Fandemic tour Houston 2019 Sat Sebastian Stan meet & greet

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[Applause] we really want to thank you again for really making the effort there's a trip coming you're the greatest and you everyone I'll leave it I'll leave it to Kristin to get to the start oh and I'll be up in a few minutes it's like the worst thing in the world because you know we we want to be here but but it's sometimes like it's actually more elation you know without them none of us would be here anyway right so anyway but great well I'll turn it over to you all so if you didn't raise the hand and I will pick like to see what no it was it was really cool it was one of my favorite film experiences I had you know it's such a great script and it was like all these incredible people are in it Tom Hollands in it he's really great I mean I feel like was very sort of unrecognizable from you know the other alter ego that easy and I always describe that movie if No Country for Old Men was directed by like David Lynch but that's how I would it's it's like a very out-there sort of situation but you know it's Netflix and I mean I think I think they wanted to get it done on time and hopefully I think it will be next year at some point I didn't read the book because as you as you know I got thrown into it very last minute you know someone else was supposed to do that part and and so I only had two weeks to just kind of like get myself together and and I was it was the accent that I had to work on I'm still worried about it to be honest I got that right and then the director said to me how would you feel about gaining weight and and I thought well I don't know how much food I can eat in two weeks I probably ate a lot of [Laughter] surprise but you know it's like I wanted to I mean I had some help you know here and there but but I definitely went to town well that one definitely likes some heart palpitations for about three weeks yeah I mean I think I think because I was so scared like jumping into that like without any any time and you know I there was so many things to worry about in a way because it's it's a very different character for me and so like it felt like that was it was an accent and it was like a physicality thing and then there was the whole the whole tone of it is very different and so I was definitely worried but I'm usually worried about everything I end up working on because it just becomes so personal and you know I've gotten better at it over the years but you know even this last thing I just sort of finished about two weeks ago took about three months of my life and and it was incredible it was a great experience and it felt very you know like like a growth growing experience but but then you sort of say goodbye and everybody that you've become friends with just kind of disappears and so it just it's always like a weird adjustment over here Oh God listen somebody told me I haven't read it somebody told me that there's this book called the second mountain apparently that's a really good book oh I'm reading this book educated right now that's a really good book I mean that's a crazy but that's gonna get made into a movie have you ever no it's a memoir of I don't want to give away too much but with her family who and and her journey sort of like in a way it kind of reminds me a little bit of like the road and then sort of her journey from growing up with these very specific beliefs and then kind of coming into the world coming into her own and and it's it's I would definitely and then what else I always read a bunch of self-help books right you know what I would recommend is I go look up something call the School of Life that's a really good and then they have all these books to have all these there's stuff online on YouTube I mean it's really founded by this guy landed Bataan and I mean it's like fascinating because it's all about you know that subjects just like learning about life and stuff we don't really love it like we're not really taught all the time when we're kids you know I see I did this always ends up getting hurt personally all right I'll get back to that well you guys have seen some of how it's been I mean it's it's not an easy thing I would say at all you know especially because there are things you learn that like you just don't have no control over you know people at any point time can go online and say whatever they want they can attack you your personal life people that are in your personal life without any knowledge they can spread rumors they can say all kinds of things and and you know apparently we've got at this point now where everything you read on this network or Internet is the truth like we're whoo we're do however think that's like you know true and and so so it's tough because that's sort of a part of part of it you know that kind of is really out of my control you know but but there are things about her that are amazing you know sometimes like you know I'll be walking and this little boy will come up with somebody who like kind of recognized me and had this personal sort of story or something that they connected with and then immediately like we skipped through that awkward sort of we're strangers we don't know each other inform like we have something in common you know and then that's great like you're like wow I hope someone or something like that so that's the good part of it and then sometimes you can with something I definitely want to get more involved with you can you can bring attention to other causes and other things and other issues you know and and I think that part of it is great but the the dark part that unfortunately happens to be the you know you're just like a they're just like this ball like this target you know for at any point and it's like and it's unfortunate because sometimes it's the people that call themselves fans that are actually the ones that are doing no I love I love working with him I mean I was always such a I think that was the experience was just wanted to work with him and it was like this really interesting story about this idea that there's always like multiple parallels you know I mean there's right if the question of where would how would life be you know world we all came here today so we made that choice and now that sets a pattern in motion of events but like let's say we didn't come here today and then what events transpired sorry but that movie deals with that I love that and this is just a small movie it was a little you know cool thing thanks for saying [Laughter] you know yeah like again that was another movie that I was like oh I love that movie in that experience and I thought you know taissa and you know Alex was so great in it and and I just I was so fun like we didn't get more festivals and you know on top of it and and that's kind of like really the heartbreaking things sometimes about this business it's like you could be part of a really great movie or a fun movie but like if it doesn't get seen it doesn't you know and and but I but it just I just liked the idea of it and and I thought it was really intricate and interesting and kind of awkward and it reminded me of Grey Gardens which I always thought was a really weird documentary and we shot in Ireland and that was fun and different and yeah I was founded that director there was a few things will go with you and then with you [Laughter] this can't be about that literally I don't know why I said every size it's just cuz I you know this morning I was running and then a song came on and I was like wow what a sign then I was like it's Harry Styles no the answer's no yeah it's that that's a fun little fun thing for me but I would do I would do like maybe a specific musical type of stuff um I saw I finally saw Rocket Man last oh my god he is so the scene where he's on the phone with his mother it's just I mean like so anyway I see that and I go like wow like that would be so above my pay grade but like at the same time there's something I just don't know what I I've never really trained my voice down much you know so maybe the right thing if they were remade Guys and Dolls out do it yeah they're definitely not going you know what I bet you the I bet you all Jeff really [Music] yeah well he's fascinating yes he was telling me it was amazing you know I mean he was telling me how yeah he's been he actually does his own movies and and I was like how do we see this how do we see them or apparently you can't really see them he travels and he has like a show no it was you know he was fascinating in the sense that like I but he was like we actually drove back and forth to set quite quite a few times I was you know in the car but like I don't know I mean no he's actually very intelligent he's very aware of like a lot of things I mean he is very specific he he was asking all these specific questions about the character and the movie in the book and you know as we'd all read the book before the movie and and he from me it was just like first of all I mean he was my second movie with him he didn't seem to know remember that but it was great because yeah I just you know very cool guy who's like on his own path and I just always respect anybody that takes their own path yeah I mean London's pretty good yeah London's pretty good I really want to go to Japan I really want to go to Guinness I mean I I think that's one of the you know things that that makes I feel like you know me very lucky is being able to kind of travel and see different places and see different cultures and like you know get out of your comfort zone but yeah I mean I still have to I really should go back and try to work in Romania trying to figure that out for my people [Music] [Music] [Applause] you gotta fight bears and crawl through yeah of course I mean I feel like I've been very lucky so far in terms of you know all my jobs sort of were were sort of kind of like being inspired or but you know as opposed to kind of something that I don't know but but but but I'm feel like I'm always in a constant joke you know because I just I know how difficult like this this this whole job thing is like I mean it's just and I know how lucky we are like that we get to do what we do you know in terms of and I and I guess for me the jolt like that the biggest show that I experienced was all those years coming out of college and not being able to book a job you know and and but but but I do have a jolt word to that for example that it's applicable like in 2011 I was in a really hard place in my life actually and and you know I remember getting a call from you know like this is magic time said something to me like listen I I was just literally going to call you and telling you that in like another couple of weeks you're gonna be bankrupt like have anything you know and you know I've done some stuff by that and you know so it was and not only that like I just you know I had come out of like a really hard relationship and like I was like in a place where it's just everything was just a question a question a question and and and I think you're right like those things where they do shape us because there's something that happens I feel like to your nervous system I feel like it just grows you know it ends up growing whenever you're having a very difficult kind of experience if you just kind of if you if you just keep getting up and pushing through it I mean there's you know there's something on the other side that that happens and and I didn't know like I really didn't know where my next job was gonna come I didn't know I mean I had agents I was very lucky I even done the first Captain America a year before but I didn't know if they were ever going to hire like do another one at the time so you just have to sometimes just kind of have to like ride that out and I guess that all that that does is just make me feel like I can't take this for granted any of it because I know what that side looks like so it was very scary because but but but she was really awesome and friendly and cool and kind of like class just it doesn't get any once you once someone like that is opposite you in the movie like again like there you go like you go back to that moment you go that's a joke also itself right because it makes me go like Here I am like what what what I could worry every day about a thousand things that are not happening right now that I don't have that I see someone else have which is why I don't look at Instagram anymore unless I post something because I'm sorry but in my opinion like it just it really excuse your your vision of the world you know support your friends or the people thinking that you want to do but like we remember to be I guess grateful the things that you do have you know it could always be worse so it's like a moment like that for me really sort of stops me in my tracks and that makes me feel like well it doesn't really matter if this honestly I'm sorry if this is this um that this happens or not because you know the moments right here anyway like I could argue and say I have made like this is the woman who visit me at this point so yeah I still want her still warmer 50,000 you know so it's like it's all it's all relative to perception and how you're looking at something it has so many angles you know if you're just looking at it place are never gonna see the other side I'm sure he's very friendly with us and we definitely hung out and you know but but I think it was we the rest of us that were surrounded by her that were more like terrified you know there's it was just one scene that movie where like everybody's like at this dinner table you know and again like that's like the one scene we're all together and I think I had like three lines and the thing and for some reason the director it was amazing passed away sense okay would kept coming up to me and not quite not quite getting it you know like the way that I feel like I want you to do it and I would just be like I'm wasting wasting our time and but but even even when she wasn't on camera she was very like present and and giving and generous and like you know and sometimes you don't get sometimes actors don't you know they they worry about the coverage on them and then when they turn around and you know it's like they're not really there that much but I was lucky I didn't have that issue god I mean how what do I know about you know I mean like it's like ah I'm lucky I mean what do I know about something like that yeah I mean I I mean the only thing I can think of as you know I guess like when when I was in Europe growing up and we were moving a lot you know there was a lot of times where nothing really felt sort of like stable in any way you know you couldn't really kind of depend on any one thing or something but I had my mom you know I had my mom who was very supportive and protective of me so I was lucky to have her you know but I think I feel like you gotta pay attention to how old are they right I mean hard to my such a hard age I would say again like I just have to go back to when I was a teenager I really didn't want to be myself like I wanted to be someone else you know I I was trying to change my name I you know I wanted to be named funny enough Christopher I was I wanted to do and it was around that time you know that age that kind of like finally I don't know something happened where I start to go you know what like the things that really set me make me different set me apart like are the most interesting things about me like are the things that I should be the things I'm running away from are the things that I actually should embrace you know like that might be in my ticket and so that's the only thing I would say is like if you're you know pay attention to like who you're looking at and what you know who are your friends and your parents like what what are your role models like what do you spend time on are you coming home at you and your phone all the time are you are you looking at you know somebody that's or you are you paying attention to two people that inspiring them away are you reading a book are you like I don't know maybe it's too hard maybe you can't read a book I don't know my point is you just I think it's about paying attention to yourself and that awareness you know hopefully well I was just recently me tell you this okay you tell them this I was just recently in Spain for my friend's wedding and I got in the car and everybody was speaking was able to speak Spanish and get us to the destination and I looked at myself and I said why [Applause] [Laughter] and and kind of crazy and but all I could say is that it's definitely very like it's just new and different from what you've seen so far I mean it will be it'll be totally in line with everything that has happened and what we've seen and so on but like these these characters are getting such a you know additional mileage like in terms of like learning about who they are now what they feel you know what they're thinking what like and there's you know there's a there's a lot of action there's a comedy there's there's I mean you know there's gonna be comedy so it's it's you're yeah I feel like you're gonna be very happy [Music] [Applause] you ought to see coming anywhere awesome well thank you for your questions we're gonna get organized right here and then if anybody in an orderly fashion
Channel: jun jun
Views: 51,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DGqHxkgk8Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 50sec (1970 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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