Fawlty Towers, Bad customer service (ESL annotations)

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what I am suggesting it that this place is that the crummiest shoddiest worse run hotel in the whole of Western Europe no no I won't have that there's a place a teaspoon thank you so much enjoy a meal nobody Chapel this morning mr. Fawlty ears from one of the guest has just died on the table on the table that now put that under him the cushion the cushions the waiter wasn't listening when I was giving him our order he seemed more interested in my fuel to his legs really yeah you never get it right do you you're either crawling all over them licking their boots or spitting poison that that might Sun Benzedrine puff adder just trying to enjoy myself mrs. I mean today people just focus on coming out cami wait am i 12 I hate to trespass further on your valuable time but might I look at the wine list now SP is here we are thank you thank you thank you very much I should I get you the wine list where is wood mahogany teak they go fun what would you like your breakfast tray made out of I don't really mind are you sure fine will you run along and have a really good night's sleep then I'm having good time to serve you your breakfast in bed if you can remember to sleep with your mouth open you won't even have to wake up I'll just drop in small pieces of lightly buttered kiddo and you're breathing in the right direction of that hazel oh thank you so much i recommend the self-service here it's okay go what the oh lambs will be getting cold mr. Johnston color if you'd like the wound up I'll get it you could get your wife to sit on them your body's to play again satisfied customer we should have him stuffed I asked for a room with of you deaf and blind uh this is the view as far as i can remember madam yes yes this is it when i pay full of you expect something more interesting than that but that is talky madam it's not good enough for me I'll spot you were expecting to see out of a torquey hotel bedroom window sydney opera house back hanging gardens of babylon herds of wildebeest sweeping majestically sure i expect to be able to see the seat you can see the sea it's over there between the land and the sky sorry i have together we men mistake all these rooms are taken I'm so sorry well actually I'm not sir I mean you come in here just like that and will ones we tell me but you have a very good time in our expense no I mean I think you know what I mean I mean you have a very good time Andrew well not here you don't oh yeah thank you and good night anybody do French food yes France ebony they seem to like it in the swim with sir glee sharpen your appetite better hurry the tide leaves in six minutes waitress yes there's a hair and my mousse well don't talk too loud everybody will want one what I just I decided this hotel is extremely inefficient and badly run and you were a very rude and discourteous master hahaha mr. Fawlty well sort of Pythia video really well use the punchline he deeming everything to your satisfaction oh I don't like the chips afraid to get everything cooked the way he likes us at home does he does here yes I doing its best garbage now on oh these eggs look like you like them oh look here old chap pink Malone he's very clever rather highly strung yes yes he should there you saw something we can get to instance funny I'd like some bread and salad cream tweet well there's the bread and there's the mayonnaise I said salad cream stupid we don't have any salad cream the chef made this freshly this morning water dumb this is very good he likes salad cream that peuta is well at least efficient no I asked why you don't had proper salad cream army most place well the chef usually buys it only on special occasions you know gourmet nights and so on but when he's got a bottle ah he's a genius with it you can unscrew the cap like Robert carrier to treat one and then right and then on the walls magic mind you he's a wizard with a tin opener too he's got a pure it surprise for that he can have the stuff in the saucepan before you can say hurt quizzy you name it you'll heat it up and scrape it off the pan for you my who still like that isn't picked up overnight still I'll tell him to get some salad cream I mean you never know when Henry Kissinger is gonna drop into oh sorry I have to put up with from you people you pulse in here expecting to be waited on hand and foot blue I'm trying to run a hotel yeah have you any idea of how much there is to do do you ever see you know I've course not you're too busy sticking your noses into every corner movie about four things to complain about aren't you well let me tell you something this is exactly how Nazi Germany starving yes but terribly busy at below just enjoy myself good evening funny name good evening Oh what's all about is where we're somewhere that serves really good veal polymer in the video yes of course are a really good restaurant no well we're just a minute because I i do remember place but i had some really good be a was um thank you so much what are you do what yet his hand in my bag what no no something you're getting my Gander up you grow sad little man you're asking for a bunch of five listen don't mention the war I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it all right it's all up now and let's hear no more about it so that's two egg mayonnaise a prawn Goebbels of Hermann goring and killed itself wait a minute I got a bit confused here sorry I got a bit confused cuz everyone keeps mentioning the laws will you stop talking about the war me you started it we did not start it is you did you invaded poems can we keep it down a little bit all I wanted was a cheese Sally doesn't as though i don't earn anything here in the bottom in the whole day Happy's the hotel toy yes don't worry hello there how are you Lord Melbury how are you then all right mate how's me old mucker any valuables deposit sir richard any brick wall I do apologize to you faster what would you would you care for Rex I mean the whole t want to say adios he wants to borrow what's up anything else we can do for you do you very well leaving oh do please stay you like I've never been in such a place of my life you snobs you stupid Tyga toffee-nosed tough with it I my class piles
Channel: TheNextGaijin
Views: 413,208
Rating: 4.7254543 out of 5
Keywords: Fawlty, Towers, Customer, service, tipswww, savevid, com
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 23 2012
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