FASHION RAND-O-MIZER! ๐ŸŽฉ | The Loud House | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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[Music] what animal does mary have a lamb with the fleece as white as snow [Music] come on dink in we're gonna be late for school what if you're already here didn't see that coming yeah you didn't we sure do fancy your new duds lincoln yeah didn't know you were into the hipster look you might find there's a lot you don't know about me [Music] [Music] hey lola dude it's me luna learn to take a compliment sweetie luna what happened to you nothing the producers just made a few tweaks a few tweaks you are literally unrecognizable give me a break dude oh hi read aloud you must be one of lori's friends mom it's luna well i just happened to come across these matching princess dresses at the mall and i thought of course powder pink but wait there's more [Music] did you hear the gooseman's got into it with the postal worker no way tell me more okay so apparently one of their packages showed up wet and they just locked it be careful the floor is lava i'm burning you saved me i forgot [Music] wow this is my color ruby red [Music] wow a nine oh oopsie sorry that was a six [Music] i'm having such a neat time here at gus's games and grub i wish the fun would never end [Music] why it's a teeny genie here to grab my wish for more tokens now for a limited time at gus's games get 23 tokens with the purchase cut sorry everyone take five okay real funny stuff sweetie but a director doesn't want to see you doing your own thing like that it's all about being cute and professional okay so about lily i know i was just telling her i loved seeing her do her own thing oh what now as a matter of fact i am thinking we trim some of your lines so we get to the teeny genie even faster oh such a wonderful idea [Music] hmm a little formal but definitely different don't wait for me guys i'm walking really wish check this guy out just when i was getting used to the hipster look he goes all dapper cool briefcase i didn't know you're into vintage stuff whoa you could get married in a suit this fine or buried in it thanks guys just shaking things up we got a team full of randos and you're playing tic-tac-toe this isn't tic-tac-toe i've built you the most statistically efficient team in football history the numbers say we'll win our next game by 20 points and every game after dear sister i promised you a winning team and this is it [Music] this must be how famed biologist louis pasteur felt when he boiled up his first speaker of buttermilk all right you know what to do team one two three [Music] how about some hustle wide receiver one let's lay out for that [Applause] oh come on who was supposed to be covering my blind side [Music] hey that was a cheap shot we don't stand for cheap shots right team team [Music] royal woods loses 63-0 let's see a plus representation a plus for smell and a plus plus for texture delicate yet chunky wow thanks kiddo gee i can't imagine what's keeping lola let me go check [Music] how was your day sweetie oh um you know a pageant and a glitter and um crowns probably just another day in the life of lola there you go [Music] wow a clean plate and an a plus for texture last time i served leftover hash you ate the rating cart and told me it tasted better you feeling okay oh um yeah that's my lola oh that worked awesome no one suspected anything lucy's been out there a while i'm beginning to worry we should go check on her she could have melted i'll bring a bucket just in case [Music] what's going on is this what you've been doing all day surfing oh not just surfing lucy's been doing all kinds of fun stuff with us you should have seen her spike the volleyball that girl's got skills uh are you like a normie now come on guys let's go wait stop you don't understand [Music] i'm sorry for lying but i was worried that if you found out i was actually having fun you'd be upset well we are upset i mean what kind of goth are you you're wearing dolphin print first off i borrowed this from cheryl secondly i'm the same goth i've been since birth but today i realized that just because you're goth doesn't mean you can't enjoy the beach and i think if all of you gave it a chance you might like it too [Music] okay scarf draped piled timer set here we go okay forget leaves let's do a good old-fashioned tire swing selfie okay forget tires how about a rainy day selfie where's my rain [Music] forget rainy days let's do a tractor selfie those are a thing right wow it's actually literally perfect and i didn't hurt myself ow 100 likes thank you chaz 101 likes thank you random person from golf camp and yes 102 likes thank you aunt ruth and in your face carol pingree so sore it appears we have a tie lucy and haiku each have three votes as sitting president it is my duty to choose these this the morticians club lincoln what in haiti's handbag are you doing here oh well i was hoping to join you guys i've really taken an interest in death lately oh dead snake that was an excited scream really lucy you're norm me brother why i'm as surprised as you are very well as a new member i suppose he may vote in our current i vote for my sister thanks wow yes that means i won [Music] this place is actually really fun wanna go on a ride maybe split a candy apple that sounds nice but first i got you this oh my favorite color smelly this is armin he's into ponies too tiny trots my face abigail have you met mellie i think you guys both like those doggy investigator books have you read the one where he busts the chinchilla so good one and that's the way the cookie crumbles nice work kid which price do you want here lola you deserve this a cheese crown this is the most beautiful crown i have ever worn [Music] moana sorry i'd eat something [Music] okay lynn europe [Music] and what's taking lin so long mission accomplished okay let's see what we got here hmm emo tweens notoriously tough crowd but don't worry this isn't my first mop fest [Music] oh i get it she's like trapped in a box that's exactly how i felt when my mom said i couldn't dye my hair purple wow it's like the soul-crushing pointlessness of seventh grade you ready to do this i don't know you'll be fine just follow my lead [Music] wow it's about how we're all just like clones that's what i was gonna say exactly hi can i laurie loud have a glass for a free cup of water sure look at me stealing lemonade lori loud is such a rule breaker oh actually all the fountain drinks in the cafeteria are free whoa looks like lori loud is stealing these banana nut muffins hey oh no am i in trouble you should probably call the campus police no i just wanted to tell you that it's pastry palooza week the muffins are free do you want it to go box forget it i lost my appetite what do i have to do to mess up laurie's reputation coach nibbles the guy who gave lawyer scholarship he could keep lori from coming here next year [Applause] is that lori loud why yes it is her i mean she i i mean i'm lori loud why don't you take the first swing with pleasure oh i mean oh no you just got a hole in one lorry [Music] this marked seven straight days of agonizing musculoskeletal torture street name exercise this is all your fault i'm talking to you lincoln i just can't lift my arm to point yeah you got the rents on this health gig bro you need to get him off of it honey check it out i fit into my old leather pants oops and by fit i mean i still have a ways to go but now i have a new goal oh mine will be to fit into that tankini i bought on our honeymoon [Music] wait that gives me an idea maybe if mom and dad think they've reached all their fitness goals they'll cool it with the exercising okay huddle up first we got to make mom and dad believe they've lost weight so lisa you'll read the scale [Music] and lori and lenny you'll replace their clothes with larger sizes [Music] and these are my skinny jeans next we have to convince mom and dad they've gotten stronger glenn and lana you'll paint higher numbers on the weights while luanne and luna loosen all the jars in the kitchen oh hey guess i don't know my own strength lastly to make mom and dad think they're getting faster lucy you'll turn the clocks back whoa we ran five miles in ten minutes [Music] eat my crust losers lynn loud i thought i banned you [Music] get back here with that trophy
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 3,861,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, loud house, randomizer, loud house fashion, lincoln loud, lola loud, lily loud, the loud house, loud house compilation, loud house and casagrandes, luna loud, nickelodeon loud house, loud house family, best of loud house, loud house ncu, loud house marathon, loud house full episodes, ytao_lh
Id: C1XqNC_gG7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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