How To Build a DIY Smokeless Fire Pit That Really Works!

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what's up guys adam here again and today i'm going to be changing out our standard hole in the ground type fire pit now this was really easy to make and also fairly inexpensive which is probably why i went with it in the first place but like most fire pits it smokes like crazy so people are having to sit on one side of it or having to move around it depending on which way the wind is blowing just to avoid that excess smoke on top of that we also have an infant so i have an abundance of caution we really have had to cut down on having any fires at all and so many months ago i started researching and thinking about how i could make or find a more smokeless fire pit i continued looking and i found these standalone almost insert looking type smokeless fire pits and in my opinion they're a little bit small and they're a little bit pricey but in the reviews people were just raving about how well they worked so i was looking into how they work and think to myself how can i take the technology or the science behind this smokeless fire pit that so many people say works so well and turn it into a larger more conventional looking fire pit that we like and so i think that this is going to turn out pretty well but we won't find out until we get it done so let's go ahead and jump right in and see what we come up with let's go now one of the most important items that's going to be needed is a fire ring and this particular firing i got online and i have a link down in the description down below where you can check one out for yourself but this one came in four pieces and it gets bolted together using eight bolts and it goes together very fast now i went with this specific firing because it has this flange or this ring that goes all the way around the top of the firing and the reason i did that is because it's going to really simplify this installation and when i get to that step i will expound a little bit more on why having this ring at the top is going to really make it a lot easier why it is so important so now i've got the old fire pit completely filled in i've got my stones down nice and level and now i can start laying the lowest level of the stones that are going to be stacked around the outside of this fire pit [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so i'm going to take a real quick break from laying this first level of stone i wanted to show that i'm leaving at least an inch and a half gap or so between the inside of these stones and the firing i want to be able to have a gap here or an envelope basically of cool air where eventually that cool air is going to be introduced into where the fire will be and that is what will make this whole thing smokeless [Music] all right so you know how i said earlier that i needed to introduce air into that little pocket that i was making in between the stone and the fire ring well now i need to actually remove some of these stones in order to introduce that air i'm going to take them out and i'm going to actually break them in half so that it's going to allow for air to come in but also still allow for there to be support for the second row and i don't have an even number between each of these stones in order to make it completely even for which ones i'm gonna pull out so i decided to go with every third stone to every fourth stone every third stone and then two then the fourth stone so now just go ahead and pull those out to go break them up so the good news is since i have four holes to fill at the bottom of that first row and i only need to fill them with halves i only have to break up two of these stones so less work and more stones left over now i've found personally for me that the best way to break these in half is by just using my hand now i've been training for many many years so if you have not trained then i would not advise doing this at home but i found for me personally that this is the quickest and most efficient way to break these in half so let's go ahead and get ready for this now don't worry if you're not trained in the arts of raqqando like i am there is another method that's really easy to do that i'm going to show you now how to do so the three main things that you're going to need in order to do this is you're going to need some safety glasses you're going to need a masonry chisel and a nice sized mallet or hammer so what we want to do is we want to take the chisel and we're going to just score this half of the stone using this hammer [Music] what this is going to do is it's going to promote a nice even break when we finally get that chisel going on the other side and it breaks through so we'll flip it over and now we'll take the chisel and doing the same thing but we're not going to stop until this rock breaks in half and there you go right in half the way that you need it to be all right so now those stones are broken in half i can put one in each one of these gaps as support but also allowing the air to come through and then continue on with the second layer of stones [Music] so i could have done this step a little bit earlier but now it's fine as well now i need to take a hole saw and i need to cut some holes all along the top part of this fire ring all the way around it and just to give an idea on how this is going to work now we've got our stones where we broke them in half and have holes in the bottom that's allowing that cooler air in we've got our cavity or envelope between the stones and the fire ring where that cooler air can set and as that cooler air sits there it will be worn by the fire which will cause it to rise and it will enter into the fire through the holes that we are about to cut this will supply the fire with nice warm oxygenated air which will cause a secondary combustion to help burn off that excess smoke now i talked a little bit earlier about this specific firing and why i went with it this flange going all the way around it's covering that cavity where that cooler air is going to be sitting so if it was open instead of having this on top you'd have to set something on top of it in order to keep that cavity closed to then feed the cooler air in through the holes that we're about to cut so let's go ahead and cut those holes in all right so i have fully upgraded from the safety glasses to the safety goggles because i literally feel like i'm swimming in metal shavings and i don't know the last time you had a piece of metal in your eye but i have never had it and i want to keep it that way [Music] all right guys so now i've got all of the holes cut i could be done because the cap is keeping everything like an envelope down below but just for aesthetics and it's gonna help close it up just that much more i'm gonna add another row of stones to this [Music] if you would want a bigger stone on the top there they do make bigger cap stones that you can put on there but i think this looks pretty dang good for using pretty much just stuff that i already had but now the real question that everybody's wondering is does it work and the answer is yes it does work holy smokes or i should say holy smokeless that is amazing i should have done this a long time ago that's awesome [Music] all right guys so i really couldn't be happier with the way that this turned out it looks great at least in my opinion and more importantly it functions exactly as i was hoping it would now it didn't take away the smoke a hundred percent but that's going to be pretty much near impossible anytime there's a fire so it has cut down the smoke by a huge amount so i would consider that a great success i hope that you found this video be interesting if you did please let me know by leaving a comment down in the comment section and also giving the video a thumbs up and if you like videos like i did here today then consider hitting that red subscribe button and i look forward to seeing you in the next one
Channel: How To Home
Views: 841,710
Rating: 4.9189153 out of 5
Keywords: diy smokeless fire pit, diy smokeless fire pit design, smokeless fire pit, smokeless fire pit build, smokeless fire pit how it works, how to build a smokeless fire pit, how to build a smokeless fire, how to make a smokeless fire pit, fire pit ideas, smokeless fire, diy fire pit
Id: DToPhKv2vYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Fri May 07 2021
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