Can YOU Guess the Loud House Character? ðŸĪ” | Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe

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[Music] [Applause] i literally have so many fun things planned for our big day together first up mini golf you can see the greens break slightly to the left of the dinosaur's tail uh lola that's not how you hold the club to putt ugh it's not that hard just hit the little ball into the big dinosaur you're gonna be dinosaur when i'm done kicking your butt buddy nice one look my sister's a professional golfer so stop rushing her you're gonna have to deal with huh me was my club oh let me guess you want us to get our putts out of here oh i think that's enough puns for today nothing like dairyland for some guaranteed fun the signage for fondue falls clearly states no more than three passengers per cheese log yeah but today is about us being together and those signs are just a suggestion uh i think they want us to asia go oh sorry lori i couldn't resist [Music] really stop throwing pants we're gonna have to start wearing helmets what if she's stuck like this forever [Music] please really i'm sick of this helmet i haven't seen my hair in 15 years my hair my hair my hair honey you're spiraling we still have time to save her lily just needs to spend time with other kids nicer kids you mean like our kids of course not we can hear you very early dude i mean toddlers lin royal woods has plenty of great kids i'm sure it'll be a breeze to find a good friend for lily no oh uh he's already backstage he really needs his alone time before a show only close mates allowed oh of course must respect the artist's process i'm gonna go check on nick hurry i want to watch the show together [Music] all right here's your outfit i've got all mixed songs ready on my laptop all you got to do is go out there and lip-sync got it let's hope this works don't forget your mcmullet break a leg let's give a warm welcome to mick swagger oh where's your band mick uh they all got a quesadillas best they play behind a curtain love nah good thinking okay smile yeah hello where are you are you ready to run [Applause] [Music] gotta be in two places at the same time it's a real big challenge just like a steep hot mountain clock getting [Music] i'll be back in a tick just gotta use the loom there you are mixed awesome so far oh yeah i i saw it from backstage should we get some punch before he goes back on you know i'll get it for us gotta be in two places at the same time it's a real big challenge blimey me guitar stream popped be happy here you go love i mean here sam you okay yeah it's just that when i said i wanted to watch mick swagger with you i meant [Music] in you go love gotta be in two places [Applause] you were right they were all turned into vampires last night yes mrs bernardo you've been gifted eternal life and power haven't you [Music] one thing's for sure he has terrible taste he's building an army of the really basic undead wait morpheus that's it this guy must think we're already vamps because we're soaked off i know what we need to do we need to go normie okay everyone it's time to walk the normie walk and talk the normal talk lemonade get your lemonade huh just two children full of blood selling lemonade for a marginal profit my other eye girat he didn't go for it here friends enjoy this carnivore's delight i also have potato salad and coleslaw hmm forest loves a good bbq y'all let's crank this up a notch here he comes water vessel fight water selfie laugh laugh us normal kids love water-based frolicking it's french fry friday and let's just say things are looking up for me in the lunch department i'll have a plate of your finest french fries today extra french potatoes what about the mug i thought we were cool not let me guess you two [Music] i don't get it why is chef pat still punishing us oh you do cross your path huh well she's a tough cookie chiefs how do you know [Music] me and pat go way back to high school hey my lemonade is he right there ah that's just playing dodgeball oh that's you yeah those are free nacho cheese days lin look who else is in this pic is it possible chef pat has a beef with mom no way pat and i were besties all through high school see this picture was taken on the last day of school there's me chef pat and zach's mom i remember this like it was just yesterday that's crazy right last lunch swap of high school girls i have a baby and j with homemade peanut butter and blueberry compote wow pat you're such a foodie all that and a bag of chips exactly no i meant i have all that plus this bag of chips yeah you okay flip who's that oh while i have you graduation party this saturday my house it is gonna be so fat hmm my only hope is to find an actual dinosaur bone by tomorrow but where according to my search there are dinosaur bones at the royal woods museum of course todd you beautiful massive metal hmm should be around here somewhere it was fortuitous that the back door was unlocked oh there the solar syrian theropod street name t-rex how's the glue job look i use father's failed attempt at bechamel sauce as an adhesive this t-rex has over 200 bones no one will notice if i replace one of them with my fake bone now beam me up toddy [Music] abort [Music] [Music] dang it this will have to do okay who wants more parmesan my chef pen pal furio sent it to me from italy oh this stuff is incredible when he sent me way too much of it and he also sent me this it's a priceless work of art huh no one eat it [Music] well it just keeps coming lynn's tables having a cheese week everyone parmesan for all well better go those sales won't shop themselves come on you know what let's forget the mall how about a spa day i'll pay oh it sounds wonderful but i can't i promised my mama get an outfit for our labradoodle's birthday gala you can help lola lenny please don't be working please don't be working oh what do you think about this love it hurry buy it i'm not that big on the color [Music] hey hi i'm lenny i can totes help when it comes to fashion i have a psychic gift [Music] hey let me give my friends a penny oh where'd she go that lenny was so helpful sorry i would have helped too but i i validated my limo and forgot to tip nice brick [Music] oops it's a stretch limo so i didn't tip enough brb [Music] done so soon i'm out of ding dang cash [Music] wait did you change your clothes yeah like two weeks ago how are you here you were just over there sweetie is everywhere now let's go get some food i am starving i don't want my friends to get mad at me sorry doll i can't relate i got no problem speaking my mind and laying down the law yeah believe me i know hmm [Music] huh listen up folks i'm the director now there's gonna be some no rules around here rule number one stick to the script wait i'm confused isn't that just luanne holding a puppet honestly i don't even know anymore i'm not taking direction from a piece of wood the only thing good around here is your acting any more shenanigans from you and you'll never work in high school theater again now places everybody take it from the top of scene 10. introducing the princess of puns the first lady of funny the shining star of saginaw please welcome jody sassafras [Music] those are part of her signature look i thought jody needed a bigger entrance oh you thought well your job is to read the script the way it's written now give me 20 laps toots you call that hustle i've seen molasses move faster than that um hey mr c what do you think i wore this in last year's production of a meat cart named desire [Music] i think i need a little help cut what's the big idea here i figured sure i could just walk in to see but isn't this for fun anybody else have a problem with walking hmm custard oh great idea hops man if i can get other people in town to take in my buds i'll still see them all the time hey mr gross i was wondering what did you break was it a window my new aluminum siding oh i didn't break anything i came by to see if you needed some company ha hard pass company means entertaining entertaining means chit-chat and you know what i hate chit-chat well then i have the perfect company for you he doesn't talk loves hockey and you guys both hate when i do this see you're a match made in heaven i don't know he looks like a handful he won't be i'll come by every day to feed him clean him and deal with any of his needs please he just needs a place to live [Music] um fine but he better not sit in my kojie chair [Music] [Applause] so what do you think i do love me and llama an old larry here is more fun than a cult who got himself into a pot of mean morning joe i'm sensing a butt coming oh not your butt larry gee me mom and i are spread a little thin on the farm already say no more liam i'd be happy to come by and deal with any and all larry situations well if that's the case you got yourself a deal [Music] lana we would love to help your animals but a flying squirrel yeah we're more cat people oh hmm you don't say she's nocturnal so she'll sleep most of the day give me a spare house key and i'll take care of everything [Music] i heard but safety first right i'm sure we'll have plenty more chances to ride another time we got our whole lives ahead of us actually you don't duh the i mean about the ride today's the last day of whipscream we're closing it down to break ground on the new dairyland hotel what oh what what's the only thing better than playing at dairyland staying at dairyland now run for your lives come on everyone move oh i can't believe we missed our chance for a final ride on whipped scream i know it's not fair we'll never get to ride it again oh [Music] uh i'll be right back hmm ursula there you are look let's put down the cow head and head back to your pen now [Applause] [Music] joining roller derby team [Music] that was amazing you're welcome now you can reopen the park oh thanks kid um guys you're doing it wrong as funnager i think you should be having way more fun with a sweater folding contest winner gets this is that a limited edition cloris the laura sparkle plush miguel you are going down you're on i've got nothing to lose welcome to the mannequins fashion show featuring celeb stylist miguel and here's tanya all glams up for some royal woods nightlife she really dazzles in the fandango pink romper and kiki vinyl boots runway selfie get in here tanya and restock the fanny packs just check guys that's everything on miss c's list this morning went by so fast i can't believe it's already lunch ready to go lenny actually you go without me as furniture i need to stay and hold down the fort well if you're sure let's hurry fiona we've only got a half hour and i will not relive oh burger shake incident no wait you both worked so hard this morning and you got everything done so i insist you take a long lunch that way you can try the new dim sum place oh my gosh lenny you are the best boss in the entire universe i second that and i third it we know you won the loris miguel you don't have to rub it in gosh somebody think we
Channel: Nicktoons
Views: 1,183,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nickelodeon, animation, nickelodeon cartoon universe, nick cartoon universe, cartoon universe, ncu, full episodes, cartoons, nick toons, #youtubekids, cartoon food, loud house, casagrandes, the loud house, lincoln loud, luna loud, lily loud, loud family, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon game, guess the character game, loud house guess the character, ytao_lh
Id: HqqO-hOxyiw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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