney does ultimately follow after leaving tommy behind and coming to the witch's mark area a fire they're burning they recall that this is where she lost her hand for eternal life as it finally dawns on arnie what the pills are tylenol meaning lane wasn't actually on drugs of any real substance also meaning that she was probably right about tommy too right on cue arnie wants to leave and encounters tommy face obscured in shadow he claps right in his face getting no reaction whatsoever and sydney hears the voice again whispering her name she removes some old tomes from the shelves exposing another area behind it again hearing the voice alice pulls her away having found the names on the rocks cyrus billy barker ruby all the shadyside killers except one the newest name tommy sydney thinks that it's a joke but alice argues how the heck could have even done that so quickly tommy grabs an axe now fully possessed and jams it right into artie's face then turns to the others both screaming their heads up they retreat back through the bookcase and knock it over crawling into more caves rocks fall down behind them caving them in but at least keeping tommy away but now where to go ziggy and nick team up to prank sheila leading her to a meet-up in the outhouse haha yes nothing more romantic than a rendezvous in the [ __ ] she finds another note there look up signed xoxo the witch unleashing a bucket full of bugs down upon her and a trapper inside sydney is still trying to figure out how to get out of here after all all those other killers didn't stop with one murder then i was glum after her boyfriend was chopped to death and everything sydney continues to refuse to accept any supernatural involvement throwing the book down it sounds like they used to be friends but had a falling out after the snitching incident she even manages to push usually repressed sydney into action shoving her back alice is pleased that's the cindy i know she smirks she leaves to find another way alice shouting don't come back that doesn't last long as sydney winds up going in a circle looking back at the book they figure out that the symbol itself is a kind of map of the caves up above tommy has gone full-fledged nightwing killer one poor kid jeremy tries to handle some captured players and tries to be a big boy although he's made a fool of by the sunny dicks well maybe not cut out to be the jailer there jeremy tommy gets his next kill brutally slaying the boy it's always a surprise when movies go there so kudos for that ziggy and nick are starting to show some sparks with him opening up about the pressure that he feels having a kind of pre-ordained life his dad was the king of sunnyvale and now it's up to him to fill his big shoes the future of the family depends on him he appears to be struggling at least somewhat with his destiny feeling that's not what he wants he likes stephen king he likes the weird girl from shadyside they are stopped by screams coming to the remnants of jeremy including a shattered specs put the hormones on hold kids there's a killer on the loose the counselors try to wrangle up all the kids in the mess hall knowing they're missing at least 30 still they divide up to scour the cabins while the other girls confront ziggy about sheila's whereabouts she remembers leaving her in the turlet and goes to let her free alice and cindy continue to navigate their way through the caves coming to an area covered in a similar black goo that makes up those henchmen they come to a heaving beating mass a giant dark heart with flies buzzing all around it alice hears her name and touches it flashing back through the many shadyside killers this causes her to see them all around her and she randomly slips breaking her leg quite painfully as for where the killer strikes next it's at a surprising hookup douchey sunnyvale or kurt and weirdo hippie shady chick joan once finishing up he's already hard-lined like don't tell anyone about this get over it dude john gets dressed and is blessed to find a dub in her pocket someone is sneaking by the window outside while he's preoccupied taking a shower tommy takes her out so much for inner town relations could have really had something going there in connection across the classes it alas it was not meant to be cindy finds an injured alice breathlessly explaining that she saw all the killers and she's next sydney can't help but finally accept what's been in her face the whole time the cave was alive dude tylenol can't do that [ __ ] she also knows now what she fought so hard to reject that she wasn't different than any of the others even though she thought she could beat it but couldn't escape ziggy always there reminding her about the truth of the town they are cursed now she finally knows that she was right all along fortunately they come across the moss from the outhouse knowing that they're close to getting out of this labyrinth tommy makes this next strike upon a group of clueless campers the other side's jail plunged into darkness they keep lighting a match and after another one is lit tommy is there behind him now we don't see what happens but the sounds make it quite apparent he's cleaning them to bits the sisters have a kind of goodies moment as they come across the red moss they can actually see them through the toilet above nick arrives at the aftermath of the massacre blowing chunks immediately at the grizzly site and kurt is surprisingly alive having found joan dead they devised to get everyone back to the mess hall and after 15 minutes load everyone on the bus to get them the hell out of here they do attempt to send alice up in a bucket to the surface but tommy ruins everything decapitating gary the rope goes slack sending alice down along with his headless body ziggy runs for a life and happens to bump into nick and again perfect timing for some more flirting right yes of course it is the children are dead let's go let's go make out in the craft room she asks again about the curse does he believe in it he says he does insisting that he's different than all the others before he can elaborate tommy descends upon them he grabs ziggy's hair dragging her across the tables nick pushes her out of the way getting a slash on the thigh shouting for her to run she makes it to the front gate just in time to see the bus pulling away hey at least kurt was good on his word thanks kurt that's so good for ziggy though as tommy emerges from the shadows nearby in the cave cindy is getting hopeless and this time it's alice that inspires her to keep going the witch made the tunnels right there must be another passage as she emerged by the meeting house which is now the mess hall it could be another way out alice wants to stay behind thinking that she'll just slow her down and her nose begins to bleed remembering from the book this means that the witch is near filling us in on why it happened in 94 to the girls they do as hoped find a metal great leading right into the mess hall and just then ziggy enters with tommy hot on her tail she cranks the radio up high to cover the sounds and tommy enters sydney is able to kick the screws loose while ziggy hides in the dark she sneaks up about to get the jump on him but the music cuts out exposing her she stabs him in the chest choking her back in return she stuffs a potato sack over his head holding it tightly to strangle him or really gives him a sweet new accessory now resembling sackhead jason from friday 13th part two about to chop her good cindy gets him in the back she takes a moment of longing remembrance before getting him a few more times and she didn't freeze up like last time way to go sydney also in all the mayhem the sisters are able to bury the hatchet vowing to never let anything pull them apart again so that's nice they're surprised to see alice climbing her way out of the hole and she informs them that she found satan's stone meaning she also found sarah's long missing hand thanks to this they can unite her hand and body to stop the curse if the legend holds up that is and her body is still buried by the hanging tree not we know that because in 94 ziggy grabs her hand and her nose starts bleeding flooded with the same witchy images i saw it she stammers knowing they gotta bury this thing lickety-split the heart begins to beat more rapidly and black goo emanates out of it creating a more human form from it the names on the wall start to bleed including tommy seeing his fingers start to twitch the evil is calling forth its henchmen once more now understanding that they emanate directly from this heart and source of evil power now that tommy is dead just like ryan he is resurrected as one of satan's own now it's alice's turn to spill her guts opening about her family life and her mom's stealing so that she could eat tonight she feels full of purpose for once in her life asking to see this through they all nod in agreement for shady's side as usual when someone really starts burying their emotions tommy emerges and slices her sydney goes at him with a shovel to the neck growling why won't you die until decapitating him they then hear the telltale tune of ruby on the scene she climbs out still covered in goo wisely deciding to make a break for it the sisters arrive at the burial spot and start digging frantically but there's already problems the butcher kid and other ghosts on their way to hunt them down they hit something in the earth a rock with an unfortunate twist written on it the witch forever lives the body isn't here as they were hoping man nobody's plans work out in these movies with no idea of what to do now the henchmen have them completely surrounded sydney pleads to let her sister live and knowing since she bled on the bone they're after her she pushes her away she bobs tommy with the shovel and he knocks her to the ground ziggy runs right into another killer and gets stabbed the sisters are forced to lie next to each other as they are respectively stabbed and slashed mercilessly she gurgles nothing will keep us apart never again ziggy responds they both succumb to their wounds the sister's arms motionless just inches apart i guess there's supposed to be a twist or something but now we know that older c berman is christine so you know c berman i guess she dyed her hair at some point anyway thanks to nick giving ziggy slash christine cpr he was able to bring her back to life as well as ultimately her surviving the massacre in a kind of fluke ziggy asked for her sister and nick is silent seeing her covered up on another gurney she cries she sacrificed herself for nothing she went on to tell the truth about what happened but no one ever believed her just like the kids in the 90s the truth was always not the same as the cover story as for nick ziggy thought he was different but he too towed the town's party line as we know he has his own grander destiny to fulfill and as expected from the grocery store the whole thing is pinned on a suddenly unhinged tommy case clothes another regular guy that went cuckoo and killed a bunch of people she laments that for one night they thought that they could end it but now knows there is no end hold on though because our kids in 94 found the body and now they got the hand weirdly the hanging tree is now a centerpiece at the shadyside mall josh and dina dig at the dirt encountering the same red moss from 78 and do unearth the hands still there dina's nose starts to bleed meaning the evil is nearby she's undeterred placing the hand with the other bones images of her friends flipping by as she does so i got you which she triumphantly declares it's over once attaching the bones she sees more blood red images and sarah standing over a water trough dina becomes sarah blasted back to you knowwhere 1666. it's like a quantum leap situation specifically where you're seeing through someone else's eyes you know she sees sarah's reflection and her own and stuff like that once again their plan to stop things has hit a massive wrinkle it appears that sarah has more things to show them as we uncover the truth about the curse sarah's brother who looks quite familiar calls her over to help with their pregnant pig thanks to some quick work with a knife she's able to save the babies and the mother too her father brings up the plight of solomon good and ancestral to nick obviously he's lost his wife and his son wanting her to marry him but sarah isn't interested and it sounds like there's some kind of big celebration tonight all the kids doing a back and forth kind of code phrase thing and even hannah is going which is quite surprising giving that she's the pastor's daughter and it looks like just as with sam and dina in 94 these two have a kind of love connection brewing here an extremely greasy thomas stumbles out of the outhouse getting all up in her business declaring that he knows about all the dark secrets here in union her scoffing well you must be busy then she gives a piglet to solomon and he seems genuine in his thanks although he hasn't been having much luck here his brother wants him to move back to the settlement feeling the goods simply aren't farmers but he's still hopeful for a good crop after all it is fertile ground and it appears that there is already a witchy lady inhabiting the area as they are going to steal some psychedelic berries from her she's said to be a thousand years old and drinks blood to keep her youth she sacrificed her husband to become satan's bride the other girl heard that she was even close with the natives and fell in love with one and that's why she was exiled and also learned their medicine probably comes in handy they arrive at her elaborate tent scanning for those sweet sweet berries sarah stumbles across her spell book open to a page for a simple exchange a devil looking guy there along with another dude she begins to read each a name of a prince of hell mary stops her croaking don't she warns her to beware the devil if you're not careful he'll get under your skin and consume you from the inside out she groans for them to leave everyone hoofing it out of there at least they did get the berries just in time for the big forest jamboree woohoo gonna be a big night in the forest drinking apple jack and eating magic berries everyone chomps down on the berries things getting quickly out of whack everyone dancing all jittery and weird sarah looks to be swooning over hannah she bumps into some goob caleb and he gets aggressive with her sarah steps in and pushes him away making the guy look like a real dumbass in front of everyone the two go off alone and things immediately get steamy but they stop themselves feeling us wrong but hannah doesn't feel that way she says well i'll stop if you want me to and she clearly doesn't their moment is ruined hearing a twig snapping knowing that someone must have seen them to their horror if word gets out they'll hang us hannah fears but sarah isn't bothered saying that she wasn't alive before now at least mad thomas saw him watching over them chuckling sinners sinners to himself things quickly turned sour as hannah shows up with some troublesome news there's something wrong with her father he's found whispering to himself staring out the window some of those flies buzzing around him as you remember the pastor was the first recorded victim of the witch so someone else is behind it not sarah as we were allowed to believe this entire time hannah is worried that it's their fault for sinning but sarah disagrees assuring her everything's gonna be all right hannah's mom storms in blaming her for ruining her life thomas saw them and is spreading the word around town about their wickedness she tosses her outside literally everyone in the square giving her the stink eye move along there people geez pretty slow around here i suppose you got nothing better to do stare at me sarah's father has heard word of her late night mischief as well and gets emotional over what he believes are his failures it was her mother that wanted them to settle here if she was still alive he feels that she could have led her down a different path rooted out her so-called strangeness but now he feels it's too late whatever has gotten into the pasture spreads further into the land and food all the bread has grown moldy and the fruit is rotten too more alarmingly the mommy pig has consumed all of her babies that's not good the town's well has also been polluted pulling out sarah's dead dog from the bottom a lady shuddering the water is poisoned solomon appears to still be supportive at least gifting her with a knife and thanks she reveals that she saw a figure that night in the trees and since then all this weird stuff has been happening now really feeling maybe her dad was right something is wrong with her he sweeps away what happened with hannah as just a dalliance meaningless but for her that is not the case which is why she is so afraid regardless of everything the only way for the evil to come in is through a choice which she hasn't done there's a blood curling scream outside the whole town in an uproar the pastor has locked up a bunch of kids in a building we do remember what he did he gouged all their eyeballs out cyrus also gouged his own eyes out saying he can see everything now the town's folk can't be held back anymore everyone entering to the unsettling site solomon takes out miller with his pitchfork everyone more convinced than ever that there's witchcraft afoot the town is hungry for vengeance and are determined to find out who is behind this searching the kids for witches marks all clean of course then the tides are turned by a butthurt caleb who lies after being rejected saying that he was witched by hannah and even watched her make love to the devil in the moonlight both of them sarah and hannah and everyone buys it immediately chanting which which which which they quickly capture hannah and sarah is able to stay hidden she makes her way back to her finding her bound and distraught they're going to hang them both in the morning if she doesn't leave sarah refuses to do so and has an idea they think they're guilty no matter what so she might as well make the deal for real they want a witch let's give him one she makes it back to mary's hut and no such luck on that plan finding her dead her throat slit again man everyone's plans go awry in these things with that she turns to her last ally solomon for help she knows someone must have struck a deal with the devil offering union in exchange for power perhaps he says he believes her and she's forced to hide out when caleb shows up with some other guys sarah finds her way through to another room discovering the witch's mark is there she puts her fingers in the design pulling out black stuff seeing the book there on that same simple exchange page yep it was solomon all along he does an incantation literally bringing the mark and the beating black heart to light so it's clear that the good family ain't so good after all and the entire family line has been in control of the curse ever since its beginning he defends his actions to her though getting power and legacy in exchange for one simple soul cyrus millers and it appears on the rock she reminds him well he did kill all those kids too but well he can't be bothered he tries to appeal to her that they are one and the same they are different and they want bigger things from the world than others she vehemently disagrees scowling i'm nothing like you and gets in with the knife that he gave her in the gut yeah thanks for the present pal she ends up at the spot that leads to the outhouses in the 70s and as her hand was found there all that time later we see what goes down in the flesh here solomon attacks her and she holds up her hand stabbing right into it and finally brutally severs it completely major yawch she manages to get outside and finds hannah smiling for a moment doesn't last long as solomon grabs her proclaiming that he found the witch it's time for the big hanging and sarah selflessly takes all the blame for everything and just like that hannah is set free sarah damns solomon in her final moments she will be his curse following him for eternity whatever it takes to make the truth come out after she's gone the girls think that she deserves a more proper burial and move her somewhere else so no one can know where she is carving in fear into the log they also leave the rock behind with the note about the witch living forever red moss grows from her grave taking over after some time sarah continues threatening him beyond the grave everything you take everyone you harm will feel the grip of my hand and i will show them what you've done now we really get that sarah was completely innocent and was framed by solomon as a witch to cover his own ass additionally she's actually been trying to help dina and the others to uncover the truth about the curse which has finally happened thanks to this dina is shot back to 94 knowing they've got to take out nick to finally stop the curse once and for all he happens to show up and they take his car explaining to josh what's really going on here the evil takes over the listed person and they become murderers conversely the good family gets what they want like being sheriff and the mayor one takes the mantle from each generation essentially passing down the evil to each the killer's actual function is to protect from anyone discovering the deal and they are the only ones that found out the truth since sarah hundreds of years ago and they are the only ones that found out the truth since sarah hundreds of years ago that's not good for them however as now they know the killers are going to work overtime to get them the heart starts to really pulse now another form being created they fill in ziggy on the details about nick's true self her gash she just called him thinking he could help whoops and the siblings and liz martin's help quite easy to do so asking if he wants to help kill the sheriff and he's like yup i'm in since he's familiar with the security at the mall the plan is to lure all the killers in with her blood and lock them up in each of the stores once good gets there they'll douse him in her blood so the killers will go after ham we get another big speech from deena this time about how shadyside has been for so long for sarah and for us but that's [ __ ] just because we're different and weird you can't treat us like we're nothing it all ends tonight they all lie in wait and other officers get there first kapinsky is immediately annoyed seeing martin ordering them to drop their weapons and do much good he gets an ice pick in the back and tries to shoot them to no effect they are able to trap each killer without a hitch they count that they have four so far noticing things suddenly getting quiet the killer is all standing at their gates it's him ziggy knows they say you don't have to do this her heaving in response yes i do she waves for him by the hanging tree him confused by what she's doing here tag you're it she tells him dumping the bucket of blood on him and opens a door unleashing the ghouls he grabs her demanding to get them away if i die she dies skull mask gets him buzzing he got some blood on her the killer is now after her too the sheriff leaves the scene the others shooting the killers with the blood which causes them to turn on each other way to go dumbos and sam gets free in all the mayhem there's more problems though as ruby makes her appearance along with even more killers unfortunately their super soakers are tapped so they'll have to use whatever they can to fend them off nick attempts to get dina to doubt herself this has been around 300 years what makes you think you can stop it sam shows up out of nowhere and attacks her and dina is able to get through to her she comes too good with a knife him roaring she's going to be famous shadyside's newest piece of [ __ ] laying out how he's going to frame her and he's going to get a medal she gets his hand on the heart hearing sarah's echoing voice and cycling through all the killers that he and his family created just as we saw with alice after touching the heart everywhere nick turns there's another victim waiting for him finally coming to sarah who snarls i will never let you go deena stabs him in the eye and the killers all instantly vanish and the heart dematerializes sam is a bit beaten up but back to her normal self now giving one last look to nick's body on the rock the killer's names are all undone and the mark fades away into the earth the girls make it out ending up in the good swanky abode seeing a family tree there extending forever all emanating from solomon the real source of the problem but again they kept the thing going they step outside and someone pulls out from their driveway instantly plowed into by a garbage truck this is our first time seeing something bad befalling a sunny valiant this lets us know with certainty that the curse is broken as they never had anything bad happen here on the news they discussed things are not all good in sunnyvale for a change nick was found to be a serial killer yet supposedly the family had no idea sure i'm sure they had no idea whatsoever that's really believable regardless everything seems going well for our survivors and where the heck are these kids parents anyway ziggy visits her old pal nurse lane returning her journal after all these years and giving her a warm hug so at least both do get some kind of closure but of course nothing will bring back their loved ones dina drops josh off at school where martin is hustling selling stuff out of his truck including a cd player the kids wonder who the heck would want one of those things another girl chimes in saying you need ssd she signs josh's cast with her username and it's her the girl he's been chatting with online what are the odds bro nice nice dina and sam get their perfect date as promised chowing down on cheeseburgers and listening to the pixies near the red moss they carve in sarah's name calling her the first official shady cider and thanking her due to her sam is still here everything is back to normal at the bustling mall then we descend down into the caves beneath there's police tape and everything marked as evidence including the book that is still there seems weird they would just lie all that stuff around without being guarded at all but okay this allows someone to snatch it up leaving us with a whopper of a cliffhanger i can assure you i went through this frame by frame to see if there was any way i could figure out who it was checked if anyone was wearing nail polish or any kind of clue of any kind nothing bobcats it really seems more the idea is to leave things a bit open-ended as a series director said as much the intent going forward is to open the world up in an almost marvel cinematic universe kind of way but for slashers if i was to take a guess which made the most sense story wise to me will is an obvious suspect i mean he's the mayor in everything i'm sure he could pull some strings to get the book back then it'll be as easy as doing the incantation again restarting the whole cycle all over again which brings us full circle back to the books and which sections of the originals that were adapted into the series right so there's over 50 books in the fear street series and most are standalone with a couple sequels sprinkle in there but then there's the fear street saga spin-off that specifically dives into shadyside and how it came to be along with its own curse it too began in the 1600s featuring the goods fears and false accusations of witchcraft it was the fears that falsely accused the goods and some of the family were burned at the stake in turn they were cursed by the good family as payback for what they did this initial incident sets up a long-running rivalry between the two families over many years even the name of the street comes from the fears when they first moved to shadyside and brought the curse with them they changed their name to distance himself from their past changing it to f-e-a-r where we get the name of the street from since there aren't any fears left in the movies maybe dina josh and their future families become the longtime enemies of the goods really they can do all kinds of different stuff it doesn't always have to be about the curse either anyway just interesting to see where some inspiration for the movies came from in the books i think they need to do fear street like 2100 where they're all [ __ ] robots oh man i can't talk anymore with that we have reached the conclusion of this lengthy in-depth look at the fear street trilogy it was a fun nostalgic blast that was definitely a big success and i am genuinely looking forward to seeing further entries in the series don't forget before we go you can send me requests for any movies or tv shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundflix what did you guys think of the fear street trilogy and it's ending which entry was your favorite what would you like to see in any sequels let me know your thoughts down in the comments below make sure to like subscribe and follow thanks for watching found flicks see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 780,882
Rating: 4.9448023 out of 5
Keywords: fear street, fear street ending explained, ending explained, ending, explained, explanation, twist, curse, shadyside, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, spoiler, spoilers, rl stine, witch, meaning, goosebumps, kill scene, foundflix ending explained, foundflix, trilogy, netflix new, netflix horror, books, connection
Id: zJxswjzQgDE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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