What you need to know about jetting a Well DIY

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hey guys want to make a little video about you adding a shallow well in your backyard for whatever purpose you need the water for watering your plants saving on your water bill your municipal water bill give you some ideas of the things I went through when I drilled mine is one thing is where's it going to go if you're gonna put it in your backyard you need to make sure if you're in an area that has septic tanks septic system that you're a hundred feet away at least a hundred feet I think that the code in Sarasota is 75 but ox de 100 feet away but there are no more septic tanks in this area they've all gone to sewer so I don't have to worry about that in this area and then thinking about drilling a sand well or jetting in a well is what's down there now when you call your County Building Department and talk to the inspector you can ask them you know how much it's gonna cost for a permit I believe the permit on ours was a hundred forty dollars or something like a hundred hundred fifty dollars and then you can talk to the inspector and he'll know about this area because that's what he does and when I talked to him he said I could drill down about 22 to 23 feet before I hit rock and he was right on the money I think I went down 22 feet and I hit Lime Rock there's an area that's about 15 miles south of me that I've done some digging pond digging and retention area digging that I've hit rock at four and a half five feet so this system will not work for that you will not be able to get deep enough to get water in the same north of me also there's an area where the rock is within two feet of the surface and it's a layer of lime rock it's about two feet thick you're not going to use this system to get through that you would have to literally have a professional well driller come and drill you a well through that raw this will only work in sand and find shale to get you down and just luckily in my area it's down 22 feet and when I started drilling mine I went down there and sure enough I banged right into it and that's where you got to stop because you're not going to be farther not with this jetting in a while you're not gonna go any farther than then soon as you hit something hard if you and you can ask also the the inspector of the water quality that's there and he told me so it's gonna be really high in iron it's going to be a the water will have a brown tint to it and yeah it's been that way ever since I've pumped been using my well the waters Browns is too high and iron water I have not had the water tested to see if it's drinkable I'm sure what if you want to boil it you could drink it but as far as any of the anything like any type of heavy metals or pesticides or anything like that that may possibly be in there that would be have to be tested first before I would ever drinking this water even even boiling it or running it through a really good filter system before I drink any of this water that I'm getting out of the ground but you know hey hard times yeah you gonna drink it boil it first though definitely and then it comes to what you're gonna need to drill this well or to jet this well in now the system I have is it's right here you can buy this home depot has it I bought this from Home Depot but it's just three quarter-inch fittings and you can make one of these very simply but I was in Home Depot one day and decided it you know once gonna drill wells and I seen this I thought this buy one don't worry about making this up yes that's what you get right there you get those fittings right there and this is for a two-inch pipe PVC pipe right here you'll need to water supplies with your water hoses to get to these here from two different faucets so you'll have enough water flow to jet this thing down into the ground now when you put your fitting your pipe on the end of this right here you don't glue this because you're gonna be taking this off and adding a section and then just push this down you're not building up any pressure in the pipe and if it blows off it's not gonna you know go flying into orbit it's just gonna pop off the end of it and you get wet and you put it back together but just slide that right on there tap it on a little tight just you know we can get it off by hand and then you'll start working this down into the ground and I did it 8-foot sections so I didn't have to stand on a you know 12 foot ladder to get up at the top of it now at the bottom of this pipe and the sections as you put them together you glue them together you don't want them coming apart obviously while you're trying to drill this thing in the ground yeah over again now on the end of this I've got a male adapter 2 inch male adapter right here and then a 2 inch galvanized coupling and you just thread these together and you'll see that I drilled a hole right here and put a set screw in it so it can't unscrew because you're you're dropping this down into ground and you're twisting it back and forth luck yes and it working itself right into the ground and so you definitely don't want that unscrewing and leaving it hanging down in the bottom and then just take a cut-off blade on a four inch grinder and cut you some teeth on this thing and then you can build it bend them out so that they come just to the outside or the inside edge of your 3 inch casing that I washed into the ground and that way all that sand and stuff will come right up through that casing and out on the ground and you just let it run water it'll don't be in a rush let it work itself down there and you just gently turn it back and forth and it'll walk itself right down down about 12 14 feet I think it was I hit shell which was just too fine small shells and it washed them right up with it they came right out of the ground with it all the way down till I bumped into that rock of 22 feet and you can hear it just a grind in on it well that's far as you're gonna go with this unless you've got months that you want to sit there and try to grind through that Lime Rock which really no need for that so as far as the electric pump I put a it's a jet pump that I put on the air underneath my pitcher pump and that way I can plug Electric to it run water as I needed I can use a pitcher pump got a gate valve between the two because that pump will try to suck through the pitcher pump by you know pass the leather pump in there and it will try to suck the water or in air through there so it won't draw water up pretty well so you got to have a gate valve in there to shut that off and then at the bottom of your inch and a quarter pipe once you drop that down in the hole if you run this all the way down and hit the rock and pull it out let it run for a while get all that sand out of the way pull this thing out and then you take your inch and a quarter pipe with a foot valve on the bottom and that's just to help hold the water up into pipe and you just take a twenty foot piece of it stand it up drop it right down there it will go all the way to the bottom and then you can raise it up and on the inside of that three inch pipe which you'll work that right down alongside your two-inch and you'll wash it right into the ground you stop where once down 15 feet and ground that's where I quit you put a well seal which is a three inch by inch and a quarter well seal and it's just got a rubber gasket around the outside of it you put that in there run your pipe in there and you can raise your pipe up about a foot off of that rock and then you when you tighten that well seal up that seals around that inch and a quarter holds it in place and it keeps it from wobbling back and forth and for any reason you need to pull that pipe out of the ground that casings empty so you only got seven feet below the bottom that casing to the bottom of your pipe and you'd be able to pull that pipe out of the ground slide right out if you need to put a another foot valve on it or whatever you want to do if you got a hole in it you can pull it out and put a new one in other net pretty simple you can get these at Home Depot or you can make your own not much tool and but definitely check with your building department and see what's down there and how far you can drill because they'll know in your area what you can do before you go spending any money on anything check see how deep you can go cuz you may not be able to go for a date and find out where the water table is at down there they'll know all the answers to that when you go apply for a permit you can just start asking questions with your bill apartment hi guys that's all I got about that little update on it maybe a little bit of information that you can use and have a great day we'll talk to you later bye now
Channel: Loaderman
Views: 16,974
Rating: 4.7988825 out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Well drilling, shallow well, jetting a well, how to drill a well, well info, well information, How To, How to jet a well
Id: rchFGy1L850
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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