All about wells ..Where to DRILL or locate your well.

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hey folks engineer 775 here and continue my series all about Wells and today I want to talk to you about where to drill a well where to place your well and there's all different types of board wells and drilled wells and not going to necessarily talk to you about that on this video but I'm going to talk to you about where to find water what's the where's the best place to drill on your property I've heard some horror stories of people drilling expensive wells on their property and spending upwards of fifteen sixteen thousand dollars and not hitting any water and that's very discouraging and so there are some simple things that you can do if you're buying a piece of property or some of you have commented about just getting started with this and and that this is very timely for you so I wanted to make sure I get these things going you can drill in places that are more apt to have a lot of water a good recovery rate a good recharge rate and it's called a recharge area and we'll talk about that and basically what I want you to think about is of course it depends on how much property you have but if you could get a topo map of your property and if you know your property well or you're considering buying a piece of property make sure you get a topo map of the property you've walked it many many times you know the lay of the land you've kind of picked out where you want to put your home where you want to put your barn where you want to put your pastures but don't forget the placement of your well it's very important for many reasons there are trade-offs you know if I move my well too far away from my house then it's going to cost me a lot of money to run the wire there the power there may be I mean if you could put you well in a place where you only have to drill 200 foot deep versus wanting it next to your house we have to drill 7 800 foot there's a trade-off in wire right there and so anyway finding water it is it's pretty logical I'm based on you're just looking at your topo map or walking your property you can find where there are valleys or drawers and those are areas where the sedimentary rock the bedrock is going to be more conducive to capturing water and that's what you want to do you want to hit if you're drilling a well hitting these fractures in bedrock now everybody's hydrology hydro sorry hydrogeology is different your location you might have limestone shale or scheisse mica scheisse to you you could have and I'm going to put up a slide on a different types of rock in my area it's called nice it's a high grade metamorphic rock and that's what you want to hit here when you hit that rock you drill through and you're looking for fractures again this is having a drilling service do it but what they're doing is hitting you want them to hit as many fractures as possible water bearing fractures and each one of those fractures when you when you hit it I'm going to show you on that as they drill on my well it's hard to see on video but the drill bit will just all of a sudden jump down through and you know you hear it you can hear it and it changes the speed at which the drill is going down into the ground and that's you've hit a fracture and each time the water capacity the recovery rate picks up just a little bit so that's kind of neat you don't want to drill in the very bottom or valley of a draw where the rocks of those creases have come together that rocky little tend of you'll find the smaller rocks there it'll be crumbly I guess as a way to explain it and you don't want to drill through that because that's going to end up in your well casing you want to hit that good solid rock but you want to be in an area where the recharge is is good so when you look at a topo map you can kind of see the contours on a map as as almost catcher's on like big funnels big bowls and you want to be down in that bowl down in that draw ravine and either off to one side or the other of it and that's the ideal place to drill your well again the lower the better on your property you're just going to kind of it's kind of natural if you were to pour when it rains watch where the water flows on your property and the lower areas is where you're going to want to drill your well for the best recovery rate now if you just want to drill your well close to your home because you want it close for whatever reasons security reasons or just wire reasons you're going to take a chance of not hitting a lot of water it's not that you're not going to hit water it's a recovery rate that's always of interest to me to make sure you get up there to 10 plus 20 plus gallons per minute if you are going to do irrigation not just taking care of your home but irrigating maybe taking care of a couple of homes or outbuildings that you get enough water you might as well do this once it's expensive so I'm going to show you a few slides and hopefully that I'll explain and the looking at a topo map knowing where to drill and why to drill there so that's one that's a simple logical reason there are some high-tech devices echoing devices and I'm not going to get into that it actually was used you have to actually use a radio frequency from naval stations along the east coast here to pick up where fractures are and you can only do at certain times of the week and that's pretty complicated and I've never done that that's from a hydrogeologist in our area explain the process that he's done but it's more logical time then you can get into the controversial I guess way of finding water and that is through dowsing and dowsing is something that I want to talk to you about I think I'll do a video on dowsing and some of the pros the cons the the mystery of dowsing and there's so many opinions and I try to take a neutral approach to dowsing just kind of put that out there let you play with it let's see what you think and I'll save that we're gonna do a dowsing video I think now that I think of it okay finding water very important do it right save yourself a lot of money even if you have to run more wire and your pumps a little farther away and you want to make sure that you get a good amount of water and one of the critical things for me as a prepper is finding a well if you can do it on your property that has a static water level under 30 feet and I was able to do that here took me some measuring figuring debating and there's a trade-off a static water level under 30 or running a thousand foot of wire to my pump and as a prepper I like to have a static low 30 because if everything fails power I have no access to power my generator fails I can always suck water out of that well with an old pitcher pump and so that was a consideration for me in determining and I was pretty fortunate that I got within 5 feet of my static water level so I did hit a 22 foot static very very happy with that but it took some homework took some measuring took a test hole and you're not always going to get that but if you can and that's a great peace of mind to know that no matter what yes the wells 300 foot deep but the static water level is only the waters down 22 I know I can get water out of there for my family for livestock with just an old pitcher pump with a couple other gaskets so things to consider your static water level trade-offs on wire size and length and cost the amount of recovery rate that you're looking forward on how many gallons per minute does that well produce is another way of saying it and knowing where to drill in a draw or a Veen but not right in the center of that and know your hydrogeology and that will take you doing some homework with your local Extension offices they can tell you what or you can do it on Google and find out what is the rock in your area what are the best types of wells you might be in a sandy area and you got to do and well different techniques there I don't know all the different rocks and the drilling techniques but your well local well drillers do but you can be proactive in this process and find out the right location and you pick the location you're able to do it and if you can't there are hydrogeologists in your area sometimes in the state it's a free service if you check out your local Extension offices it used to be a free service here in South Carolina I believe it no longer is but you can basically have a guy come out and they can do a site evaluation different levels of site evaluation they can do it over the phone based on maps and charts and history of other wells in the area then they can actually come out step to come out and do an actual evaluation of your property and take measurements and walk the land and with you and you come into agreement on what you think the best area would be to drill and and then you can get a full report from them on you know your choices they'll usually give you at least five site locations depending on the size of your property so a lot of things to consider and don't forget security you know if the wells a mile away from your house and it's on the edge of a road and that's the best place to drill the well that might not be the best place to put the well even if you sacrifice some gallons per minute to have it out of sight out of mind okay that's probably enough on finding water we'll show you a few slides and I think the next video I'm actually going to it might be the dowsing video dowsing or drilling you tell me thanks for watching you
Channel: Engineer775
Views: 467,921
Rating: 4.6753664 out of 5
Keywords: Water, Well, Wells, drilling, Engineer775, Prepping, Preparedness, WROL, SHTF, all, about, where, to, drill, #engineer775, #practprep
Id: nC_Sw303TpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 11 2012
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