I Am Blessed

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all right let's get into the word of god if you have a bible uh either electronically or your own copy of it turn to the fourth book in the old testament the book of numbers genesis exodus leviticus numbers it is the fourth book of the torah numbers chapter six and if if you don't turn to it or you don't feel like turning to it you don't have access to the bible it's fine we're gonna put the scriptures up on the screen for you to follow along if you're listening to our radio broadcast right now you won't be able to see what we're doing but we trust that the word of god is true when it says faith comes by hearing and what you hear can transform your life and if you're somewhere where you can follow along with us join us in numbers chapter six that's where we'll be today and my focus is going to be today verses 22 through 27 in numbers chapter six and i'm going to use the new international version today the niv version so again numbers chapter 6 beginning at verse 22 and i'll end the reading at verse 27. all right it says the lord said to moses tell aaron and his sons this is how you are to bless the israelites say to them the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace verse 27 so they will put my name on the israelites and i will bless them now i'm going to read this passage one more time in case you had a different translation maybe you could flip over in your phone to the niv so you can see it like i'm seeing it i'm gonna read it one more time the lord said to moses verse 22 verse 23 tell aaron and his sons this is how you are to bless the israelites say to them the lord bless you and keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace and so they will put my name on the israelites and i will bless them amen amen do me a favor if you're watching then you're in the chat right now i want you to put my subject in the chat right now i want you to put my subject in the chat my subject is i am blessed i am blessed i am blessed we have a very small audience here it may be 12 people in this room who are massed up i want you to peek over your mask and tell somebody who's closest to you tell them i'm blessed i am blessed yeah i am blessed i am blessed tell somebody else i am blessed type it again i am blessed and when you tell somebody you are blessed it's not your bragging you're just being honest i am blessed when i tell you i am blessed i am not bragging on myself because i didn't bless myself i'm not the blesser i'm telling you i've got to contribute to this moment of thanksgiving to god because he's the one that blessed me i am blessed because of what he did i didn't bless myself i am blessed because of what he did in my life i am blessed i am blessed i am when i look back over the course of my life and i see all the ways he guided me and he guarded me and he gifted me and he graced me i have to give him praise because i can look over the course of my life and see just how blessed i am and if that's the way you feel you ought to say god i'm grateful that i'm blessed i'm grateful that i'm blessed in fact i only have to look back over my life to see how much he's blessed me the song says the lord is blessing me right now i can feel his presence as before him i bow you may not be able to see what the lord has done for me but the lord is blessing me right now right now he's blessing me right now i'm blessed and i will contribute to the praise to let them know i'm grateful that i am blessed numbers chapter 6 verses 22 to 27 is what is called and referred to as a benediction a benediction by definition is a verbal bestowal of blessing it is typically done in a liturgical sense at the end of a religious experience it is a way of of a crescendoing and a final statement on the lives of the individuals who participated in the encounter with god and there are basically two types of benedictions in the bible there is this benediction in numbers chapter six which is considered the aaronic benediction which bears the name of aaron the priest thus it is called the aaronic blessing but then there are been benedictions in the new testament epistles that are called apostolic benedictions because the apostles wrote them and they spoke them and although there's only one old testament benediction here in many scholars believe that there there are at least 28 benedictions in the new testament and most of us have heard of benediction if you didn't know what it was like the one that we've heard the most is in ephesians chapter 3 now unto him who's able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think by the power that is at work within us through christ jesus be powered through christ jesus and the church forevermore amen or amen amen and amen and or that apostolic um benediction in second corinthians chapter 13 where it says and now may the grace of our lord jesus and the love of god and the communion of the holy spirit o king james holy ghost uh abide with us now and forever amen or or that apostolic benediction in jews chapter jude verses 24 and 25 which is now me and my wife's roller skating verses it says and now unto him who is able to keep us from falling glory to god and to present us faultless before his presence of his glory with exceeding joy to the only wise god our savior be glory and majesty dominion and power now and forever amen and when those benedictions those pronouncements are given they're not just meant to be a conclusion to a service they're meant to stamp those who are there and to mark those who are there it is meant to distinguish us and to remind us of our rights as heirs of the king of glory it is a reminder by the way by the way one of the most difficult things for me is i wrestle with understanding this passage and this benediction is the fact that it's not a prayer it's a pronouncement there's a big difference between this these are not requests when when when god told moses to tell aaron and his sons to bless the people of israel he said don't pray this say this this is not something you have to request this is a right that they have the lord not may the lord bless you the lord will bless you and the lord will keep you and the lord will make his face shine upon you and the lord will be gracious unto you and the lord will lift up his countenance upon you and the lord will give you his shalom this is not a request this is a right that we have as children of god it is our stamp it is our mark these are our privileges and just as they pronounce that over the israelites i pronounce it over zion church on the 21 years that we've been together i pronounce whatever everybody that's connected with the lord bless you and the lord keep you the lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord let make his turn his face towards you and give you peace and i'm telling you this this this benediction has meant so much to me as i studied it i was studying it last night and i started speaking it over my family speaking it over my life i put my wife's name and i said the lord bless vicky and lord keep vicky lord make your face shine upon vicky lord be gracious unto vicky lord turn your face towards vicky lord give vicky peace then i start naming my children and my grandchild and my son-in-law you ought to speak this over everybody connected to you and then tell the lord lord bless me lord i thank you that you're keeping me lord i thank you that your face is smiling on me i thank you for being gracious unto me i thank you for turning your face towards me and giving me peace is anybody great and by the way every time you hear that you ought to be able to say i am blessed i am blessed i am blessed not because i'm so great not because i've earned it i'm just in his family and because i'm in his family those are my rights i don't have to request it it's mine mine it's mine it's mine so so so let's go through this since this is our privilege since these are our rights let's go through it and see what does it mean for us what does it mean for us on a specific basis and and it starts in verses 22 to 23 with a directive god gives a directive and he and he gives a directive pastor sean it sounds it almost sounds like it's two directives but it's really one directive that he gives to more than one person he says first of all moses i'm about to tell you do something but then he says pastor jason i want you to tell aaron and his sons about what they're supposed to do and what i'm telling them pastor eric pastor susan i'm telling them i want you all i'm going to tell you all how you're supposed to bless israel now watch this this is what you're supposed to do to bless israel and what you're going to do is not physical it's verbal oh i wish i had y'all here y'all since you're here you might as well help you what you're going to do it's not going to be physical it's going to be verbal you're not going to do anything you're going to say something and what you're going to say is the lord bless you and the lord keep you and the lord make his faces shine upon you and be gracious unto you the lord turn his face towards you and give you peace and when you do that verse 27 says when you do that you put my name on them and when my name is on them then i will bless them even though he says in verse 22 this is how you bless them your job is to give the word my job is to do the work you st you stated but i stamp it y'all ain't ready for this today and he says he says he says here's the directive here's your assignment i'm going to say something to moses through moses to aaron and two aaron's sons about how they're supposed to bless the israelites did y'all get that i'm gonna do it again i'm gonna say something to moses through moses to aaron and his sons about how they're supposed to bless the israelites did y'all get it that time that's how the word of god moves sometimes sometimes god will give you something to you and say something through you that's for somebody else i'm gonna do it like this again sometimes god will give something to somebody through somebody for somebody else isn't that what preaching is isn't that what ministering the word of god is god will give you something give something to you in private and then he'll give it through you in public because he wants to give something for the people that he's trying to give guidance and direction to and so he gives to moses something through moses and pastor listen if he said if he said to moses only tell aaron to do this it would have put a boundary on the blessing because it would have only been for aaron's generation y'all ain't with this but he said but as soon as he says tell aaron and his sons it became generational and it's timeless and by the way not only is it generational and timeless that's something that we're still resting on today because the blessing that was on israel is still on us today because the same god that says the lord bless you and keep you is the same god that's blessing us here today and keeping us here today so it's generational and it's timeless and he says the lord bless you now when he says let me walk through he this is the directive this is your assignment this is the directive and then he gives six declarations he says here's the six declarations you give number one the lord bless you number two the lord keep you number three the lord make his face shine on you number four the lord be gracious unto you number five the lord turn his face towards you number six the lord give you peace that's a six those are six declarations those are not requests those are declarations those are promises those are pronouncements these are ours these are our benefit this is why we're so blessed and he gives these declarations to tell the the sons and aaron this is how you bless the people you say these things now let's walk through each one of these declarations the first declaration is the lord bless you now in order to really appreciate the lord blessing us what does the word bless mean the word blessed in hebrew is the hebrew word barack and the word barack means to bless by kneeling so what's this now watch this now the irony of the word barack here in in do in numbers chapter 6 verse 24 is that it's not how it's typically used typically when it says barack it is telling us to do that to god so we barack the lord in reverence for who he is and giving him adoration we bow before him but the text here in the benediction and the blessing is saying god's going to rock us what it means is is that god's gonna kneel down and bless you who can you even imagine a great god like that loving us that much that he will kneel it's a picture it's a picture of a grandparent or a parent coming to their child and kneeling down to where they are and coming down to their level that means that nobody let me tell you something when my grandchild is around there is nobody in the room more important than her and i'll let her how you doing what you want what you need that's the kind of blessing that god's saying i'll give to each and every one of you i will kneel down and bless you that's what that's what aaron and his sons were supposed to tell israel god's going to kneel down and bless you and that's what i say is the priest of this house i prophesy to you that god's gonna kneel down in your house he's gonna kneel down in your family he's gonna kneel down in your situation he's gonna kneel down in your finances he's gonna kneel down in your money he's gonna kneel down in your marriage he's gonna kneel down in the disconnect disconnecting your household god's going near is anybody believe that god is able and he loves you that much that he will kneel down and bless you i'm kneeling down and bless you and god is saying god told me to tell y'all it ain't that i can't bless you from my throne i got long-distance blessing capability but i'm kneeling down for two reasons i'm kneeling down to bless you so you'll know it was me and i'm kneeling down to bless you so you know it wasn't an accident you were targeted with this blessing it wasn't a coincidence it wasn't an accident i came to you see i can walk all through this building and generally be kind to everybody how y'all doing hey how you doing how you doing over there but if i kneel in front of anybody that is a specific kindness god says i'ma kneel down in your life from all eternity from an infinite god into a finite space god says i'm kneeling before you the lord kneeled before you and it's a tangible blessing for israel it was a blessing of land it was a blessing of success he would enlarge their territory he would bring them a bumper crop and god says i'll do the same for you i'll enlarge you i'll bless and i'm going to do it so i'm going to do it so boldly that you're going to know it's me and that i had you in mine that's why you could say i am blessed it ain't even i ain't even trying to i ain't i ain't trying to make you jealous i'm just i'm just being honest see see every now and then you gotta understand about people i'm gonna give you some um i'm gonna give all y'all in the chat room some um some chat room adequate um explanation i'm explaining to you why people keep hitting them heart emojis and it's probably bothering you because you understand all the reactions and they keep chapters amen thank you lord and they all up and you can't even keep up with the notes cause you these people keep typing and then you be in place like this and this person keeps standing up and getting in your way and they keep waving their hand they're supposed to be just sitting there in mind but you have to understand the reason why people do that is because they're grateful he said yeah and said see when you're grateful when you're grateful you're supposed to react grateful people do stuff like that grateful people want to be i ain't trying to be seen by you i want god to know that i appreciate what he did and i don't care what you think so the first the first declaration is the lord will bless you the second declaration is the lord will keep you he will keep you the word keep there is a is he word shamar it's a powerful word the word shamar means to surround to hedge about to protect to preserve it is the opposite dr mady of the first word in the sense that the first word is an offensive word when it says the lord bless you that means he's going to help you win he's going to help you score he's going to help you prosper when it says shamar that's a defensive word that means god's going to protect you and guard you and and he's got you because they don't need me being blessed and my blessings are vulnerable god says i'ma give it to you and i'm gonna make sure you keep it oh y'all ain't ready for that i the lord i don't just wanna they don't need me having blessings on top of blessings on top of blessings and all of them are vulnerable god says i don't here's the promise from god i'm gonna bless you and keep you i'm gonna bless you it's a security term it's a keeper is there anybody in here that's grateful that the lord has kept you excuse me for a minute this that he kept me i don't even know what he kept but are you grateful that he kept you that he kept cause you and i both know that you should have crumbled by now but the lord kept you don't you sit here and act like you kept yourself he kept you see some of us some of us i know i know my church are good enough to know this most of us in here i'm a given 90 percent if 90 of us was to take a psyche vowel most of all okay i ain't trying to talk about i'm just saying 90 including me i would be in 90 most of us are borderline crazy most of us it's just we we just a few we just a few bad situations from snapping talk to me have you ever had one of those if one more thing if one more it's a one more person one more situation more monthly somebody gonna get hurt somebody gonna get taken out of here and i'm saying with all that we've been through and all that we've carried and all that we've done and all that's been done to us and the fact that we're still in the net we still love god and we still worship him and we still got our minds together he's given us power love and a sound that's god keeping you somebody give god a praise and say god i thank you for keeping me for keeping me you i just thank you for keeping me for keeping me you kept me you kept you protected me that's divine protection i speak divine protection over everybody listening to this he's gonna be your keeper he's been protecting you he is protecting you all you gotta do is look back over your life and see that he's protected you you it it wasn't a coincidence that they started shooting at the club after you left and somebody got shot after you left that wasn't a coincidence that was divine protection it ain't no coincidence that you sho that that that that you showed up at the traffic situation and the cars had already been totaled and they would pile up on each other you ever rode by accident scene and slowed down don't you know that if you have been going fast enough and if you haven't been listening to your music if you hadn't been distracted and not driving at the right speed that you would have been jackknifed and dead but god stepped in and made a way for you god has been protecting us from stuff we don't even know he protected us from because he's a keeper somebody praised him just because you kept me you kept my mind you've kept my family you've kept my heart you kept me walking you've kept my heart beating you kept me he's a keeper you know in our community i don't mean this to be disparaging to anybody but you know when black people age well they say black don't crack you know and no disrespect but i'm telling you it's deeper than skin it's stronger than your hue this is bigger than melanin this god you can't go through what we've been through as a people and still be nice how do we just snapped on everybody we should just be we should have national snap day but we still love god that's god don't you ever just say it's your skin tone that's god i don't care how dark or light you are that's god that's kept you he has kept you i gotta keep moving i gotta keep moving he has kept me the lord bless you the lord keep you here's the third here's the third declaration the lord make his face shine on you uh it means the lord smiled on you listen look at this y'all watch this watch this as you look through these six declarations there are three there are three parts to it there's six declarations and and each and they're in two stanzas so so the first part shows it shows god's movement towards us like he kneels i'll tell you in a minute that he stoops and uh and he draws near to us but but then the second part shows his his activity among us that he's keeping us and and he's giving us peace and he's preserving us and in this third declaration it says the lord make his face shine upon you the best way i can illustrate what this is saying is that all of us were raised by somebody whether it was biological parents or grandparents or aunts or uncles or foster parents or adoptive parents or whatever it is all of us had somebody who we look to for guidance and direction growing up and here's the key to it their face you can tell a lot about the people who raising you by looking at their face because their countenance will tell you how they feel about you your face reveals your feelings so so so y'all know it's true let me give you an example it doesn't have to be words because check this out everybody here that was ever raised by a woman knows that with if you ever misbehaved in public and she didn't like it she didn't have to say one word just a look you knew you was gonna get tore up when the you you you could feel the belt and the switch and everything all right just the look could shut you down i've said this many times about uh the late poet nobel peace author tony morrison said when she was little she knew how valuable she was because of the way her mother looked at her every time she walked in the room she says i knew i was celebrated and not tolerated she's that that's how she said that's how i soared you couldn't tell me anything different because because of how she's because my mother's face shined on me she smiled on me the picture is the picture is of imagine some parents at a sporting event and their child is playing on the sport on the field or on the floor and these parents you can anybody that knows the the team knows that's that's that child's parents because they got they got the child's jerseys on in the stand and and the child's number and the child's name and and all that and if somebody doesn't know him and says so who you here with that's that's see right that's uh number 15. that's our son right there and they don't care win or lose that's us they act like they cheering for the whole team but we know they only did because because of the child and you know what god is saying right here he's saying he said i tell the angelic host when i look at you that's my daughter that's my son number 15. and i'm so proud of him she's fearfully and wonderfully made when god smiles on you this is this is this is and this is not a request y'all this is a right this is a promise he smiles on you he's not ashamed of you he's not embarrassed by you he's not broken by what you've done he loves you the lord smile on you and be gracious unto you the word gracious there is another physical term is similar to barack this is the hebrew word kanan and kanan means to bend or stoop in kindness here we go again kanam means to bend or stupid kindness towards an inferior look it up kanan means to bend or stoop in kindness towards an inferior the lord is bending and stooping in kindness towards inferiors that means he's being gracious to us again he look at look at his movement look at his movement he kneels he bends and stoops and kindness towards us he he he is he is extending his and watch this when he is gracious this kind of grace is never earned it is not god this is not some compensatory love that he is compensating us because we've done things right or we've made the right decisions this is god's love that is unmerited it is undeserved it is just because of who he is we can't be bad enough to forfeit it we can't be good enough to earn it it's just ours that's why you say i'm blessed i'm blessed cause i got a gracious god no matter whether i wake up on the right side of the bed or not whether i brush my teeth at night whether i have devotions or not whether i have my quiet time or not whether i shared my faith or not whether i got the situation right whether i did a good job or not does anybody appreciate the fact that our god stoops down in kindness and it's not based on performance he's just god is just like that i am blessed i am blessed but it also means it also means that he's for us marcus when he says when he says the lord be gracious unto you when he says he's stooping down that means he's indoor he's for us oh that's good right here somebody say he's for us put that in the chat right now he's for us he's he's for us he is for us not against us he is for us favor favor favor favor favor so type this for me say it's the favor for me yeah just to type that for us it's the favor for me see some of y'all don't understand favor let me explain something about favor to you see see we don't even sometimes you can't really break it down and explain to people how you got where you got and how you have what you have and how you've accomplished what you've accomplished because when you try to put it together you can't really get all the words right because you're trying to explain how somebody came from as far as you came and still got what you got you didn't came from the sticks and the muds and the south and all that and there and you ain't even supposed to be where you are and i i'm gonna i'm gonna help you out right now it's favor yeah that's what i'm helping out it's favor see i know you went to school but you went to school without favor and i know your resume is tight and all your credentials are good but you wouldn't got that without favor and i know you worked hard and you stayed up late at night and you get up early in the morning to take care of all your responsibilities but even that's favor see god will give you the kind of favor that will make people like you the first time they meet you god will give you favor to have you having conversations with people of affluence and influence that you don't even have the credentials to be at the table but god just put you there because of favor oh i can't even tell you what i told my white dog i got to tell you offline cause i can't tell you what happened to me recently i can't even say but his favor all i can say is his favor i ain't supposed to be in this conversation what am i doing having a conversation with somebody that runs an organization that this is this large that is asking for my opinion about it that's just favor you understand what i'm saying i don't even know where it comes from but favor allows you to hurdle your haters yeah it it it opened doors for you that you didn't even know existed god will bring opportunities for you you aren't even looking for that's favor and it's because he's for us he is gracious he is gracious he is gracious i want to get through this because i want to because because the praise and worship team is going to come up and they're going to sing when i'm teaching i love it i love it don't so don't don't leave us so here's the here's the first the first declaration is the lord bless you he'll kneel down and bless you the second declaration is the lord keep you he'll protect what he blessed you with the second the third declaration is the lord make his face shine upon you he's proud of you he smiles on you the fourth declaration is he will be gracious unto you he will stoop down in kindness towards an inferior what a god we serve that's not these are not prayer requests y'all this is not something you have to ask for this is something you declare do you understand the difference these these these are these these are not petitions these are promises these are things you pronounce these are things you speak he said he didn't tell him to pray and he said say this this is what i will do here's the fifth declaration he says the lord turned his face towards you was the sometimes he said the lord lift up his countenance upon you now watch this when it says the lord turns his face towards you the word towards means up against it literally means up against so it's literally now watch god's movement in this text he kneels he stoops in kindness he's smiling at us now the bible says he's got his face up against us the picture is if you can imagine if you can imagine a husband and a wife if i had my wife up here and if you just saw us if not even have to kiss her if i just put my forehead on her and just smiled at her it says something you understand what i'm saying it says something i don't even know how to explain it it says something he's he he he that's that's that's how close he is to us do you know how how how safe we are with him that he would put his face on us that that he's he's that he would endorse us that much that he's dead for us that he's dead on our side that he would put his face on us this is amazing right here that god is not hiding from you that god is not playing hide and seek with you that even when you don't sense him and feel them even when you're crying your tears are running down his face because he turns his face on you his face is on you his attention is on you his love is on you and i declare that right now for this entire church i don't know what you're going through i don't know what you're facing but i declare right now that the lord will not only bless you and keep you and that the lord will not only smile upon you and be gracious to you but the lord is putting his face on you and he's there with you no matter what you're dealing with he knows he understands he cares and he's willing to be that close to you no matter how low you are somebody praise god for his closeness [Applause] some of you ladies ought to really praise them because you don't know what it's like to have have somebody get that close to you and not want something from you he doesn't even want anything i want to love you i want to bless you i want to give to you i want to encourage you i'm here i'm here i'm here and then he says and then he says this and i'm almost done he says this final declaration is the lord give you shalom the hebrew word is shalom peace is actually not a good definition of shalom it's a limited definition of shalom because shalom is not just emotional and environmental calm shalom is total wellness when people say shalom they say all is well we call it peace god says i shalom you oh god i prophesy in here again i speak as the priest of this church whether you're in greenbelt or landover or wherever you are in woodbridge or fort washington or anywhere i decree to you i declare to you that god's going to shalom you he's going to make it all well in your wealth in your health in your family in your residence he's going to protect everything that's concerning you god will make it all well with you that's the kind of god he is i will give you shalom give you shalom and he says this he says this because i gotta i gotta wrap this up he says and when you speak this watch this directive now moses i'm telling this to you i'ma speak it through you you're going to tell it okay you're going to tell it to aaron and his sons because it's generational and they're going to spread it to all of israel see sometimes god will give something to you and through you that doesn't just stop with the person you gave it to they're gonna take it that's why you got to say what god says right and then he says that's the directive and when you give these declarations here's my last point here's the god's decree god gives a decree in verse 27. he says when they do that i'm gonna do what i do [Laughter] excuse me y'all there's a day in the eye in verse 27. i can't get past it there's a day in the eye they talk about aaron and his sons every time they do that they are putting my name on israel when they do that jason i'm gonna do this what's this their responsibility is the word my responsibility is to work they stated i stamp it they pronounce it outperform it y'all ain't ready for this okay okay let me do it like this remember what my subject what was my subject today my subject is i am blessed okay i'm gonna help you all out my subject is i am blessed i am blessed i am blessed what my subject is intended to do is to give you my status that is my status that is your status if you say i am blessed that is your status but if you know anything about the names of god i am oh god god i'm sorry outside i saw i'm at the wrong place if you know anything about the names of god i am if all i did okay okay let me back up and back up when i tell you i am blessed i'm giving you my status but if i simply make the word am all caps i'm telling you who did it y'all y'all y'all just missed that i i don't even i don't even know how to br i i'm not smart enough to preach it like i understand it but to be i am blessed that i am blessed by i am yes i'm sorry what god is saying is don't get it twisted when i stand as a priest of this church and pronounce a blessing over you i didn't do it i just said it it's like somebody when you got big brothers and sisters in your family and you know they all can fight they sputnik skeeter rob rob black manny man you got people like that in your family you can go out of your neighborhood and talk all the trash you want cause you know if somebody swing on you all you got to do is go up in your house through the screen door and call your tribe outside and y'all can beat everybody in your neighborhood that's why you can talk trash cause who's backing you up good god the reason why i can decree and declare that you are blessed because i got a god that told me if i say it he'll seal it if i state it he'll stamp it he says you are blessed because i am has blessed you woo that's good right there that's good right there that's good right there that's good right there he says that's my decree that's what you can depend on from me so what you do is with this practically start declaring this over your life over your loved ones say it you don't have to pray it you don't have to say lord would you please it's already yours i am blessed i am kept i am smiled upon i receive your graciousness and your face is on me i i receive shalom it is mine it is mine i don't have to be a pauper that's like that's like that's like going into the bank and you and you're a billionaire and saying can't you know is it possible is it possible that i can get a few dollars no it's yours now right before we leave i'm really excited because i'm going to call up our praise and worship team and we're going to get to worship and sing what we just studied so stay with us right now but before we go before they come i want to speak this blessing as you bow your hands i want you to receive this i want to speak this blessing over this house as the priest of this house i speak this blessing over you the lord bless you may he brock you may his blessing be so personal and so powerful that it's no doubt it was him and there's no doubt it was meant for you and may the same god who bless you keep you may he protect everything and preserve everything that matters to you that he won't just give you protection but he'll give you preservation may the lord make his face shine on you may he smile on you and may he be gracious unto you and stoop down with kindness all over your life so that it is undeniably true that you are blessed and may the lord turn his face towards you and have such an intimate closeness with you that his face is upon yours and may the lord give you and not only not may the lord give you i'm sorry this is not a prayer i say i declare the lord will give you shalom he will give you shalom in jesus name amen
Channel: Keith Battle
Views: 2,885
Rating: 4.8473282 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 27sec (2367 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 05 2021
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