Drill Your Own Water Well - Mud Pump & Portable Mud Pit

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in this video we will demonstrate a mud pump drilling setup that the do-it-yourself driller may find useful it will employ a portable mud pit a mud pit is used in drilling so the drilling fluid can be recirculated and reused the cuttings on the bottom of the hole are carried by the drilling fluid to the mud pit where they settle to the bottom so they can be shoveled out a portable mud pit eliminates the need to dig mud pits at the well site an essential element of the portable mud pit setup is the guide tube that directs cuttings to the pit prior to beginning the drilling process and guide to must be cut into the ground real village is massive heavy machines to simply push the metal guide to into the ground we obviously don't have that luxury so prior to the beginning of the drilling process we will be working a guide tube into the ground using water from a hose to evacuate cuttings from the hole this is a bit of a tedious process so I'm going pick up the pace a little bit there that ought to do it now let's get the pieces and parts we'll need for drilling need a mud pump hoses gasoline a portable mud pit and fittings for the suction hose and the water line here we install the fitting for the suction hose the fitting for the water supply line has a valve so we can turn the water off and on we will need several pieces of two-inch PVC schedule 40 pipe as well as two-inch couplings this is the drill bit we'll be using it allows water to flow out the bottom towards cuttings back up to the top we'll need a handle to rotate the drill pipe this is the drill head it attaches to the top of the drill pipe we need a screwdriver preferably in an electric one this four inch schedule 40 PVC tee attaches to the top of the vertical guide tube this is the horizontal guide tube we need PVC primer and cement firstly install the PVC tee and the horizontal guide tube that will direct cuttings over to the portable money we need to fill the portable mud pit with water this is a screen to keep rocks and other large cuttings from being recirculated here we're connecting the portable mud pit to the mud pump with the suction hose attached the handle to the drill pipe and put the drill pipe in the vertical guide attach the drill head you and connect water supply line to the drill start to pump sometimes it takes a little while to get the water flowing you may have to prime it first the drilling fluid is pumped down the drill pipe where it carries cuttings from the bottom back up to the top it is then directed over to the portable mud pit from the portable mud pit it is pulled through the green suction hose over to the mud pump the drilling fluid is then pumped through the yellow supply hose up to the top of the drill pipe where the process begins again cutting settle out in the bottom of the mud pit where they can be shoveled out it will be necessary to add sticks of PVC as you drill I like to use five foot lengths when I'm drilling by myself and 10 foot sticks when I have help be sure and use primer prior to gluing you've kind of got a work to handle over the coupling to raise it up it's a good idea to insert the vertical guide tube in the ground several days prior to drilling and give the ground and sand time to collapse around it if you don't you might have a leakage like I do here you'll definitely want to use bentonite in your drilling process it hardens and sandy walls of the hole so they don't collapse on your drill pipe this allows you to drill much deeper mix the bentonite in a separate container and be sure to add the bentonite as you are mixing then just pour the bentonite mix in with your drilling fluid all this helps the drilling process immensely but be aware that drilling is still going to be slow because you are the drill motor when you quit for the day it's a good idea to pull your drill pipe out here I've drilled to 24 feet and I'm stopping for the day with use of a recirculating drilling fluid system that includes a mud pump bentonite a metal drill bit and a mud pit two inch diameter well depths of 50 to 60 feet are routinely achievable for more information on how you can drill your own well go to WWE your own welkom thanks for watching
Channel: dawmlw
Views: 970,277
Rating: 4.7322869 out of 5
Keywords: Mud, water well \mud pit\, dig, shallow, well
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 11 2012
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