Swallowfield Chapel Sunday Service - September 26, 2021

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[Music] weapon may be fun but it won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't breathe [Music] cause a goddess knows only how to triumph [Music] my god will never fail oh my god will never fail i'm gonna see your victory i'm gonna see your victory for the battle belongs to you [Music] belongs to [Music] power is the mighty name of jesus every war he wages he will win [Music] i'm not backing down from any giant cause i know how this story is [Music] belongs to you lord i'm [Music] [Music] a victory [Music] see your victory [Music] you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it forward [Music] you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] a victory [Music] to you [Music] welcome to swallow field chapel we're so happy you could join us my name is nadine jardine our speaker today is pastor david and the title of this week's message is amazing love today's communion sunday so get your wine or grape juice bread or biscuits ready and join in please share the link with your family and friends and subscribe to our youtube channel god bless you as we worship together good morning swallow food family here and abroad would you join us for worship remember your bread and wine for communion [Music] [Music] away my sin nothing but the blood of jesus what can make thee whole again nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious [Music] nothing but the blood of cheese [Music] [Music] [Music] for my cleansing is my [Music] nothing but the blood uh [Music] nothing but [Music] won't prosper when the darkness falls it won't breathe [Music] knows only how to triumph [Music] my god will never fail oh my god will never fail i'm gonna see your victory i'm gonna see your victory for the battle belongs [Music] [Applause] belongs to [Music] jesus [Music] there's power in the mighty name of jesus every war he wages he will win [Music] [Music] yes i know how this story [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] belongs to you lord i'm gonna [Music] [Music] victory i'm gonna see your victory [Music] you take what the enemy meant for evil [Music] you take what the enemy meant for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for good [Music] you take what the enemy met for evil and you turn it for good you turn it for god [Music] belongs to you lord [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] i'm [Music] to you [Music] responding to covert medical and spiritual perspectives a panel discussion with professor brandon bain community health and infectious diseases specialist dr charles royce consultant surgeon and dr marlon winatt pastor and theologian your invitation is for today at 6 pm via zoom click the link in the description below to join please send questions in advance to info at swallowfieldchapel.org or type it in the live chat during the discussion [Music] today's scripture reading is taken from philippians 2 verse 1 to 11. therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with christ if any comfort from his love if any common sharing in the spirit if any tenderness and compassion then make my joy complete by being like-minded having the same love being one in spirit and of one mind do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others in your relationships with one another have the same mindset as christ jesus who being in very nature god did not consider equality with god something to be used to his own advantage rather he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness and being found in a parents as a man he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death even death on a cross therefore god exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue acknowledge that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father this is the word of the lord our god is worthy of all our praise he alone is god lift your voice at home and just declare that he alone is that's just the way it not a is created by human hands you are not a god dependent on any mortal man you are not a god in anything we can give by your plan that's just the way it is [Music] [Applause] alone [Music] [Music] that's just [Applause] [Applause] unshakable that's who you are [Music] you are on your throne and right now in the good times [Music] greetings uh brothers and sisters swallow family and all who are viewing our service today you know it's such a privilege to be able to share from god's word with us on an occasion such as this we are again in physical lockdown in jamaica but the gospel of jesus christ is unchained you know i'm particularly thankful for our meet up team who ministered so powerfully to us last week and i thank tim skye for that message which i believe was timely and so relevant to us as we come to share today from god's word may ask us to just spend a few moments in prayer as we ask god to speak to us from his word heavenly father thank you for your amazing love and we pray that by your spirit you would speak into each of our hearts your words and may we understand your words and apply them to our lives we pray holy father in jesus name amen i want to tell you about a man who was born privileged and from a highly respected family he was well educated his social and religious upbringing was of the highest standard he could actually stand his own so to speak in any discussion or debate whether in philosophy greek or culture and he could speak to a wide range of other subjects this man was well read he wrote and spoke several languages and it was very obvious from his youthful days that he was academically gifted as we would say he was a cut above the rest he was bright brilliant and that was matched by his zeal his self-confidence and mental toughness that established him as one of the rising stars and leaders in the religious world his name was saul saul i think jews may say unlike his father though born a jew he had the privilege of being a roman citizen and as a pharisee he could boast i was advancing in judaism beyond many of my contemporaries among my countrymen being more extremely zealous for my ancestral traditions that's acts 23 and verse 6. in his earlier life saul whose greek name was paul was violently opposed or hostile towards the christian faith christians thought that salvation came through faith in jesus christ and by faith in him alone and paul felt he knew that that must be wrong because he believed that salvation came through observing the jewish law passed on through centuries from that great law giver moses he couldn't understand how right-thinking and sensible people could be so gullible and believe in this impostor jesus as a way of salvation the new jesus movement was growing by leaps and bones and as far as paul was concerned was getting out of hand and he was therefore determined to stamp it out and he superintended the killing of one of the early youthful charismatic and powerful leaders of this jesus movement that person was stephen but etched in paul's mind from that experience was stephen's demeanor in the face of death stephen was unflinching he was serene he was peaceful and he forgave those who were killing him paul in a sense was like a wicked terrorist against christians his destination was damascus but then he had an encounter he was struck by a blinding light and heard a voice from heaven which spoke to him saying saul saul why are you persecuting me paul saw the risen christ his life was radically and totally transformed he was converted he realized that what the jesus movement taught was in fact true and that jesus christ is alive jesus christ had in fact risen from the death and he believed that faith in jesus brought eternal life and paul's life mission from his conversion was to proclaim the same gospel of faith in jesus christ to both the jews and gentiles throughout the unknown world and established churches his preaching understandably was resisted by the jewish religious hierarchy who despised him for the very reason paul had hated the followers of christ paul challenges the cherished teachings of the law and was spreading this message to gentiles non-jews as well as far as the religious hierarchy was concerned paul was therefore a traitor and he must be killed and several attempts were in fact made on his life and finally in one of those attempts paul was arrested by the roman authorities charges were laid against paul of inciting trouble they were untrue but paul knew his rights and as a roman citizen he appealed to the roman government for a fair trial and he was transported to rome and upon hearing of paul's imprisonment the philippian christians sent gifts to him and it is in this context that paul writes this letter to the philippians he's on the house arrest at the hands of the romans he had in his lifetime experienced beatings and persecution and untold suffering and now he was awaiting trial as he's on the house arrest and paul writes this letter to thank the philippians for their kind gifts and he takes the opportunity to report on his circumstances and among other things to encourage them in the face of growing adversity and persecution because of their allegiance to jesus christ despite his circumstances paul was remarkably joyful in fact the book of philippians is referred to as a book or a letter of joy and the word joy or form of that word is used over 16 times in the book paul was full of joy and peace paul's faith was uncertain from a human standpoint would they kill him or would they release him but for paul it really did not matter he said in in philippians 1 verse 21 for me to live is christ and to die is gain he looked forward to again meeting face to face with this jesus whom he met on the damascus road he said death for paul was therefore not an enemy but meant being absent from the body and present with the lord but for the sake of the believers with whom he worked however paul wished to be around a little while longer and today i believe paul's message to the philippians is particularly relevant to us as we come to celebrate communion communion is a feast instituted by our lord jesus christ to commemorate and proclaim his life death and resurrection believe paul's message is relevant because it speaks to us about how we should live at all times and very poignantly in troubled times it speaks to us about who we should rely on how we should relate to each other what we should resist and what are whose our lives should reflect as you read it you'll notice that your last thoughts are authenticity a realness from paul's message because he's not writing from an ivory tower or palace or a place of privilege his words come to us out of his experience of well that's in jamaica crosses severe struggle and persecution and we know are living in covet pandemic times for some 18 months and it looked like it would get worse and many of us have experienced financial reversals and struggles difficult to make ends meet there have been reversals in relationships as we feel discombobulated taught the truth disconnected alienated and isolated from from god and from people and even alienated from ourselves there is sorrow pain and continuing grief as we have lost loved ones loved ones have passed that kevin kelly our beloved financial controller worked with us here at sotofield i interacted with him on a daily basis died this week after we felt he was on the way to recovery from kovid that's just this week he leaves wife ingrid and sons jonathan and stephen right now our hearts are aching and trying to just deal with that and i'm just pleading with us to just be prayerfully supporting his family at this time truth be told i'm tired of planning funerals my emotional tank is feeling well spent right now and in all of this there is an incessant war about what we should do to redress the current coveted 19 pandemic people are saying who is the blame there's boxes versus anti-vaxxers there's real fear anxiety and confusion and i believe all of us may know people close who have contracted covet and died you know last last year i had coveted and recovered and i want to thank god for that and i've chosen nonetheless and i've been fully vaccinated i'm putting that over there but the reality is that this is a time of trouble and even the fact that you may be vaccinated and someone else is not causes all kinds of thoughts to flow from one side so to speak against the other belligerent thoughts and paul comes to us from trouble trouble he comes to us from house arrest and he speaks a relevant word to us he calls us first and foremost he says anam summarizes and he says rely on christ hear what he says in the opening verses of vertex it says if you have any encouragement from being united with christ if any comfort from his love if any fellowship with the spirit if any tenderness and compassion then make my joy complete paul highlights in these opening verses several benefits that flow to those who are united with christ now paul starts a statement with if which is not to suggest that he is in any doubt about whether the things of which he speaks flows from a relationship with jesus christ in fact it's quite the opposite he's using a manner of speech to get his readers to think to consider afresh what he's about to share with them paul is affirming that those who share union with jesus christ we have many benefits they are hallelujah in your house and what are these benefits what can the believer in jesus rely on from jesus christ he says encouragement is there thank you jesus that in you is encouragement comfort from christ's love even the midst of grief and difficulty and struggle fellowship with the life-giving spirit of god god lives within every believer tenderness and compassion you can't buy these things from supermarket or any other shopping center you can't earn these by human effort and ingenuity these are benefits of god's amazing love and grace and union in christ for it is by grace you have been saved through faith and this not of yourself it's a gift of god it's not of work so none of us can boast and when you turn from relying on self and living independently of god and turn and put your trust in christ in other words total reliance on jesus christ you receive his salvation and experiences amazing love and grace anybody out there know what they're talking about you see when you are reconciled to god through christ you have within you the greatest source imaginable for encouragement and comfort you enjoy fellowship with the spirit of god you have what is needed to be tender and compassionate and in these pandemic times and in all of life we need to rely on christ draw down on him and on his grace call on him pray to him seek his face and seek his glory jesus says come to me here's words in matthew 11 come to me all of you who are weary and burdened and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn from me from gentle and humbling heart and you will find rest for my for your souls for my yoke is easy says the lord and my burden is light in view of christ's gracious resources paul challenges his readers to an attitude and lifestyle change to have a soft heart towards god and towards each other yes caesars were in power yes there was threat of death yes there was threat of loss of property yes there was the indignity and the humiliation and unpopularity of their beliefs but there was so much more that was in their favor christ on whom we rely the hope of glory and paul continues in our text to instruct us how to live in view of what we have in christ he challenges us to really therefore in harmony can we say it really in harmony look at verse 2 he says make my joy complete by being like-minded having the same love being one in spirit and of one mind our union with jesus christ gives us what we need to foster healing and reconciliation in our relationships because of this union we have a basis for genuine solidarity founded in love and we can experience oneness in spirit and purpose i want to tell us what oneness is not is not wonders does not mean uniformity we all don't have to be the same it means unity in the purpose we share as believers and what do we share in common as believers submission to king jesus as lord i can talk about that more later and commitment to his kingdom agenda love god and love people being and making disciples of our lord jesus christ being his transforming presence in the world you know i use a picture to help us to understand this like a symphonic orchestra all the instruments are not exactly the same they're very different strings are different from woodwind instruments and from brass and from percussion and they may play different notes however they we are called to play out a divine composition for us that's the word of god and we blend harmoniously in making the most wonderful music under the baton so to speak of the leader of the orchestra aware name king jesus and the table of communion which we share today celebrates this unity in christ in the middle of our diversity hear what paul says in galatians he says so in christ jesus you are all children of god through faith for all of you who were baptized into christ have clothed yourselves with christ there's neither jew nor gentile neither slave nor free nor is there male and female for you are all one in christ jesus if you belong to christ then you are abram's seed and ears together of the promise is there hallelujah in your house you see our union with christ lays the ax at the root of disunity and hatred and broken relationships it's the resource for fostering healing and harmony in our relationships whether in the church the community or the nation jesus came to make us whole as individuals and as a people can i ask your question which of your relationships are shaky or shattered god has what you need to do your part to address them and we need to rely on christ and relate in harmony but paul continues he says and i'm summarizing the thought resist selfishness and divisiveness look at verse 3 onwards he says do nothing out of selfish ambition or they in conceit rather in humility value others above yourselves not looking to your own interest but each of you to the interest of others paul highlights in these verses the enemy of unity and harmony among people what is the source of conflict and division these are selfish ambition and then conceit our pride you see the focus on self me myself and i and wrong ideas of our self-importance or conceit rob us of right relationship with god and of the blessing of quality relationship with each other let me say it again wrong ideas of our self-importance or conceit rob us of right relationship with god and of the blessing of quality relationship with others what about you is it more important to prove that you are right than to protect your relationships and sometimes you know constitutive a mask itself as humility sometimes people go unlike them very humble but in their hearts only god says yeah and it and and it works itself because it causes us to distance ourselves from people to be unduly critical and always finding fault can i ask you what do we do when our brother or sister sins hear what the scripture says if your brother or sister sins go and point out therefore just between the two of you if they listen to you you have won them over but if they will not listen take one or two others along so that every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses if they still refuse to listen the scripture said tell the church and if they refuse to listen even to the church treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector that's mature 18 15 to 17. we need to practice what the bible teach you see this thing called slander and gossip bad-moting people and defaming others whether in words or actions or innuendos you know and so on you're talking more people is of the devil paul highlights a key to maintaining our unity in ephesians 4 he says we need to speak the truth in love and jesus said hear jesus's word if you stand praying if you hold anything against anyone forgive them so that your father in heaven may forgive your sins that's matthew 11 and verse 25 you know peter asked jesus one time how many times i must forgive seven times jesus said no no no 70 times seven in other words we must always be open to forgiveness forgive as christ has forgiven you that is the standard and jesus told the story of the unmerciful servant who was forgiven an enormous debt and immediately went outside and saw a fellow colleague who owed him a very minuscule amount of money and he he he harmed that person put him in jail and so and when when the master heard what that servant did he punished that servant because of their unforgiving heart let that not be us forgive us christ has forgiven you that is the standard we need not look very far to see how we as church and more broadly as our people even in jamaica have reaped the folly from our selfishness and conceit we're an unforgiving people think about it the corruption the greed violence murder broken families communities divided churches immorality among other things have at their root selfishness and conceived pride so what we have seen so far paul challenges us to rely on christ relate in harmony resist selfishness and divisiveness and finally he challenges us to reflect jesus's heart and love and paul presents to us jesus as our example to follow look at verse 5 onwards in our text he says your attitude my attitude should be the same as that of christ jesus who being in very nature god did not consider equality with god something to be hooked up grasped held onto but made himself nothing taking the very nature of a servant being made in human likeness and being found in appearance as a man he humbled himself and became obedient to death even death on a cross that's verses five on what's in our text the scripture makes it plain that jesus is god it's affirmed in verse 6 of vertex but jesus did not consider his equality with god something to hold on to you see in god's heart was and is how can i describe it tremendous outrageous amazing love for humanity we broke god's holy laws we chose to live independently of god we were sinners we we we were living dysfunctional broken people were heading for destruction isolation and eternal separation from god and we couldn't save ourselves but god say to me no but god god who is rich in mercy chose not to remain in his position of supremacy and privilege but in his son jesus entered our condition of brokenness he became a man jesus just like us but without sin and by so doing he dignified our humanity not only does he come to earth as a man but he became a servant look at verse match 20 verse 28 this is what jesus says the son of man speaking of himself did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many what loving condescension that the son of god should choose to become like those he has created in order to bring us back to himself this is the epitome of love and humility true humility moves us from what i call a paralysis of analysis about people's problems to actively get involved to love and serve others and do something to bring god's healing and redemption to them and jesus's love was expressed by him offering his life on the cross of calvary for your sins and mine we deserve the death penalty because of our breaking of god's holy law we deserve judgment and punishment but jesus became obedient to death even death on the cross and that death was the most horrific shameful and humiliating form of death of the day those who were crucified were considered to be cursed of god in galatians 3 verse 13 we read curse this everyone who is hung on a tree jesus therefore became a curse for us so that we may escape the curse which was ours because of our sins and at the cross god's holiness god's love god's justice converged the whole the holy god who cannot abide sin experienced strained relationship with his father and so jesus cried on the cross my god my god why have you forsaken me jesus became our sin offering you he took our place he took our punishment the justice of god was meted out as jesus died for our sins the amazing outrageous love of god was poured out as jesus cried out father forgive them they don't know where they might do jesus paid the penalty for my sin and as such i need not bear the weight of my sin and its guilt anymore is there hallelujah in your house there is available to each of us provision to be free from the power and guilt of sin free at last to truly live and fulfill god's purpose for life and the proof that jesus's sin offering was acceptable to god and effective in dealing with our sins is in the historical fact of the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead the resurrected jesus appeared to the apostle paul on the road to damascus and transformed the religious bigot and zealot into an apostle of grace an apostle of compassion and service for jesus christ we have numerous eyewitness accounts of jesus resurrection including his disciples jesus's own brother in the flesh james who didn't believe that jesus was a christ until the resurrection he believed and many others to whom he appeared there is a testimony of the empty tomb and transformed lives over the centuries and i want to say mine included i have met jesus i know him i have a relationship with him and so do many of us who are tuned in and listening today jesus christ is alive and paul says of jesus i love these words one of my favorites in the bible god exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name that at the name of jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father jesus is alive hallelujah he has won the victory now you may say to me david how can i experience this life of union with christ of which paul speaks how can i experience forgiveness for my sins how can i be made whole again how can i tap into this resource of god for healing in my relationships the answer is simple but challenging we each need to humble ourselves and rely totally on christ for our salvation and for our everyday life by so doing you'll be placing your trust in a trustworthy god and the power of his holy presence which is mediated to us by his spirit you'll be anchoring your soul and life in the god of the universe and in his love and so today i want to make a clear call for each and every one of us to bow in humble submission to king jesus he's a king of kings and lord of lords the roman empire has come and gone other world powers have come and gone whether it be the french the british the dutch the portuguese the ottoman empire you name it and the list could go on we can safely say look at the mighty have fallen all around us but there remains one king and he didn't compare it in his glory the glory he revealed was his grace and truth mediated through his humility the great caesar and nero have fallen you know call our dogs caesar and nero but jesus christ has a name which is above every other name and at his name every knee will bow and every tongue confess that jesus christ is lord i want to close before we come to communion by telling you our true story it's a story of napoleon a one-time conqueror of europe he was exiled on the rock of saint helena and in on in exile he reflected on the scope of his acknowledge of his accomplishments and he called mon um month holland to his side and asked him can you tell me who christ jesus is jesus christ was the count declined to respond and napoleon said the following well then i will tell you this is napoleon speaking alexander caesar charlemagne magne not sure to pronounce it and i myself have found founded great empires but upon what did these creations of our genius depend upon force jesus alone founded his empire upon love and to this very day millions will die for him i think i understand something of human nature and i tell you all these were men and i'm a man none else is like him that's jesus christ jesus christ was more than man i inspired multitudes with such an enthusiastic devotion that they would have died for me but to do this it was necessary that i should be visibly present with the electric influence of my looks my words of my voice when i saw men and spoke to them i lighted up the flame of self-devotion in their hearts christ alone has succeeded in so raising the mind of man toward the unseen then it that it becomes insensible to the barriers of time and space across a chasm of 1800 years jesus christ makes a demand which is beyond all others difficult to satisfy he asks for that which a philosopher may often seek in vain at the hands of his friends or a father of his children or a bride of her spouse or a man of his brother he asks for the human heart he will have it entirely to himself he demands it unconditionally and forth with his demand is granted well that is granted wonderfully in the defense of time and space the soul of man with all its power and faculties becomes an annexation to the empire of christ all who sincerely believe in him experience that remarkable supernatural love toward him this phenomenon is unaccountable it's all together beyond the scope of man's creative power time the great destroyer is powerless to extinguish this sacred flame time can neither exhaust its strength nor put a limit to its range this is it which strikes me most i have often thought of it this is it which proves to me quite convincingly the divinity of jesus christ and of god what is napoleon saying jesus christ has conquered not by force but by winning the heart and he wins our heart through his amazing outrageous love his loving us empowers us to love others as he loved us we therefore will look not only at our own interests but for the welfare and interest of others and this should guide how we address issues including issues such as vaccinations we will treat others with respect dignity care and with kindness you know later today we'll have a session at 6 00 p.m it'll check the updates the ventilated issues regarding responding to the covet pandemic and with the vaccinations paul experienced the love of christ and as such challenges us to rely on christ receive his salvation receive his encouragement receive his comfort from his love receive fellowship from his spirit embrace his tenderness and compassion come unto me jesus says all who are weary and burdened he challenges us to relate in harmony in unity in our diversity he challenges us to resist selfishness and divisiveness and it challenges us to reflect christ's heart and love the big question today which each of us must answer is who has your heart who has your heart will you give christ your heart today will you bow to the king will you reject selfish ambition and conceit will you allow jesus to transform your heart your attitude and life loving submission to jesus i submit is the only reasonable response to his great love for us which was demonstrated in his humility obedience and sacrifice on the cross for you and for me we will allow him then to transform our hearts and we will share his love and life with others join us in a few moments then to celebrate and thank god for his amazing and outrageous love amen and amen let us pray just want to pause and ask you to reflect on what god may be saying specifically to you from the message today we want to give opportunity for those who have never given your life to christ so in the quietness of wherever you are right now to confess your sins to him ask him to forgive you of your sins and invite him who died on the cross for you to be your lord and savior you can do that just right where you are there are no magical words to use just speak to him from your heart i want to pray for believers jesus thank you for humbling yourselves to die for me so now i can have your life forgive us lord for the times we have relied on ourselves and not on you as a source for everything we need forgive us lord for our selfishness that has caused us to hurt each other and disrupt the harmony you have so badly wanted to be in your church there are truthers times who have been preoccupied with getting ahead and proving ourselves right and better than the gossip we have failed to humble ourselves as you have done for us we have justified unforgiveness and closed our hearts instead of loving those who hurt us we have discounted the poor and those who can't help us in our quest for success lord in the face of the high cost of your love for us we want to repent lord and ask that you cleanse us from rebellion and selfish ambition and pride and unforgiveness the prejudice that lurks and other divisive behaviors and attitudes we choose today lord to rely on you and we ask you by the power of your spirit to help us to relate in harmony to resist selfishness and prayer and to consistently reflect your love we pray in jesus name amen and amen let us now come and share communion together as i come into your presence past the gates [Music] i see the fullness of your grace [Music] you are awesome in [Music] you are this in this place [Music] to you as we you raise awesome in this place [Music] is [Music] i see the fullness of your grace [Music] [Music] [Music] in this place we raise you are awesome in this place [Music] welcome to communion as we come on i thank god for his word today without shared with us by pasadena saudi we want to thank you very much for that word that you shared with us you know so much food for thought so as we come to communion today we're reminded you know of what christ has done for us at calvary his body was bruised was broken for us and the emblems this morning you know represents his body for some of us it might look simple bread and wine but for us as believers it it speaks more than that it shows us god's love for us and how we demonstrated that love you know on the cross of calvary you know and we wanted to celebrate this morning he died not only died but he was buried but thus not buried he rose again from the grave and we can't say hallelujah for that you know that he rose again from the grave for us we were reminded you know as as pastors shared this morning on us you know let us make some notes you know just one that we need to rely on christ you know relate in harmony you know resist selfishness and conceit and reflect jesus's heart and love and they've done a lot for us you know to chew on this morning but as we come we're reminded as the scripture says to us you know that on the night that jesus was betrayed he took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and gave it to his disciples and that is a tremendous work for us because it was all we're also reminded that you know we need to do this and as often as we do it we need to do it in remembrance of him and as we remember what christ has done for us on calvary's cross of this love that was shed and his blood that was shed for us you know indeed our hearts this morning is just bubbling up so to speak you know as we come to communion so we're gonna give thanks you know for the bread so and the wine so let's give thanks [Music] father we give you thanks this morning we thank you for who you are we thank you for your your goodness and your grace towards us and as we come to communion this morning we thank you lord for your body that was bruised that was beaten that was shattered for us on the cross of calvary water love what a love you demonstrated through your body and we thank you lord today that even lord that you went all the way for us and we pray this morning lord that indeed our hearts you know so we will burn within islam as we think about what you have done for us we thank you lord that you went all the way and father even though as we come we just humble ourselves before you lied and we just make this time lord a presentable time to you as it were a lot as we give you our thanks this morning for what you have done for us so even though lord we give you thanks we thank you for your blood that was shed lord the remission of sin without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin we thank you lord that your blood was shed for our sins and we say hallelujah hallelujah for your blood we thank your lord that in your blood god we can we have deliverance lord in your blood you have called us unto yourself we thank you this day lord we bless you and we just give you thanks in jesus name amen so as you have hope you have your wine and and stuff ready so we're just gonna break bread and the scripture reminded us on the night that jesus was betrayed he took bread and given thanks and he broke it and he gave it to his disciples so so already given thanks we're just gonna eat in the name of jesus give thanks in like mano he took the cup and saying this scope is a new covenant in my blood drink it in remembrance of me let us drink hallelujah thank you thank you this time we was going to be praying for those who are not well among us let us give thank god thanks for this nation jamaica so let's just pray oh god and father we come to you this morning in the name of your son the lord jesus christ and father we thank you this morning even as we have just celebrated lord communion we thank your lord that there is healing in the blood of jesus and father this morning we lift up those all are sick lord even from in our midst from swallow feel lord we lift up those who are healing at this time and we ask you lord that the finger of god the hand of god will those touch lives this morning in the name of jesus we ask god that you raise our people from their beds raise our people are from the conditions and the situations that they find themselves in love with us ask you lord that god you by your power law will just touch every lives this morning that is not well in the name of jesus father not just from swallow but lord you know your people right across this nation that lord you will touch you will heal you your store that people will know that you are god father we think of those who are weeping and in us and and mourning at this time of the lust of loved ones father we just pray that you will touch hearts and life this morning lord we pray that honor need will be your everlasting harms hugging and and and let them know god that you are with them through these times now these are difficult times hard times but god we rely on you lord we rely on you this morning lord jesus oh god we pray that you god will come to our own our rescue come come lord jesus we have no one else to look to no one else to turn to about you so father we say come come lord jesus father we think of this nation jamaica land and we just ask you that you will touch lord our leaders lord touch the lord people lie that is in this nation jamaican land we love and we ask your lord jesus that god you will just be with us thank you lord that you promised never to leave us not forsake us and we ask a lot by your spirit you'll do a work in this nation we pray covering over all bodies lord the shores of this nation and the east the west the north and the south of this nation that god you will watch over us protect us light we ask lord these things in jesus name amen amen and at this time you know you will have aliko water as it were this morning as son of man sang at the funeral of our sister earlier this week and we just want to share that with you [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved like me [Music] i once was lost blind but now i see it was grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears [Music] through many dangers toys [Music] his [Music] grace amazing grace and the grace [Music] [Music] we've no less days to sing god's grace than when we [Music] amazing amazing grace [Music] [Applause] like me i once was lost [Music] was blind but now i see but now i see [Music] let us know share the benediction the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord lift up his light for his countenance upon you and give you his peace his shalom in body soul and spirit in jesus name amen so have a great day everyone a great week god's love and blessing amen to receive personal confidential prayer call email or text whatsapp or call us today up to 11 30 am at five two one nine four three seven or eight seven six eight seven seven nine seven nine four and for mail callers only call 876 371 0898 or email your request to prayer at swallowfieldchapel.org or by text at 876-395-7694 visiting with us for the first time welcome we invite you to complete the contact card in the link below to connect with us god bless you thank you for giving in these troubled times we invite you to continue to give as the lord enables you to support our ministries and those in special need here are a few convenient ways to do so you may deposit your tithes and offerings in the dropbox at the church office at number seven mondays to fridays from 9 00 am to 3 pm tithes on offerings can also be done by direct online deposit to our swallow field chapel bns new kingston current account account number four one six one branch number five zero five seven five or you can log in to swallow field chapel dot org and click give to make your direct online contribution financial contributions for food care packages should be so indicated responding to covid19 medical and spiritual perspectives a panel discussion with professor brendan bain community health and infectious diseases specialist dr charles royce consultant surgeon and dr marlon winit pasta and theologian your invitation is for today at 6 p.m via zoom click the link in the description below to join please send questions in advance to info at swallowfieldchapel.org or type it in the live chat during the discussion the thanksgiving service for the life of our brother sanjay spencer will be streamed via zoom on tuesday september 28 at 10 a.m the zoom link will be circulated we extend our deepest condolences to his family and all who mourn his passing he will be greatly missed the thanksgiving service for the life of our sister lynette dixon will be streamed via zoom and youtube on wednesday september 29 at 10 a.m the links will be circulated we extend our deepest condolences to her family and all who mourn her passing she will be greatly missed [Music] [Applause] introducing the new church center app download today for all your swallow field chapel needs see the description below for the link to download whether you want to grow in loving relationship with god and each other through connect groups or get equipped through sound teaching in our ace classes there is a discipleship group for you join any of our variety of small groups available by visiting swallowfieldchapel.churchcenter.com you may also download and use our new app click forward slash install to download today remember life is better connected do you have a heart and a passion for teaching the word of god to the next generation then we need to hear from you contact catherine preston at swallowfieldchapel.org that's catherine k-a-t-h-r-y-n preston at swallow field chapel dot o-r-g or click youth at swallow field chapel dot o-r-g today sunday school teachers are needed urgently sunday school is back in session virtually starting sunday mornings at 8 a.m parents click on the link in the description below to register young adults meetup is back mondays at 8pm follow and share at letsmeetupja on instagram teens this is for you crossroad each saturday at 6 30 p.m check us out on our instagram page at crossroad jamaica ladies arise is back every friday except for the third friday of each month via zoom at 6 30 pm come share in the new series on health and well-being titled be well stay well don't miss it big man reason it when it comes to social media are you a kingdom tool are the enemies full link up with mello on friday october 1st 2021 at 7 pm to talk it out with generals like pastor david and dan anderson alongside warriors like tim skyers and adlai rollins you don't know it's all about melo the men's ministry of swallow field chocolate melo is a men's only event join us for believers meeting every thursday at 6 pm check the description below for the link to share and join via zoom stay tuned and remember all are welcome to join us every weekday morning and on saturdays for our online prayer meeting from 6 30 to 7 30 am click and share the link in the description below help us fund our youth reaching youth yry program by ordering your pan of fish monday to friday what's up or call 876-427-1349 or the church office foster a child today onto the child foster care program for more information email flmfostercare gmail.com or call 876-816-0889 remember to share the link to our services with family and friends at home and abroad and subscribe to our youtube channel for the links to these and other activities visit our website swallowfieldchapel.org announcements please be reminded that the government of jamaica has declared sunday's no movement days effective september 18 to october 28 2021. in light of this there will be no in-person services on those sundays we invite you to continue to join us virtually for our online services every sunday at 9am via our youtube channel and here's a reminder to stay safe wear your mask wash hands regularly sanitize and maintain physical distance may god bless you and keep you always [Music] [Music] amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved the rest like me i once was lost but now i'm found was blind but now i see does grace that taught my heart to fear and grace my fears [Music] first [Music] i [Music] his grace [Music] us amazing grace [Music] [Music] shining as the sun we've no less days to sing god's grace [Music] amazing amazing grace [Music] [Music] the rich [Applause] [Music] me i want was lost but now i am found was blind but now i see but now i see [Music] you
Channel: Swallowfield Chapel
Views: 2,786
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Id: pXC7F0feXeA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 101min 9sec (6069 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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