Off Grid YouTube Family of Girls Step up to Help Dad Drive a Well | Fabricating Off Grid Well Tools

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we're gonna hit china hayley that's where we're getting water from chinese friends in china what's the best tool for the job take two hi i'm chad and you're watching nine to five to life off wood as you can see my luck is starting to work already as some of you may know we've been trying to dig a well for quite some time now i had a professional well driller come out and give me some pointers he actually drove out to see if there's a possibility of getting this rig out here and like everyone else told us sorry bud you're just too far off the road for our rig so it's all going to be up to us to get this well situated so so i am going to drive the point through here the one and a quarter all the way to china if i gotta hit china to get chinese water i'm gonna do it i'm not gonna stop i'm just going to keep rocking and rolling the only reason i was going 25 foot last time all the other times because the hand pumps that's all they can draw is 25 foot everybody told me you can't go past 25 foot well the water level is actually it's up this pipe right now it's only about eight foot down is where the ground water is so if i drive the pipe down a hundred foot but the water level's still up here eight foot down that means i'm only drawing from eight foot down not all the way to the end of it i never thought of it that way yeah so maybe i just need to keep driving until the end of the screen the point is actually nice and in out of the clay wherever it gets out of the clay into some rocky stuff or some good sand that it could actually go through because this clay right here this clay right here is sticking to the screen smothering it so no water can go in it every single time no matter what i do so if i keep driving to china i'm sure they don't have clay there i mean i'm sure they have clay there but i'm sure between here in china there is some good stuff these little screen areas right here that clay sticks to this and doesn't allow water to go in through this filter system i will not be defeated all right all right we've got uh two five foot sections on right now plus a three foot point so there's 13 foot right now so i'm gonna go down we'll be about three foot above the 10 foot pipe we put in there and i should be able to hammer it down a little bit to get it started and then throw another section on but i'm probably going to have to elevate myself up in the air to be able to hammer it once i put another section on so about to figure that out should be fun let's do this so um [Music] well start driving her down this is where it starts getting frustrating it's where the work gets real hard and every time i've done it after the first two times every time i've done it i've doubted myself every swing every shovel load every inch but now it's time to get it [Music] [Music] that's loud without your ear my son airplane [Music] [Music] oh for me thanks oh all right yep [Music] boy i'm sure glad these girls think this is fun stuff strangely my wife had a terrible headache today she's no dumb [Applause] [Music] yeah she's off grid [Music] thailand what's the best tool for the job [Music] do [Music] how many pipes do we have well we got our six one getting hammered in right now how many more do we have to go well we used all this new ones that we bought so we have six thirty foot plus the three foot point that's 33 foot down once this one's all the way down so next we're gonna have to go dig or jack up some of our old pipe that's still on the ground that didn't work and reuse those pipes and couplings to keep driving on this well until we hit china do you think we'll get water you're right we're gonna hit china hayley that's where we're getting water from chinese friends in china they don't charge [Music] [Music] all right maybe one more until i fall in my head all right now twist the handle this is one of the wells we tried driving a while back in our garden we're going to go ahead and reuse the pipe oh that slips off there that handle's going to come down [Music] so it's the next day i just put another five foot section on all the way at the top of that that's 40 foot plus a three foot point so it's 40 foot once i get that down if we don't get water or good soil by then we'll keep adding it on and add it on until we get it [Music] right in there yeah he's eyeballing our vegetables [Music] okay it's time for a better pounding solution we'll make a trip to my workplace and build that solution today hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] so [Music] bye do so [Music] oh yeah [Music] this little contraption will allow us to force air down the pipe to push the water down the pipe as well to flush out the point so got this oh [Applause] what happened huh it just busted right on off there that's where the weld was take two luckily we hammered the drive coupling enough that it mushroomed the top allowing us to use a standard bit for the hammer [Applause] this is the point section that was that we drove in the garden it's filled up with clay we took it apart to reuse the stuff and this is what goes on in the inside that's why you don't get any water up even if you're in water all right another five foot section this is all the way down it'll be 50 foot down all right so we got the 50 foot section all the way down and we went ahead and put some air pressure to it to make sure the point doesn't get clogged up this will be 55 foot what song says it seems whenever i get too excited something breaks yep the top of the pipe broke luckily we were able to just unscrew it and screw another one in so let's get this bad boy plumbed in let's go freaking thumbnail that knife is sharp loves me after priming and priming for some time i decided to pull the pump back off and attach my pressure tool only to find out that the pipe is broke off eight foot down we are now 60 foot down and not sure if we made it to good sand yet to be able to drop good water i decided to once again walk away from this project for a bit soon we will dig down and remove the busted pipe and replace it with new pipe so stay tuned for that and if you made it this far in the video you must really like our channel and i bet you're curious about our cabin build and everything that's going on around here well stay tuned we're gonna do an update video and let you know what's happening we appreciate you thanks for watching nine to five to life off grid
Channel: 9252 LIFE
Views: 1,095,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off grid, Off grid water, Finding water off grid, Family living off grid digs a well, Well drilling, Sandpoint well, Sand point well, How to drive a well, How to drive a well off grid, Can you drink shallow well water, How to hammer in your own well, Best off grid YouTube channel, Best well driller video, How to get water in my off grid property
Id: VW-dT8LvDQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 1sec (1561 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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