The Really Loud House Cast Answer FAST Questions! | Behind The Scenes | Nickelodeon

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[music playing] Oh, never leave the house without? I could never leave the house without my mom because I wouldn't be able to get anywhere. [giggling] My water bottle. Oh, my gosh, I left it in my trailer. No. I lost it the other day and I almost... I could've died anyway. I might say, lip gloss, lipstick. Not, yeah, more lip gloss than lipstick. I feel like it- it's a nice zhuzh. Probably my gum. I'm a really big gum chewer, and I need my gum, every day. I-I'm going to go with my computer, my bag and my phone and ChapStick. I think it would be my phone. Maybe some gum. Always ChapStick. I am- My lips gets so dry, so fast. It's my phone and it's not only for safety reasons, but also I like to take photos, like memories, like that's like, the best way to, like, keep a memory and like see it. My phone. Right? I wish it was something more profound than that, but my phone and my sense of humor. How's that? Makes it sound a little better. Oh, she'd probably spend $20 on food for some sort of like brocco load or carbo load if she has a championship coming up. Or maybe some new cleats or like a new ball, whether that's like a soccer ball or basketball, depends. Either a new poetry book, or maybe, like a new fresh set of, like, limited edition tombstones for her morticianists. New reptiles for her collection of pets or a really cheap tool set. You know, the little containers with glitter on them, and then definitely stuffed animals, like she's obsessed with them. Earplugs. He would buy a jar of earplugs, because the house and the sound, and the kids. Earplugs, 20 bucks worth of earplugs. She would buy fabric because Leni knows how to sew, as you can see by her sewing machine. Definitely that cause she could make anything she wanted from that. So a bunch of fabric. Maybe some new strings for her guitar. Maybe a couple of nice pics, all purple. I think if Luan had 20 bucks, she would immediately spend it on more rubber chickens cause I don't think she thinks she can ever have enough. Oh, dang, I have a lot of favorites. Okay, I have it. Everyone goes on a car trip, and they get stopped many times, and the car breaks down a couple times. They sing a song ab- <i> ♪ We have the blues Cause our car got stolen ♪</i> <i> ♪ By a tow truck ♪</i> One of my favorite Loud House episodes is probably all of them, but I am obsessed with the Halloween episode and another pageant episode where Lily is voted the cutest sister. So Lola tries to sabotage her sister and get a lot of videos of her being mean or angry or like crazy. My favorite Loud House episode is actually the one that uses my audition scene for the show. And it's the one where Leni is getting her driver's license. She's failed it 12 times, but she really wants to go to the mall. But then Lori sabotages it because Lori wants to be the only one who can drive. But it's hilarious. Leni learns how to drive a car from a video game. She has a pink wig, and she wears like this pink sparkly outfit, and she tries to sing like a song that she's not passionate about. And then she has this moment where Mick Swagger comes to her, and says, "You are Luna Loud." And she's like, "You're right." I am Luna Loud, and then she becomes herself. And obviously everyone likes her music like so much more like that, because it's authentic. And I think if there's one thing Luna is, it's authentic. So, my favorite Loud House episode from an animated series is actually one where Luan and her crush Benny play Romeo and Juliet in the school play together. And Benny actually has a doll named Mrs. Applebottom, and I have Mr. Coconuts. And Mrs. Applebottom and Mr. Coconuts end up liking each other and me and Benny end up liking each other. And it's just really, really cute. And I love that episode. Okay, so basically, Lucy goes on a field trip, right? But she really doesn't like the location of the field trip, which is the beach. Like she ends up like kind of like accidentally hitting the volleyball, or helping somebody with a sand castle or even, like she tries surfing. So I feel like you got to see, like, Lucy kind of like wanting to branch out and try new things. And see her actually enjoying something. I know shocking. My favorite Loud House episode, the Christmas episode, because in season one; I don't know if you know this, but they never showed the parents' faces for all of season one until the Christmas episode. And we're standing outside of Grouse's house; which now is a real thing about 300 feet from me, and at the very end of the song, the presents get lowered and you see mom and dad's faces. So that is my favorite episode of Loud House. I identify most with Luna. It's like, I know it's cliche. I'm also able to learn a lot from her because she is so authentic and she is so, like, confident and she knows who she is, and she knows what she wants, and she's so determined. I've always been an incredibly ambitious person, and so I think that we are the same. I feel like I'm the person that sets all the plans. I'm like this needs to happen when this time, at this time, so no one goes above it. So, I think I'm kind of like a little bit of Lincoln, a little bit of Luan and a little bit- Oh, Lynn, I'm forgetting one, Lynn. I think I'm a lot like Lynn, a little bit of Lana. Definitely, there's got- There's like Lola all the way in there. Maybe Lynn, cause I'm very competitive, and I feel like Lynn is just like that. Like every time, I would do P.E. in, like school, I'd take it very seriously. You know, I think I identify with, like a mix of characters in a way. I definitely identify with Luan because she's crazy. I identify with my sister, Aubin's character, actually, Lucy, because she has very dry, sarcastic humor. And if you know me, it's probably exactly like me. And then I also identify with Leni in some ways because I'm girly and I like fashion. I will say, Leni. Although I don't think I'm as optimistic as her and I'm not as naive. Those traits we do not share. However, I, as I've said before, share her love for fashion, and I also like to think that I'm a pretty kind person. So, I would probably say, Leni. I do have elements of Lynn because I am an athlete and I'm very competitive on game night. A little bit of Lisa, and mostly Luna. But my parents are both [unintelligible] and so I've grown up. with a lot of musical influence in my life. And I'd say her style is the closest to mine in real life, like tights, plaid miniskirt, and some sort of like graphic banting. Lisa and I would say, Lucy. I'm really sarcastic, and I make a lot of like, funny jokes that are more sarcastic. I'm taking all like, courses that are like above my grade level, so that's where I'm kind of like, ooh, Lisa. And I also, I do want to be a scientist when I'm older if I don't pursue acting, which I'm probably [unintelligible] Lynn and Lisa. Lynn is super sporty, and she's very competitive about it. I'm not as competitive about it as she is, but I really do take sports passionately, like I'm a gymnast. And also Lisa is like, really smart, and I really take school passionately. So, that's my biggest relation to Lisa. I'm not as geniusy as she is, but I do take school seriously, and I think that I am smart. In my childhood, I would- I would connect with Luan the most cause she's a prankster and a jokester, and that's kind of what I was like when I was little, but I really connect with Dad because Dad, in the cartoon especially, is so emotional about his kids. He, likes never wants them to grow up and leave. And that is me in real life with my kids. So I c-, Dad and Luan. Our cast on The Really Loud House is honestly amazing because we really are the Loud House. I mean, in the movie, we all stayed in one hotel together, which was crazy, cause I would get bang bang bang on my door. And the Allans would be there, and I was like, "Oh, hey." But I think that it's just so cool because we're all so close where we really are each other's sisters, and that's a really cool relationship that we get to see on screen. Every single day we see each other. It's always like a hug cause, like, we all are like, actually like an actual family. It's- We really lucked out with this cast. Everybody is really great. There's a wide variety, you know, and it's great. I really like every single person on this cast. It's like a true family to me. Now I feel like I have a relationship with everybody, like I've known them my whole life, like we've all became siblings at heart, and like family members. And like Brian Stepanek and Jolie, like they've actually became my like second parents. I love them so much, and they're so supportive, and I just feel like we have a great bond with everyone now. I love hanging out with each and every one of them. I'm so happy that we're all like a close family now, and I just love everybody's personalities, and they're all so talented. And I loved hanging out and spending time with them, each and every one of them. I adore all these people. I genuinely had, like a built-in family coming into this, in a new city where I didn't know anyone. I had my built-in family on set. All my little sisters running around, my little brother, his best friend, my older sisters, who I'm really close with. And you know, our parents, who I'm also really close with. So, yeah. Even after our first table read on Zoom, they were texting me, DMing me, like "You did a great job. I'm so excited to meet you." And they've all been so incredibly kind. They're all so spunky, kind and extremely talented. And I'm so excited to see what they do in the future. We're pulling jokes, and like not whispering while they're rolling, but like you know, if they are moving cameras like we're all hanging out together. Like in school, we check in or like we work together on problems if we need help. Yes, it's just a lot of fun. They're all genuinely like my siblings in real life, and we all have really funny inside jokes. So I think it's just gotten to be a lot more light and playful. Now I know them so well. It's like I literally know them like the back of my hand. I know when they're joking about something. I know when they're like... frustrated, and I just... I, like, know everything. When people ask me if the show's gonna be good, I say absolutely, it's going to be amazing. But part of that is because I love the kids so much. And they're all so amazing, that I- just based on them, as people, I think the show's gonna be phenomenal. We've gotten- all gotten a lot closer and we really enjoy hanging out together. We- They hang out together a lot. It's a really, really, really special group. Thank you guys so much for watching. Bye. Catch me on The Really Loud House on Nickelodeon. Hey, thanks, everybody. We'll see you next time. Goodbye, YouTube. I'm out.
Channel: Nickelodeon
Views: 1,045,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nick, nickelodeon, nick tv, nick full episodes, full episodes, new episodes, theme song, #youtubekids, nickelodeon shows, kids tv, entertainment, behind the scenes, the really loud house, loud house, loud house q&a, q&a, luan loud, loud house questions, get to know the loud house cast, really loud house cast, luna loud, loud house twins, lincoln loud, ytao_lh, really loud house, the loud house, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon show, loud house live action, cartoons for kids
Id: gE4li2AUTiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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