Fawlty Towers FUNNIEST MOMENTS: The Staff | Fawlty Towers | BBC Comedy Greats

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manuel there is too much butter on those trays okay there is too much butter on those trays no no no senor not not on those speaks uh how you say english mantaquillia solamente dos dos well don't look at me you're the one who's supposed to be able to speak here two pieces two each arifa i don't know why he wanted to hire him basil because he's cheap and keen to learn there and in this day and age why did you say you could speak the language i learned classical spanish not the strange dialect he seems to have picked up be quicker to train a monkey what is it just just take it easy okay what well just keep your distance i mean remember who you are all right remember well just don't tell him too much about yourself all right all right okay all right what ever told him nothing we were talking about scotland scotland what do you want to know about scotland i'm not nervous i'm just saying take it easy all right all of us just take it easy right nothing's going i'm just saying take it out but can't say take it easy without starting a panic i mean what is going on mr faulkner take it easy now look get one thing clear all right you don't tell me to take it easy i don't pay you to tell me to take it easy i pay you to take it no i pay you to tell you to take it easy so take it easy so upset i'm not you lied to when he arrived and then just because you find out he's a psychiatrist i'm not bothered by that i'm not i'm i'm not bothered by that if he wants to be a psychiatrist that's his own funeral they're all mad as bloody marches anymore that's not the point look how does he earn his money he gets he gets paid for sticking his nose no i'm gonna have my say into people's private um details we'll just speak to myself i don't want some total stranger nosing around in my private detail that's right they're here on holiday they're just here to enjoy themselves because he can't tell me anything about myself that i don't know already well this cartridge is a little tommy rob yeah you know what they're all obsessed with don't you what you know what they they say it's all about don't you sex everything's connected with sex what a load of cobblers nice day or you again no i say you're not here he's not here very very sorry goodbye cool quick hey you man know what to do oh i think so this is the uh dining room you are certain you know it looks pretty straightforward we're just gonna block this one off yes yes yes oh you cannot listen he not here how many times where are your ears you great big half week listen now you understand oh mr faulty hi very sorry very sorry is you yes it's me mr faulty uh polly no no she she's very busy eh men yes men are here men are work you work men yes which ah yes man with p please which one is man with beer see one moment please um you are a hideous orangutan thank you very much shall i deal with this basil i'm dealing with it down no dear that's all right now you want it too single i said i'd deal with it do you mind showing your bathroom look i was here first well it's my turn now then i thought the korean war you know i killed four men he was in the catering core he used to poison them you know nothing you always say mr faulty but i learn what i learn i learn i get better no no you don't understand i do no you don't i do understand that you know nothing about the horse i know nothing about the horse yes which horse which horse i know nothing my horse nitwit your horse nitwit no no no dragonfly it won yes i know i know it one two what i put money on for you you give me money i go to betty's show i know i know why you say i know nothing look look look you know the horse uh nitwit or dragonfly dragonfly that isn't the horse coordinate you're the nitwit what is whitney it doesn't look it doesn't matter i could spend the rest of my life having this conversation please please try to understand before one of us dies i cry you're going to forget everything you know about nitwit no no dragonfly dragonfly yes c c eventually what eventually uh at the end no no no no forget it now now well pretend you forget pretend but don't say anything to anyone about the horse i know that you tell me that this morning uh so don't do it again there's a burglar downstairs george got back did he there's a burglar downstairs what a burglar creek oh i will we've been to a wedding play what have you done with my hotel honey what have you done to my hotel what look oh it's nice i like it there chuck you're hurting me what have you done with my dining room door where is it i don't know why don't you know i left you in charge i fell asleep you fell asleep well it's not my fault you fell asleep it's not your fault you've got to wake me prove i'm not awake you it is my fault manuel i knew it really i'm not playing him why not that's not really his fault well whose fault is it and your clothes well you hired o'reilly didn't you i mean we all warned you who else would do something like this i beg your pardon you hired o'reilly oh i see it's my fault is it oh of course there i was thinking it was your fault because you'd be left in charge or manuel's fault for not like you and all the time it was my fault oh it's so obvious now i've seen the light well i must be punished then must die you're a naughty what else is there to do [Music] hmm i mean what is this doing today yeah your wife ordered the corner that golfing puffed away what shall i call him no no i'll do it i'll call him you go and see if the roof's still on i don't believe it neither do i practice a dream no it's not a dream we're stuck with it right i'm going to be cooking are collected in the car why is he cooking stuck anything wrong nothing you could do anything about thank you polly are you sure our 15th wedding anniversary today guess who's forgotten oh no i didn't think he'd forget this year not after what happened when he forgot last year i shouldn't be so thin skinned about it i'm just cursed with a sensitive nature i'm afraid so that's the way i am i suppose we all have our crust a bear do you know what perm that's based on polly no oh to joy hello damn oh i probably won't forget to put some more splits in the bar with him no i don't believe him i don't expect polly will forget basil no just reminding her dear oh were you i thought so yes really well it sounded like it to me you don't have to worry about polly forgetting anything important basil don't i no you don't oh god how splendid no she doesn't forget things well can you remember the last time she did no i can't but then my memory isn't very good you can say that again can i do it oh thank you i forgot what it was well don't worry bowser provided you can remember the things that matter to you do i detect the smell of burning martyr it's your anniversary hmm but don't let on what i'm pretending i've forgotten well i forgot last year and i got flayed alive for it so we got some friends arriving about 10 minutes for a surprise drinks party manuel's making a special paella for tonight got some champagne but don't tell her i've remembered yet let's let her have a bit of a fume wouldn't it be simpler to boil her in oil yes but not as economical [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no no she leaves she go out what i remember everything all right bit of a bump just smoothing it out oh not at all um come on in [Music] come along don't touch me i don't know where you've been you must have other jokes yes we must mustn't we my god you're ugly aren't you basil i'll i'll get the doctor you need a plastic surgeon dear not a doctor come on [Music] vicious bastard right it you've tried it on just once too often right well don't say i have warned you i've laid it on the line to you time and time again this is it i'm gonna give you a damn good trashing you
Channel: BBC Comedy Greats
Views: 197,464
Rating: 4.9006624 out of 5
Keywords: bbc, bbc comedy greats, bbc comedy, comedy greats, british comedy, Sitcom, Comedian, Comic, John Cleese, Best of Fawlty Towers, Basil Fawlty, Sybil, Polly, Car Thrashing, Manuel, Andrew Sachs, Hotel, Hilarious Comedy, Funniest Moments
Id: -nPG1CfnAcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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