Squid Game Without CGI!

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- We're gonna be reacting to movies without CGI. - It's wacky. - We have behind the scenes footage of "Squid Games." - Ooh. - "Harry Potter", "Star Wars" and so many other films you've seen. - Oh my god! It's John Wick! - Wait, how did they just CG all that? Are you telling me they don't actually rent out a tunnel and film this, they just do it in a room like this? - You thought they were punching on motorcycles, bro? - I did actually. How do they make it look so realistic? Oh, "Pirates of the Caribbean!" I know which scene this is. - Oh, with the sharks? - All right, well, we're moving on. "Harry Potter." - It's kinda dated. The CGI doesn't look as good. - I mean, it still looks pretty good. - Wait, that's not a green screen! That's a blue screen. - I wanna do this! I wanna start using CGI! - Let's do it in our "Squid Games." - No spoilers. Wait, is that "Walking Dead?" - Nah, it can't be. Right? Yo, wait. How's he so fast? Wait, I think he was literally... I think he is not actually touching the ground maybe? - Yeah, look. It's pulling him forward. - All right, this is "Jurassic World." - Hey, it's Mario! Oh god! That's so cursed! - Hold up. You're telling me they didn't use real dinosaurs? - Wait, you know what this means? You could technically have a job as a furry. - Being a furry is not useless anymore. - And in other scenes involving raptors, for example, they had actors work. - Yep. I love this! I've seen this image on Twitter before. It's just a bunch of dudes with little dino hats. - All right. - "Squid Games." - She's so terrifying to see up close! Wait a minute, you're telling me they didn't actually fall off a gigantic platform? - Wow! - Wait. So all of that was blue screen? The background was blue screen? - That's impressive! I didn't actually think they blue screened this part. - Yeah, I thought that was real. - Ooh! "The Matrix" behind the scenes. - Oh! Neo! Let's go! Look at those cameras! - Wow! - That's insane. The behind the scenes for this movie is so cool, the way they did it. - Yeah. This is the most impressive one so far. I didn't realize, instead of putting the camera on a gimbal, they just set up, like, 30 cameras. It's very interesting, actually. - Impressive. I never saw this movie. It's a really good CGI tiger, apparently. - However, for the close up shots, there is a real tiger. - And he bit it. - They didn't use a tiger. Wow. - They put eyes on it. - They didn't have the budget to make it look better. All right, so bad Nollywood CGI. Apparently, Nollywood is Nigeria Hollywood. - Oh my goodness! Oh! - Avatar! What am I looking at? - Yo, he became Spider-Man! Ooh, I love Coraline! That's an incredible movie. - Oh wait, they filmed it like this? - Mm-hmm. It's all claymation. - You know, this movie I tried watching it when I was younger, but it just scared me. - Still watching it now, it's scary. It's like a child's horror, which, why does that exist? - Yeah. Children don't need horror. - Yeah. - Oh, I thought that was the same movie. I was like, "That doesn't look like clay." - No, that is clay. - Oh. Oh, I thought it was like, oh, she's actually bald! - She's bald! - Hey, it's Ryan Reynolds! - I don't understand. Wouldn't it just be easier to put the mask on its face? - Yeah, wouldn't it cost less? - Why? - Why didn't he put us in that video game movie, "Free Guy?" - It would've been cool to be in "Free Guy," but I understand. - You don't like us. You're more of a Jacksepticeye kind of guy. - But if you change your mind in the future, we're down to be in your movies. How do they make dragons look so real? - They use a eagle and a bat for a reference for the wings. - Wow! That's crazy! - They just put her on a rig and just shake her around. - You know what? This makes me wanna tell you guys about "Dragon City," the sponsor of the video. "Dragon City" is a free to play game available on iOS and Android. Actually, I wanna be iOS, your Android. - Aw! - You can download it by clicking the link in the description. In "Dragon City," you can collect over 1000 different dragons and then produce food, gold, and all this stuff to fund your empire. - I'm gonna name my dragon Richard. - And if you have multiple dragons, you can take them and make them have babies. - Wait, where do babies come from? - You have a kid. - I just showed up to the hospital, man. I don't know. - And then you can hatch the baby and train them to battle other dragons. - We're supposed to train our babies to battle others? - No, just dragons, not your child. - Oh. - And there are even PVP modes that let you fight against your friends. And for all you losers out there, random people. There are even new events each week with a special battle pass to unlock cool stuff. Imagine how powerful your dragon will be. - Imagine draggin' these nuts. - I knew you were gonna say that. - And there's tons of mini games that let you collect food, gold, breed, get gems, breed, explore the city. You can breed. - You are so obsessed with these dragons breeding! And even better, the Mr. Beast dragon and the Beast Mode dragon are available again. They're only available for a limited time. Click the link and let's get back to reacting. - Get breeding! - Wait, what's this dog from? Whoa! Hold up! - "I Am Legend" dog wasn't a real dog? What? - Oh my god! Could you imagine filming a scene, but you have to... I was gonna do that to you. - That's so uncomfortable! Imagine though getting petted by Will Smith. I bet that feels great. - You have some weird fetishes. - That's not a fetish. - Put it in the video. Weird fetishes. - They couldn't have just hired a real dog? No! - Stop! - Stop! - Oh, "Avengers!" So guys, if you wanna know how to make a billion dollars, this is how. - You just have to have a bunch of green screens. - And very attractive people. - And cars upside down. - It kinda takes all the coolness out of it when you see them like this. They don't look larger than life here. - I wonder if they enjoy watching it back. 'Cause it looks so much different than when they acted in it. - Ooh! - Ooh! - Don't copy my, "ooh!" Get your own reaction! - Oh! That's cool! They had a movable building. - I like it. I wanna do stuff like this one day. This is cool. - I won't pay for it or help, but I'm down to be there. They couldn't get a lion? They couldn't get people? - What? - Oh wait. No, no, no. They didn't CGI the lion. They CGI'd the people and then walked the lion through. - Wow! Which is easier, CGIing a lion or people? - I guess people. - Is this "Avengers" again? Dang! - Oh! Oh look! "Life of Pi" again. They had to throw fish at him? - What movies is this? - Oh, it's "Jumanji!" ♪ It's about drive, it's about power. ♪ - It's just funny seeing Rock being flung around because he's like five billion pounds and so massive. So it doesn't even look real. It looks like an asteroid's just flying. - Maybe Cara Danfries is tougher than you think. - Oh, I've seen this one before. - Yeah, everyone's seen this one. Being an actor's pretty easy. "It" clown makeup. Imagine every day having to get all this done before you film. - Holding a water bottle covered in duct tape to simulate water coming from the tape. - Wow! - That's cool! - Aren't they supposed to make 12 of these? - It's just crazy that it was the highest grossing film ever. And then there never was A sequel. It goes against all of Hollywood. that just wants to squeeze IP dry. - That's what "Star Wars" did. He wanted to wait until the technology was available to do the movie. - What an idiot! - Yeah, it didn't work out very well for him. - Only became a billionaire. - I wonder how long it took to render these movies. Probably years. Oh, "Dark Knight!" I love "Dark Knight!" So this is when they blew up the hospital. So they actually blew up a hospital? There's him getting in the bus. - Look at it go! - I love it! - That's beautiful! - See, this makes me wanna start filming movies. That'd be so much fun. - Wait, unless YouTube wants us to put movies on YouTube. - I just wanna blow up a hospital. - Today, I just bought this hospital. - Bad helicopter CGI. Okay. Let's see this one. - The Ugandan Air Force. Nice! - Mowing down. Yep. They're so safe with actors and everything. It's interesting to see. I remember in "Squid Game," right? You know the scene with the three of them? They had to get juice or whatever instead of actual alcohol because it's a liability if they get drunk on set. There's so many things. - Jimmy's just like, "Hey I'm gonna throw myself underground. I hope I'll be safe." - Exactly! This is cool, man! I love this! Oh! "Shang-Chi", right? - I haven't seen it yet. - I really do wanna see that movie. I've heard It's good. - It looks really good. - The majority of the scenery is computer generated. - You're telling me they didn't film this out in space? - Some of the controls you think they're interacting with aren't even there! - Why would they just not have something to reference? - Our peanut brains can't comprehend. - I guess they can't. - The virtual production of "The Mandalorian." - Ooh! This is gonna be cool! - Yeah. So we're getting one of these screens. 100%. I want one. - If we can spend 24 hours in the desert- - And not have to leave our studio! - Yeah, we can fake videos now! - I know! - Ordinary number of benefits and advances- - And they just moved the... Oh wow! - Yeah. I really, really want one. I want it so badly. - It looked really good! The visuals were really good in this movie. - Those things are cool! I'm buying one one day. If you own one, let me know. Thanks again to "Dragon City" for sponsoring this video. Use the link description to get the Beast Mode dragon and the Mr. Beast dragon right now. - Bye. - Explosion.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 39,068,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: GvXEe4ucuXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 18 2021
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